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Blood Bride (Aarabassa World)

Page 14

by Vickers, Catherine L

  ‘You’ve done it Quazat. Rest my friend, rest awhile.’

  The damp heated air agitated his quivering antennae, he could not pick up a signal from his people. The myeaz warrior drifted into a bewildered stupor.

  Amos smiled. Looking at the creature before him, indeed he was no beetle but nor was he a mere tiny ant. They had become such friends that he had, at some point, overlooked the power of this companion. This large insectoid was superior in all manner of things. Relieved that they would both live a little while longer, he looked out at the strange waters that had almost taken their lives.

  The level was sinking down. The hot liquid gushed in all directions down the tunnels. It was hard to see in all the swirling grey steam and even harder to breathe. As the surface of the ground became visible, Amos noticed the dark silhouette of the creature that had been imprisoned within the thick walls of ice. It was now lying in a motionless bundle in the middle of the cavern floor, just like a newborn.

  ‘Quazat,’ he shook his friend’s armoured body. ‘It’s time to wake up. We need to get down from here and out of this place before that “thing” wakes up.’

  I coming Prince, Quazat could only manage Mindtalk.

  It proved too much effort to try to speak the strange human tongue. Slowly the myeaz warrior came around, his blurry vision focusing a little clearer.

  ‘Am I glad to see you finally coming around from your slumber, my friend,’ the Prince’s voice seemed muffled to his sensitive hearing. ‘We’re a little high up from the ground so you’re going to have to get us down, and we need to do it in a hurry.’

  ‘You climb on me, Prince?’

  Quazat could now see the danger of their predicament. The tide of gushing water had forced them to seek refuge on what appeared to be a ledge at the top of the cave wall. Now the water had gone, they perched high from the ground.

  ‘You hold on. I walk down wall.’

  ‘A frightening prospect my friend, but one I would rather confront than that beast down there waking up.’

  Amos climbed on the section between the segments of his companion’s shiny thick armoured body. It was much easier than he had expected as he slid into the wedge between each thorax. He hugged his arms around the spiny column. It was a strange sensation heading vertically down a wall but he trusted his companion with his life and felt no panic as they descended. Finally arriving at the floor was a relief, but the close proximity of the slumbering beast soon reminded him of their urgency to flee from this chamber.

  ‘Is that Vellar?’ He asked of the myeaz. ‘And why does he still sleep?’

  ‘When buried he still child. When escape he stay asleep while he grow quickly.’

  Quazat stood close to the sleeping giant while both he and his human partner stared in amazement at the sight before their eyes.

  The large human body curled up tightly in a fetal position. It had large wings curled upon its back.

  ‘It possess fire of dragon as blood. Come Prince, stay on my back, we find my people in dry tunnels.’

  ‘Isn’t it a little unusual for myeaz to allow riders on their backs?’ The Prince was puzzled at this invitation. He remembered a myeaz would kill any who attempted such a feat.

  ‘We brothers. We joined through fate. I protect you with my life, you likewise.’

  The myeaz knew his words were true. He did not wait for a reply from the human. Turning, he rushed out of the cave walking on all of his spindly legs. The speed of a myeaz is equal to that of a centaur. Amos closed his eyes. Cave walls blurred in his vision. The sensation of such speed was both exhilarating and frightening. At least they were leaving Vellar behind, but he knew he had not seen the last of the Fire Giant.

  27 The Emperor’s Child

  ‘Emperor Morte Bielz cannot, under any circumstances, be disturbed,’ Commander Sherat informed Lady Vatara.

  ‘What is this,’ the Lady was not satisfied that her leading commander was now giving her orders. ‘Commander Sharat may I remind you who I am?’

  ‘My Lady, it is for your own safety that I infer this ruling. The Emperor is undertaking a task that could endanger any who disturb him.’

  ‘He should have informed me of his plans. I should know all that transpires.’

  ‘That is why I am your leading Commander my Lady, so I can ease the trauma of your rulership.’

  She said no more on the subject, but stared back at him distrustfully.

  ‘Tell him, when he has the time of course, that I wish to see him on an urgent matter. It is time that we moved forward and I will do it with or without his assistance. As for you, make sure you attend my gathering when Dayloon is rising from the summit. Likewise, I shall continue with or without you.’ Abruptly she turned and left the entryway to the cave.

  Breathing a sigh of relief that she had left, he quickly turned and entered a long narrow passageway. Descending the tunnel, it seemed to twist and wind forever but eventually he arrived at his intended destination. Entering a tall cavern, he looked up at the Emperor’s hazy yellow form wavering in the middle of a deep darkness. It was impossible to see how high the cave was. Monshaad Lords waited upon their Emperor. Some remained unmoving as they hovered near to him. Others had settled down to the ground, as if they had ended their errands and were exhausted.

  The leading High Lord Hiyish approached the commander.

  ‘You cannot speak with us. Our Emperor risks his very essence, why do you disturb us?’ He spoke with a raspy whisper, unable to Mindtalk in fear of disturbing his Emeperor’s concentration.

  ‘Lady Vatara grows impatient. We must meet with her as Dayloon ascends. I fear she may do something foolish if we disregard her wishes.’

  ‘Rest assured, we will be there.’

  The vamplin commander bowed and left.

  Hiyish let his gasses disperse. A monshaad only remained whole when in the company of those who needed to see a formation. Their natural appearance is no more than a flash of dirty steam, if there is such a thing. Their substance is more than the simplistic natural elements. A rich mixture of rare chemicals and raw elements drawn from the depths of the world of Arabassa. They exist, but yet they are not whole matter. He swirled in the drafts, to return to the guarding of his Emperor. There must be no danger present while he attempted to awaken and control the Fire Giant, Vellar.

  Awaken my child, the Emperor’s Mindtalk was heard by all the monshaad Lords. Awaken, your time has come, I will care for you, have no fear.

  Where am I? A deep rattling voice Mindtalked back and all could hear.

  You are not in a safe place but I am your saviour and I will lead you to my lands where we shall celebrate your presence. My people will protect you from those who would wish you harm. Come home to us.

  Hiyish could see through his Emperor’s mind where Vellar was. He lay curled in a sleepy dormant state. Slowly his Emperor was awakening the creature. His wings unfurled and he began to flap them gently. His eyes were gradually opening from a long sleepy rest. He unravelled his fingers from the position of a clenched fist and stretched out his arms.

  Come my child, we do not have much time. You will soon start to grow and the walls will confine you. You must crawl out of the tunnels, I will guide you. Follow my lead and I will bring you to safety.

  Steam arose from the creature, effortlessly it uncoiled the bottom half of its human form, covered in the scales of a lizard like armour. A long dragon’s tail unfurled. Holding up its human head, it was lulled by the words of the Emperor that enticed it to leave the cave. The voice in its head was a soothing comfort. As it neared the exit, the tunnels were beginning to feel tighter on its rapidly expanding body. Relieved to be free of the constricting walls of the small tunnels, it burst out of the opening with a loud raucous sound emanating from its huge gaping mouth. No listard or human slave remained within close distance to the quarry of mines. All had fled when the ground had trembled. The creature stood up on its two back limbs and opened its wings. Filling the quarry with its giga
ntic size, it was now fully grown but there were further changes yet to happen. Its blood was pumping as a flow of lava runs red hot down the mountainside. Its scaly armoured skin illuminated with red veins of hot liquid.

  Come my child, come to me. Follow my guide to bring you to the safety of my lands. Listen to my voice and hurry, for I wish to look upon my perfect child.

  The Emperor held him within his grasp. With his strong power of Mind control he would lead the creature over half the world, he was its Master. This was Vellar. The Fire Giant was now awakened.

  28 Blood Bride

  The two vamplin lovers entwined their pale slender bodies passionately. Their lovemaking overpowered their senses. They simply could not resist each other. When, finally the last tremors of joy withered away, the female lay still in the male’s strong comforting grip.

  ‘My Lord, don’t you have an army to organise?’ she asked softly.

  ‘No, we will not go to war just because a greedy monshaad Emperor wants too much power,’ he replied.

  ‘It is nearly time for us to return to our native lands. There I shall marry my bride and all this nonsense talk of war shall be ended. My people prefer to celebrate their Lord finally producing an heir, than to tremble at the thought of battle.’

  ‘But I cannot abandon my cause,’ she said, leaning up on one elbow to peer at him. ‘The young human Prince is still lost because of that self same Emperor.’

  ‘We shall put an end to that also. I will discover what tricks this Emperor has been performing. It is time my people separated themselves from the monshaads. We are not the savages that he tries to convince us we are.’

  ‘Surely then I should return to my own people Lord Fiendrac?’ she whimpered with a saddened heart as she lay down on her back next to her lover.

  ‘No, I don’t want you to leave Heather,’ Fiendrac leaned over her naked body and held her gently by her arms. ‘I cannot live without you at my side.’

  ‘I feel this way also Fiendrac.’ Heather stroked his face lovingly, ‘but I must let my family know I am well.’

  ‘I am your family now. Together we will create our own children, is this not enough to fill your heart?’ He looked pleadingly into her tearful eyes.

  ‘I have never loved as I love you Fiendrac, but I fear that we can’t stop the Emperor, his powers grow.’

  He stroked the soft pale skin of her silky long thighs. She was truly beautiful. He was ready to love her again when a low rumbled cough sounded from behind the doorway.

  ‘Who lurks at my door?’ he shouted, annoyed at such an untimely disturbance.

  ‘Tis I Lord Fiendrac, Leading Commander Vendring,’ a male voice replied.

  ‘It’s time to dress and see to the needs of your people,’ she whispered in his ear.

  ‘I will present myself to you shortly Commander, you need not wait.’

  Lord Fiendrac reluctantly pulled himself out of his loving embrace, leaving behind the fair maiden who had captured his heart. Heather watched him as he dressed in a hog fur skin tunic and pants to match. He pulled on thick furry boots and put over his shoulders a thick fur poncho. Pulling up the hood, he blew a kiss of farewell to his soul mate, she captured the phantom kiss in her hand and placed her hand against her heart.

  ‘Besides, my love,’ he said. ‘the weather in these mountains is too cold for us to lodge here much longer. We need to be going home now that the Great Bear hunt is almost done. This I shall tell my people and they will rejoice.’

  She watched him leave with a happy, content smile upon his face.

  When she was finally alone she lay back on the soft cushioned pillows. She would not linger here long and knew that Fiendrac’s words were but a dream. Truly, she did love him. How this was so she could not dare to even understand. It had just simply happened and that was that. She would question this no further. Desperately she wanted to stay by his side. The life he wanted her to share was a tempting offer. Turning onto her side for a snug position to doze, she put the thoughts aside.

  ‘I love you with all my heart my Lord,’ she whispered into her pillow. ‘I should trust your judgement and stop worrying so.’

  She could hear muffled noises from outside but felt so safe and warm, smelling the scent of her loved one on the sheets of their love nest.

  Outside a bitter snowstorm met Lord Fiendrac as he marched to speak with his Leading Commander. Snow swirled around creating misty pockets swirling in frenzied circles. The sharpness of the cold numbed his skin. Though he felt little discomfort in his excitement of breaking the news to his people that they could pack up and return home shortly. He needed to visit with his sister at the winter farms to ready everyone for the end of the Hunting Season and the beginning of normality. He entered the ichale and was met with the many worrying faces of his Leading Commanders.

  ‘I had not realised we were gathering for a full-blown discussion,’ he said to them. ‘Why are my Leaders assembled?’

  ‘All manner of creatures have been seen flying towards the winter farms where Lady Vatara directs in your absence.’

  ‘This will be the Emperor’s doing,’ Fiendrac would not be perturbed by this news. ‘I can soon put a stop to it. When last I Mindtalked with my sister she mentioned none of this, so clearly she has no hand in it?’

  ‘No my Lord,’ a familiar voice spoke. ‘We know not what is stirring. The Emperor himself has not contacted us for some time now. He abandons us and we fear he has segregated our people’

  ‘Nonsense Ajarrk,’ Fiendrac replied to one of his old dear friends. ‘The Emperor will not enter into battle without vamplin armies to do his butchering for him. I have decided that we will not be fighting his battles, I am about to announce our return home, so all will be as it was.’

  ‘Do you suggest that we refuse to assist the monshaads?’ one of the lower commanders dared to ask.

  ‘Precisely that. I will meet with the Emperor and tell him of my plans for the future of my people, and those plans do not involve him in any way. Nor do they involve dying for his cause. Long enough have we lived as their shadows. It is time to make our stand’

  The commanders spoke in whispers to each other, they intended no disrespect to their Lord.

  ‘What have you all to say then?’ Lord Fiendrac was impatient at their unrest.

  ‘What of the Emperor’s wrath at our refusal?’ one commander asked.

  ‘What of those who welcomed the idea of human blood into our veins?’ another commander spoke the unasked question.

  ‘Ahh! Questions, questions. I tell you what I have decided and that is an end to it. I would rather my people fight the monshaads than follow his garbled promises and force us to murder humans. They have done nothing to harm us so why should I allow my people to do this? An end to it I tell you!’

  He did not look at their faces as he marched out of the ichale. He was blind to the worry in their eyes. They did not want or mean to upset their Lord but he did not seem to be seeing the truth. He was blinded by the love of the strange human Changeling. They believed that she must have ensorcelled him with magic. Perhaps they could not trust his judgement whilst he was under her spell.

  29 Seboris Attack

  The storm eddying around the vamplin camps was worsening. Lord Fiendrac had looked in on Heather when he had left the meeting, she was sleeping soundly and he left her to rest. Soon she would need strength to return to his homeland and besides, she may be with his child already. As his commanding leader had followed him out, he felt obliged to have further talks with him to arrange the dismantling of the winter camps. He reluctantly left Heather to her bed and marched on towards Commander Vendring’s quarters. When he arrived, discussions were already underway with Commander Ajarrk. These were two of his trusted leaders, and friends and he felt quite at ease to speak his mind.

  ‘Lord Fiendrac,’ Ajarrk greeted him. ‘Have a jar of Cloudberry wine, brewed by our mutual friend Lord Zattarow. Alas, he personally could not join us this Hunting Season so he sent
along some of his best wines from his region.’

  Lord Fiendrac accepted a mug of orange liquid, drank best whilst still warm.

  ‘Aah, this makes me homesick all the more. A splendid brew. I believe it’s the veins in the course leaves that makes for a good crop, I’m sure those little leaves have teeth.’

  ‘Yes Fiendrac,’ Ajarrk agreed, ‘you’re probably right. It’s hard to believe we can grow anything so delicious when we’re stuck up this forsaken mountain region. I would truly love to return home, but I have my concerns at rejecting the Emperor’s ideas.’

  Commander Vendring poured himself another mug and took his seat on the cushioned floor next to his two comrades.

  ‘What Ajarrk? You of all surprise me the most, knowing how you have such a soft spot for any living creatures, be they big and ugly or small and innocent. Surely, you do not agree that vamplin blood should be mixed with human blood in this way. We are not murderers and that is what the Emperor commands that we do. Not just mingle our bloodlines, which should not kill the humans, but to kill them when we have fed.’

  ‘Of course I do not agree to such a savage act. I am merely concerned of how he will react when we refuse his request,’ Ajarrk explained.

  ‘I am going to explain to my people that the way to mingle our bloodline is through my heir with the Changeling. This is a more potent and permanent solution. I am confident they will prefer this option, to killing innocent victims.’

  ‘If I may say my Lord,’ Commander Vendring started and then abruptly stopped his speech midway. The vamplin leaders looked at one another, each assessing the distant screams that could be heard.

  The door was opened by a flustered guard.

  ‘My Lords, a Seboris is attacking our camp. We are totally defenseless against such prey.’

  ‘Calm down young soldier, there are few women and children in this camp,’ Lord Fiendrac assured the young guard. ‘The Seboris surely sleeps deep in the snow at this time. Vendring, round up those with the skill of the bow, we can shoot it down, or at least hamper its attack’


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