Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance

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Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance Page 102

by Mia Ford

  I leap up and I wrap my legs around Logan’s waist as a powerful bolt of sexual desire hits me in the core. I’m engaged now, Logan’s fiancée and I want to have some fun with that. While I’m wrapped around him, I can feel Logan growing excited too, which only fires me up even more.

  “Oh, Logan,” I moan into his mouth as I slide back down to the ground with a wicked idea playing through my mind. “I think that it’s my turn to be on my knees now.”

  This isn’t something that I have any experience doing, but I’ve fantasized about it enough times – always with Logan, even when my heart was shattered – to be able to go with my instincts.

  I look up at him with desire glazing over my eyes as I unbuckle his trousers and I pull them to the ground, then I pull that incredible erection of his free. I gasp, the wetness pooling in my panties as I look at him. Up this close and personal, he’s even bigger! Huge and hot as hell.

  I wrap my lips around him while holding on to his base and slowly drag my head up and down. I keep looking up at him the entire time, wanting to check that I’m doing this right. What feels good to me might not to him and I want to be good for him, I want him to enjoy himself.

  Logan tosses his head backwards and his thighs tremble which I assume is a good thing, and as I add my tongue into the mix, flickering it all over him, the groans and moans that fly past his lips seem to spell good news. I use my other hand to cling onto his butt so I can drive him further down my throat, really testing the boundaries of what I can do. I like this, it feels awesome.

  “Stop,” Logan eventually gasps, shocking me. “Stop, that’s too good, it’s too much.”

  “What do you mean?” I’m hurt, I was enjoying that new experience then.

  “I need to be inside you,” Logan gushes while joining me on the floor. “I need to feel you.”

  I fall onto my back feeling like I might explode while Logan tugs my panties to one side and he slides into me. He’s so desperate to connect with me that he cannot wait for even a second. It turns me on so much that I can do that to him, my walls clamp around him and claim his as mine.

  I wrap my legs around his back and drive him in deeper and deeper to hit every spot inside of me, my head spinning and the heat building inside of me. As we make love for the first time in what feels like forever, I glance down at my ring as the pleasure comes for me. I’m not alone, we’re together in this, and the future that we share together is going to be utterly incredible. We’ve already been through so much to know that we can survive it all now. We really can take on the world.

  “Oh fuck, Logan!” Finally, the orgasm crashes over me like a tsunami of waves that won’t stop coming. My hips buck, my body shudders and trembles, I completely fall apart in Logan’s arms but there isn’t anywhere else in the world that I would rather be than with him right now.

  “Oh, Pru,” he gushes as he comes with me. “I love you, I love you so much.”

  I am never going to get tired of hearing those words, as long as we both shall live.

  Chapter Twenty Nine – Logan

  I never ever would have thought about moving to California had it not been for Pru, but it’s the best thing that I’ve ever done in my life. I absolutely love it. The sunshine, the more laid back lifestyle, the people… it’s simply amazing. I’m like a different, much happier and less stressed version of myself here. I never thought that I could be anyone except the therapist at the children’s center in New York city who sleeps around and drinks a lot… but the person that I am today is totally different and I adore who I’ve become. Who being with Pru has made it, it simply proves what I already know, that we are more than meant to be together.

  “So, do you like this store?” she asks with a grin. “Do you think it’ll work for us?”

  I also didn’t ever think that I would be the sort of man to run my own business, but with Pru by my side it feels easy. She has this unique way of viewing the world and it makes her a very creative person. Since we live near the ocean side she had this idea to create a company that sells creative projects from local artists – herself included in that, she’s extremely good with crafts – and also a place where we can run charitable events. It allows me to continue on with helping people in a different way. I’m very excited about it actually, I have a whole lot of enthusiasm for it.

  “I love it. It’s in a really great position and it’s got a great window space.”

  “Oh I know.” She claps her hands together with glee. “I can already picture it now.”

  Pru looks very different from the young lady who left the center over a year ago. Now her pale skin is tanned and freckly, her eyes seem sparkly and happier, her hips are curvier, and her light wavy hair tumbles down her back. She carries a confidence with her too which wasn’t there before, she doesn’t ever get shy around anyone. She even tells people how she feels if she doesn’t like how they’re acting which is a massive turn around for her. I couldn’t be prouder. Now that Pru has actually dealt with the after effects of her parents’ deaths – in particular her fathers’ – she’s doing much better. I’m so glad that I’ve been through this journey with her.

  “So, what are your plans for tonight?” I ask Pru, hoping that I sound innocent enough. “Are you headed out with Rosie and the girls or are you planning a quiet one in?”

  The group of friends that Pru has now are incredible. I can tell that she doesn’t feel out of her depth with them the way that she did with the girls in New York. I know that she still keeps in touch with Alice now and again, but these ones are much more suitable for her. All supportive and kind, generous and sweet, always with her best interests at heart. And their social lives don’t revolve around drinking, which is always a positive. Pru needs that, it’s much better for her.

  “No, I haven’t made any plans. Why has Freddie been on at you to go out?”

  That’s one of the more significant changes, I think. I actually have a big group of friends of my own. I haven’t been the same closed off guy I once was and it’s paid off massively. I finally have people that I can confide in about anything, and I have to say it feels incredible.

  “No, no, I just thought that maybe you and I could have a date night. A dinner, or something.”

  I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull Pru in for a kiss. I’m hoping that I can distract her from my real purpose by showering her in romance. This is something that I’ve managed to keep a secret for months, I don’t want to blow it now. If I can pull this off it’ll be best shock ever.

  “Oh, that sounds nice. It’s been forever since we’ve had just a me and you night, hasn’t it? We’ve both simply been so busy… but good busy, right? Sorting out the business and things.”

  “Yeah and doing the house renovations. That’s been pretty cool as well.”

  Now that we’re more settled, we have a home of our own. A lovely little beach side cottage that’s near enough to civilization that we aren’t ostracized, but that also gives us the privacy that we sometimes need. I love it, which is why I’ve put so much effort in to rebuilding the kitchen.

  “I might get changed,” Pru says while glancing down. She has a bright pink bikini top on under a sheer tee shirt, and some board shorts. Maybe it isn’t everyone’s idea of a fancy but she looks so much like herself that I can’t resist her. “What do you think? Should I wear a dress?”

  “No.” I bring my lips back down to hers again gently. “Don’t. Stay just as you are.”

  “But where are we going? What if I need to look fancy?” She giggles adorably. “They might not want me to show up in a posh place like this. Where are we going?”

  I lace my fingers through hers and start walking. She comes with me easily, not putting up even an ounce of fuss. “You just let me worry about where we’re going, okay?”

  “Fine, fine, whatever. But on your head be it if it isn’t acceptable.”

  I don’t reply, I simply smile to myself. The fact that I’ve been sorting this out for so long and now it�
�s actually happening is really exciting. It hasn’t been easy to get to this point, which is why it’s good that we both have so many friends that could help me get it done. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without them, they’ve saved my ass on more than one occasion. And now they should all be there, waiting expectantly for us to arrive. Hopefully. Fingers crossed this hasn’t gone wrong.

  “Where are we going?” Pru asks me, sounding a bit more concerned now. “I don’t remember there being anywhere to eat around here. Are you sure we’re headed in the right direction…” Pru’s words fall apart as we finally get to the church which has been covered in purple flowers. She’s only ever mentioned it to me once, but I recall her saying to me that they were her favorite. It took a while to gather enough flowers to make it work, but it looks great now. “What is this?”

  As Pru turns to look at me with a demanding expression on her face, I stifle a laugh. I’m getting used to that look now, especially when her hands go onto her hips which means I’m in real trouble… and there they go. Her eyebrows furrow, her eyes narrow, she purses out her lips.

  “Do you remember how roughly a year ago I asked you in a very unromantic way to marry me?” I still cringe at the memory of how I just blurted it out. It’s so embarrassing. “Well, because that was such a failure, I wanted to do something to make it up to you. So, I’ve organized our wedding for us.”

  “The whole thing?” She claps her hands to her mouth in shock. “Are you serious? That’s just… that’s too much, I don’t know what to say. It’s the sweetest thing ever.”

  “You don’t mind?” I need to ask just in case. “You aren’t mad that you can’t do it.”

  “Not at all. You know me, I’m not one for all the fussy details. I love that you did this.”

  I drop down to one knee, determined to do it a little better this time. “Pru, I love you, more than anything in the world. Will you do me the honor of marrying me today in front of all the important people in our lives? Will you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?”

  “No.” She shakes her head with a very serious expression on her face, but then just as I think I might vomit she breaks out into a smile. “I’m just kidding, of course I will. You know that it’s all I’ve ever wanted in my life. To be your wife.” She pulls me up into a standing position. “Come on, let’s do this. I’m excited to see what it’s like inside since you’ve done such a good job out here.”

  As she drags me along I can’t help bursting into laughter. “You know, it isn’t really traditional for the wife to drag the husband down the aisle. I’m supposed to already be there, waiting for you.”

  She spins around and rises up onto her tiptoes to kiss me. “Nothing about me and you have been traditional, so why should this be? We might as well do this as unconventionally as we can.”

  Once she pushes open the doors, all of our friends burst into cheers. They’ve probably been waiting here for ages for us to arrive, most of them got here early to make sure they didn’t miss out on the surprise part, but they are still really happy for us. Despite the fact that we came here to start again and to keep our identities hidden, a lot of them know how we met now, and they’ve been endlessly supportive. They don’t have a history of judgment to go with it, they just see how happy me and Pru make one another, how we improve each other and life our spirits. They appreciate that and love us for it. Enough to be here for the majority of the day.

  “Oh, my goodness,” Pru gasps as her eyes well up with happy tears. “I can’t believe this. It’s too much. Everyone is here… oh my God, even Alice and Becky! You got them here too!”

  “I asked them and they really wanted to come,” I reply smilingly. “It didn’t seem right not to.”

  Before the ceremony can even begin there is a lot of hugging and squealing which I planned for. I knew that this was going to turn into a bit of a reunion because of all the wonderful people that have joined us as we finally make this official, which is why I asked one of my friends, Toby, to officiate. He stands at the front, grinning down as everything descends into chaos.

  “Shall we do this?” I finally ask Pru when it feels like we’ve been forever. I really am keen to get on with getting married, I can’t wait to be a husband. “I think Toby is keen to begin.”

  She nods enthusiastically so I take her hands and guide her up to the end of the aisle. Then we turn to face one another with nothing but love in our eyes as we wait for Toby to begin.

  “Friends and Family of Prudence Evans and Logan Banker,” he begins in the most formal voice I’ve ever heard him do. Clearly, he’s been practicing! “Welcome and thank you for being here on this important day. We are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between these two, by joining them in marriage. It feels like it’s been a long time coming with them, so this is pretty awesome, am I right?” A smattering of chatter breaks out in the crowd, but Toby quickly shuts them down. “Now, in a very unconventional way, the bride didn’t know this wedding was happening today, but I believe the groom has written his own vows?” I nod, confirming this. “Good, so let’s all sit back and listen to him being soppy… don’t worry, we can mock him later on.”

  Everyone laughs aside from me because I’m trying to prepare myself. I’m not good with speeches, whether they are off the cuff or planned, and this is one I really need to get right…

  Chapter Thirty – Prudence

  Who the hell books a surprise wedding? I can’t help but think as I wait for Logan to speak. Who does things like that? This is why I’m in love with Logan, he’s different, special, just what I need. And the fact that he’s gone to all this effort to make me have the perfect day is the sweetest. He even got Alice and Becky here all the way from New York. Even though we left that life behind, it’s nice to have a little piece of it here on the most special day of my life.

  “Prudence Evans, you are wonderful. Honestly, I cannot express to you how special you are. I knew it, even when we first met, but of course back then there was no way of telling how important you were going to become to me. I didn’t know that you would end up changing my life.”

  I choke back a sob finding it absolutely impossible not to get emotional. I’m happy, this is the happiest day of my life, but as soon as I realized it was happening I told myself not to cry. It seems that’s going to be one promise that I don’t stand a chance of keeping! Already my cheeks are wet.

  I cannot believe that I’m getting married in a bikini and board shorts. In a way, it’s weird because I know that I should be in some fancy white gown, but in another way this is me now. This is who I am all the time so why not get married looking exactly like I am? Logan is casual too, in his tee shirt and shorts, and so are all the guests so I certainly don’t stand out or anything for looking sloppy. We just look cool. This is just how it was meant to be. I mean, there are parts of it that I would change, but not the things that Logan has done, only the things that are out of both of our control.

  I would have my beautiful, caring mother here and the version of my father before she passed away. It would have been awesome for that man to walk me down the aisle, but still, we’re surrounded by some kick ass friends and family. I cannot ask for more than that.

  “I didn’t know that it was possible to love anyone like I do you,” he continues with a smile. “But I do. I would do anything for you, I hope you know that by now, and I vow to continue doing whatever I can for you for the rest of our lives. I will love you as you deserve to be loved, I will respect you, and make you happy, just as you do me.”

  I can hear sniffles of tears all around us, which makes me clutch onto my stomach. The emotion is getting the better of me, turning me into mush. If I don’t speak out now then I’ll always regret it, even if I don’t have a damn clue what I’m going to say. Everyone understands, they know this was a shock to me so I highly doubt I’ll be judged for saying something lame.

  “I might not have written my own vows,” I pipe up, surprising Logan. “But that
’s fair since I didn’t know we would be doing this today, I think everyone understands that.” I hear excited murmurs from the crowd, but I keep my eyes only fixed on Logan. “So, I’m just going to speak from the heart.” I sigh deeply, preparing myself before I begin. “Logan, I might have changed your life, but you did mine as well in the best way possible. I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for you, and that’s something that we both know is true.” He can’t even deny it, because he’s seen the transformation. “You have made me the best version of myself that I can be, and I love you for that.”

  He gets a bit keen and leans down to kiss me, way before Toby announces that he can… but that isn’t why I take a step back. I haven’t finished yet, there’s still something that I need to say.

  “Actually, Logan.” I press my hand on his chest as I speak. “You aren’t the only one who has been keeping secrets.” As expected, he gives me a very confused look. “I didn’t mean to keep this from you I just haven’t found the right time to say it to you.” I give him a one shouldered shrug. “I suppose at our surprise wedding is as good a time as any.”

  I grab onto Logan’s hand and press it to my belly. Admittedly there isn’t a bump yet but I’m sure that will come. I found out for certain this morning that I am actually pregnant after having a few weeks of feeling nauseated and just a bit different. I was going to tell him over dinner, but obviously now I don’t have to. Actually, this might be better. It wasn’t exactly something we were planning but I know for sure that he’ll be pleased. He’s keen to start a family.


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