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Poisonous Dream

Page 33

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I grinned at her outer monologue, clearly talking with the others through their knight bond.

  "I'll be off. Be safe for me," she bid farewell.

  "I'll be a good girl and wait for Xavier in the library. I'll see you tomorrow." I waved goodbye.

  I watched the door close, sitting back down on the bed. Nightmare uncurled herself, hopping back onto my nap before curling up to sleep.

  "You’re tired today," I pointed out.

  "Mew," she replied.

  "Hmm. Let's go wait for Xavier and then you can get some fresh air," I proposed.

  Nightmare lifted her head up in glee, beginning to jump up and down in my lap, excited to go outside.

  "Alright, I know you're excited." I giggled as I stroked her head. Her tails slowly waved back and forth, glowing a light pink.

  "Let's go meet my older brother."

  I glanced at the phone, staring at the image of EliaseAnne in her uniform. I was waiting for Xavier, standing at the window to gaze at the beautiful star-filled sky that twinkled above our massive garden.

  I was so tempted to go for a walk, but I wanted to follow Eli's orders. As a princess, my knights knew best and I wouldn't mind having some quality time with Xavier.

  I heard footsteps, looking back to see a man at the entrance. He was 6'2 in height with broad shoulders, but a slim build. His hair was a gorgeous silver, almost looking unnatural and very different from the blond-haired boy I remembered. The only familiar characteristic was his striking blue eyes that locked onto mine.

  He was frowning, making me knit my eyebrows in confusion. Why does he look angry?

  He closed the door before he walked toward me, stopping a few steps from me. Nightmare jumped onto my shoulder, her tails wrapped around my neck before she hissed— her tails glowing red.

  "Nightmare, calm down. It's just Xavier," I hushed her, but she still continued; the hairs of her white fur began to lift up. I returned my gaze to my brother, unsure how to react. I didn't feel like I was in danger, but Nightmare never hissed at someone or something unless they had the intention of hurting me physically or emotionally.


  His hands raised until he began to clap.

  I was now even more confused at his applause as he kept clapping. What's wrong with him?

  He finally spoke. "How does it feel? To be successful in your little plot?" he questioned, his voice cold and hard.

  What? Plot?

  "What are you talking about?" I demanded.

  "How much did you pay a fairy to glamour that look. I have to admit, whoever it is does a good job at making you look exactly like my baby sister. I guess he's in to get some type of reward after you try and claim our throne," Xavier huffed.

  "Glamour? Look-alike? What are you trying to say? I am your sister," I replied.

  "You really think I'm going to fall for your little games? I can't believe Kade. Falling for this trick, again. After all those cycles of fakes trying to claim to be our baby sister, only to find out their disguise within hours. I'm impressed you've lasted this long. Four rotations? Wow." He crossed his arms as he exhaled.

  I stared at him in disbelief, unsure what to say. He seriously doesn't believe me.

  "Of course I don't believe you. Hah, you even talk out loud. Is that a sympathy trick you pulled out of your deck of lies? I'm beyond impressed you'd go this far to convince my family that you're my sister," Xavier snarled.

  "Xavi—" I tried to defend, but he took a step forward; the way his eyes darkened made me afraid, prompting me to step back defensively.

  "Don't call me by name as if you know me. You don't know me. I won't fall for your stupid game," he hissed.

  I remained silent, biting my lip as I tried to calm my heart. I needed to not react to his harsh words, but I struggled.

  He didn't know me, yet with no evidence, he was accusing me of being a fake and under the thin layer of fear within me, deep below bubbled a whole lot of anger.

  His eyes lowered to my neck, noticing the rose gold heirloom that was resting on my chest, peeking through the gap in material that showed a glimpse of my cleavage in my long-sleeved tunic.

  "Unbelievable. You were even able to con Mom and Dad into give you that? Did you search for it and draw that royalty mark on you too? You're really in to win it aren't you," he spat, shaking his head in dismay.

  "You just met me, yet you're accusing me of all these things. Why don't you go ask Kade or my knights like Ryder?" I proposed, clenching my fists to stop them from trembling.

  "Ryder and the others? Hah. They must be blinded by your beauty. I bet everyone's blind. The boys were so desperate after spending sixteen cycles training and searching for you. One reported hint after cycles of your disappearance and they hit the jackpot? I can't believe they're so fucking foolish. You could have planted that hint and snuck into that facility to get their pity and remorse. Now I hear they're all in love with you. Excellent work. Must be nice to be a slut. Give a group of dogs a bone and they'll fall for anything. I should have never believed in that group of—"


  I felt my hand throb with pain as it still stayed in place, my eyes looking back at Xavier whose left cheek already began to grow a bright red. He looked at me in shock, opening his mouth to speak, but I wouldn't dare let him.

  "Sixteen cycles. I fought to survive for all that time knowing I was nothing but an orphan. Sixteen cycles I was tortured, experimented on and forced to kill my fellow shifters as entertainment. Sixteen cycles I begged the gods to give me a chance at freedom and let me find somewhere I belonged. I didn't ask to be rescued. I begged the gods to have a purpose and find my worth. You think I asked to be taken? To watch my best friend die?" I questioned him, narrowing my eyes as they filled with tears.

  "You know nothing about me aside from the six cycles I was in your life. Just like you know nothing about the sixteen cycles I've faced alone. Even though I don't know how my disappearance affected you, I would never accuse you of being a fake. You can throw insults at me, or belittle me. But I won't stand here and allow you to stand there and insult MY MEN! They've done everything for me. They fed me, clothed me. Fuck, they carried me and protected me. When I couldn't fucking walk....they didn't reject me. They showed me compassion and love that no shifter or human has ever given to me. So don't you DARE stand there and insult them," I warned.

  I walked right into his personal space, not needing Hope's gift to know what he was doing.

  "You're afraid. You don't want to get your hopes up and have them shattered yet again. You've built a wall to protect yourself from any more disappointment. That's why you're doing this. You don't want to believe it's really me because that trickle of fear inside you that’s telling you that I'll be another illusion. Go ahead and continue protecting yourself. In fact, I don't even need you to take me to the garden. I can go by myself since I'm the fake Princess of Heila, I'll be perfectly fine on my own. I'll wait for my fake knights to come and ensure my safety." I moved around him, needing to leave before I actually broke something. I reached the door, stopping as my handle on the memories of my childhood flashed through my mind.

  "You know I died when I got here. I actually died and got to see my life flash before my eyes. I saw when I was born. You were the first allowed to hold me. You helped me walk, and read me and Kade bedtime stories. You always walked around with that stupid horn thing that made me cry when I was sleepwalking around the halls. You always followed me when I walked around the halls, even though Nightmare never left my side. vowed to choose who got to like and marry me. You were the best big brother I could ask for and now that I have my memories back, I wish I hadn't acquired them. Because your words hurt, Xavier. Hmph. I guess I always knew Kade was my favorite brother," I whispered, opening the door and slamming it shut.

  I made my way down the hall, out to the garden. I was glad the guards were switching shifts, not having to see my tear stained cheeks as I cried.

  Nightmare whim
pered, nuzzling her head against my cheek.

  I patted her head as I smiled. "I'm okay. Why don't you go run around? I'll sit right here and calm down," I soothed.

  She didn't want to go, wrapping her tails around my neck. "Mew."

  "Okay, you can keep me company till I stop crying. Then you can run around and chase the fireflies," I suggested.

  Nightmare purred in agreement, returning to nuzzling her head against my cheek.

  I laughed, more tears rolling down my cheek. I reached a section of the garden that was surrounded by flower bushes, giving me the privacy to sit down and cry. I cried and cried, unsure why his words hurt so much. A part of me knew I wouldn't be accepted so easily, but Kade, Mom, and Dad had been so loving. Why couldn't Xavier be the same?

  I knew he was hurt. I could see it in his eyes with a hint of regret after I'd said what had to be stated. Why couldn't he just be honest? Why couldn't he share that he was afraid to accept me? I bet he could tell I was his sister, and I prayed my admission to remembering my memories was enough proof for him to give me a chance.

  After twenty minutes of crying, I calmed, playing a candy game that humans on Earthala were obsessed with while Nightmare ran off to chase fireflies. My eyes would flicker to the colorful bracelet that sparkled in the moonlight from time to time, already missing my star knights and wishing they were here to comfort me.

  I was starting the next level when I heard Nightmare's soft whimpers.

  "Nightmare?" I called out. I shuffled to my feet, following her soft sounds till I saw her little white frame.

  She snarled, sneezing and coughing as she struggled to get out of the bush she was in.

  I jolted to her side, getting her out of the bush before holding my breath at the weird scent.

  I pushed off the ground, jumping as far away from it before placing Nightmare onto my lap.

  She whimpered, struggling to move but couldn't.

  "It's okay, stay still for a second," I urged, closing my eyes as I summoned my magic. I automatically knew the scent as Nephala, a bush that caused paralysis. Mother warned me about the plant, but ensured we had none in our garden.

  I felt the growing warmth come from my bracelet; the two sapphire beads glowed gently.

  Nightmare’s whimpers stopped as she calmed, falling to sleep.

  "Nighty?" I whispered.

  She stayed still, breathing in and out.

  I sighed in relief, raising the bracelet to eye level— watching the beads dim.

  That must have been Marcus' ability to calm.

  I scooped Nightmare up, unsure how to hold her. I snuggled her against my chest, thankful that my long-sleeved tunic had a space to show a little cleavage, or what Scarlet had said was human’s way to have a sophisticated but daring look.

  "Don't worry, Nightmare. I'll get Mom or Kade to heal you," I comforted, lifting my phone to text Eli who I knew had her phone.

  ME: Eli. Nightmare somehow got caught in Nephala bush. Me coming to find yo—

  I typed away, ready to finish the sentence when something hard hit my head; my body fell forward. I felt an arm wrap around my waist, stopping me from hitting the ground.

  The world went black.


  "This meeting is so boring," Elias muttered struggling to stay awake within my mind.

  I gave him a mental nod, begging the gods to end our misery and let us out early. I glanced around the room. Kai and Ryder on my left, leaning against the wall. Both of them had their eyes closed as they listened to Matthew explain the schedule for the third time. I looked over to my right to see Marcus and Daniel relaxed on the other side of the wall— Marcus staring at the ceiling while Daniel was aimlessly cleaning his glasses for the ninth time.

  This meeting can't get any worse. I felt the vibration of my phone. I glanced at Matthew who was writing something on the board, giving me a chance to slip my iPhone out my pocket. I knew I wasn't supposed to have it on me, but I didn't have time to put it away thanks to the guys summoning back to get this silly meeting started.

  I frowned at the text message from Makoto.

  Our Princess: Eli. Nightmare somehow got caught in Nephala bush. Me coming to find yo—

  I stared at the text; confused as to why she didn't finish. Marcus and I taught her the functions and she'd become a pro within a day. She wouldn't send an unfinished message.

  "EliaseAnne, what's wrong?" Ryder asked.

  I lifted my eyes to meet the other’s gazes as they all looked my way.

  "Mako said Nightmare got caught in a Nephala bush. She's coming over," I announced.

  "Nephala? That's a rare bush. I thought the gardeners had to check every night to make sure there's none growing in the garden," Daniel reminded.

  "That's how it should be," Marcus advised, looking just as disturbed at the others.

  "She didn't finish the text though," I admitted, my gut telling me something was wrong.

  "Who's she's with?" Ryder asked.

  "She should be with Xavier. I met him on my way back here. I explained we had a meeting and told him Mako was in the library waiting for him to take her out for a walk in the garden," I described.

  I noticed Kai's dazed eyes, the markings on his hands glowing brightly. I opened my mouth to speak when a rush of fear ran through us— the emotion strong enough to surpass our knight bond with ease.

  We all cursed, grabbing our heads.

  "Fuck. Kai? What's wrong?" Ryder hissed, looking to be in the worst pain.

  "Mako....fuck, danger!" Kai fell to his knees clutching his head.

  Matthew and Daniel were immediately at his side— Marcus, Ryder and I exchange looks.

  "Kai where?" Daniel pressed.

  "Garden...hurry. Please," Kai begged, tears streaming down his cheeks.

  We rushed out the door, running at full speed. Kade turned the corner looking completely shocked as we rushed past. He trailed after us, catching up with ease.

  "What's going on?" he questioned.

  "Mako! She's in danger. She texted Eli saying Nightmare got into a Nephala bush, but didn't finish her text message. Kai said she's in the garden," Marcus explained.

  I rushed ahead of them, using the wind to help me glide into the garden.

  I pulled out my phone, clicking the specific app we had in case we lost track of Mako down on Earthala. I noticed the blinking red dot on the map, showing she was close. I turned to my right, moving down to the area with a bunch of rose bushes.

  I reached the spot, cursing as I saw Mako's phone laying on the ground. Marcus, Ryder, and Kade reached where I was, their eyes immediately lowered to her phone that was still in the exact spot.

  "Mother Starlight! Sound the alarms!" Kade roared, the nearby guards on duty rushed back into the castle to sound the intruder alarms.

  I zoned everyone out, focusing on my energy.

  Where are you, Mako? C'mon.

  I picked up her energy— the location felt so far, I struggled to stay focused. I needed to focus, calling upon my energy to help give me an image. It would drain me significantly, but we'd have a picture of who had Makoto.

  The vision finally focused: A tall man held an unconscious Makoto in his arms. The side of her had blood, her head hung back and her brown curly locks swayed back and forth by the movement of the individual carrying her. Nightmare was tucked against her chest, looking to be unconscious.

  Mako's arms dangled lifelessly, my mind noticing she wore the bracelet I’d given her.

  I finally focused my attention on the tall man that was carrying her. He wore a tailored dark purple suit, his silver hair elegantly tied in a ponytail. His white gloves were stained with blood that I knew was Mako’s.

  I stopped, as he summoned some type of portal before him. He looked over his shoulder as if I was now behind him instead of before where I got a front image of the both of them.

  His violet purple eyes locked onto mine, a sad expression formed on his face before it was replaced with a blank
one. He walked into the portal, disappearing from sight and the image and signal cutting off.

  I groaned, feeling faint. My knees buckled, my body fell backwards.


  Someone caught me, shook me, and called my name, but I couldn't fight the exhaustion that claimed me. I tried and tried to open my eyes, to share the vivid image of Jeffrey taking Makoto to who knows where, but it was too much for me to take.

  I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I let the darkness take me; craving to escape the thick amount of dread that burned through me.

  Makoto...Midnight. No...I don't think we can handle losing you again. Please no...

  The image of those purple pair of eyes haunted me in the darkness that claimed me.

  He's won, yet again. And now our Princess is missing.


  I moaned, the constant pounding through my head made it hard for me to stay conscious. I fought long and hard, finally after fifteen minutes having enough strength to raise my head.

  I didn't know where I was, looking to be in some type of room. It felt like we were on some type of ship, the swaying of the room made me nauseous.


  My eyes grew wide, lowering my head to see Nighty still pressed against my chest. I sighed in relief, lowering my head so she could nuzzle her nose against mine.

  "You okay, Nighty?" I croaked. My throat felt dry and I felt extremely weak.

  "Mew..." she whimpered.

  I realized she still couldn't move, the Nephala still in effect.

  "It's going to be okay. The guys will find us," I comforted her, hoping my words would calm my fears.

  "They won't be able to find you for a while," a familiar voice announced.

  I lifted my head to see Jeffrey walk out from the shadows. "Jeffrey," I greeted, biting my lip as I glared at him.

  He gave me a sad smile, looking like he regretted this— leaving me confused.

  "We meet again Makoto. Or should I say Rosalina," he suggested.


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