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Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance

Page 94

by Mia Ford

  What the hell is that? My ears prick up, I hear sounds at last. Is that them?

  All of a sudden, I hear something from that side of the apartment. Banging and groaning. It sounds bad now, even worse than before. I race to the wall and press my ear up against it to hear deeper. This time if I hear anything that scares me I’ll race out and call the cops, no doubt about it. No one ever called the police for me, so I want to extend that courtesy for someone else.

  It doesn’t get any louder, so I don’t know what to do. I need something conclusive before I can make that call. Making a call to the cops unnecessarily will only cause me drama with the neighbors that I don’t need. The last thing I need is enemies.

  Bang, bang, bang!

  Chapter Fifteen – Logan

  It takes Pru far too long to get to the door, I start to get a little worried. I hammer on it until she swings it open with a very pale, terrified looking face. Sweat pours down her forehead, her eyes wide and shocked, she looks like she’s really been through the ringer. It worried me even more.

  “Come in,” she gushes and grabs onto my arm to yank me in. “I need you to hear this.”

  She races over to one of the walls and pushes her ear up against it. “This is the apartment where they were arguing before and it sounded like things might have been getting violent. Now, I don’t know what is going on in there. It sounds all weird and I’m scared. I’m frightened for her.”

  I don’t know what I’ve walked into, but I walk towards the wall to listen too. After everything that Pru has been through it makes sense that any angry words would freak her out. It’s just unfortunate that she lives in this awful neighborhood where things like that are far too common.

  “Oh… Pru.” I have to stifle a smile as I recognize those sounds well. Bless her, she’s utterly adorable. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. They aren’t arguing anymore.”

  “What are they doing then?” She gives me an incredulous look. “It sounds… weird.”

  “They’re having sex.” It feels weird to say the ‘s’ word in front of Pru, especially when it makes her face flame like crazy. She’s so innocent, it’s absolutely killer. “So, you don’t have to worry.”

  She folds her arms across her chest as if she’s trying to hold herself together and my heart goes out to her. This new world is clearly too much for her, it’s terrifying her and I feel bad. I thought I was helping her, but clearly, I’ve pushed her into something she isn’t ready for.

  I’m not comfortable with it, but I might have to suggest that she goes back into the center. I’ve just gotten my clean break from her, things are supposed to be going back to normal but Pru’s welfare is so much more important. “So what’s scaring you? Is it everything?”

  “I don’t know.” She looks about ready to burst into tears. “Yeah, I suppose so, I don’t like this apartment in the night time, the city is a scary place to be all by myself.”

  I bite down on my bottom lip, cursing myself before I speak. Why do I need to say this? “Do you want me to take you back to the centre? I know they still have your bed and as far as I’m aware they don’t have any plans to fill it soon. I can put in a call right now, if that’s what you want?”

  “No, please don’t.” She shakes her head vehemently. “I don’t want to go back there.”

  “But you don’t want to stay here either?” She shakes her head again, leaving me with very little option. “And I suppose a hotel is out the question, because you’ll still be by yourself.” I sigh, knowing that there’s really only one more choice. “Do you want to come to mine?”

  Her whole face lights up, she loves the idea, but I can tell from the way that she holds herself this wasn’t her plan all along. She’s just scared, she doesn’t want to be by herself, and I suppose I can’t blame her. I didn’t like living alone at first either and I was much more savvy than Pru.

  “You would do that for me?” she gushes. “Are you serious? That sounds absolutely amazing.”

  “Of course, I would.” I grab my car keys out of my pocket and I wave them at her in a bit of a teasing manner, trying to keep it a bit light. “But let’s go quick because I don’t like where I’ve parked my car. It isn’t the nicest neighborhood here, is it? Do you need to pack up your stuff?”

  She grabs her bag from the floor and flings it over her shoulder. “All packed. Let’s go.”

  With that, we leave the, admittedly very grotty apartment, behind and we make our way down the stairs. As we go, I notice the constant blaring of the sirens and the banging. It is particularly loud here, no wonder Pru is freaked out. The center is far away from all of this, to keep it quiet for the kids who have been through a lot, so no wonder it’s hard hitting.

  “We’ll take a look for a better apartment tomorrow,” I tell her as we go. “I don’t think you should come back here. I’ll ring up the realtor, kick off at her for lying and get my deposit back, then I’ll do what I can to find you a better place. Somewhere you can afford in a much nicer place.”

  “Thank you, Logan, and I’m sorry I’ve been such a mess,” she replies morosely. “I really did want to be stronger. I guess I just didn’t think about the reality of it all.”

  I grab onto her shoulders and spin her around to face me. “Pru, it’s honestly fine. I gave you my cell phone number for a reason. I wanted to be there whenever you need me, and that still includes night one. I know this is huge for you, so trust me when I say that it’s okay.”

  She stares intently at me and nods. “Thank you, Logan. Now please, get me out of here.”

  With more determination, we get down the stairs and to my car, which has thankfully remained completely untouched. I’m so glad I have a spare room now, because it means I can have Pru at mine comfortably. There won’t be any awkwardness about sleeping arrangements, it’ll just be easy. Until tomorrow when I get her a really nice home to live in. Even if I need to help her out a bit at first, anything to help Pru out… God, I would give that girl anything. Absolutely anything.


  Pru bounds into my living room in her sweet little pajamas with a much more relaxed look on her face. With her hair scraped back and her face all washed clean, all sadness and stress has gone which makes her look beautiful and angelic all over again. I can’t help but smile at her.

  “All better?” I ask happily. “Ready to actually get some sleep now? You must be shattered.”

  “I am. Thank you so much. I have to say I feel a whole lot calmer here. Your apartment is lovely and the neighborhood is nice.” She glances around, drinking all of it in. “It’s a shame I can’t live in this building. That way I could always feel safe because I know you’re nearby.”

  My heart skips about ten beats as I think about that idea. The thought of her coming in and out of the same building as me every single day is so wonderful. I could keep an eye on her, still keep that connection with her. I wouldn’t have to have any sort of clean break at all.

  But maybe that would be a problem. Maybe if we cling to each other for support we’ll never be able to move past this. We’ll be stuck in this rut forever, getting deeper every single day.

  “Yeah that would be…” I let out a mirthless chuckle. “That would be something.”

  We pause and our eyes connect once more. It reminds me of all the times in the center when we had our taboo, naughty little looks that were so damn wrong it killed me. This is like that, but different too. There is no center, no people in our way, no rules that are there to shit all over us, Pru is no longer a child, she’s an adult. But still, it isn’t right. Still we cannot do this.

  “So, erm, here is the spare room.” I walk towards the bedroom and open the door to her. There is the double bed that’s never been slept in. “I hope it’s okay for you…”

  “Oh yeah that’s awesome.” As she races into the room, she brushes against me a little bit and it sets me alight. My whole body burst into flames and I find it extremely difficult to reel myself in. This is m
uch too casual, much too informal, I can feel myself just about ready to explode. “I' love it, thank you so much, Logan. This is much too kind, you’ve been far too good to me.”

  “No, that’s okay. This spare room is meant to be slept in. It feels good to have visitors anyway.”

  “I don’t think I’m tired yet now, after all that,” she says with a giggle. “Could I have a drink?”

  “You can have one that isn’t alcoholic,” I warn her. “I’m not going to let you do that…”

  “I don’t want an alcoholic one you fool! I want something cool and refreshing.”

  I take her into the kitchen and pour us both some orange juice. Pru sits on one of the bar stools and smiles at me over her glass. Even though this is incredibly weird, but at the same time it feels really natural to have her here. She lights up the place and looks like she belongs. The fact that she looks so good here allows my mind to concoct the most wonderful fantasy where she stays here all the time, where she lives here and she is with me. We’re together as a couple.

  Stop it you fool, I warn myself. What the hell are you playing at?

  “So, erm, when do you start working? I never thought to ask you that?”

  “Day after tomorrow,” she sighs audibly. “I hope it goes better than moving into my apartment did. I’m so sorry about that, by the way. I still feel really awful about it. I can’t believe…”

  “Pru.” I reach across and touch her hand, trying to ignore the sparks of excitement that she has bolting thought me. “Please stop apologizing. I honestly don’t mind. I don’t want you to feel guilty anymore. I’m happy to help you. I want to be here for you. It’s my…” I almost finish that sentence with the word job but I stop myself at the last moment. I don’t need that reminder.

  “I suppose I better get to bed now,” Pru announces while hopping down. “I might not be tired but I don’t want to lie in all day tomorrow. I have a lot that I want to do.”

  She pauses in front of me and gazes up at me through her eyelashes looking so pretty it hurts. I freeze, unable to do anything other than look at her. Even as she rests her hands on my chest and she pushes herself up onto her tiptoes, I do nothing.

  Her mouth edges closer to mine, allowing her breath to tickle my lips. I know this is my time to pause, to push her away from me and to keep the boundaries very clear, but I don’t. My brain is screaming at me to do so, but I simply cannot do it. I feel messy, muddy, raw and not necessarily in a bad way. I tilt my head downwards and I give myself over to her in a way that I probably shouldn’t.

  Then, our lips connect for just a brief, glorious second. It’s barely anything, just a little brush, but my God it makes me feel alive. I’ve never felt anything like it in my life. I don’t usually do much kissing anyway, I just get right to it, but even if I do it’s never sweet and tender like this. It’s passionate, frantic, rapid. This is insanely wonderful, I’m loving every single second of it.

  It proves to me that I am in too deep, I’m in so much trouble.

  “Goodnight,” she whispers. “See you in the morning.”

  “Yeah… see you then.”

  Chapter Sixteen – Prudence

  My whole body trembles as I make my way into the spare bedroom in Logan’s home. I’m all lit up, electrified, I feel like I am absolutely on fire. I cannot believe how this night has gone. One moment I was at my new apartment, feeling like shit as terror coursed through my veins, and now I’m in Logan’s home after just kissing him… oh my God, I cannot believe that I just did that!

  I kissed Logan, I think with a bright smile on my face as I collapse back onto the warm, cozy bed sheets. I leaned up and I kissed him… and it felt absolutely incredible.

  I bring my fingers up to touch my lips as they buzz with the memory of Logan there. It wasn’t a passionate, sexy kiss or anything like that, but it was my very first. I’m so happy that it was with him, I don’t think there’s anyone else in the world I would much rather be with. Maybe now he would really see that I’m an adult, someone that he should actually consider to be his. I’m sure he looked at me differently then, I really think I spotted something new there. I think he might want me.

  I squeeze my thighs together as my pussy pulses with need, there’s an intense aching between my legs that’s more powerful than anything I’ve ever experienced before. At first it feels like something I need to hide, something I’m going to have to disguise just like every single time I get a burst of desire… but then I remember that I’m not in the center anymore, I’m not sharing a room with loads of other people… I’m completely by myself. I’m alone in Logan’s room.

  I twist back over and lie flat on my back with my legs fallen far apart. I don’t really know what I’m doing, I just know that it’s something I want to experience. My fingers touch my lips, and I picture him there again. Only this time he’s kissing me deeply, with his hand hooked around the back of my head to hold me in place. He’s claiming me, needing me there, and I absolutely love it. I want him to control me because he knows what he’s doing way more than me.

  Then my fingers slowly trace down my neck and I loll my head to one side, imagining Logan’s incredible lips brushing all over me. My hips buck off the bed as the intensity gets the better of me. I can barely stand it any longer. I cannot believe that I’ve gone all this time without ever doing this before. My hand moves lower down and I grab onto my breast. I feel a little bit like a freak doing that, but it feels so good. My hard nipple bursts hard against my hand, and every time I scrape past it I can’t help but shudder. It’s crazy, I’m like a sex fiend, an animalistic freak and I love it. I slide my eyes closed and I cave into the feelings completely. I’m a slave to how Logan has me feeling.

  “Oh God,” I mutter quietly to myself, my breaths gasping desperately. “Oh, Logan.”

  There isn’t any other man I would like to do this with. I don’t feel desire for anyone else, it’s only him that makes me feel this way and that’s special. I dive my hand lower, towards my panties where I’m now feeling aggravated. I’m frustrated I’m so needy, I can’t hold back any longer.

  “Oh yeah, touch me there,” I murmur, pretending to talk to Logan. “Right there.”

  I brush my fingers along the edge of my panties, lightly touching the wisp of hair in there. It isn’t an area of my body that I usually pay any attention to so it feels even more incredible. I crawl down slowly, moving in a tantalizingly slow manner. I can’t wait, but at the same time I’m taking my time, dragging out the sensation for as long as humanly possible. I don’t want it to be over.

  “Oh fuck.” Finally, I feel something wet and hot down there, and it makes my hips flip off the bed again. I run my finger up and down my slit loving the feel of it. “Oh, fucking hell, Logan.”

  I picture his hand pushing into me as he props himself above me. He stares deeply into my eyes, looking like he wants to roughly fuck me but he’s trying to be gentle. I don’t know what I want myself, I know that I need to be treated kindly but at the same time I want him to lose control.

  I push two fingers into me, imagining that it’s him doing that to me, and almost instantly my heart races violently against my rig cage. Butterflies flap in my stomach, I’m shivering and shaking, it feels so amazingly good. I massage my insides for a while, loving the sensations. God, I wish that it really was him. I really wish that Logan would burst through that door in a frenzy himself and he’d jump on the bed with me. I wish he would kiss me everywhere, all over my thighs, between my legs, the most special place where I would love to experience his lips and tongue right now.

  “Oh my God, Logan.” In my imagination, my mouth consumes me. “That feels so… so…”

  All of a sudden, an instinct takes control of my hands and I pull my fingers out of me. I rub slightly higher, finding a place that feels even better. I didn’t know it was possible but it’s wonderful. I feel like I’m a flower, opening up to this man who I want more than anything else in the world. My body is on fire, it’s
exploding, it’s wonderful, it makes me feel like I’m actually in love.

  “Logan, I… I love you…” I murmur as a pressure builds up in my chest. A heat burns in my toes and it creeps up through my legs and up to my stomach. “I love you, please love me back.”

  In my mind, he leans down and he kisses my lips tenderly. He tells me that he has always loved me and that he intends to take care of me no matter what. That makes me feel amazing, all I’ve ever wanted is to be loved and now I finally have that. It’s absolutely everything to me. I’m so glad that I’m here with him rather than all by myself in that home where I don’t feel ready to grow up. Here, I’m exactly the adult that I need to be. He makes me the person I have always wanted to be.

  All of a sudden, I feel like I’ve been pushed over an edge and the pressure explodes and rolls over me in waves. It comes harder and faster, it doesn’t stop and I don’t want it to end. My fingers keep moving all over me, I can hear rasping moans coming out of my mouth. I have no idea how loud I’m being and to be honest I don’t care. There’s a big part of me that wants to be caught out. I want Logan to see me right now while I’m at my most vulnerable. After what happened in the kitchen before, after that amazing kiss, I want him to see what he’s done to me. I wish that he would stand in the corner of the room and watch me as I orgasm hard and fast because of him.


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