The Untold History of the United States
Page 102
Progressive Party and, 251
Vietnamese, 270
Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), 603
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 496
Compton, Arthur Holly, 134–35, 161, 185
Conant, James, 21, 134
concentration camps, 127–28, 422–23
Congo, 279, 546
Congress, U.S., 13, 36, 50, 198, 206, 207, 212, 216, 316, 333, 361, 368, 388, 401, 430–41, 473, 484, 492, 496, 524, 553
antiwar members of, 364
Emergency Banking Act in, 49
Hoover’s files on, 232
Human Rights Caucus of, 476
left-leaning, 60–61
MacArthur’s firing and, 242–44
New Deal and, 46
PATRIOT Act in, 505
War Powers of, 480
war profits bills in, 71–73
Watergate and, 387–90
Congress for Cultural Freedom, 338
Congressional Budget Office, 555
Congressional Record, 52–53
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 58–59, 108
Connally, John, 323
Connally, Tom, 74, 76–77
conservatives, xiv, 512
Constitution, Japanese, 381–82
Constitution, Russian, 485
Constitution, U.S., 56, 156, 480, 498, 505, 549, 561, 569
Fourth Amendment to, 565
Coolidge administration, 25, 39, 90
copper, 372, 376, 590, 591
Cordesman, Anthony, 518, 523, 580
Corporate State, The (Viglione), 50
corporations, 550, 551, 560
campaign spending limits removed for, 558
profit growth for, 555
tax evasion by, 545, 559
Costa Rica, 41, 139, 263, 428
Council of Economic Advisors, 552
Council of Foreign Ministers, 203, 208
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), xv, 256, 290, 401–2, 464, 469, 539, 568
Council on Hemispheric Affairs, 429, 433
Counterattack, 233
counterinsurgency, 431–32
counterterrorism, 498, 511, 564
Cousins, Norman, 198, 313–14
Cravath, Swain and Moore, 122
Creel, George, 8, 10, 36
Croatia, in NATO, 537
Cronkite, Walter, 269
Cross, Devon Gaffney, 685n
Crowley, P. J., 562
Crowther, Bosley, 285
cruise missiles, 439, 440, 443
Cuba, xxii, xxiii, xxv, xxvii–xxviii, xxix, xxx, xxxii, 40, 188, 246, 320–21, 344, 391, 428, 457, 472, 477, 520, 603, 604
Bay of Pigs and, 266, 291–96, 293, 320
J. F. Kennedy’s policy towards, 303–4, 320–22
revolution in, 279, 288, 293, 412
troops in Africa from, 406, 467
troops in Grenada from, 434, 436
Cuban-Americans, right-wing, 493–94, 495
Cuban Missile Crisis, 273, 305–13, 307, 311, 321–22, 323, 349, 414, 550, 586
Cuban Revolution, 266, 321
Curie, Marie and Pierre, 132
Curzon, Lord, 38
Curzon Line, 110, 116
Cutler, Robert, 263, 267–68
Cyprus, 265
Czechoslovakia, 28, 79, 88, 114, 218, 226, 463, 469
NATO and, 471
Soviet overthrow of, 209, 214, 265, 468
Czech Republic:
Iraq war opposed in, 524
NATO and, 486
Czolgosz, Leon, xxviii
Dahl, Roald, 138–39
Dalai Lama, 609
Dana, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 11
Daniel, Jean, 321–22, 325
Danzig, Richard, 566
Dar es Salaam, embassy bombing in, 490
Davies, Joseph, 123–25, 128
Davis, John, 63, 64, 73
Day After, The, 441, 442
Dean, John, 387, 390
Debs, Eugene, xxv, 1, 5, 14, 15
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 396
Defense Department (DOD), U.S., xvii, 113, 212–13, 214, 215, 255, 286, 333, 341, 349, 363–64, 365, 370, 384, 405, 409, 417, 418, 424, 441, 443, 450, 474, 482, 483, 489, 496, 512, 514, 520, 521–22, 529, 530, 534–36, 542–43, 564, 574, 575, 588, 590, 595, 601, 611, 612, 632n
Defense Policy Board of, 513
early-warning system malfunctions and, 417–18
Five Year Defense Plan of, 490
in foreign policy making, 542
in 9/11 attacks, 500, 507
1984–1988 master plan of, 439
vast presence of, 543–44
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 299, 439, 515, 519, 520
“Defense Planning Guidance,” 482
de Gaulle, Charles, 12
Dehomag, 78, 82
Delaware, 77
DeLay, Tom, 493, 524
democracy, 7, 8, 30, 43, 44, 85, 92, 123, 195, 208, 265, 320, 332, 343, 344, 391, 421, 428, 462, 537–38, 600
capitalism and, 201
in Chile, 372
critics of, 43
Czech, 209
in Eastern Europe, 128
in Iraq, 528
liberal capitalist, 26, 28
Nixon’s view of, 360
socialist, 373, 446, 449
U.S. subversion of, 215
war on terrorism and, 544–45
Western, 88
“world safe for,” 7, 31
Democratic Leadership Council, 483–84
Democratic National Convention:
of 1900, xxv
of 1944, 138, 142–43
of 1968, 357, 358
of 1972, 402
of 1976, 401
of 1988, 465
Democratic party, 46, 54, 55, 61, 63, 65, 74–75, 92–93, 139, 140, 142, 172, 193, 200, 206, 221, 241, 244, 247, 278, 357, 385, 392, 424, 425, 490, 493, 494, 518, 559, 560, 574, 592
centrists in, 483–84, 551
conservatives in, 567
Denmark, 89, 547
Department of Defense Base Structure Report, 543
of 1893, xxii
Great, see Great Depression
Dern, George, 55
Der Spiegel, 470–71, 564, 582
Desert Crossing war games, 528
Detroit News, 80, 385
Dewey, John, 12, 16
Dewey, Thomas, 93, 221, 224
DeWitt, John L., 151–52, 156
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 269–70, 269, 332, 385
Dien Bien Phu, 266, 267, 361
DiIulio, John, 495–96
Dillon, Read, 122, 230, 254
Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistani, 535, 571, 592
director of national intelligence (DNI), 543, 567, 577
disarmament, 27, 98, 249
Discovery Communications, 554
disillusionment, 41–43
literature of, 41
Dobriansky, Paula, 685n
Dobrynin, Anatoly, 310–11, 362, 406, 418, 421
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, 556
Dole, Bob, 465
Dominican Republic, xxx, xxxii, 345–47, 347, 373
Donilon, Thomas, 585, 586
Doomsday Clock, 224, 253, 318
Dos Passos, John, 41, 60
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 287
Douhet, Giulio, 23–24
Dresden, bombing of, 157
Drift or Mastery (Lippmann), 56
drones, 549
military, 572–75
surveillance, 572, 576
Dr. Strangelove, 312
Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S., 471, 473
from Afghanistan, 582, 583–84, 594, 596
war on, 484, 603
Dubai, 583
Dukakis, Michael, 464, 466
Dulles, Allen, 82, 122, 162, 214, 248–50, 253, 260, 26
3, 265–66, 276, 279, 291, 295, 298
Dulles, John Foster, 32, 82, 122, 177, 225, 227, 237, 247, 253–59, 263, 267–68, 269, 271, 281, 289, 348, 612
Dunning, William, 1–2
du Pont, Felix, 67, 70
du Pont, Irénée, 54, 63, 67, 70
du Pont, Lammot, 63, 67, 70
du Pont, Pierre, 63, 67, 70
Durbin, Dick, 592, 594
Dutch East Indies, 100, 138
Dylan, Bob, 302
Dyson, Freeman, 179–80
Eagleburger, Lawrence, 356, 516
East Asia, 60, 116, 126, 189, 366
Eastern Europe, 213, 214, 215, 287, 348, 379, 421, 470, 471, 472
fall of Communist governments in, 469
Iraq War opposed in, 524
perestroika in, 468
under Soviet-Nazi nonaggression pact, 88
Soviets and, 102, 111, 123, 124, 126, 129, 182, 184, 188, 191, 194, 201, 209, 214
U.S. missile defense program in, 541
economic exploitation, banning of, xi
economic nationalism, 402
Economist, 530, 583
Ecuador, 138, 338, 603
Eden, Anthony, 120–21, 255, 268, 271
Edwards, Agustín, 372, 374
Egypt, 206, 219, 257, 259, 265, 282, 404, 416, 459, 460, 477, 488, 506, 507, 518, 522, 536, 563, 600, 601, 602, 613
E. I. du Pont de Nemours Corporation, 63–64, 67, 77, 78, 197–98
Eikenberry, Karl, 580, 583, 593
Einstein, Albert, 133, 135, 180, 204, 230, 272, 280
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 164, 177, 291, 294, 295, 308, 338, 348, 443, 542, 546
administration of, 260, 263, 266, 288
arms and space races and, 276–79, 281–83, 285–90
“Atoms for Peace” and, 256, 282–83, 410
“falling domino” press conference of, 266, 268
farewell address of, 288–89
on foreign perceptions of America, 258
on Guatemala, 262–63
Indochina/Vietnam and, 266–68, 269
Khrushchev and, 273–74, 274
Korean War and, 250–52, 255
“New Look” defense policy of, 254, 271
nuclear weapons and, 249–57, 267–68, 279–90
presidency of, 227, 247–71
on Sputnik, 276
third-world dictators embraced by, 279
in World War II, 103, 105, 248
Eisenhower, Milton, 154
of 1900, xxv, xxvi
of 1912, 1
of 1916, 6, 29, 75
of 1928, 90
of 1932, 45, 90
of 1934, 55, 63
of 1936, 61
of 1940, 62, 90, 92–93, 108, 142, 142
of 1944, 138–39, 142–43, 323
of 1946, 206
of 1948, 218, 220–22, 234, 251
of 1952, 227, 247, 252
of 1956, 282
of 1960, 287–88, 290, 302, 319
of 1964, 316, 327, 328
of 1968, 341, 342, 356–60, 358, 359, 365
of 1972, 387, 389, 402
of 1976, 50, 400–401
of 1980, 412, 417, 419, 436
of 1984, 444, 461–62, 484
of 1988, 464
of 1992, 483–84
of 2000, 492–94, 495
of 2002, 518
of 2004, 512
of 2008, 499, 512, 549–50, 560, 569, 614
of 2010, 559, 560, 598
of 2012, 557, 560
free, 111, 116, 122
Ellsberg, Daniel, 250, 286, 302, 312, 316, 360, 370–71, 384–86, 386
El Mozote, 432
El Salvador, 338, 412, 424, 427–29, 430, 431–33, 435
Elsey, George, 204–6, 207
e-mail, monitoring of, 505, 564
Emanuel, Rahm, 554, 560, 585
Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 180
Endangered Species Act, 383
Engelhardt, Tom, 574, 576
English Classics Collection of Books for Russian War Relief, 126
Enola Gay, 166, 167
Enron, 490, 493
environment, 550, 560, 614
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 383
Equal Rights Amendment, 383
Eritrea, 406
Espionage Act of 1917, 13, 14, 14, 562, 563
Estonia, 88, 102, 468
in NATO, 537
Ethics and Public Policy Center, 399
Ethiopia, 406–8
Cuban troops in, 406, 467
Italian invasion of, 73, 83, 88, 89
eugenics, 80
Europe, 4, 9, 105, 164, 189, 204, 206, 241, 477, 612, 613
China trade of, xxv
colonialism in, xvii, xviii, 100
compensation limits for bankers in, 554
Iraq war opposed in, 524
second front in, 103, 108, 109, 110–11, 248
Western, 230, 287, 392, 402, 439, 477
Wilson in, 30
World War II in, 100, 182
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, 500
European theater, 138
Executive Order 9066, 153, 153
executive pay limits, 553, 554
Export-Import Bank, 375
Face the Nation, 340
Fahd, King of Saudi Arabia, 474, 478
Fairness & Accuracy in Media and Reporting (FAIR), 578
Faisal, Turki al-, Prince, 416
fallout shelters, 278, 298, 300–302, 301
Fallujah, 597–98
Far East, 230, 238, 241
Farmer-Laborite party, 55, 61, 62
farmers, xx–xxi, 43, 45, 49, 56, 90–92
Farmers Alliances, xx–xxi
fascism, 37, 44, 83, 85, 432, 538
in Italy, 50–51, 87
New Deal accused of, 50–52
in Spain, 84–85, 85, 88, 89, 95–96
U.S. admirers of, 50, 52, 64, 80, 101
Faulkner, William, 41, 230, 367
FBI, 153, 212, 232, 357, 385, 386, 398, 422, 488
Al-Qaeda threat and, 497
anti-Communist hysteria and, 235
antiwar movement and, 340–41
Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO) of, 235, 340
domestic intelligence records of, 564–65
Federal Accounting Standards Board, 553
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 553, 556
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), 49–50
Federal Reserve, 48, 54, 526, 560, 614
Federation of British Industries, 78
Feingold, Russell, 504–5, 559
Feinstein, Dianne, 563
Feith, Douglas, 519, 543–44
Fermi, Enrico, 135–36, 136, 229
film industry blacklist, 232–33, 234
Finland, 28, 88, 102, 188, 287, 546
Finnish Information Bureau, 9–10
First Amendment, 212
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 41, 367
Florida, 304
2000 election in, 493–94, 495
Florida Supreme Court, 494
Flying Tigers, 222
Flynn, Edward, 139–40
Flynn, John, 71–72
Foch, Ferdinand, 29
food stamps, 438, 559
Forbes, 556
Ford, Gerald, 323, 400, 417, 461
as Agnew’s replacement, 390
in Indonesia, 395–96
as moderate, 399
succession to presidency of, 392, 393
Vietnam and, 393, 395
Ford, Henry, 78–80, 81
Ford Foundation, 278, 337, 338
Ford Motor Company, 78–79, 82, 84
Ford Motor Company Aktiengesellschaft, 78
Ford-Werke, 79, 82
Foreign Affairs, 210–11, 539–41
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 505, 551
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts, 565
Foreign Of
fice, British, 138, 202
Foreign Policy, 606
Foreign Trade Convention of 1914, 2
Formosa, see Taiwan
Formosa Strait, 281
Forrestal, James, 119, 122, 144, 146, 162, 184–85, 190, 194–95, 203, 213–14, 217, 218, 220, 225, 228, 230
paranoia and suicide of, 224–26
Forrestal, Michael, 314–15
Fortas, Abe, 346–47
Fort Benning, Ga., 431, 576
Fortune, 52, 66, 101, 328
four-minute men, 8, 9
Fourth Amendment, 372
Fox, 521, 522
France, 5, 15, 36, 83–84, 88, 95, 154, 205, 206, 209, 219, 239, 241, 255, 282, 296, 408, 409, 520, 521, 613
aerial warfare by, 23, 257
casualties of, 18, 31, 87, 89
Communists in, 188
imperialism of, xvii, 26, 31–32, 99–101, 112, 138, 238, 246, 257, 265–68, 304–5
in Indochina, 32, 100, 112–13, 138, 238, 246, 257, 266–70, 281, 304, 316, 361, 384