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Mate's Call (Code of the Alpha)

Page 45

by Lola Gabriel

  To her increased annoyance, their laughter only grew louder, and MJ felt her face flush red. She spun away to leave them in their moronic stance.

  Seriously, how did I ever find that guy attractive? she asked herself, embarrassed that she had, even for a moment, considered sleeping with him. It must have been the wine and the atmosphere last night. I’m glad I didn’t go down that road.

  She snatched her own glass of wine from the bar and sauntered away from the group, not wanting to hear the boys’ voices anymore. She didn’t care any longer what they did, as long as they remained away from her.

  MJ was not sure she could keep it together for the rest of the day.

  “Signorina?” Simonetta called out to her as MJ ventured back toward the hallway. “Where are you going? We are about to start our tour of the vineyards.”

  “I-I’m just looking for a bathroom,” MJ lied. “I thought we passed one in the hallway.”

  Simonetta nodded. “Ah, si, it is just to the left of the entrance,” she conceded, pointing in the direction.

  “I’ll be right back,” MJ said. “But please, go on without me! I’ll catch up!”

  A glass in hand, she almost ran toward the front entrance, her mood foul.

  MJ, c’mon, you’re on vacation, she chided herself. Don’t let those imbeciles take that away from you.

  She stepped into the sunlight and wandered around the side of the house, taking deep breaths to steady her frayed nerves. As she sipped on her wine, she tried to take in every aspect of the glorious sight before her, a feeling of melancholy sweeping through her body.

  Who knew when she might return to this paradise again?

  MJ caught a blur of movement through her peripheral vision, letting out a startled gasp. She whirled to confront the object, her heart catching in her throat.

  A black beast stood five feet away from her, his grey-green eyes shimmering as he bared his teeth, though no sound came from his open mouth.

  Instead of fear, though, an elated excitement filled MJ’s bones as she watched his jowls lower.

  Is this a wolf in the middle of a vineyard in Italy? she thought, awe possessing her.

  Without thinking, she extended her hand, stepping forward to allow the animal to sniff her.

  Tentatively, she covered the distance between them while the creature stood still, and as she neared him, MJ could see that he was no ordinary wolf: he was much larger, his back muscles protruding from his massive shoulders. When she got closer, the wolf fell back onto his hind legs, as if he were watching her.

  There was nothing intimidating about him, despite the way his steely eyes bore into hers, like he was waiting for her to act. Funnily enough, that was the exact same thing MJ was doing.

  The Black Wolf.

  A shiver slid down MJ’s spine as she remembered Sylvie’s words, as she realized what she was looking at—who she was looking at.

  She wasn’t lying, MJ thought, barely holding back a gasp. This is what she meant.

  The desire to touch the wolf in front of him was insurmountable, but as MJ reached forward to caress his thick, dark fur, someone behind her let out a scream of terror.

  She spun around and saw Dan standing at her back, shrieking in loud, shrill tones before turning to run away, his arms flailing.

  Before MJ could turn back around, she was elevated, air rushing by her face.

  It took her seconds to comprehend what was happening. Grapevines flew past her face, the back of her dress clamped firmly in the beast’s mouth as he ran to safety with her in his grip.

  MJ knew she should be terrified, but she was not. Instead, her excitement only mounted with each step they took. Somehow, despite not a word having been uttered between her and the wolf, she knew what would happen next.

  When the beast finally released her inside the musky-smelling shed he had taken her to, far away from the main house, MJ was ready for him.

  She rolled over on the floor to face him, but no longer was there a canine giant before her. In his place was a barrel-chested man with smooth olive skin and the same intense eyes as the wolf’s staring at her.

  MJ swallowed, staring up at him. “Signore Caruzzi,” she exhaled, although she couldn’t be certain of how she knew that. She had never met him before, after all, though that did not seem to matter.

  “I know you,” he told her gruffly, his accent heavy, his voice deep and measured. Caruzzi dropped to his knees to join her on the floor. “I would know you anywhere, but I do not know your name.”

  The words made MJ’s heart exhilarate. His words expressed exactly what she felt. She felt an overpowering draw to him, and she knew she needed him, and wanted to feel his body against hers.

  “I have finally found my mate,” Caruzzi said as he cupped her face with his warm, strong hands. “Tell me, what is your name?”

  “MJ Preston,” she murmured. “My name is MJ Preston.” No longer able to hold herself back, she reached out to him so that she could draw his face to hers.

  Caruzzi’s mouth tasted as sweet as the wine he created, and MJ hungrily sucked on his lower lip as if to relish every drop of moisture. Her hands fell into his jet-black mane, yanking him on top of her to feel every curve of his body against hers.

  Eagerly, his hands encircled her, slowly slipping the skirt of her askew sundress up around her waist, exposing her bare stomach and thong.

  MJ pushed upward against him, feeling a blast of heat course through her as his huge hands sought to explore every curve of her figure, her fingers tweaking and playing thoroughly with his dark curls as his head dropped lower to taste her taut skin.

  MJ threw her head back and moaned quietly as Caruzzi’s digits caressed between her thighs, sighing against her skin. She shivered as Caruzzi continued his journey down her stomach and to her center. He gently pulled down the fabric of her thong until MJ was able to kick it down her legs, leaving her already wet core completely exposed.

  As his tongue made contact with her throbbing button, MJ bucked upward in pleasure, the slow, velvety licks of his tongue causing a stirring in her belly.

  With more fervor, he stroked, his hands grasping her buttocks to draw her further against his face, and MJ cried out, wanting more than just his tongue inside of her.

  “Take me,” she begged, propping herself onto her elbows to stare at him imploringly. “Please, I want to feel you inside me.”

  Caruzzi returned her gaze, his eyes shining and feral as he pounced upon her, positioning himself against the warmness of her lower lips.

  When he entered her, MJ gasped, her breath stolen at the size and force of his erect member, but she could not get enough of it. Never had anyone fit so well inside her, filling her so fully and bringing her to the edge so quickly.

  He drove himself inside her, and MJ pulled her legs up to lock her ankles around his waist and bring him closer to her.

  Caruzzi let out a cry of pleasure, burying his face into her neck and sucking on the tender skin of her throat as his motions became almost frenzied, thrusting in and out of her with frantic desire.

  MJ’s orgasm grew closer with each of his thrusts, and she could feel his shaft expanding inside her, his sack slapping against her rear, hard and ready.

  They yelled out their releases in unison, MJ’s nails digging into Caruzzi’s back, clawing at him as he continued to thrust, his juices spilling into her center. He shuddered twice as MJ squeezed herself against him, savoring his almost whimper.

  For a long moment, there was nothing but the sound of birds chirping beyond the flimsy walls of the shed while MJ tried to reconcile what had just occurred.

  Did I just do that? she wondered to herself. Did this… did this really happen?

  It all seemed so surreal, yet when her mysterious lover finally tore himself off her body to lie down beside her and peer at her, MJ had no doubts that it had truly happened.

  “Are you all right?” Caruzzi asked her, reluctantly removing himself from her, and she nodded eagerly.
  “Yes,” MJ whispered. She took a deep breath before speaking again. “Are you… are you a werewolf?”

  The thought should have scared her, and if she hadn’t learned about the existence of shifters from Sylvie, she would likely have been more terrified. Instead, she felt at complete ease with the man next her, feeling a supernatural connection to the stranger.

  He eyed her for a long moment, and for a second, MJ was worried she had upset him.

  “I believe that is the American saying for it, yes,” Caruzzi agreed. “I am from a long line of Lycans. We have roamed this part of Italy for many generations.”

  MJ recalled the darkness she had felt when they drove through the laneway toward the villa. Simonetta’s words also reverberated in her mind.

  Signore Caruzzi owns this winery. His family has run this land since as long as anyone can remember, and it is the oldest property in Lucca.

  “You have a beautiful life here,” she told him wistfully, a great feeling of sadness washing over her.

  The thought of leaving Italy, of leaving the winery and of leaving this beast man behind was causing her heart to stab dangerously at her.

  Caruzzi leaned against the door and studied her face. “I have almost everything I need,” he agreed.

  MJ laughed softly. “What else could you possibly need?”

  “My mate,” he answered solemnly, and MJ felt her pulse quicken. “I need my mate. I need you.”

  She gaped at him. “You… you don’t even know me,” she protested, but she could not help thinking about what it would be like to stay with him in the most beautiful place in the world, drinking wine, and making love for all of eternity.

  “I know all I need to know. It is not a coincidence that you are here, MJ,” Caruzzi told her quietly. “Of all the wineries and all the tours, you chose mine. There is a reason for that.”

  She looked into his face, and she could see he believed what he was saying.

  Could it be true? Could I have been fated to come here? Was I drawn to this place because of the Black Wolf?

  MJ believed in destiny, and staring into the smouldering eyes of the gorgeous man before her, she wondered why she was second guessing it.

  I could go back to my life in Colorado, finish my degree in finance, and continue to meet men like Dan Sopher, she thought to herself. Or I can stay here and have a life beyond my wildest dreams. There is no question.

  Sylvie’s words, the ones she hadn’t wanted to believe she had actually heard, echoed in her ears.

  The heart wants what the heart wants.

  “Will you stay with me, MJ?” Caruzzi asked her, and MJ gulped back the lump of nervousness in her throat, nodding her head.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “But only on one condition.”

  He arched an eyebrow and waited for her to explain her terms, his swarthy arms wrapping around her to pull her closer.

  “What is that?” he asked, a bemused smile touching his lip.

  “I would like to know your first name.”

  Caruzzi began to laugh, and he cupped her fair cheeks in his large palms, staring deep into her eyes.

  “Miguel,” he answered. “My name is Miguel.”


  Click Here to Read the Entire Shifter Pursuit Series


  The Wedding

  Lisa whirled around, craning her neck to examine the low dipping backline of her dress in the full-length mirror. The material was royal blue and flattering to her startling blue eyes and dark hair. She could not have hoped for a better gown for the occasion.

  Thank God Angie has good taste, she thought happily, spinning back to look at herself from the front.

  It would be the only time in her life she had ever been to a wedding where the bridesmaid dresses were not hideous.

  And I’m the maid of honor! Lisa squealed silently to herself. She was excited at the upcoming nuptials. After all, they had been planning this wedding for almost a year.

  The initial minor envy that her oldest childhood friend was getting married had melted into a puddle of happiness for Angie, and Lisa could not wait until the ceremony the following day.

  But first there was the rehearsal dinner.

  “Are you parading around in that thing again?” her mother, Catherine, laughed as she appeared in the doorway of her room. “I feel like you’ve worn it every day since you got it back from the dress shop.”

  “I have to make sure it fits!” Lisa protested, a pink tinge coloring her cheeks at being caught. “What if I gained weight or something?”

  Catherine snorted. “Well if you have, there’s not too much we can do about it tonight, is there? Anyway, you better get dressed. We have to be at the restaurant in an hour, and the way that thing is painted on, it might take you that long to get it off!”

  Lisa nodded begrudgingly and went over to her mother, allowing her to unzip the formfitting dress from her lean frame.

  “And don’t tell Angie I said this,” Catherine continued as she undid the clasp. “But she’s going to have a really hard time keeping all eyes on her when you look so beautiful.”

  Lisa glanced at her mother and beamed, flattered by the words.

  “All eyes better be on her,” Lisa chuckled. “I worked my butt off helping her prepare for this wedding.”

  “I’m sure everything will be perfect,” Catherine said comfortingly. “And I’m sure that Angie is going to be relieved when this is all said and done.”

  Lisa slipped off the dress and glanced inquisitively at her mother.

  “Why do you say that?” she asked, and her mom shifted her dark eyes downward, as if considering her next words.

  “I think it hasn’t been easy for Angie to get where she is,” Catherine explained. “After she dropped out of college, she went in a different direction and had a hard time finding her way. She was running with some less than savory types. She’s lucky she found Brian, and I’m sure they will be very happy together. The past is the past.”

  Lisa could not help but feel like her mother was hiding something from her, but she wasn’t sure whether to push the issue. It had been years since Lisa and Angie had been exceptionally close, after all. They had been kept apart by school and circumstance, and while they had seen each other on holidays and communicated via social media and texting, Lisa knew there was only so much she really knew about the tall, blonde girl she had once snuck out to raves with back in high school.

  No one could ever keep up to us dancing, Lisa thought affectionately. But she knew people could change. I’m sure Angie would say I’m a different girl than the one who left Bloomington three years ago for Boulder. Who would have guessed I would be sorority president? Not Angie, I bet.

  “Anyway,” Catherine continued. “I’ll leave you to it. We don’t want to be late, right?”

  Lisa nodded in agreement but stared after her mom, wondering why Catherine’s words left her feeling slightly unsettled.

  La Marquee was lit in stunning white Christmas lights, illuminating the expensive French restaurant in a festive glow despite the almost smoldering June heat in Bloomington.

  Lisa had never really understood the fuss about June weddings, but she reasoned it was easier to dress for a summer wedding than one in the winter. If she was to choose a date for a wedding, she would have much preferred October.

  Nobody asked your opinion on the date, she reminded herself. And one day, you’ll hopefully be able to choose your own.

  She stepped from the backseat of her parent’s Escalade and waited for them to join her, scanning the lot for other members of the wedding party.

  The rehearsal dinner was going to be an affair in itself, Brian and Angie renting the entire restaurant to celebrate the night before the big day. Like every other event, Lisa had also helped organize that dinner, and she noted with satisfaction that the décor was precisely as they had discussed.

  Of course, it helped matters that Brian’s father was wealthy and Angie’s mother had put s
ome money away for her big day years ago. No expense had been spared.

  There are things I could not have justified spending money on, Lisa thought wryly. But again, it isn’t my wedding.

  “Are you coming, sweetie?” her father called, and Lisa nodded.

  “I’ll be right in,” she promised, pausing to check out the bouquets at the entranceway.

  They were done in white and royal blue, as Lisa had made sure to clarify, and she exhaled in relief.

  Maybe I’ll feel better when this is all done, too, she thought, stepping back to inhale the sweet scent of the Indiana summer. But so far, I have nothing to complain or worry about—everything has been perfect.

  She turned to follow the red carpet toward the front doors where a doorman smiled at her patiently, but as she did, a glint caught her eye in the slight distance. Startled, Lisa moved her head toward the trees across the street from the parking lot, her brow furrowed slightly in confusion.

  She didn’t see anything.

  Lisa reasoned she had caught the bounce of the streetlamp in the parking lot and turned back around.

  I’m imagining things, or I need glasses, she thought, shaking her head. When she moved again, the same flash attracted her once more. What the hell?

  Slowly, she spun back around, stepping off the sidewalk and into the parking lot, her eyes trained on the distance.

  As she approached, a flurry of movement caused her to freeze in her spot. Hiding in the trees was the unmistakable shape of a man, his strange eyes glimmering through the greenery as his gaze fixated on her.

  Although her view was blocked, Lisa could see his flaxen blond hair and iridescent blue eyes upon a face that was slightly too pale.

  He looks like a ghost, she thought nervously. It was most likely the darkness casting him in such an ethereal glow. Is he real? Or am I imagining him?

  “What are you doing in there?” she demanded, even though her heart was racing.

  She needed to speak and ensure he was actually real, rather than an illusion her mind had concocted. Just for her own sanity. She was more intrigued than afraid, as if she was seeing something she wasn’t supposed to see.


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