Midnight's Master tmt-3
Page 10
“My place,” had been his growled response.
Her slow smile had nearly stopped his heart, and then she’d whispered, “Good.”
Niol didn’t make a habit of bringing women into his home. Not his real home, anyway. He had an apartment over Paradise Found that he used for his lovers, but his home, that was different.
But he wanted Holly in his realm.
They drove to the outskirts of the city. He’d bought the land years ago, commissioned an architect, and built the house exactly the way he’d planned so long ago.
Years ago…when he’d been a dirt-poor kid all but shoving his nose against the windows of the fancy houses in D.C.
A fucking lifetime ago.
Holly whistled when she saw his house.
He drove past the thick wall surrounding his home, pushing a button to send the electronic gates closing behind him. The house waited down the lane, windows gleaming, lights shining from within.
Not as big as the antebellum, his place was a two-story brick home, with a wraparound balcony and a gleaming swimming pool. It sat on fifteen acres, plenty of privacy. The whole area had been wired for security. Cameras. Guards who knew how to watch, but not be seen. Motion sensors.
They’d be safe here. She would be safe.
“Didn’t expect this.” Holly’s index finger tapped on the glass. “Didn’t really take this for your style.”
He killed the ignition. “And what is my style?”
Her head turned slowly toward him and she seemed to really think about that. “Dark. Private-”
Niol had to laugh. “This is private, love. Trust me, no one will bother us out here.”
“No, that’s not what I meant. The windows-” she broke off, shaking her head. There were over fifty windows in the house. He knew, he’d watched each one being installed. “There aren’t any shutters, like you want the light to come inside.”
You want the light to come inside. Niol stiffened and decided it was time to drop the damn topic of his house. He shoved open his door, then headed around the SUV.
But Holly was already out. “Niol…”
“I brought you here because it’s safer. No one will get within five miles of this place without us knowing instantly.”
“Good to know.”
He bounded up the steps, with her on his heels. “There are guest rooms-” Niol pushed open the door and urged her inside. Once over the threshold, she turned back to look at him with those deep green eyes.
“I won’t be using one,” she said simply, and reached for the hem of her shirt. She jerked it up and tossed the garment onto the floor.
All the moisture in his mouth disappeared.
“I’ll be in your room.”
In his bed.
He couldn’t take his eyes off her breasts. Full and tempting. Thrusting against the light pink silk of her bra. Oh, damn. “Love…” He barely managed to punch in the alarm code. “We aren’t going to make it to the bed.”
Maybe the sofa. Maybe the floor. Or maybe right there against the wall-he was going to take her.
Fuck waiting.
He’d waited long enough. Holly was ready, willing, and his cock was so hard that the brush of denim against him hurt.
Niol took a step toward her. Her head tipped back.
He took her mouth. Drove his tongue deep and hard into that wet sweetness even as his fingers jerked the hook of her bra free. He threw the silk down and groaned when her tight nipples stabbed into his chest.
Not good enough.
Niol ripped his mouth away, stared down at her breasts-
Pink nipples. Like suck-me candy.
- and then his mouth locked on her left breast. Sucking. Kissing. Licking. Tasting and taking as much as he could.
Her moans filled his ears. The scent of her arousal flooded his nostrils.
And he knew there was so much more to taste.
Her nipple pressed against his tongue, a ripe berry, one that he wanted to savor all night long.
He drew her breast into his mouth. Laved her with his tongue. Her hips rocked against him. Her hands slid down his body and locked onto his hips. Hot hands, hands that seemed to burn him through his clothes.
He licked his way to the other breast. Swirled his tongue over her nipple. Heard her breath catch.
Then he used his teeth to lightly score her flesh.
Holly shuddered. “Niol.”
Her hands pushed between their bodies. Fumbling, she managed to loosen his belt, unsnap the jeans, and jerk down-
“Ah, easy, love.” He lifted his mouth, licked his lips, and still tasted sweet nipple. “I’m damn close…”
Since he hadn’t worn underwear since he was sixteen, his cock sprang into her hands, and the lady knew exactly how to touch. Soft fingers, firm grip, perfect pump.
He was going to come in her hand, when he wanted to be buried as deep as he could go in her wet sex.
He caught the edge of her skirt. Shoved it up so that he could grip the smooth column of her thigh.
Silky skin. He wanted those legs wrapped around him and clenching tight.
His fingers rose. Brushed against the edge of her panties.
Holly’s grip tightened around him. “Niol.”
He glanced down at his cock. Saw the thick, straining head coated with a gleaming drop of pre-cum. Her fingers, so pale, with her short nails, held him carefully.
And worked him so well.
But not as well as her sex.
Or, her mouth…that sweet, red mouth…
“Let me.”
Her husky plea had his eyes jerking to hers and he could too easily read the intent. “If that mouth of yours gets on me, I’m done.” One lick, two, and he’d come against her tongue.
No, not this time.
He ripped the panties away.
His fingers brushed over her creamy sex, plump with arousal, so slick she made him shake.
Her legs shifted, thighs widening her stance, granting him more tempting access to that pink flesh. Niol stroked the button of her desire, dragging his thumb over her clit, and loved the moan that tore from her mouth. He parted her nether lips and pushed one finger deep into that tender opening.
So damn tight.
The bed would definitely have to wait.
His finger slid back. Thrust deep. Withdrew.
Two fingers worked inside her and Holly’s head fell back. Her skin flushed with sweet color, those nipples driving him wild-
“Niol!” A demand.
One he wasn’t about to ignore.
A final plunge of his fingers-she was going to feel incredible -and he kissed her again. Drove his tongue deep into her mouth, and, oh, shit, she was sucking his tongue, tightening her lips around him and-
His control exploded.
He had a condom in his wallet-he had it out and on in a flash. Then his hands were on Holly, locking around her waist, and he lifted her up against the wall.
She felt so light.
For just a moment, he hesitated. Rough and wild might not be her way. She was human, but not like the other human lovers he’d had who wanted the rush that came from screwing a monster. She might need more time, more care, more-
Her nails dug into his shoulders. “If you don’t take me, I might have to hurt you.”
He laughed as a real jolt of surprise rocked him.
Her legs wrapped around his hips and the laughter died. Her creamy opening rubbed against his cock. A slight adjustment, then-
Then he shoved into her, so deep that her sheath rippled around the full length of his cock. So deep that his balls slammed against her.
So deep that it was fucking perfect.
Her mouth brushed over his neck. Those lips locked on him, her tongue laved the skin.
Then she bit him.
His cock swelled even more within her.
Not like this-this wasn’t the way he-
Niol withdrew, then plunged deep as a frantic rhythm swept over him. Faster, faster, harder. He couldn’t get enough. Her straining sex was the best fit he’d ever had. Her breasts tormented him and the woman’s scent-
His teeth snapped together and a groan built in his throat.
She was pinned against the wall. Held tight by his weight and the steely grip of his hands. Every thrust and withdrawal sent his cock sliding against her sensitive flesh.
Her eyes squeezed shut. “Oh, Jesus, Niol, this is-”
Her sex convulsed around him as her climax broke over her.
Her lips parted on a soundless scream.
He kept thrusting. Kept driving his cock into her, desperate for his own pleasure, and the milking of her core around him just made him that much wilder.
“Niol…” A whisper of satisfaction.
He erupted. His spine tightened and he shoved deep once more as the tide of pleasure crashed over him.
Fucking. Insane.
His forehead fell against hers and he let the pleasure crest.
That was what I’ve been waiting for.
The lady had been more than worth the wait.
The bitch was gone and so was the fucking demon.
She’d driven like a maniac after leaving Paradise Found, and she’d lost him. Had she known he was behind her? Watching her every move?
He’d been so careful, laying back and watching her leave the news station, then trailing two cars behind her when she rushed to that godforsaken bar.
Holly Storm. He had such plans for her-had, since the very beginning.
She’d gotten past him.
He almost admired that. Would have, if it hadn’t pissed him off so much.
He picked up his cell. Punched in a fast number. The phone rang once, twice, then…“Is she there?” Back at her house, letting that freak touch her?
His place. And he’d already checked out Niol’s security setup. No way was he going to get in there.
No need. He’d get the demon to come to him.
Demons. Who the hell would have thought those bastards were real?
Abominations, that’s what they were.
Dark, twisted. Evil.
They deserved to get sent right back to hell.
He was just the man to send them there.
After he had his fun with them, of course. After he learned just how much pain they could tolerate. After he learned their secrets and how to harness their power.
Killing demons was so much easier than he’d anticipated.
Maybe Niol would be a challenge.
Maybe not.
He’d bet that when he sliced the bastard open, the tough guy would start to beg, just like the others.
His lips curved. Begging…and blood. Such a perfect combination.
“She was in the bar tonight,” Cara Maloan said, as she drew her fingernail down her lover’s chest.
Todd Brooks sucked in a sharp breath and caught her hand. “Who?” His eyes had that hot, dark look she liked so much. The look that said he was crazy to have her.
She loved that look-from him.
Only him.
Cara licked her lips. She wanted to strip off her clothes and taste her lover, but a worry nagged in her mind, and she just couldn’t shut off the strange fear. “Holly Storm. She came to Paradise right before I went onstage.”
Todd grunted. “That’s because she’s screwing Niol.”
She blinked, then frowned. “What? Are you sure?” Niol went for human lovers. Hell, Niol went for vamps, witches, demons…
But Holly Storm was-different. “Niol doesn’t like reporters.” He’d told her that dozens of times. The guy had even called them parasites a few times, and he didn’t even call the vamps that.
“He seems to like her.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
Cara pushed him back, forcing Todd down against the pillows with only the weight of her hand against his chest. “You’re trying to distract me.”
“I’m trying to make love to you.” He smiled, but she saw the shadows and secrets in his eyes. “There’s a difference.”
Her lips firmed. Just get it out there. “This is about those demons who’ve been killed, isn’t it?” He was shutting her out because it was a case, one that might hit too close to home for her.
After all, she was a demon, too.
“I can’t tell you that, Cara.”
“You just did.” A shiver slid over her. “What the hell is going on? Is someone really hunting demons in this city?” That was the rumor she’d heard at Paradise. It’d come from Marc, with a warning to watch her back and to stay away from any…humans.
Dammit. “Do I need to be worried?”
His jaw clenched. “I’d never let anything happen to you.”
Understanding dawned. “Is that why you’ve had that charmer cop tailing me for the last two days?”
“Hell. Tagged him, did you?”
A nod.
“I love you,” Todd told her quietly as he lifted her hand from his chest and brought her fingers to his lips. “And I might be an asshole sometimes-”
She snorted at that.
“-but your safety comes first with me, always .”
So he’d given her a bodyguard. “ Tell me next time.” Kinda cute, really, that he thought she needed a bodyguard. Todd was still so new to this game. He forgot how strong she could be.
How deadly in her own right.
Especially if she was fighting a human.
For a moment, his face turned stark. “I hope to hell there’s never a next time like this.”
She wondered just what he’d witnessed at his crime scenes. Wondered about the calls that had come and taken him from her bed.
Her cop. Always trying to be a hero.
A girl could easily lose her heart to a guy like him-she sure had.
“Is Niol in danger?” She couldn’t keep the worry out of her voice. She and Niol went back too far for her to pretend about him.
Todd’s lip curled. “I pity the bastard who makes the mistake of going after him.”
She thought about that for a moment. Remembered the stench of burning flesh.
Then gave a small nod.
Something she’d learned over the years-Niol was one hard bastard to kill and one very fine predator.
Niol was, quite possibly, the best lover she’d ever had.
Oh, screw that. Holly opened her eyes and gazed up at the ceiling. He was one hell of a lot better than the other five guys she’d been with in her thirty-one years.
She licked her lips, realized they were desert dry, just like her mouth, and swallowed before she said, “When can we do that again?”
Though, not necessarily against the wall, because her back and ass were hurting a bit, but…
That had been one wild ride.
His head raised from her shoulder.
He smiled at her. A smile that made her heart do a weird little flutter.
The darkness in his eyes, it almost seemed to lighten, just for a moment.
And the cock inside her stiffened.
Her sex shivered.
I’d like more.
But Niol was pulling back and Holly couldn’t control the moan that slipped from her lips at the slow glide of his flesh. Good.
Niol eased her legs down and lowered her body to the floor. A chill skated over her.
A flicker of doubt had her swallowing. Maybe the fantastic sex hadn’t been so great for him. The guy’d had a stream of lovers in his life, she knew that.
Rumor was he’d lost his heart years ago to a succubus. Wasn’t like she could really compete with a sex demon in the buck-naked category and-
“Shower or bed?”
The words were a rumble, thick with lust and sensual demand.
The worryin
g voice in her head faded to a whisper. Holly blinked. “I-ah-”
His jaw clenched. “Bed.”
Niol’s hand lifted and he pointed toward the stairs. “First room on the right.” He glanced down at his body. “I’ll ditch the condom, then meet you there.” His mouth took hers. A deep, toe-curling kiss.
When she turned to walk away from him moments later, her legs weren’t quite steady. She held onto the banister as tightly as she could. Her thighs trembled and her sex throbbed, the flesh swollen and…hungry.
Still hungry for him.
Once hadn’t been nearly enough. Good thing they had the rest of the night and that he seemed as wild for the sex between them as she was.
“Fucking gorgeous.”
The snarl stopped her near the top of the stairs. She glanced back down. Niol gazed up at her, completely naked now. So much tanned flesh. The condom was gone and his cock stood fully erect. His eyes were on her, his face a tight mask.
Then he licked his lips and she almost did a header off the stairs.
Niol smiled and began to stalk her.
A whip of fire fueled her blood.
He was coming up the stairs, fast.
Two at a time. Three.
He’d be on her in seconds.
In her.
She sprinted for the top, adrenaline kicking through her.
At the landing, she glanced to the left. The room was dark, lit only by the stars and moonlight that shone through the massive windows.
She could see the bed. A tall four-poster.
Holly kicked out of her high heels. Shimmied out of her skirt and-
Strong arms locked around her from behind. Pulled her against a rock-hard chest, imprisoning her in a steely grip. His cock nudged against her ass.
His fingers took her breasts. Curling around the nipples, squeezing, caressing.
Her breath choked out and her head sagged against him.
Niol growled and locked his mouth onto the column of her throat.
Heat flooded her core. Holly’s legs shifted restlessly. That bed was so close…
One hand slid over the curve of her stomach.
She stopped breathing.
His fingers, so perfectly broad and strong, trailed down her abdomen. Pushed through the red curls that shielded her sex.
There was no tender searching this time. No play. No fondles.
Her legs parted.
His fingers, two, drove knuckle-deep inside her.
Holly gasped his name and strained against him.