Book Read Free

The Watchers

Page 51

by Shane Harris

  and TIA

  McCormick Tribune Foundation

  “Counterterrorism Technology and Privacy,”

  McFarlane, Robert “Bud”:

  and Achille Lauro

  and Beirut suicide bombing

  and Iran-Contra

  and Poindexter

  resignation of

  McNamara, Robert S.

  McVeigh, Timothy

  Madrid, train bombings in

  Manhattan Project

  Manningham-Buller, Dame Eliza

  Marines, U.S.:

  attacked in Beirut

  pulled out of Lebanon

  rules of engagement

  terrorist threats against

  Markoff, John

  Martin, Kate

  Mayfield, Brandon

  Meese, Edwin III


  Miers, Harriet


  Mogadishu, Somalia


  Moreau, Art

  Moussaoui, Zacarias

  Mubarak, Hosni

  Mueller, Robert

  Musawi, Hussein

  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

  Nacchio, Joe

  National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)

  National-Geospatial Intelligence Agency

  National Intelligence Office:

  and Hayden

  and McConnell

  and Negroponte

  and 9/11 Commission

  and Tangram

  National Journal

  National Press Club

  National Security Agency (NSA):

  and ADVISE

  after 9/11

  and BAG

  and British terrorist threat

  and Clipper chip

  and cybersecurity

  data shared by

  defense of government secrets

  and digital revolution

  and domestic spying

  and early-warning system for terrorists

  failed technology of

  and FBI

  financial intelligence in

  and FISA

  and foreign/domestic intelligence wall

  and geo-location

  global monitoring system of

  information retrieval for

  and information warfare

  “in-memory” databases

  lack of specificity in

  mandate of

  Operation Shamrock

  and privacy protection

  public image of

  and Qwest

  reputation of

  and September 11 attacks

  and Tangram

  and TIA

  and warrantless surveillance

  National Security Council (NSC):

  and Achille Lauro

  bureaucracy of

  communications hotline

  Counterterrorism Security Group (CSG)

  Crisis Management Center

  Crisis Pre-Planning Group (CPPG)

  and interagency rivalry

  and Iran-Contra

  and Lebanon suicide bombing

  Office of Intelligence Programs

  powers of

  Situation Room

  Special Situation Group

  Terrorist Incident Working Group

  and terrorist interrogations

  National Weather Service

  Navy, U.S.:

  and Achille Lauro

  cutbacks in

  Task Force Alpha

  Negroponte, John:

  and airline security

  and congressional hearings

  as DNI


  New York Stock Exchange

  New York Times:

  on pre-9/11 failures

  on TIA

  on warrantless surveillance

  on worthless intelligence data


  Contra rebels in

  NSC operations in

  9/11 Commission

  NORA (Non-Obvious Relationship Awareness)


  Northern Ireland, insurgency in

  North, Oliver:

  and Achille Lauro

  and Iran-Contra

  personal traits of

  and satellite photographs

  and terrorism preplanning

  Obama, Barack

  and change as illusion

  election campaign of

  on executive powers

  on immunity from civil suits

  inaugural address of

  intelligence briefings of

  split with the party

  on terrorist detention and interrogation

  and warrantless surveillance

  and war on terror

  O’Neill, Dick

  Operation Desert Storm

  Operation Green Quest

  Operation Shamrock


  Al Qaeda in

  extremists in


  Israel vs.

  and Libya

  Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF)

  Pan Am Flight 103 bombing

  Panetta, Leon

  Parentage (visualization program)

  Paulson, Henry

  Paxton, Bill

  Payne, James

  Pelosi, Nancy

  Pentagon, U.S.:

  and Able Danger

  Advanced Systems and Concepts Office

  bureaucracy of

  and Chinese spies

  Criminal Investigation Task Force

  emergency measures in

  futurist projects of

  global network operations of

  and interagency rivalry

  and privacy law

  restrictions on Marines by

  September 11 attack on

  and TIA

  Perry, William

  Phillips, Jonathon

  Philpot, Scott:

  and Able Danger

  and Al Qaeda

  and destroyed data

  and IDC

  Pickering, Thomas

  PLF (Palestinian Liberation Front)

  Poindexter, John:

  and Achille Lauro

  author’s contacts with

  and Beirut suicide bombing

  career of

  on changing the world

  credibility of

  current status of

  gag order on

  and Iran-Contra

  legacy of

  and loyalty

  as national security adviser

  privacy concerns of

  and privacy conference

  privacy invaded

  public respect for

  and retirement

  and September 11 attacks

  and Syracuse debate

  and technology

  and TIA, see TIA

  Poindexter, Linda

  Poindexter, Mark

  Poindexter, Tom

  Polski, Paul

  Popp, Bob:

  and Advanced Systems and Concepts Office

  and ARDA

  and Congress

  and homeland security

  and IAO logo

  and NORA

  and privacy

  and TIA

  Potenza, Vito

  Powell, Colin L.

  Preisser, Eileen

  President’s Daily Brief


  privacy law

  and cybersecurity

  DOD 5240.1-R

  Electronic Communications Privacy Act

  and executive war powers

  foreign/domestic intelligence wall in

  and IDC

  and the Internet

  and NSA surveillance

  and Protect America Act

  see also FISA

  Protect America Act

  Qwest Communications

  RAM (random access memory)

  and in-memory databases

logic layer

  Rauf, Rashid


  Reagan, Ronald

  and Achille Lauro

  in a fog

  and Iran-Contra

  and kidnappings in Lebanon

  Medal of Freedom for

  and NSA

  Reagan administration:

  and Beirut suicide bombing

  and Iran-Contra

  Reagan administration:

  and national security

  recruitment for

  and Sheikh Abdullah barracks

  and war against terrorism

  Reid, Harry

  Reid, John

  Reno, Janet

  Research Development and Experimental Collaboration (RDEC)

  Reyes, Silvestre

  Rice, Condoleezza

  Risk Assessment and Horizon Scanning

  Roberts, Julia

  Roberts, Pat

  Rockefeller, John

  Rosa, Gerardo de

  Rosen, Jeffrey

  Rotenberg, Marc

  Rudman, Warren

  Rumsfeld, Donald H.:

  and CIA

  and FutureMAP

  gag order from

  and Poindexter

  political enemies of

  and war in Iraq

  Russia, submarines (“goblins”) of

  Ryan, Meg


  Safire, William


  St. Lawrence River, spy network on

  San Francisco Weekly

  SARS virus

  Schoomaker, Peter

  Schumer, Charles

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Science Applications International Corporation

  Sears Tower plot

  Senator, Ted

  September 11 attacks

  advance warnings of

  aftereffects of

  and Al Qaeda

  anniversary of

  and aviation security

  and change in administration

  and Hayden

  and Moussaoui

  9/11 Commission report

  pattern analysis of

  and Poindexter

  and war on terror

  Shaffer, Tony

  Sharkey, Brian:

  and DARPA

  and Spinnaker

  and Syntek

  and TIA


  Shultz, George P.

  Signals Security Agency

  Silberman, Lawrence

  Simhoni, Uri

  Singapore, government of

  Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

  Smart, J. C.

  Soiffert, Alan

  Southern Pacific Railroad

  Speakes, Larry

  Special Forces, and Al Qaeda

  Special Operations Command:

  and Al Qaeda

  and bin Laden

  hunting terrorists

  and privacy law

  Specter, Arlen


  Stark, Jim

  Star Trek (films)

  State Department, U.S.:

  access restricted by

  bureaucracy of

  communications hotline

  conference on global threats

  emergency measures in

  foreign/domestic terrorism

  and interagency rivalry

  Steinhardt, Barry

  Stellar Wind

  Stethem, Robert

  Stevens, Ted

  Stewart, Jeff

  Stiner, Carl

  Strategic Command, U.S.


  and BAG

  in Britain

  and Bush, see Bush administration

  court use of evidence


  of e-mails


  and FISA, see FISA

  inaccuracy of

  legality of

  and national security

  and Obama administration

  and privacy law

  and Protect America Act

  targeted, vs. metadata

  and telecom companies, see telecommunications




  and wiretaps

  surveillance state, rise of


  Syracuse University

  Talbott, Strobe

  Tandy Corporation


  Tanzania, U.S. embassy attacked in

  Task Force Alpha

  Taylor, Elizabeth



  call detail records of


  Clipper chip

  debates on


  and digital spies

  and encryption technology

  global monitoring of

  immunity from civil suits

  intelligence capability in

  and Internet control

  metadata from

  and privacy laws

  proposed legislation on

  U.S. as hub of

  and warrantless surveillance


  Tenet, George J.:

  and Brennan

  as CIA director

  and congressional briefing

  and Hayden

  and Karic

  and September 11 attacks

  and weapons in Iraq

  and Weldon

  Terrorism Tuesday


  Al Qaeda, see Al Qaeda

  and BAG


  British cell of

  connections among

  detention and interrogations of


  early-warning system for

  funding streams of

  geo-location of

  guilt by association

  information on Internet about

  and information warfare

  Libya as state sponsor of

  metadata on

  “nexus of terrorism,”

  pattern analysis of

  and public fears

  red team on

  signals of

  suicide bombing by


  on U.S. soil

  warrantless surveillance of

  and wealth gap

  Terrorist Threat Integration Center

  Tether, Tony:

  and DARPA

  and TIA

  Thach, John

  Thach Weave

  Thatcher, Margaret

  Threat and Vulnerability Information System

  TIA (total information awareness):

  ussured transition to

  automated translation in

  basic concept of

  and Basketball

  black budget of

  campaign to build support for

  collective reasoning process in

  and Congress

  and DARPA

  and Eagle

  entity databases of

  facial recognition techology

  false positives in

  feasibility of

  and foreign/domestic wall

  and Genoa II

  goal of

  and IAO

  immutable audit trail in

  and information overload

  nonterrorist baselines produced by

  and NORA

  and NSA

  policy debate on

  PowerPoint briefing on

  preliminary thinking on

  privacy protection in

  prototype of

  public attacks on

  rank-ordered list of targets for

  recruitment for

  red teams of

  research thrusts of

  selective revelation in

  speed of work

  termination as such

  Times article about

on to other programs

  TIA Network

  and ADVISE

  entity databases of

  and RDEC

  rules of membership in



  Townsend, Fran:

  and Brennan

  and Coast Guard

  and influence

  and Iraq

  and terrorism brief

  and TIA

  Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

  Treasury Department:

  Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

  on terrorist financing

  TWA Flight

  United Kingdom:

  security threats in

  as surveillance state




  USA Today

  U.S. Central Command

  U.S. Naval Institute

  U.S. persons:

  ChoicePoint data collected on

  communication with foreign parties

  definition of

  and FISA

  intelligence on

  and privacy law

  and September 11 attacks

  targeting for political purposes

  warrantless surveillance on

  U.S. Strategic Command

  U.S. Telephone Association

  USS Cole

  USS Holder

  USS Iwo Jima

  Vanilla World

  Veliotes, Nicholas

  Wade, Alan

  Wall Street:

  and cybersecurity

  and FutureMAP

  intelligence gathering on



  executive powers in

  information warfare

  proportionality of

  rules of engagement

  science of

  and technology

  War Games (film)

  Warner, John

  war on terror:

  CIA leaks about

  misuse of intelligence in

  and Obama administration

  preemption vs. retaliation in

  and Reagan administration


  and September 11 attacks

  Use of fear in

  use of intelligence in

  and Watchers

  see also Bush administration

  Warren, Earl

  Washington, Denzel

  Washington Post

  Washington Post smell test


  goal of

  scope of their net

  and security vs. liberty

  and war on terror


  what they are


  Weinberger, Caspar:

  and Achille Lauro

  plans canceled by

  Weldon, Curt:

  and Able Danger

  and China

  and former Yugoslavia

  Wertheimer, Mike:

  and e-mail searches

  and executive war powers

  and privacy laws

  and September 11 attacks

  and signals intelligence

  and warrantless searches

  West Berlin, disco bombed in

  Western Union

  West German government, and Achille Lauro

  World Trade Center:

  1993 truck bomb in

  September 11, 2001, attacks on

  Wyden, Ron

  Yoo, John


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