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Boxed Set: The Billionaire’s Desire Complete Collection (Books 1-3 and Bonus Books 1 and 2) (Submitting to the Billionaire)

Page 10

by Blake, Ashley

“A surprise? You know Joshua, technically our contract has expired.”

  “Actually, our contract doesn’t expire until tomorrow. But I have been thinking. I want to amend our contract.” He fixed his gaze on me. “I need more.” His voice took a sexy dip.

  More? More what? More time with me? I gave him a quizzical look.

  “Isn’t it obvious Sarah?” Joshua held my gaze as his eyes smoldered with desire.

  I didn't know how to answer him, and my heart was starting to beat faster.

  "I need more time with you."

  My mouth was suddenly dry. Is he saying what I hope he's saying? Is he professing his feelings for me? I started to feel extremely giddy at the thought of this gorgeous man finally admitting he has feelings for me that had nothing to do with the bedroom.

  "Thirty days is not nearly enough time to teach you what you need to know about the fast track to partnership. I need more time with you."

  My happiness quickly deflated and I realize he was referring to work.

  "I have a new proposition for you. I will arrange to have you shadow a junior level partner for six months if you do everything I desire for the same amount of time. But this time, I will be introducing new elements into the agreement. Like before, if at anytime you are uncomfortable or don't want to do something just tell me to stop. Our contract expires tomorrow night at 11 PM. You will have until that time to think about my revised offer."

  I was speechless. First of all, the opportunity to shadow a partner was unheard of. Second, Joshua wanted to be with me for six months! That has to mean something, right?

  "Wow, Joshua. I don't know what to say."

  "Think about it and let me know tomorrow. The contract has already been sent to your tablet. We only have an hour left until we land so you can feel free to look it over now. You will also have time tonight before bed and then tomorrow after dinner. We will be occupied at all other times."

  "Do you think you can tell me where we're going?"

  "It's a surprise." That was all he would say.

  I don't know why, but I was extremely nervous.

  He looked at me with an amused grin. "That is all."

  I took his cue and went back to my seat. So much was swirling around in my mind. But the thing I thought about most was that Joshua had figured out a way to spend six months with me. I was basking in my blissful feelings when I had a sobering thought. Were we supposed to be exclusive for the six months? He had a very jealous streak so I doubted he would want me to even look at anyone else. But what about him? What were the rules for him? Whatever they were I was willing to accept them. He was the man I really wanted to be with. I had to figure out a way to get him to open up to me. The sex was already incredible. I wanted a deeper, more meaningful relationship with him and…I wanted him to yearn for me.

  It was nearly 6:00 AM when we landed and I still didn't know where we were. Jake and Vivienne must have been instructed not to tell me anything because I couldn't get any information from them at all. Once I stepped onto the tarmac I saw the huge LAX sign and knew we were in California. I didn't think anything of it, I just figured we were here for business in the company's Los Angeles office.

  We were all able to sleep during the flight so we were pretty well rested. We were in the limousine for about an hour when I started to wonder exactly how far the Los Angeles office was from the airport. I had never been there but I had heard that the traffic was miserable and it took forever to get anywhere. I was working on my tablet when I sent Joshua an electronically signed copy of the new contract. I would do whatever it took to get more time with him.

  It was just about 7:00 AM when we pulled up to this exquisite mansion. I had never seen anything like it in my life. There were massive wrought iron gates separating us and the magnificent home. The driver had to press the buzzer on the intercom to announce our arrival. We were instantly buzzed in and the enormous gates parted allowing our entrance. The driveway leading up to the home must have been 400 feet long. As the limousine pulled up to the front door, my jaw dropped in awe.

  The limo slowed to a crawl and I assumed we were picking up a business colleague. Maybe there is an early meeting we all have to get to. But then I remembered Vivienne was with us so I was utterly confused. I looked at Joshua silently asking why we were here. He just gave me an amused smirk as he stepped out of the limo. He offered his hand to help me out and when I stepped outside the limo, what I saw took my breath away. The home was situated on a cliff and the views were stunning. The mansion was enormous and surrounded by statuesque palm trees and what I think were magnolia trees. Lush foliage and gorgeous plants also surrounded the property. There was a swan pond and a magnificent swimming pool fit for a king. To say I was in awe is an understatement. I had never seen a more amazing property in my life.

  A man dressed in a butler's uniform met us at the front door.

  "Mr. Hunter and Mr. Hunter, welcome back. David will see to it that you and your guests’ things are taken to your rooms."

  Our rooms?

  "Thank you Simon. I would like for you to meet Sarah Vaughn. And you remember Vivienne Worthington."

  "Hello Miss. Yes, of course. It is nice to see you again, Ms. Worthington."

  Just as we were getting ready to go inside, a stunningly beautiful older woman came rushing outside.

  "Oh Joshua! Jake! It's so good to see you!!" She gave them both a huge hug and looked like she didn't want to let them go.

  "Hello mother! We're not leaving just yet, you can let go," Joshua chuckled.

  Mother?? He could have warned me!

  Eleanor "Bunny" Hunter, was a strong, no-nonsense woman. I had done my research on the company when I began my internship and found a small bit of information about her. She was widowed quite a few years ago and leaned on her sons for support and to keep the company thriving. I didn't know that she had moved to California. I was under the impression that she lived in New York.

  "Oh, I know. I'm just so happy to see you both!" She glanced at me before pulling away from her sons. "Oh how rude of me! Please introduce me to your guests!"

  "Mother, you remember Vivienne." Jake looked slightly annoyed that his mother acted like she didn't recognize her.

  Joshua's mother gave Vivienne a cool, dismissive glance.

  Uh oh. That can't be good.

  "Of course. How nice to see you again dear." The sarcasm literally dripped from her words. Joshua stepped in to smooth things over.

  "Mother, I'd like for you to meet Sarah Vaughn, our newest associate."

  Joshua's mother beamed at me and reached out to hug me.

  "Sarah, it is so nice to finally meet you. I have heard many wonderful things about you dear."

  So, Joshua has been talking about me!

  "It is so nice to meet you Mrs. Hunter. Your estate is breathtaking."

  "Thank you dear, how kind. Oh, and please, call me Bunny."

  She seemed to genuinely like me which was an enormous relief. I could feel Vivienne glaring at me, but it wasn't my fault their mother didn't like her.

  "Come, come, let’s all go inside."

  She ushered us into her home and I could not have been prepared for what I was about to see. I had never seen such an opulent home in my life. Not even on television. The entryway had stunning marble floors and was so ornate and beautiful. The foyer’s gallery was at least 80 feet long and I felt as though I was in a museum.

  "You must all be ravenous. Paul is preparing a wonderful breakfast for us, so why don't you freshen up and then join me in the breakfast nook in 45 minutes."

  We all walked up the circular staircase to the second level and followed Joshua down the hall. My room was next to his, and Vivienne and Jake were around the corner in their rooms which were across the hall from one another. Joshua followed me into my room and I turned around to face him. I gave him a light, playful tap on his arm as I whispered to him.

  "Why didn't you tell me we were coming to see your mother?!”

He let out a small chuckle. "I wanted to see your natural reaction to meeting her, not a prepared response."

  "Well, your mother is lovely."

  "She seems to like you." He didn't offer any more information. "We better freshen up and get downstairs. I will knock on your door when we should head down there."


  Joshua left and I slowly looked around the room. It was beautiful. My bed was enormous and must have had 10 pillows on it. I went into the adjoining bath to take a shower and it was just gorgeous. There was marble everywhere, huge mirrors, small gourmet soaps and assorted tiny bottles of scented lotion. I felt as if I was in a spa.

  After I showered, I put on a casual summer dress and a matching light sweater, and was putting the finishing touches on my makeup when I heard a light tapping on my door.

  I hope he thinks I look nice for his mother.

  When I opened the door, he did it to me again. He took my breath away. He stood there, tall, gorgeous and strong wearing a white polo and black slacks and I realized something. I had never seen him in casual clothes. You are simply gorgeous. He looked really comfortable and relaxed.

  His eyes slowly roamed over my body, taking in my choice of clothes, and I could see the appreciation in his eyes for what I chose to wear. I didn't want to wear anything too casual as I didn't want to offend his mother.

  "You look very pretty. Are you ready to go downstairs?"

  I was speechless. It was such a nice compliment. Something must be in the water. He's being too nice. I realized I was standing there like an idiot, not saying a word. I cleared my throat and answered him.

  "Thank you. Yes, I'm ready."

  We were all sitting around the table chatting, when Bunny turned to me.

  "Sarah dear, tell me more about yourself. I already know that you are extremely bright, but I'd like to know more about you as a person. What are your interests?"

  I could feel my cheeks burning so I am sure they were bright red. The fact that everyone stopped talking to hear what I had to say didn't make it any better.

  "Well, I actually am an enormous art lover. I was admiring your gorgeous pieces in the foyer hallway."

  "Oh?" Bunny seemed to really perk up. "Do you have a favorite period or a favorite artist? Art is one of my first loves."

  I began to relax because I just discovered that Bunny and I had something big in common. I could talk about art for days.

  "The Italian Renaissance is my absolute favorite period. I am so fascinated by the artistic explosion that occurred in Italy at the beginning of the 14th century. I don't really have one favorite artist, but I do enjoy the works of several different artists. Of course there are the obvious artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. But I also enjoy Botticelli and Titian among many others."

  Bunny seemed quite impressed with my answer. Jake chimed in from across the table.

  "Sarah, I think you've just made mother's day. To meet another art enthusiast, well, there are no words."

  "Sarah dear, later this week I will show you our art gallery. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. So how did you fall in love with art? Have you been to Italy to see the original works?"

  "Well, I was always drawn to the art history section in the public library as a child. I used to spend hours reading about different periods of art and looking at pictures. The Italian Renaissance captivated me the most. And Italy? No, unfortunately that has not been in the budget. But, it is definitely on my list of things to do. I hope to be able to go in the next five years."

  "I can tell that you are an extremely driven person. I have all faith that you will get to Italy. You simply must. There is no substitute for seeing a beautiful, original piece of art in person."

  I glanced over at Joshua and for the first time since I'd met him he looked completely at ease. The conversation turned to the plan for the remainder of the week and I was, thankfully, no longer the center of attention. Joshua, Jake and Bunny talked about the family members that would be arriving later that day. Through their conversation I discovered that Bunny's birthday was this week and that was why we were here. A large celebration was planned for Thursday at the home.

  We were wrapping up breakfast when Bunny suggested we all get some rest.

  "I am sure you are exhausted from your travels so feel free to nap for a while. We are not expecting guests until two o'clock."

  We all retired to our rooms and Joshua told me he would come get me around 1:45 PM.

  "If you need anything before then, just come to my room. Get some rest, you will need it." With that, he closed my door as he left.

  What did that mean? I wondered how many people I'd be meeting, but then I realized it was best if I didn't know. I would make myself sick with worry if I knew I had a bunch of wealthy people to meet and impress. Whatever happens, happens. Bunny seems to like me so that should help. I climbed into the lush bed and dozed off.

  My alarm woke me at 1:30 PM and I quickly freshened up my makeup and fluffed my hair. At 1:45 PM on the dot I heard a light knock on my door. Joshua, Jake and Vivienne came to collect me and we went downstairs to wait for the other guests. I turned to Joshua at the bottom of the stairs.

  "Who am I going to be meeting?"

  Just then the doorbell rang and he didn't have time to answer me. He walked to the foyer and we all followed him. I felt a hint of nervousness and I took a deep breath and counted to 10.

  "Bunny, my love! You look ravishing as always."

  A gorgeous man leaned down to kiss Bunny on her cheek. He was tall, had a perfect muscular physique, thick, dark, wavy hair and was extremely good-looking.

  Who is that?

  "Ethan! Always the charmer!" Bunny gave him a big hug and seemed happy to see him.

  He walked over to the four of us and gave Joshua a subtle, challenging stare.

  "Well, well. If it isn't the golden boy!" I could hear the disdain in his voice as he plastered a fake smile on his face and hugged Joshua.

  Hmmm, something's not right here.

  "Golden boy? Hardly Ethan. It's good to see you." Joshua, ever the diplomat, ignored Ethan’s snide demeanor and hugged him back.

  "Jake, my boy! Good to see you." He seemed less irritated with Jake which I found peculiar.

  Jake gave him a hug. "Good to see you as well. You remember Vivienne."

  "Of course, gorgeous as ever. Nice to see you again."

  I saw Vivienne blush and noticed that she became extremely shy around Ethan. I don't think Jake noticed it, but I did. I wonder if there is some sort of history there? I would have to resume my thoughts later because Joshua was introducing me.

  "Ethan, I would like for you to meet Sarah Vaughn, our newest associate. Sarah, this is our cousin, Ethan Hunter."

  Cousin? That explains it. Good looks ran deep in this family.

  Ethan's dark eyes slowly canvassed my face and then he gently grabbed my hand and lifted it to his lips.

  "Enchanté." That sexy, smoldering thing must run in the family. "A business colleague at a family function…very unusual. You must be very special. I'm intrigued."

  He held my gaze for a little bit too long because I felt my cheeks flush. Boy, he's a charmer! I glanced at Joshua because I could feel his eyes burning a hole right through me. Ethan was flirting with me and Joshua was not happy.

  "Where is Emily, Ethan?" Joshua's stern question rang out. He apparently wanted to make it clear that Ethan was taken.

  "Oh, you must not have heard. We are no longer together. We called off the wedding."

  "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Joshua actually did sound sorry but I suspected it was for a different reason.

  "No worries. There are plenty of beautiful women out there. I'm bound to meet another one." Again, he held my gaze and gave me a quick wink.

  Ethan walked over to chat with other guests that had just arrived and I turned to Joshua. I could see the familiar fire in his eyes. I can't help it if your cousin flirted with me! His jealousy was beginning t
o annoy me. I decided to remain lighthearted and act as if nothing happened.

  "Your cousin is quite the character."

  "Yes he is. He's also pretty ruthless, so I'd stay away from him if I were you. There is a long history between us. His father was my father's brother and he died before my father did. Ethan is a year older than me and he wanted control of the company after my father died. He would have been CEO if he wasn't such a screw up. Initially, Ethan had a lot of potential and he was first in line to inherit the company. But his hard partying railroaded his success and I was put in charge of the company. Ethan was too much of a liability to us and it was decided that he would take a lesser position in the company. He still has voting rights but he can't make any decisions without my authorization. That's his main problem with me; he feels that I took the company from him. He harbors a lot of resentment toward me and I wouldn't want you to be affected by that."


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