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Solar Sizzle

Page 17

by Joan Bramsch

  "Two weeks ago I found out I was pregnant!"

  Casey felt as if she'd been hit in the stomach. Pregnant? But why would she fly all the way back to St. Louis when it was Tom she should be confiding in? Unless...

  "But everything's all right, isn't it?” she asked, suddenly worried about the baby.

  Between sobs Connie smiled tremulously. “Oh, yes. The baby is just fine. I'm only several weeks along.” Then she dissolved into tears again. “But I have to see Shawn. I know he'll help me. He's always taking care of me.” Suddenly she stopped crying, a shocked expression paled her swollen features. “Oh, lord, he's going to blame himself!"

  "Why?” Casey asked quietly, dreading the answer. “Is the baby his?"

  Connie began to laugh hysterically, and Casey thought she was going to have to call 911. “Oh, Casey! My baby is Tom's.” She tried to control herself so she could explain. “You don't know Shawn very well, do you? He's a good man,” she said, smiling through her tears. “If you really knew him, you'd realize that he's going to blame himself for not discovering what the problem was."

  She smoothed the wrinkles from her burgundy skirt. “He's like an old mother hen, Casey. He always says ‘The boss is the last to know!’ Surely, you realize he's adopted all his employees like family, don't you?"

  Casey nodded.

  "Usually he's pretty good at spotting problems. Even before they take root."

  Somehow relieved, Casey replied. “And just what is the problem? Doesn't Tom love you?"

  "He loves me ... with all his heart, Casey. It's just that ... just that...” She took a deep breath and blurted out her greatest fear. “I need Shawn to help me tell him. I don't know how Tom is going to react to this news. And I'm scared to death."

  "Seems to me that Tom won't mind, just as long as you love him as much as he seems to love you."

  Connie nodded glumly. “Seems to me too,” she admitted. “But I just can't find the courage to face him alone. Could it have something to do with funny pregnant lady emotions?"

  "Could be, honey.” She lifted her shoulders, puzzled. “How the heck would I know? I've never been pregnant.” She winked at Connie, trying to make her smile. “But if my sister Maureen is any example, every pregnant lady in the world does goofy things!"

  They hugged one another and laughed, both trying to return to sanity. Connie wanted, needed, to inform her fiancé of their impending child; Casey was assimilating the news that the baby was not Shawn's!

  "Feeling better now?” Casey's words were soft, caring. When Connie nodded and gave her a grateful smile, Casey concentrated on a plan to find Shawn. In moments, the obvious solution came to her.

  "Come on,” she ordered gently. “We're going to Shawn's hotel and camp out. All night if we have to."

  On their way out the door, she paused at the entry table, pulling the drawer open to retrieve his room key ... the one he'd given her a lifetime ago. At the hotel, Casey unlocked the door—after knocking hard a half dozen times—then she led Connie to the sofa, insisting that she lie down while they waited. “You're a wreck, Connie Tabor. You've got to think about the baby first."

  After making sure she was comfortably ensconced, Casey walked to the door, opening it wide, to begin her vigil. As it turned out, the pair didn't have to wait long. Within half an hour, Shawn came striding from the elevator toward his room. Casey watched him fumble in his jacket pocket for his key. He hadn't seen them yet. And her heart began to break all over again, but she hadn't come here for him, she told herself sternly. She'd brought Connie to him so this crazy mess could be straightened out.

  When he glanced up and saw her, he almost stumbled over his feet. “Casey,” he murmured, relief in his voice.

  Without a word, she turned, leading the way into his suite. He followed. When he saw the other woman slumped against the sofa cushions, a worried frown creased his brow.

  "Connie, what the devil are you doing here?” Connie rose to her feet at the same time Shawn rushed to her side. “You've been crying. What's wrong? Here, sit down,” he urged.

  Feeling faint, she was only too glad to comply

  He realized it was she who needed him right now so he sat down beside her. “Now tell me, honey. What's going on?"

  In as few words as possible, Connie explained. Casey watched Shawn stroke the weeping woman's blond hair as he held her against his shoulder. “Shh now, lady,” he soothed. “I'll take care of everything."

  Still crying softly, Connie lifted her head to stare into his solemn eyes. “But how, Shawn? What can we do? How can I tell Tom?"

  "I told you, I'll take care of everything,” he repeated tenderly. “We'll fly home together. We'll tell him ... together. In the meantime, I'll make all the arrangements for a quiet wedding Saturday evening in Las Vegas.” He gave her a paternal smile. “How does that sound to you, honey?"

  "Just fine, Shawn,” she answered, desperately trying to banish her fear. “Just as long as Tom comes, too,"

  He sighed raggedly. “We'll get everything straightened out. I promise. Tom will understand. He'll have to!” His voice was firm with resolve. “Just trust me, honey."

  Casey quietly opened and closed the door, but not before she heard Connie's reply.

  "You're so good, Shawn. So good."

  Shawn's tender reply echoed in Casey's ears when she walked down the empty hall. She'd never see him again, she knew. “Goodbye, my love,” Casey whispered inside the descending elevator.

  * * * *

  On Friday evening Casey threw herself into the final preparation for a family gathering at home. It would begin in an hour. Mike was humming happily as he iced the beer and soda, and stole stuffed celery from her tidbit tray even after she scolded him. Maureen and John and little Katie were the first to arrive. Each was loaded down with platters of food.

  "Boy, we're gonna have a real good time, huh, Aunt Casey?"

  Casey kissed her niece and promised her the party of her young life.

  "Will Mr. O'Brien be coming?"

  It took her a moment before she felt calm enough to speak. “No, honey, I don't think he's in town anymore."

  By eight the party was in full swing. Thirty-five members of the McDermott clan had arrived. Some were singing by the piano and others were playing darts in the game room downstairs while the rest simply enjoyed talking and catching up on family gossip. All however were having a grand time.

  Casey kept herself busy getting drinks and offering food. She had just walked into the living room when the doorbell chimed.

  Katie squealed. “I'll get it."

  "It's probably your cousins,” Casey called to her.

  "Mr. O'Brien!” squealed Katie. “You came after all."

  Shawn? Shawn ... here? Casey set the tray down with a clatter. Maureen came to her sister's side, quieting sending one of the women downstairs for John and Mike. Nervously she glanced from Shawn's drawn face to Casey's stark features.

  "What's wrong, Mr. O'Brien?” wailed Katie, suddenly frightened because she couldn't understand what was happening.

  "Nothing's wrong, sweetheart,” crooned Shawn, smiling tenderly at her upturned face. “Go over to your Mommy now, honey. She wants you by her, okay?"

  He lifted his steady gaze to meet Casey's wild wide eyes. The emerald sparkle was gone, he noted sadly. There was no love left in her for him.

  "I tried to stay away, Casey,” he murmured. “Really, I did. But I just couldn't leave without seeing you one more time. Please, honey,” he pleaded. “Say you'll talk to me."

  Just then Mike and John came running into the hallway. Her brother skidded to a stop in front of Shawn.

  "How many times do I have to tell you, O'Brien?” He was breathing heavily and ground out his words between clenched bared teeth. “Casey does not want to speak to you."

  Shawn met his angry glare with one of his own. His temper was out of control now too—Casey could see that!

  "I'm warning you, McDermott. No kid brother, intent on playi
ng watchdog, is going to stop me!” He shouted right into Mike's face. “This time, I'll fight to talk to her. And I don't give a damn who tries to stop me!"

  Mike let fly with a punch that, if it had connected, would have knocked Shawn into the middle of next week. but he was able to deflect the blow while he raised his huge right fist to return the favor. He never got to swing because two burly cousins stepped to his side and quickly subdued him. Meanwhile John caught Mike by the shoulders, pulling him away.

  "Michael, that will be quite enough!” he shouted. “You're fighting in your father's house, man. Stop it ... now!"

  Shawn was not to be throttled so easily. He tried to pull away from his captors; his narrowed ebony glare pinned Casey where she stood. “Casey, either you talk to me or I'm going to fight my way through every McDermott in the place.” He never even flinched when six of the stronger men circled his struggling form. “I mean it, Casey. We talk ... alone. Or I fight!"

  The life came back into Casey's body with a vengeance. “Stop shouting in my home, Shawn O'Brien.” She rushed over to stand in front of him, glaring up into his scowling, surprised face. Her hands were rolled into tight fists and she shook one over her head. “I won't have it! Do you hear?"

  Every inch of her body was alive with the McDermott spirit. “I'll talk to you. Anything to get you out of here!” She was furious herself now. Her father would have merrily informed her that she had her Irish up! “Now stop screaming like a banshee and come along.” She spun on her heel to lead the way to the study.

  "You don't have to talk to him, Casey,” said Mike.

  But Casey was bristling with rage. “Mike, he's never going to go until he gets what he wants. I'll be all right."

  She turned toward the stunned crowd, and tried to speak more calmly. “Excuse us, folks. Maureen will freshen your drinks, won't you?” she asked her sister, misreading the sparkle in her eyes for fear or anger.

  At the study door, Casey turned to make sure Shawn was behind her. “In here,” she ordered, walking ahead of him.

  He followed and closed the door. Then he locked it!

  "I hardly think that's necessary,” she fumed. “Everyone will respect our privacy."

  He smiled, the same sensuous smile that had melted Casey's heart and enchanted her soul, and then it was gone. “I'm not taking a chance on Mike's interruption if he tries to rescue his big sister."

  He stood directly in front of her. His height was intimidating and when he put his large fists upon his lean hips, spreading his legs wide, she thought she might faint. She was almost overcome by the scent of his maleness and his subtle cologne—like cool mint ocean waves. Her emotions were laid bare. Her heart felt raw, exposed. Then he threw her completely off her guard when his frown turned upside down into a wide grin.

  "Did you wear that new perfume just for me, Tiger?"

  No man had a right to be so dashing! she thought irrationally.

  "I recognize the fragrance. Island Flower, isn't it?"

  She nodded, unable to form actual words.

  He leaned forward, menacingly, threateningly close to her face. “Wanna go to Paradise and get the real thing, baby?"

  Casey could stand no more. She had to strike back. “It would be one hellova trip, buster,” she seethed. “Just you and me ... and my business!"

  "I'm here to straighten all that out, Casey.” His tone was calm, maddeningly calm. “Now let's talk sense!"

  "Well, there's no sense to it. Not now. I stopped you ... you bas ... !"

  She never got the last word past her lips. It stuck in her throat like a cherry pit when Shawn grabbed her by the shoulders with his strong hands.

  "You're talking like a nut!” he roared. “Are you nuts?"

  Tears were streaming down her pale cheeks, but she found the strength to shout right back. “No, I am not nuts!"

  "Then we talk."

  She felt her heart skip a beat when he hissed his command. It just wasn't fair! After an entire week of skirting the issue ... after how many tears and sleepless nights? Why did he insist on hearing it again? Why should she be the one to make him feel ashamed? She didn't want to ... she loved him!

  "Cay-see!” His hold tightened on her shoulders.

  She tried hard to prepare herself for his look of humiliation ... that terrible look of having been found out. “I know you've never really cared for me. It was all an act. A way for you to get control of McDermott's Construction. But it didn't work!"

  She was so upset by the snarl in his voice that she failed to see the tiny sparks of laughter that began dancing at the center of his dark smoldering eyes.

  "Just what's it going to take to convince you otherwise, my lovely?” He spoke in measured tones, never for a moment releasing Casey from his iron grasp.

  "I ... I don't think there's a thing in the world you can do to change my mind.” She lowered her eyes, trying to shield the vulnerability she felt there from Shawn's astute gaze.

  "I don't want your business, Casey. I never did.” He spoke evenly, although inwardly he sighed with relief.

  He knew he was finally going to have the chance to straighten out this whole mess. Something wonderful had been revealed to him a moment ago ... in the instant before Casey had veiled her eyes. It was love. He was sure of it. In fact, he was willing to bet his life on it!

  "I swear. I never wanted to stage a takeover."

  "It's rather a moot point now!” she shot back blindly.

  Frustrated Shawn pressed his strong fingers into her shoulders. The angry scowl on his usually handsome face sent tremors of fear through Casey's body. Instantly she wondered how she'd ever thought she could control him. She wished for Mike. Should she call?

  But Shawn was watching her mind-play. He guessed what she might be tempted to do. That would ruin everything, he decided. “Do you think you could keep your little mouth shut long enough to listen? I warn you, I'll punish you severely if you so much as make a peep,” he threatened. “Then, if you don't agree this has all been a stupid misunderstanding—no thanks to your refusal to speak to me sooner—I'll leave quietly. Promise?"

  She nodded, but he insisted on the words so she gave them. “I promise."

  "To begin with ... I love you!"

  "You don'..."

  He effectively stopped the flow of her words by kissing her soundly on her opened mouth.

  "I told you I'd punish you severely, Casey,” he warned. Wicked sparks flickered in his eyes when he watched the color return in a cloud of pink to her cheeks. “To continue. I love you ... and I want to marry you."

  "You don't! You talked to someone about negotiating a deal. A take-over!” she cried angrily. This time when he kissed her, she somehow didn't mind as much. In fact she felt a little sad when it ended.

  "You're a glutton for punishment, aren't you?” he said on a sigh. His body began to relax from his stance for action. “And you never listened when I said I loved you before, did you?” he chided. Her cheeks turned crimson. He wanted to kiss her again but he knew he had to finish the story.

  "I was talking to Tom that night. About delicate negotiations. I knew I loved you. And you'd told me you cared ... but you forgot in the morning. Or buried it deep inside you and never let me hear the words again. I was waiting, Casey. Oh, lord, my heart was begging you.

  "I'd told you I traveled fast. That I lived one day at a time. You know most of those feelings are due to my parent's untimely deaths. I had to talk to someone about it. I chose my best friend Tom. He'd been encouraging me from afar for the past few weeks. Even told me the first time I mentioned you that you'd make my life interesting! Damn, woman, he didn't know the half of it, did he?"

  He took a deep breath to steady his nerves, deciding the time had finally come for him to bare his soul. “You heard me tell Tom that this was going to be the battle of the century. One I wasn't going to lose. I still mean that, Casey. I'm willing to take every risk to win. My life will be over if I can't have you."

  He kissed
her again even though she hadn't spoken a word. His mouth stroked tenderly across hers until the tip of his tongue outlined her warm trembling lips. She parted them, eager to receive his deepening thrust. His arms tightened around her body, his hands traced her form.

  Unable to resist she began to smooth her fingertips along his strong muscled chest all the way up to his wide shoulders. Finally she curved her arms around his neck and buried her fingers into his thick curls, all the while surging, straining to draw him near.

  When the kiss ended Shawn gazed into Casey's shining eyes. “Once upon a time you told me you cared. Tell me now. Do you still care for me, Casey?” He held his breath, waiting for her answer.

  "I love you, Shawn,” she replied in a strong voice. “I'll always love you. I almost died from loving you. This week has been the most horrible of my life."

  "Then we both almost died, honey, because I love you so much I've been nearly crazy trying to reach you."

  "You really love me?” she asked, incredulous.

  "Yes, you crazy little roughneck with a boy's name! I love you! I love you!” he admitted gladly, hugging her hard. “And I want to marry you as soon as possible."

  A dozen reasons why she should refuse ran helter-skelter through her mind but she answered joyously. “I want to marry you too, Shawn, but..."

  He once again effectively stilled her words. and so she kissed him like she had kissed no other man ... like there was no tomorrow. When she gently pulled away, his breath was ragged.

  "Whew! Like I said, Tiger. You pack quite a wallop!” He grinned drunkenly. “Care to try for two?"

  "I'll kiss you a million times if only you'll answer a question,” she countered happily. “How are you going to live in Tucson and how am I going to live in St. Louis and how will we be able to have any wedded bliss?"

  She was chattering but she couldn't help herself. If there was a chance to share Shawn's merry-go-round, marvelous life, she was going to grab the brass ring with both hands.


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