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Poisonous Dream

Page 20

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "That sounds like a proposal, silly," I whispered, smiling as a tear rolled down my cheek.

  He smiled back, wiping away my tear and pressing a soft kiss on my lips. "I guess I should have got a nice ring when we went to Earthala. Hmm...but knowing the others, they would have crucified me if I proposed to you first," he mumbled, appearing deep in thought.

  I giggled. "Kai and Ryder would fight non-stop, you would complain with Marcus and Elias, knowing everyone else would hear you, and Eli would just cause a fit and demand to get to choose the ring."

  Daniel chuckled. "I think your brothers would want a say too, before the Queen and ugh, this seems pretty complicated. How about we just all get you a promise ring?" Daniel suggested.

  "Will it be pink? Or that rose gold color Scarlet has an obsession with?" I questioned, remembering the pinkish gold color Scarlet explained was a new trend among humans and shifters.

  "Anything you want. Eli's better at picking jewelry though. I'll just kidnap her," he confirmed, looking determined which made me smile.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. "I missed you."

  "I missed you more."

  "I'm sorry."

  "I thought we agreed no more apologies?"


  "No more buts. What's done is done, and we've made up," he whispered, kissing my neck.

  I moaned as his hand moved down my back, sending a trail of shivers through me. "Daniel."

  "Yes, Mako?"

  "I'm going to be paralyzed forever, right? You’re...okay with that? Okay with having to help me do certain things? What if I eventually become a burden to all of you?"

  Daniel pulled back, his hands cradled my face. "Makoto. If I have to say this every single day for the rest of our existence, I will. You will never be a burden to any of us. We are your destined knights and we love you with all our hearts. When you love someone, nothing is a burden."

  I took a breath, nodding. Before I could open my mouth to apologize, Daniel raised an eyebrow, silencing me.

  "No more apologies," he reminded.

  "Okay. Can I say thank you?" I whispered, giving him a hesitant smile.

  He grinned. "It depends on why you're thanking me?"

  "You took care of me multiple times, right? You'd kiss me goodnight, healed me when I was asleep and you comforted Midnight when she had nightmares," I whispered.

  His cheeks flushed, glancing away in embarrassment.

  "How did you find out?"

  "I was half awake. And Midnight told me you'd check on her while I was dormant," I revealed.

  "Oh," he replied, giving me a relieved smile.

  "It's a part of the being your lover contract," he joked.

  "Uh huh. I don't remember signing one," I replied.

  "Your sleepwalking self signed it. She knows what's best for you." He winked, making me laugh.

  "Oh, really? I wonder how she possibly did that." I rolled my eyes.

  It didn't hurt as much to think about the fact I wouldn't be able to walk normally like before. Now that I knew they wouldn't leave me for my disability, it made it easier to accept my fate.

  Daniel noticed my sudden silence, lifting my head up to stare into his calculating gaze.

  "Makoto. Can I try something?" he requested.

  I blinked, unsure why he looked so serious, but nodded. "Sure." I had one hundred percent trust in Daniel and knew nothing he would try on me would cause any harm.

  He slid off the bed, helping me sit up with my back pressed against the headboard. I looked at him in confusion as he lifted his shirt and removed his glasses, setting them on the counter of one of the dressers in the corner of my room. He returned to the end of the bed; Nightmare stood up and moved to sit on my legs.

  I gave her a weird look, but she just stared back at me before turning her attention back to Daniel.

  He stared at my legs for a few minutes before trailing a finger up my leg. He had to pause and lift his finger as he moved over Nightmare before continuing the trail. He did the same on my other leg, moving his hand so it didn't bother Nightmare's tails that rested on my right leg.

  "Mako, you didn't feel any of that right?" Daniel confirmed.

  I frowned. "Of course not. I can't even feel Nightmare sitting there," I pointed out, confused at his question.

  "Okay." Daniel nodded, crossing his arms as he pondered for a moment. He tilted his head, looking deep in thought as if he was talking to Azriel.

  "Makoto. I'm going to try something. I need your permission and if Midnight's there, I need hers too," he announced.

  "You need both our permission?" I tilted my head, feeling even more confused than before.

  "Yes. I need both your permission," he confirmed, nodding as if he'd solved a math problem- those gold orbs lifting to stare directly at me.

  I saw how determined he was, feeling whatever he had figured out would make a dramatic difference in my life. I felt Midnight nudge into my mind, feeling her curiosity and confusion alongside mine.

  "What do you want to do?" I questioned.

  "I need to use my gift," Daniel replied.

  We remained silent, trying to figure out how his gift had anything to do with this.

  Daniel continued, "My gift is able to make people feel. I can make you happy, sad, angry or in love. If I direct my gift on a certain limb of the body and use my magic to enhance its effect, I can make a lifeless limb work again, with the right amount of magic," he explained.

  It took us a full minute to comprehend what he just explained. When it finally clicked, my eyes grew wide in shock; Midnight just as surprised.

  "That’s...not possible." I could hear the disbelief in my soft-spoken voice, trying to ignore the spark of hope that flickered within me at the thought of getting my ability to walk back.

  Daniel took a deep breath, the markings on his shoulder blades began to glow as his eyes darkened to a light copper.

  "This may hurt. I've only tried this as a test on Midnight," he disclosed.


  "Daniel had tried this once when I was half awake. I'd accidentally kicked Kai off the bed without using magic, but I wasn't able to use my leg after that," Midnight explained.

  I watched his hand trail up my leg as before, holding my breath as his hand moved over Nightmare and continued. I was ready to lose hope when I felt a slight pinch, causing me to flinch.

  Daniel paused, staring at me, "Did you feel that?" he questioned.

  "Yes," I whispered.

  He nodded, His hand going to my right leg. He began doing the same thing, his markings glowing brighter than before. Before he reached Nightmare's tails, I hissed, my leg moving slightly away from his hand.

  "Mew." Nightmare hopped onto my left leg, turning around and inspecting the spot where Daniel stopped. She licked the spot. My mouth fell open and I struggled to speak.

  "Mako..." Midnight trailed off, feeling just as stunned as I was.

  "Mako?" Daniel's eyes returned to normal, walking back to my side; his hand relaxed on my shoulder.

  I blinked, a tear rolled down my cheek as I stared at Nightmare who was nuzzling the spot.

  "I...can...feel," I whispered. I couldn't feel my entire leg, but could feel Nighty's licks and her nuzzling the spot with her soft furry head. The feeling was fading, dulling slowly until the sensation stopped completely, but I had hope.

  He can heal me...I won't be stuck like this forever.

  Daniel pulled me into his arms.

  "Mako, no more tears. Hey. You're supposed to be happy," Daniel whispered. His voice cracked, but he took a deep breath.

  "I am happy. Dammit, Daniel, you can heal me. How...did you possibly figure this out? But wait. This can't be permanent. It's just temporary, right?" I argued, not wanting to accept it.

  He pulled back to help wipe my tears, a tear of his own rolling down his cheek. "There were two other people who experienced what you have. In both situations, an Archangel healed them using their gift. It w
as a lengthy process, but it worked. When I researched, my gift is still ranked stronger than the previous angel shifters. That means it will take me fewer attempts to heal your legs. But it's energy costing for both individuals. I have a theory that was proven to's a little tricky," he mumbled the last sentence, his face growing red.

  "Why is it tricky?" I whispered, curious as to why his face was red.

  "My gift is amplified with my emotions. If I'm super happy, sad, angry or...aroused, my gift doubles in strength," he whispered not meeting my eyes.

  Happy, sad, angry....

  "Aroused. Samuel...said something about that. The stronger an Archangel loves someone, the more it amplifies the effect of their gift on their lover or people around them. If Daniel kissed you and used his gift to intensify the kiss, it would be double or triple the effect on you. Same goes for using his healing powers," Midnight explained before she drifted out of my mind, leaving me to ponder on her theory.

  My cheeks grew red as Daniel's eyes locked back on mine.

  "You...mean...if we...have um. You know. Your gift doubles or triples in strength?" I whispered.

  He nodded. "Not a lot of people know about it. To be honest, I didn't know it worked in that department," he confessed.

  "Did the other two individuals use your theory?" I questioned, smirking. I knew Daniel wasn't saying this out of benefit, but must have found some type of evidence backing this up. That would be the only reason why he'd mention it.

  "The second individual had relations with an Archangel. He healed her using that method though it took a few times," he replied, voice low.

  "Interesting," I whispered, leaning forward and kissing him.

  We shared a simple kiss, wanting to tame my excitement. There had been so much tension growing between us, although some of it left when we had our time at the hot springs down on Earthala.

  But thanks to everything that happened, it felt nice to enjoy a simple kiss. I knew deep down more ravishing things were approaching.



  "Before we do this, I want to say one thing."

  "What is it, Daniel?"

  "I love you. Love every part of you. The good, the bad, when you're angry or sad. I adore you and hope you realize how precious you are in my life. I was a fool to not tell you this earlier, but I won't be a fool twice. I'll never lose sight of my love for you, and if by some chance I do, let the stars knock some sense into me."

  "I love you too, Daniel Moore," I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck as he pulled me into a deep kiss.

  It felt like all my worries and troubles had left my tense shoulders; my heart fluttered with delight to finally clear the uneasiness between us. Sure, we had a lot to share with one another, and I might not know everything about him, but we had all the time in the world. Now that we were in Heila, I'd finally be able to enjoy learning everything about my angel star knight.

  I'd spent time with him and the others, discovering new traits about each of them and growing stronger together. I didn't know when I'd meet my final star knight, but I vowed I'd do the same when the time came.

  I'll love them with all my heart, and this time, I won't let the darkness tear us apart.


  "Mako, ah."

  I grinned against his hot flesh, my tongue trailing along the markings on his shoulder blades. I didn't know his markings were so sensitive, making me want to explore just how responsive he'd be.

  He groaned, his eyes rolling back as his head fell back.

  My body tingled; my arousal grew rather quickly just from the sound of his husky voice as I continued my assault. I felt daring, wanting to explore every inch of his chest. I lowered till my tongue trailed his nipple, sucking it. He moaned, leaning back so his nipple was away from me. I lifted my gaze to his heated gold eyes that flickered on and off— struggling to stay in control.

  Sensitive spot.

  "Indeed," Hope whispered, sensing her growing craving for a certain angel spirit who was fighting for dominance. I grinned, enjoying the effect I was causing.

  "Clothes off," Daniel ordered.

  My grin widened. " that a request or a demand?" I didn't know where this wave of confidence came from, but I was enjoying every minute of it as Daniel's hooded eyes made a slow descent to the white t-shirt that clung to my body as I relaxed below him.

  A mischievous grin formed on his lips as he hovered over me. Both of his hands wrapped around my wrist, stopping me from attempting to feel his defined muscles and warm skin.

  "I can't take my shirt off if you have me pinned, Daniel," I pointed out, grinning.

  His smile only widened, his gold eyes growing a tad darker. He lowered his smooth lips onto my neck, right on top of my sensitive spot.

  I moaned, louder than expected at the sensation that sent ripples through me; my heart began to race at the immense amount of pleasure I felt from that single kiss. His kiss didn't linger, beginning to trail down— each kiss sent shockwaves of pleasure and desire, a combination that made my arousal go up and down like a seesaw.

  "Mako, you have to be careful when you tempt me," he warned, moving my hands above my head, pinning my wrist while his other hand trailed down my chest.

  He cupped my left breast in his large hands, squeezing ever so gently, but the simple action felt like he'd sucked the living daylights out of me. Another moan escaped my lips as I arched my back. He hadn't even reached my entrance which was soaking wet, yet I was on the verge of cumming. I lowered my eyes to see his satisfied smile at my reaction. His hand left my breast and trailed down my waist.

  I could feel the sensation until he reached my lower thighs, giving me a moment to catch my breath. Before I could relax, a slow jolt of energy went through me, causing me to close my eyes as I bit my lip, trying to stop another moan from reaching his ears.

  He noticed my attempt to hide my response to his touch. My reward was feeling him grip my leg, feeling every inch of his hand pressed against my once numb skin.

  I smiled up at him, fighting his hold. I needed to show him how much this meant to me; how his long, strenuous efforts made me feel whole again, even if I wasn't at one hundred percent.

  He must have read my facial expression, leaning back down to mash those swollen lips against mine— both of us fighting for supremacy as our tongues took over— entwining with one another as we both moaned and deepened the kiss.

  The way his mouth fit mine in every way made me hungry for more— to escape his strong hold so my hands had freedom to roam his body and explore unknown territory.

  He finally granted my wish, letting go of my hands and leaning back so I could sit up, pulling my shirt off and throwing it somewhere across the room.

  I was in a rush to have my lips back on his, leaning forward to kiss him while my hands caressed the sides of his waist before they settled on his six-pack. We continued to kiss, enjoying sucking, moaning and biting as we took turns having control over the other.

  He continued to work on my legs that were resting between his as he maintained a wide kneeling stance. When we parted, gasping for air, he made his way off the bed, causing me to growl. He grinned, enjoying my disappointment, which didn't last long— my eyes trailing down to his pants.

  His hands reached the button of his black khakis, unbuttoning them and unzipping the gold metal before sliding them down to the floor, pulling his silk gold boxers with them and revealing his long length that was hard and ready.

  I didn't feel embarrassed at taking a few extra seconds to admire his manhood, biting my lip in efforts to convince myself that I didn't want to taste him in my mouth and suck on his hardness. I didn't know why I craved to hear Daniel's moans, but as I continued to stare at his erect cock, I was losing the battle.

  "Mako. I need you to look at me for a second," Daniel ordered.

  It took a few tries before I was able to face him, my body whining to have him in me and return to the heated conversation our bod
ies were having seconds ago.

  "I'm having a much stronger response to us. Meaning, if we continue, this is going to be a very intense experience. Doesn't matter what pace we take. You will cum more than once and it's going to be hard to wrap your head around it. But, I want this to be a good experience while I try this theory out. So, I'm saying this to warn you. Do you understand?" he lectured.

  My fuzzy mind had picked up about forty percent of his words, but it summarized it as intense sex, slow or fast, I'll enjoy every second and I shouldn't question it. Easy.

  "Uh huh," I replied, returning my gaze to his cock, already imagining him burying himself inside me.

  He chuckled, shaking his head. "Your attention span, baby," he whispered, his hand brushing against my cheek before he pulled me into another kiss. He licked my bottom lip, tugging at it gently before his hand left my cheek and both of them laid on my lower thighs.

  "Remember, Mako—" Daniel began.

  "Intense, hot, will make you moan till I beg to stop, passionate sex that you want to make sure I want. Stop stalling and let me fuck you," I growled.

  He blinked, confusion on his face before he grinned, clearly amused at my growing frustration. I knew my behavior was rather erratic, but my body ached to cum and it only grew with every passing second.

  "As you wish, my love," he whispered.

  I groaned, his hands making a slow descent down my legs, I could feel the lingering sensation from his magic, making my skin feel hot and prickly. He had to maneuver off the bed to reach my feet, his shoulder blades glowing until I could literally move my legs.

  He didn't delay, climbing back on the King size bed, allowing me to move on top of him. I wanted to rejoice at the movement, having my independence to move back in my grasp, even if it was temporary, but my pussy pulsed and constricted, needing to cum desperately and only Daniel could cure the ongoing ache of desire. My hand gripped his length, causing him to give me a lustful glint.


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