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Adien: The Sons Of The Apocalypse MC

Page 3

by Unknown

  Give her my locker I can just use the office to store my shit. Make sure to give her the biggest discount with out making it look like a hand out. And no one and I mean no one touches her shes mine.

  Throwing my phone on the bed I strip and jump in the shower. Getting ready to take my girl out. Just thinking about what I have planned tonight puts a smile on my face.

  Ella informed me shes a virgin and not to fuck with her. I of course just nod my head. Let her think I'm going be good so she doesn’t rat me out to Tessa. She would cut my balls off and feed them to me.

  Just that thought has me smiling. I know what the fuck you thinking. That shits funny. My perspective is at least shes touching them.

  Honestly I’m not a one woman man. I just want to hit it. Finding out I’ll be her first makes my dick that much harder. But it changes nothing I’m gonna hit that shit and bounce.

  That’s another reason I don’t want her to know I own the gym I may be a selfish prick but I know how much this means to her. I'm not gonna look to closely at that last thought.

  Knowing shes pure. I know its going to take some time to get in her pants. So I’m slowly buttering her up. I hope soon she'll put out because to be honest this hard on is really starting to hurt.

  I don't know how may times I have had to take care of it my self like now. I grab my dick in my hand closing my eyes I think of climbing up Tessa's body pushing her legs apart with my knees and settling in between them.

  Rubbing my dick agents her clit... squeezing my dick I slowly move my hand up and down ….slowly pushing my dick inside her tight wet pussy. I hit the proof of her virginity.

  She mellows and I press my lips to hers as I slam my dick all the way into her.... that’s it my balls draw up tight and my seed shots out over and over its one of the longest orgasm I have ever had.

  Getting out I dry my self off. Heading into my room to dress. My phone starts going off. “yeah?” I answer. No hello just straight to the point. “we found him” was all Brandon said and really there’s no need to ask who hes referring to.

  “Get everyone together tell them to meet at the gym” I end the call before putting my cloths on. I walk out of the house and climb on to my Harley and head to the gym. Time to see my old friend David. Just thinking of the shit I’m gonna do to him puts a smile on my face.

  Pulling up in front of the gym I climbing off my bike and take long strides up to the door. Before unlocking it and going in.

  I head right to the basement that’s were my buddy David is as well as all the members of the club. They deserve to be here. This affects all of them all but Ella of course she don’t need to see the shit that's about to go down. and I don’t think Brandon will be to happy even if I let her.

  Walking down the stairs I take in every one standing around in a circle around David. Who is tied to a chair. When he sees me he flips his shit and starts flailing around trying to get out of the bonds holding him.

  This makes me smile. He knows whats coming and he should be very afraid. I may seem like the sweet guy around my Tessa.

  Shit did i say my Tess fuck never mind back to more important shit like torturing David.

  I watch his eyes get real big as I make my way over to him. “Where is it?” I ask trying to keep calm “he doesn’t say anything. “I asked you were the guns and money you stole are?” letting a little of the anger seep into my voice.

  Still nothing “I kneel down so I can look him right in the eyes “David you stole from your own club, your own brothers and sisters....” I trail off hoping the bastard will talk. Still nothing I sigh. With out taking my eyes from him.

  “They’re none to happy with you David. You didn’t just fuck me you fucked them as well..” I pause “and they want nothing more then a piece of you and I might just give them that, what do you think? You gonna answer me or do I just write it off and give them what they want hmm?” I watch his eyes get bigger as they scan the room hoping to find something but coming up empty.

  “Ready to talk? If you give me something I might make it a little easier on you” I say simply

  And just like that words pour out of his mouth “you know I would never do anything to hurt you Adien, but I stopped at a bar had a few drinks, had a few bitch’s and the next thing I know its gone. The ten grand and the guns. I didn’t know what to do” he pleaded with his eyes for understanding and forgiveness unfortunately for him is something I cant and don’t possess.

  Instead of replying I stand up and punch him right in the face. Looking over my shoulder I make eye contact with Jace, Davids best friend I nod my head and step back.

  Brandon unties David we both give them space “stand up” Jace growls at David. David shakes his head no and Jace doesn’t give him a second chance he grabs him by the throat and drags him from the chair.

  Jace kicks the chair away and proceed to beat the shit out of David. David being a smart man trys to fight back. He knows hes fighting for his life. I watch as David falters. But Jace is relentless he just keeps punching him.

  Stepping in I grab Jaces shoulder and let him know its time. Handing Jace his gun I watch as he pulls the trigger hitting David in the head and ending him quick like I promised. I made a deal with Jace that instead of me doing it he wanted to be the one.

  Were it was his buddy I agreed letting him know I trusted him with out a doubt. I also promised David if he talked I would make it easier and I did he got a fighting chance he went out fighting and less painful.

  Putting my hand on Jace's shoulder I give a squeeze and turn to look at Jesse letting him know to clean this shit up.

  Turning on my heals I go upstairs and head home. Truth be told I feel nothing not even a twinge that Davids gone.

  Chapter 9


  Beep, beep, beep not even bothering to open my eyes I reach over and grab my alarm clock pulling until the cord was pulled from the plug I drop it on the floor and roll over.

  Ugh even though I took care of the problem I couldn’t fall back a sleep. I fucking hate Mondays its that day of the week everyone dreads. Its that one day when your like someone stab me with a spork.

  You know the eating utensil that was created when a spoon and a fork decided to spawn. It's kinda freaky the way it looks like spoon with teeth.

  Groaning I flop out of bed. Yes when I say flop I mean flop. Hitting the floor I groan again rubbing my now soar ass.

  Time to face the day. Not that I want to. Like I said the most hated day of the week. I walk over to my bathroom and strip before climbing into the warm goodness the shower provides.

  Moaning as water cascades down my body. Hating that I half to get out I scrub up and linger for a few seconds. Preparing my self for the evadable I climb out and walk over to my closet.

  Putting on a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a tank top that reads “I’m not bipolar I’m multi-polar that's when I laugh so hard I cry as I beat the shit out of you!” with a smiley face.

  Pulling on my black ankle boots I deiced to apply eyeliner, mascara, and some light eye shadow before pulling my hair into a pony tail. Climbing into my baby I drag my self to school.

  The first person I see when I get there is Ella my best friend we have that relationship that this saying goes perfect with “a friend is someone who will calm you down when your pissed. but a best friend will skip beside you swinging a bat singing someones gonna get it.” yup that fits us perfectly.

  Putting a huge smile on my face. That isn’t very hard now that Ella is here. I skip over to her and link our arms together before we make our way into the school. And over to our lockers.

  As soon as my locker closes the bell rings for class ugh. Dragging my feet I make my way to the first part of my long ass day.

  Surprisingly the day was passing way faster then I thought. I would tell you about my morning. But I didn’t give two shits about was going on. so I zoned out into the blankness only snapping out of it to go to the next class for a repeat.

  I skipped
my way over to our lunch table plopping my ass down next to one of my new best friend Jesse. Who gives me a big smile before Adien the prick grabs his attention none to nicely.

  Shrugging my shoulders I turn to Ella “we need to meet up to practice for the talent show” she says while bouncing excitedly in her chair sighing I nod my head before saying “when do you want to meet up so I can plan going to the gym around it. because I really need to get in there and practice with a partner some time soon its been a while and I could really use the computation you know?”

  “ooh I want to come with. I want to see you kick some poor guys ass” she says with a huge smile. “Thanks for the vote of confidence Ella. I was hoping to go over there tonight and get in some time you free?” I ask “hell yeah” she chirps.

  Grabbing my trash we head to the next class of the day. And once again I blank out that’s how I spent the rest of my day at school.

  Chapter 10


  Heading over to Ella’s to pick her up before heading to the gym. To my surprise I found out the day after we met that she lived a few house's down from me. Pulling up to the gate I watch as it slowly opens for me letting me know that someone in there knows I’m here.

  I pull up to the house and get out of the car and head towards the door. My foot didn't even touch the first step when the door fly’s open and you wont believe who opened the fucking door! Ding ding ding that’s right folks the only black hole known to man on the planet. The planet we call earth and we call it I mean her Amber.

  Shes standing there with this big smirk on her face as I slowly take in what shes wearing a fucking house robe really. I scrunch up my face in disgust as I run inside bellowing “Adien Adien... are you still with us Adien”

  Not even waiting for a response I turn to Amber and cast my eyes down to her whoha and say “ Adien are you in there? Adien can you hear me? I’m so sorry Adien I’ll make sure they know you went down with.... well I don’t know I guess I’ll think of something good to say even thought you went out by being sucked in to the man eating black hole I mean Amber!” by the time I’m done I’m whipping the fake tears out of my eyes.

  “you will be missed.” I watch Amber stomp her foot and scream her hands ball up into fists and just when I think I’ll get to beat the shit out of her again. You know get in a pre-sparing work out Ella flings her self at me and starts to cry “I loved my brother I always thought he would go out in a blaze of guns not like this..” I watch her sink to her knees keeping a good distance from Amber.

  “ big bro I love you and I want you to know I’ll look into finding a way to get you out of there some how some way....” she turns and looks at me and whispers/yells “ is it even possible to retract something from a black hole?”

  I shake my head sadly “...oh Adien I’ll make sure you get the best funeral service ever! I never did ask if you wanted cremated or a coffin well shit what am I gonna do now?” she looks up at Amber

  “Do you have a way to communicate with him? Ask him if he wants a urn or a coffin?” Ella asks with a straight face. How I don’t know. Its taking everything I have in me not to hit my knees and laugh my ass off.

  Clapping breaks through the now broken silence we all look up to the top of the stairs and Adien is standing there with multiple emotions passing a crossed his face anger, disgust, frustration and laughter.

  But before he says anything Jesse comes barreling towards us with out missing a beat he wraps his arms around me and starts to spin me around. I couldn’t help the squeal that flew out of my mouth “I love you Tess!” he all but screams in my ear.

  I pat his back awkwardly “Jesse put her the fuck down!” Adien growls and just like that my feet are on the ground and Adien is stomping down the stairs.

  I watch as he turns his attention from Jesse to Amber “What the fuck are you doing here Amber?” he growls out

  I watch fascinated as Amber try’s to look coy “Come on babe you know what I'm doing here. I thought we could spend some time together” she whispers seductively. Well trying to but failing miserably.

  Adiens eyes shift my way briefly before snapping back to Amber’s “Go the fuck home Amber I don't have time for you shit today.” he snaps in a very dark voice

  I watch entrance as Amber blinks a few times, Well more like twitches before replaying “come on babe you know you want to” she reaches her hand out and caress his chest.

  At this point I’m laughing I elbow Ella “hey you got some popcorn? I think I just found my knew favorite TV show” I whisper/yell with out removing her eyes from them.

  Ella whispers “no but we'll get some at the store later for next time!” “ooh I cant wait for more of “you know your a whore when...” I all but scream while jumping up and down.

  clapping like a two year old that just found a mountain made of chocolate Mm chocolate. I snap back to reality just as Amber storms off “well shit I missed the ending!” I pout.

  I turn to Ella “as fun as this was I really need to get my ass to the gym. I have a date with Tom” I say as I grab Ella’s hand and drag her to the door “I don’t want to be late” I all but yell at Ella.

  I hear Adien bellow “Who the fuck is Tom?” then I think it was Jesse “Tom is.....” I didn’t hear the rest I was already out the door and in my car and heading towards my date.

  Walking out of the locker room while pulling my hair into a messy bun. I make my way over to the MMA stile ring and my date Tom.

  Okay I just want to say what a fine date he is too short black hair, Grey colored eyes a strong jaw, slightly cricked nose that looks like he’s had it broken a few or multiple times.

  His tall six foot frame or you know giant six foot frame of white creamy toned skin that melts over a nice muscular body. A body that no where compares to Adien wait what? Never mind pushing all thoughts of yummy delectable likable. Snap the fuck out of it Tessa.

  Focusing on Tom I nod my head and so it begins. I watch him as he watches me waiting for my first move. I size him up he looks like a south paw or as some people like to say lefty.

  And then he strikes and low and behold he jabs with his left hand. Witch of course I block and jab with my right making contact with his temple as he tried to turn his head in a move to prevent my hit.

  Not even pausing my left elbow strikes his face and my right arm is up blocking his attempt to get a hit in. Grabbing him with my right. I pull my knee up and make contact with his flat muscular stomach. Using my left elbow I bring it down on his back eliciting a grunt.

  Tom hits the ground and I drop down at the last second he rolls over. Know I’m straddling his waist I punch him with my right then left, left again.

  Next thing hes on top of me. I wrap my legs around his waist as his lower half press into my whoha, Tom momentary pauses and lets out a soft groan at the contact.

  Not even giving a thought to his cock pressed against my whoha. I bring my left hand around the back of his neck grabbing his right side I pull and flipping us slightly. Before he knows whats happening I have him in an arm bar and Tom is tapping out.

  Okay I may have left out I also practice in muay thai. standing up Tom opens his mouth but before anything comes out his face pales and his eyes get huge as they focus on something behind my back.

  I turn around to look and see what the hell has Tom dam near having a panic attack and all I see is a very pissed off Adien. Shrugging I give him a wave and turn back to Tom who has disappeared oookay. I climb out of the ring and take off my gloves. I start to un-tape them. or as some people like to call it un-wrap them.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look at my shoulder and see a mans hand. I raise my eyes up to meet Adiens dark angry brown ones. “What the fuck was that Tessa?” he all but shouts at me. what the fuck is his problem?

  Before I could state my confusion Ella throws her self at me “You whopped his ass Tessa. You need to teach me some of that shit. I want to whip ass too.” every word that’s come out of her mouth has her voice
getting louder and louder.

  I just nod my head to let her know I agreed and turn my attention back to Adien who is gone.

  Shrugging my shoulders. I feel myself smiling as I head to the locker room to shower and change its been a good night.

  Chapter 11


  After beating the shit out of Tom. What the fuck did he think he was doing being all over my Tessa. I head to the basement to meet up with Jace “Where’s the shipment?” I cut strait to the point no need to pussy foot around.

  “It will be here in about 2 hours” he responds. I nod my head and start to pace “And Kevin?” I ask spiting his name out.

  “He's in disposed at the moment” he replies casually and shrugs his shoulders almost like hes talking about the weather.

  Kevin is the boss of The Aces MC a rival club who thinks they can come on to the The Sons Of The Apocalypse territory. My territory like I’m really gonna let that happen.

  Looking back at Jace “Good, good so no interruptions right?” I make sure to point out. I don’t need to add any threats Jace knows the consequences “Yes Jen is making sure Kevin is happy and stays put” he replies.

  I nod my head and smile. Jen is one of our many go to girls. She’s just as easy as Amber. The only difference. I have yet to use Amber as a tool. But only because I stick my shit in there you know.

  Turning I walk back up stairs and head out to the ware house to check preparations for the shipment.


  Skipping down the walk way headed to the ice cream coolers looking at all the choices as I go. And of course I’m not paying any attention.

  I skip right into some jackass who didn’t get out of my way. I mean didn’t they know I was having ice cream withdrawals. So I’m in bitch mode? Oh wait I’m in bitch mode all the time I mean homicidal mode.

  Looking up from my spot on the floor with a deadly glare. I make eye contact with greenish blue eyes. “You alright?” the giant asks “What the fuck do you think you over grown giant?” I hiss out.


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