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C.O.T.V.H. (Book 2): Judgment

Page 19

by Palmer, Dustin J.

  The heavy thrum of a truck’s exhaust grew closer. “Someone’s driving through the field,” Jake said looking across the grassland. “Without the lights on!”

  “Wait a second . . . I know that exhaust.” Donnie lifted up and looked in the direction of the sound. “That’s my truck!”

  The truck pulled within twenty-five feet then stopped. Whisper climbed out of the driver’s seat. “Come on!” she yelled.

  They didn’t need to be told twice. In one big mass, they rose from the dirt and ran for the truck. “Where’d you get the keys?” Donnie asked setting Diana in the passenger seat and buckling her seatbelt.

  “Wow you’re so strong!” she said, in her helpless drunken state.

  Whisper rolled her eyes. “They were in the jacket pocket Jake put around Amber. I saw them glimmer in the moonlight when we stopped in the field. So I took them.”

  “You could have told us!” Amber said, climbing into the bed of the truck with Buck and Chris.

  “Bet you’re glad I’m not driving a low rider now, eh Buck?” Donnie joked.

  “No kidding!” Buck laughed. “I’ll never diss this 4x4 beauty again!”

  Jake started to climb up as well, but Donnie stopped him. “You drive. You’re the only one that didn’t have anything to drink.”

  “You’re sure?” Jake asked.

  “I trust you,” Donnie replied. “But we’ve got to hurry; the cops will be back around any minute.”

  Jake climbed in next to Whisper and Diana and shoved the truck in gear, then sped off back across the field. “There’s a small farm road about a half mile ahead,” Whisper said, pointing. “Get on it and after about a mile take a right, it will take you back to the highway.”

  “Cool.” Jake followed her directions exactly. A few minutes later, he pulled onto the highway and flipped on the headlights.

  Jake looked over at Diana. She frowned at him before yelling. “Jerk!”

  “Shut up.” Whisper placed her hand over her older sister’s mouth.

  Diana continued to talk though her voice was muffled by Whisper’s hand. Jake was glad for it, he recognized a few of the choice words coming out of her mouth, none of which were nice. After several minutes, she stopped talking and her eyes closed.

  “Whisper. How’d you find us out there?” Jake asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, other than the moon it was pitch black out there. How’d you know exactly where we were?”

  “I don’t know,” she shrugged. “I just knew.”

  “You’re something else, you know that.” Jake put his arm around her giving a squeeze. “We’d be in big trouble right now if it wasn’t for you.”

  “Yeah well . . .” she said, shyly.

  “Is your sister going to be okay?”

  “Physically I’m sure she’ll be fine. But tomorrow . . .”

  “What?” Jake asked concern filling his voice.

  “You really hurt her feelings Jake. She’s had a thing for you for a long time. It took her getting drunk too finally make a real move on you. The only reason she cozied up with that big jerk, was to make you jealous.”

  "I know Whisper and I feel just awful about it," Jake said. The guilt lay heavily on his shoulders. "I like your sister, I really do and honestly . . ." he whispered so that if Diana awoke she wouldn't hear. "I was tempted . . . to . . . well you know. But, I just don't feel that way about her."

  "That makes you a lot different than most guys. Most guys would have been all over her. And don't feel guilty Jake, it's her own stupid fault for ending up like this. She never should have messed around with that football player. I love my sister but sometimes it amazes me that we came from the same gene pool. But I guess the heart wants what the heart wants. Some things you just can't change."

  Jake shifted around uncomfortably. “Yeah, I guess so."

  “And yours wants Amber,” Whisper said, as if stating a commonly known fact.

  Jake swallowed. “Is that what Diana told you?”

  “She didn’t have to. I’m not blind.”

  “Yeah . . . I suppose I do make it obvious sometimes. Does Amber know?”

  “No, she’s so enamored with Buck she can’t see what’s going on right in front of her.”

  “Okay, you’ve got to tell me. What is up with that? Why is she with him? I mean, sure he has his moments but overall he’s a complete douche bag. He almost got us killed in there!”

  “You’re telling me,” Whisper said, her face lit only by the glow from the dashboard lights. “I don’t know, no one knows.” They sat there with only silence between them for the next ten miles. “Do you love her Jake?”

  “What?” Jake asked, startled by her directness.

  “Do you love Amber?”

  “Uh . . . no . . . I mean yeah . . . I mean, I think so. I mean . . . I don’t know . . . it’s complicated.” You know you do! A voice screamed in his head.

  “No it’s not,” Whisper said, quietly. “I love Chris.”

  “What?” Jake said, completely stunned by this revelation.

  “I love Chris.”

  “What? I mean . . . why? I don’t even know what to say!” Jake said, half laughing.

  “What’s the big deal? He’s a very kind, very smart person. Plus he’s always been nice to me.”

  “That’s because he loves you too. At least I’m pretty sure he does,” Jake said, hoping he wasn’t betraying his friend’s trust. “I know for a fact he likes you quite a bit.”

  “Then why doesn’t he say something? Anything?” she asked turning to look at him. Jake could almost see the hope in her eyes. "Tonight is the first time he's ever shown any interest in me, and even then I felt like he was just a good friend."

  “He’s a lot like you Whisper. He doesn’t know how to. He’s shy.”

  “Are you sure that’s it?”

  “I’m about ninety nine point nine percent sure.”

  “Hmm,” she said, thoughtfully. “Good.”

  Jake could tell she was trying very hard to hold back a smile. They turned down the road leading back to the Williams’ ranch.

  “You know something Jake. I think you and Amber would make a good couple. She really doesn’t know what she’s missing out on.”

  “Thanks.” Jake smiled.

  “No problem.”

  Less than a half mile from the house Jake knew they were going to be in big, big trouble. Every light on the Williams’ property was lit up. Jake pulled very slowly into the drive to see four more cars than there had been when they’d left. One of them was John’s, who was supposed to be staying at a hotel in town.

  “We’re dead!” Diana suddenly yelled out.

  “Yeah,” Jake agreed, nodding slowly. “We are totally dead.”

  Billy, Ben, Talon, Chef, Mr. Orwell, and John suddenly appeared at the end of the driveway. All three were crossing their arms. “I was really hoping it would be the Sarges,” Whisper said, “I would rather face them any day than my dad.”

  No sooner had the truck come to a stop then Jake’s door was yanked open by Talon. “Get out of the truck!” he yanked Jake’s arm, pulling him completely from the driver’s seat.

  “Talon! Easy!” Jake heard his dad’s voice say.

  “Shut up John!” Talon answered with a snarl. He took one look at Diana and Jake saw a violent rage fill the big man’s face. For the first time in a long time, Jake felt genuine terror. Talon shoved him out of the way and climbed over Whisper.

  “Dad!” Whisper cried out. “Dad! It’s okay! She’s okay!”

  Talon ignored her and quickly paced around the truck lifting Diana into his arms then carried her into the house. The enormity of how serious the situation really was struck Jake like a ton of bricks. “You okay?” John asked, coming up beside his son.

  “Yeah. I’m okay,” he nodded.

  “Good. Whatever you do, stay out of Talon’s sight.”

  Both Billy and Ben were yelling furiously at their kids, Jake
was a little unnerved that his dad wasn’t doing the same. Buck stood at the side of the truck quietly, not wanting to place himself in their crosshairs. Amber, Chris, Whisper, and Donnie were all taken inside the main house so Sandra could check their cuts and bruises. Only John, Jake, Ben and Buck remained outside.

  “Alright,” Ben said, crossing his arms. “Which one of you wants to tell me just what the hell happened tonight?”

  A brand new Ford pickup pulled into the drive interrupting whatever answer the boys could have given. Wes Turner stumbled out of the driver side, clearly drunk. “What’s going on?” he asked looking over the somber looks on John and Ben’s faces. “What I miss?”

  John held up his hands shaking his head. “Wes, buddy. You don’t want to know.”

  “Where’s Buck?” Turner asked, looking around. “Buck! Boy get your ass over here!”

  “Dad, I’m right here.” Buck said, still leaning against the truck in front of him.

  Turner grabbed him by the hair and yanked hard. “What have you done now? Huh, you little shit!”

  Buck cried out in pain. “I didn’t do anything! We just wanted to have a little fun!”

  Turner backhanded him hard across the face. “Are you having fun now?”

  “Turner!” Ben’s voice called out. “Leave the boy alone!”

  “Stay out of this Morris. This is between me and my son!”

  “He’s right Wes, back off.” John stepped a few feet closer.

  “Mr. Turner. I suggest you release the boy,” Mr. Orwell said.

  “Shut up freak! Don’t tell me how to handle my own son!”

  Chef let out a deep guttural growl. He stepped forward hair sprouting from his hands and arms.

  “Dad let go! You’re hurting me!” Buck cried out in pain. Jake looked from one man to the other. The seriousness in their faces was lit by the dim glow of the streetlamp. This was going to end badly.

  “Let him go Wes!” John yelled stepping in front of Chef.

  “You siding with the freaks now Bishop?” Turner said, turning to face John. “You know the only difference between them and a vampire is the amount of hair on their chest.”

  Several loud, angry howls erupted from the darkness around them.

  “You’re drunk Wes,” Ben said, in a calming voice. “Go sleep it off. These kids have had one hell of a night; we can deal with them in the morning.”

  At this point Donnie came back outside and stood next to Jake, a bandage taped across the cut on his forehead. “What did I miss?” he whispered to Jake.

  Jake ignored him. He had to do something to diffuse the situation before Chef completely turned and literally ripped Turner in half. Then again . . . it might not be a bad idea . . . No, I can’t let that happen. “Mr. Turner please. Just let him go.” He stepped up to him. John grabbed at his shoulder but Jake shrugged it off. “It was my idea to go out. I’m the one that set everything up.”

  Turner glared daggers at Jake, but released his hold on Buck’s hair. “That true Buck?”

  Buck looked from his dad to Jake and back again. Jake gave him the tinniest of nods letting him know it was okay. “Yeah . . .” he said, lowering his head. “It was all Jake’s idea.”

  “That’s a lie!” Donnie’s voice said loudly. He stepped beside Jake thrusting his hands in his pockets. “Jake’s just covering for me. The whole thing was my idea.”

  The tinniest smile climbed to John’s face, which he quickly hid behind a guise of anger. “Alright guys, go get some sleep. We’ll deal with this in the morning,” he said, scratching at his head. “Someone better go call the Instructors off the perimeter, tell them the kids are fine, and to come in and get some sleep.”

  Turner grabbed hold of Bucks collar. “I’m going to teach my boy a thing or two first.”

  John sighed and shook his head. Ben took six fast-paced steps forward and punched Turner in the face knocking him out cold. His body hit the gravel drive and slid six inches before coming to a stop.

  “Daaaaamn!” Donnie cried out in shock. Jake’s jaw dropped. Buck stood there dumbstruck. He’d just seen a man half his father’s size knock him out cold with one punch.

  “Ben, come on man.” John lowered his head. “You know he’s just going to kick the shit out of you once he wakes up.”

  “Yeah, well . . . it was either that or let Chef rip him to pieces,” Ben said, shaking his hurt hand.

  “Indeed,” Mr. Orwell said seriously. “Jacob, I will have words with you all in the morning. For now, I must go and calm down my boys.”

  The hair receded into Chef’s hands and arms. He walked over and placed a hand on Buck’s shoulder then looked at the spot where Turner had hit him.

  “I’m okay, Chef,” Buck comforted him. “Really.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Orwell,” Jake called after the older man as he disappeared back into the darkness. Chef soon followed.

  “Mr. Morris that was awesome!” Donnie exclaimed.

  “You guys figure this out. I’m going to bed.” John turned and walked away. “I had a nice hotel room in town with a king size bed. Now I’m stuck sleeping on a damn cot. Jake . . .” he trailed off.

  “Remember the ’57 Chevy, Dad?” Jake said without thinking. “Buffalo Springs Lake?”

  For the briefest of seconds, a real anger crossed John’s face. Yeah that was stupid. Jake said lowering his eyes.

  “I’m tired; I only got in a couple of hours ago. I’m going to bed,” John sighed. “We will talk in the morning.”

  “Hey Dad!” Jake said. “I’m sorry but there’s one more thing.”

  “What is it?” He sighed.

  “You know a Charlie Hammond?”

  “Yeah . . .” John said uncertainly.

  “He’s going to need to be bailed out of jail. You know, whenever you get around to it.”

  “I don’t even want to know,” John shook his head. “Alright, first thing in the morning. Charlie can sit for one night.”

  “Come on Buck,” Ben said, grabbing one of Wes Turner’s arms. “Help me get him to a bed.”

  Buck turned and puked his guts out all over the side of Donnie’s truck. “Ah come on man!” Donnie screamed out as the vomit dripped down his fender and onto his tire. “Dammit Buck.”

  Ben sighed. “Never mind, Jake give me a hand would you? Donnie, get Buck to his bunk.”

  “Yes sir.” Jake nodded.

  Together they hefted Wes Turner through the house and into a spare bedroom. He moaned loudly as they dropped him onto the bed. “Ben?” Jake whispered.

  “Yeah, Jake?”

  “What’s up with Mr. Turner? Why’s he always so hard on Buck?”

  “Because he’s an asshole,” Ben answered then turned and walked out of the room. “Go get some sleep. You’re going to need it when Ortega finds out about this.”

  Jake glanced down at his watch to see it was now nearly five A.M. The sun would be up soon. He peeked in at Diana who was being looked over by Lt. Smart and Sandra. Sandra gave him an angry look before slamming the door. Damn, that was harsh. I knew we shouldn't have gone out tonight.

  Leaving the house Jake took his time walking across the yard back to their cabin. All the lights were on. Inside Donnie lay across his bunk his hand across his bandaged fore head, Buck snored loudly from his bunk. Chris still dressed in his bloodied clothes sat with a bag of frozen peas on his face.

  “Heck of a night huh?” he agreed, as Jake sat down across from him.

  “Heck of night,” Jake said, pulling his shoes off. Walking across the room, he flipped off the lights. “Goodnight Chris.” Jake stripped out of his clothes and climbed under his blanket.

  “Hey Jake?”

  “Yeah?” Jake rubbed at his temples with his fingers.

  “Thanks. If you guys hadn’t showed up, I probably would have gotten my ass kicked.”

  Jake chuckled. “You did get your ass kicked.”

  “Yeah still . . . thanks.”

  “You’re welcome Chris. Be
tter get some sleep. The Instructors won’t be too happy with us in the morning.”

  “Good night Jake.”

  His eye hurt like hell. He knew he should probably get some ice, but he was just too tired. It wouldn’t be his first black eye, and probably wouldn’t be his last. His last thought as he fell asleep was of Amber’s body pressed up against his as they danced. Buck passed gas loudly ruining the image. Rolling over with a sigh, he fell asleep. Twenty minutes later, he heard the familiar sound of Drill Sergeant Ortega’s boots on the hardwood floor. Gritting his teeth, he prepared to be yanked out of bed. El Diablo didn’t disappoint.

  Chapter 10


  Twister, Oklahoma

  July 19, 2001


  Their night of fun cost the recruits far more than any of them could have imagined. Hernandez threatened to cancel the program altogether. It was only with the begging and pleading of Billy and John and much apologizing by every single recruit that he merely increased their training to five more months and upped the intensity of the program. Everyday Jake fell asleep at 7pm his body sore and utterly exhausted.

  Two weeks before their scheduled graduation, an opportunity presented itself for Castle to show how effective his training program truly was.

  It was shaping up to be the largest hunt anyone had ever seen. A new President was in office and like his predecessor, he was prepared to fight the good fight or at least appear to. So the government’s team had been put into action for the first time since 1998. Their first planned assault involved the combined forces of The Coalition with the U.S. VET (Vampire Extermination Team) ironically named because almost all of its members were classified ‘retired’ military.

  They were raiding the largest den ever discovered on American soil - an old Tuberculosis Sanitarium with thousands upon thousands of square feet and a labyrinth of tunnels crisscrossing its basements, for vampires to hide in. Over six thousand bodies, all victims of that terrible disease, had been transported through those tunnels. Today they provided the perfect cover for creatures that couldn't walk in the sunlight.

  There would be sixty hunters going into that building, accompanied by over fifty 'retired' Marines, Navy Seals, Army, and Special Forces. Leading the assault was none other than The Judge himself.


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