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The Wranglers' Sexy Fugitive [The Wranglers of Bear Mountain 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  Chapter Eight

  “Whoa! No more, guys. I’m danced out,” Shelby said once she was able to catch her breath again.

  “I’m with her,” Bo chuckled as he pulled out a chair for her to collapse on.

  “You’re both wimps. The night is young.” Dalton spread his arms then shook his head. “Fine. Be a spoil sport.”

  “It’s been a long time for me, Dalton. I haven’t stayed out late and danced in years. I’m out of practice,” she admitted with a laugh.

  “Well, we’re going to have to change that. Bo and I’ll have you back in shape in no time,” Dalton drawled before sipping his beer.

  Shelby drank some of her whiskey sour. Although she felt really good, she was pretty sure she hadn’t had too much after the delicious meal she’d had earlier in the evening. The two men had fed her from their plates as well. She’d been sure she would pop by the time they accepted her plea to be too full for another bite.

  Then Dalton’s words sank in and once again the pleasure that had seconds before been racing through her bloodstream curdled at the promise of a future she wouldn’t, no couldn’t have with them. Not wanting them to catch on to her soured mood, Shelby excused herself to regain some of her composure with a trip to the ladies room.

  Once inside, she took the only empty stall and just stood there trying to calm the anxiety eating at her by slowly breathing in and out until she wasn’t choking on tears anymore. She couldn’t stay in there forever, but a few more seconds wouldn’t hurt. In the space of a few weeks, the two men had wormed their way under her defenses and into her heart. Nothing had prepared her for the intense feelings they stirred inside of her. She didn’t want to leave, even though she knew it was the right thing to do.

  The sound of someone entering the bathroom reminded her that she couldn’t camp out in there indefinitely. She flushed the toilet before opening the stall door and walking over to the sinks to wash and dry her hands.

  When she stepped out of the ladies room, Bo and Dalton were both standing just inside the doorway of the hall leading to the restrooms. She frowned as she approached them. Both wore relaxed smiles, but she didn’t understand why they were waiting on her. She hadn’t been that long, had she?

  “Hey. Is something wrong?” she asked.

  “No, little natáyo. We figured it was time to head back to the ranch so we allowed another couple to have our table while we waited for you,” Bo told her.

  “That was nice of you. I’m ready. I’ve had a great time, but I am tired.” She let them both take a hand and followed Bo as he led her forward through the crush of bodies while Dalton held her other hand and brought up the rear.

  Once they stepped outside into the fresh air that was several degrees cooler than inside had been, Bo pulled her under his arm. Dalton chuckled and grabbed the keys to the truck from Bo’s other hand.

  “I’ll drive us home since you drove us out here. Besides, I had less to drink than you did.” Dalton grinned good-naturedly when Bo sent him a flick of a finger that wasn’t very nice.

  Shelby couldn’t help but smile at their antics. It was good to see them having fun and smiling. She was so happy that she’d been a part of it all and wouldn’t have traded that night for all the tea in China.

  Why was it China instead of England? England had just as much tea as China did, right? I think I’m a little more sauced that I thought.

  “What are you mumbling about?” Bo asked as he helped her up into the truck.

  “Huh? Oh. Nothing. I guess I was thinking out loud.” She started to shake her head to clear it when a glint of light off something shiny caught her attention. Her blood ran cold as she caught sight of someone several cars over using binoculars to watch them. At least she thought it was them.

  Bo closed his door right after Dalton slammed his and started the engine. “Get Shelby’s belt on, Bo.”

  Dalton waited until Bo had them both buckled up before putting the big truck into gear. Shelby looked over her shoulder as they pulled out and sure enough, the car with the man using binoculars pulled out behind them. She started to say something to Dalton about it, but the car pulled around them and shot off down the road.

  “Guess he was in a hurry to get home,” Dalton drawled.

  “Probably wasn’t supposed to be there in the first place,” Bo predicted. “Either he was too young or he’s married and had no business out without his wife.”

  “Sad but true,” Dalton agreed with him.

  Shelby didn’t say anything, choosing to remain silent as they drove toward the ranch. They knew where she was staying so they didn’t need to follow them back, but would they be waiting on them somewhere down the road or even at the ranch. She didn’t want something to happen to them.

  Lord, please don’t let them come for me tonight.

  If she could make it through tonight, Dalton and Bo wouldn’t stay long at her place since they had to get up early to be sure everything was ready for the trail ride. Then they would be gone while she snuck away.

  Over and over she repeated that small prayer in her head as they drew closer to Bear Mountain Ranch. When nothing happened while they were on the road, she began to hope that everything would be okay after all. She knew a moment of worry when the men escorted her inside the lodge and up to her apartment on the second floor. Since they had locked the lodge, her apartment door wasn’t locked. Fear sizzled in her veins as she opened the door and stepped into the living area after turning on the lights.

  Nothing happened. No sound came from anywhere in the apartment as the two men entered behind her and closed the door.

  She turned around to face them, plastering a smile on her face. “I had a really wonderful time. How about some coffee?”

  “Sounds great,” Dalton said. “Thanks.”

  She realized she didn’t want it to be over. She wanted them there for as long as possible. It had been a long time since she’d been this scared of being alone. She’d been alone for a very long time. Why was it hitting her now?

  Because I’ve had a taste of happiness and it’s right within my grasp if I didn’t have people out to kill me.

  Shelby swallowed around new tears and left the two men in the living area to set up the coffee in her little kitchenette. While it brewed, she pulled out a coffee cake Billy Jean had given her the day before. Her friend was always baking things and giving them to people. She even cooked meals that could be frozen that were on her father-in-law’s special diet after his heart attack.

  Before the coffee had finished making, both men had joined her in the tiny space. Bo loaded slices of the cake onto dessert plates while Dalton poured the coffee and carried two of the mugs to the other room behind Bo. It left Shelby with her single cup of coffee and the silverware.

  She knew they didn’t take anything in their coffee either, so she followed behind them and sat on the loveseat. To her surprise, Bo picked her up and settled her on his lap while Dalton sat next to Bo.

  “So where is that book you were reading?” Dalton asked out of the blue.

  Shelby choked on her coffee so that Bo was patting her on the back in an effort to help her. She’d thought for sure they would have forgotten all about the book.

  “I’ve been looking forward to you reading to us all night,” Dalton confessed with a smirk.

  Shelby narrowed her eyes at him as she cleared her throat. “I really don’t think you’d be interested in it, Dalton.” She turned to Bo. “I have a Tony Hillerman book. I could read from that one.”

  Bo smiled but dashed her hopes of help from him by siding with Dalton. “I can read him at home. I’d like to hear this romance book. The title makes it sound really interesting.”

  She blew out a breath and hung her head in defeat. Leaning over the edge of the couch, she snagged her e-reader and dropped it in her lap.

  “I’m going to finish my cake before I read or I’ll probably choke on it again.”

  Dalton snickered but softened it by kissing her cheek
and feeding her a bite of the cake. How would she ever get through the embarrassment of reading an erotic romance to two men who she really liked? She had no doubt her face would catch fire before they let her stop. Why had she ever taken up reading the deliciously hot books in the first place? It wasn’t like she had a man—or two to quench the fires once she’d spent a few hours reading.

  I’m so screwed. Well, not really. I could only wish.

  Once she’d finished her cake and had sipped on her coffee for a few seconds, Dalton handed her the e-reader once again and grinned while wiggling his eyebrows at her. She couldn’t prevent the amused smile from forming on her lips at his antics. One day she would get him back. Only there wouldn’t be a one day for them. That sobering thought had her opening the cover of her reader and waiting for it to automatically turn on. It exhibited the page she’d been reading when they’d arrived.

  “Go ahead, kitten. I want to hear you read,” Bo encouraged.

  Taking a deep breath, Shelby started reading, trying to ignore the slow rise of her blood pressure as her veins turned from ice to a flow of fiery lava with the first passage that left no doubt as to what was ahead.

  “Clara had no doubt that she was going to find out how it felt to be filled by two lusty cowboys intent on taming her as their own. They might fuck her until she screamed her pleasure, but they couldn’t turn her into a simpering lady who waited on them hand and foot and lived only to keep their house clean and bear their children. She was used to taking care of herself and didn’t need two chauvinistic, though mouthwatering, handsome men, to tell her what to do.”

  “Now that sounds like a really good book, Bo. What do you think?” Dalton said, interrupting her. Not that she was complaining.

  Between the heat of Bo’s arms around her while his cock poked at her ass and the sexy words singing the e-reader, Shelby wasn’t sure how long she’d last before she spontaneously combusted.

  “I have to say that Tony Hillerman didn’t write like that. I feel a little deprived now that I know there are books like this out there.” Bo leaned in and kissed the side of her neck and nuzzled her there before sitting back again.

  Dalton reached over and squeezed her thigh where her skirt had inched up when Bo had pulled her down on his lap.

  “Keep reading, little bit. It’s getting interesting.” Dalton winked at her.

  The two men knew how uncomfortable they were making her, yet they continued to play the game and urge her forward. She drew in a deep breath and continued, determined not to let the book get to her while she read.

  What a crock that was. In less than twenty minutes, her panties were soaked and, to her mortification, Shelby was sure she was leaving a wet spot on Bo’s new jeans. Dalton continued to play with her thigh, inching her skirt up higher and higher. She was helpless to stop him with her hands tied up holding the e-reader. Not that she would have, but she really should have at least attempted him to stop before he got to her soaked panties.

  “I think that’s plenty for tonight, Shelby. We can take up where you left off next time,” Dalton crooned to her.

  “Fuck, I can smell how turned on you are, kitten. I want to bury my face between your thighs and drink you down. Will you let me do that, Shelby? Will you let us take care of you?” Bo’s voice had gotten deeper and husky. She’d like nothing more than to let them do any and everything to her, but how could she do that and then leave them in the morning?

  Before she could answer Bo’s question, Dalton took one hard nipple between his teeth and gently pulled at it through the material of her blouse and bra. The sensation electrified her as nothing had in a long time. Then Bo nipped at her neck as his fingers joined Dalton’s high up on her bare thighs.

  “I–I can’t think,” she finally got out.

  “Don’t think, kitten. Feel. We can make you feel so good,” Bo assured her.

  She didn’t doubt that one bit either. Not by the way her body was already reacting to their touches and gentle kisses. Already her blood was on fire and her panties were soaked. But how could she allow them to pleasure her then walk out of their lives without an explanation? She started to push them away and tell them she couldn’t do it, but Dalton surprised her when his fingers scraped against her drenched panties and shot sparks throughout her body. Every protest she had died on her lips.

  Dalton hadn’t stopped tormenting her nipple with his teeth and the tip of his tongue while he rubbed her clit through her panties. She squirmed on Bo’s lap then stilled as his thick dick grew even harder beneath her. Just how big was the man? He felt as if he was as large as a freaking horse!

  “Got to touch you, little one. Have to taste your skin before I die of need,” Dalton rasped.

  Before she knew it, Bo had stood up and was striding toward her bedroom with her in his arms. When she looked over his shoulder, Dalton walked right behind him with a seriously aroused expression on his face. If she hadn’t known better, she’d have even called it feral.

  Bo eased her onto her bed and both men began to remove her clothes, almost reverently. Dalton folded them and set them on her dresser before climbing on the bed and turning her slightly so he could grasp the release of her bra. Shelby couldn’t believe she was letting them undress her like this. It all felt as if was happing to someone else until Bo covered as much of her breast with his mouth as he could manage and sucked.

  “Oh, God!” she moaned. It felt so good.

  Dalton rasped his tongue back and forth over her other nipple before nipping it lightly with his teeth. The resulting sting quickly morphed into something wonderful as he soothed it with his tongue before drawing in more and more of her breast until he had as much in his mouth as Bo did.

  Nothing had ever felt so good. She never would have imagined in a million years just how erotic and titillating it was to have two men touching her at one time. Yes, she’d read ménages and even foursomes almost as much as she read anything else, but fantasizing and experiencing was entirely different, worlds apart even.

  “Holy hell you taste good. I could suck on your breasts till the cows came home,” Dalton told her as he licked all around the areola.

  Bo moved down, licking and nipping at the skin near her ribs, making her giggle and jump. When he reached her belly button, he licked all around. Dalton moved up, kissing his way across one shoulder then up her neck where he took his time licking her as if she were some favorite sucker and he wanted to savor it. Cool air elicited chills everywhere he’d licked when he moved on. Shelby closed her eyes and just felt as they’d told her to do, but she didn’t want to miss a thing. When she opened her eyes again, it was to find Dalton’s face only inches from hers.

  “Hey there, little bit. I love your eyes. Keep them open for me. They’re so bright and green they remind me of new pine needles in the spring.” He kissed the corners of her mouth then sucked in her lower lip to nip and tease it with his tongue.

  God! They were killing her. Everything felt twice as real, twice as good. Whether it was amplified because there were two of them pouring out their attentions on her or if it was just the knowledge that she would probably never see them again. More than likely it was a combination of both. They were amazing men, handsome and kind. If only her circumstances had been different they might have been able to work things out. Maybe.

  “Mmmmm, she smells so good, Dalton. I can’t wait to taste her. I bet she’s sweeter than beehive honey.” Bo buried his face against the skin of her pelvis.

  Shelby couldn’t believe how erotic it felt for him to do that, just rub his face back and forth over her lower abdomen and pelvis like that. It set off an urgent need to have him rub his face elsewhere. She moaned and lifted her hips slightly, silently begging him to move down just a little more.

  “Do it, n’ts. Tell me what she tastes like,” Dalton urged.

  Bo groaned and slid off the edge of the bed to kneel between her legs. He gently pulled her toward him a little then nudged her legs farther apart so he could fit
his wide shoulders in their cradle. Just his warm breath fanning across her wet pussy had the power to make her squirm.

  “Ahnuts,” Bo whispered before running his tongue from the bottom of her slit to her clit. He circled the tiny nub without touching it and slowly ran his tongue back down again. Shelby nearly came off the bed when he first touched her there. The combination of the cooler air and his hot, wet tongue stroking her most sensitive areas was almost more than she could bear. It tightened things deep inside of her she’d never realized were there before.

  “Ah, sweeter than I imagined, Bo. You’re going to have to taste her to understand. I want to smear her juices all over me just so I can always smell her addicting scent.”

  “Hurry up and move over. I want my turn to taste her,” Dalton fussed.

  Bo chuckled then started torturing her in earnest. Every lick of his tongue pulled at her, sending her on a spiraling journey higher and higher. The silly thought that it was a good thing she wasn’t afraid of heights made her giggle, which seemed to offend Bo because he drew her clit into his mouth and sucked until laughter was the farthest thing from her mind.

  “Yes!” she called out hoarsely.

  Bo growled around her clit as he licked and teased the little knot of nerves. When he captured it with his teeth she nearly passed out.

  Dalton stole her breath when he covered her mouth with his. He pulled and pinched first one hard nipple then the other one as he conquered her mouth. Every swipe of his tongue had her aching for more. While his hands cupped and squeezed her breasts, his fingers pulling and pinching the sensitive nipples, his tongue explored, drawing moan after moan from her as she gave him and Bo all of her control.

  “You’re killing me,” she managed to get out when Dalton left her mouth to suck on her nipples again.

  “No, kitten. We’re taking care of you,” Bo told her before piercing her with his tongue.

  Damn that feels so good.

  His tongue prodded her slit, then slipped inside over and over. She thrust her hips to meet his tongue until he held her down with one arm over her pelvis. Frustration had her growling, which made Dalton chuckle.


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