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Claiming Goldilocks

Page 5

by S Cinders

  The moment Brax pulled into Rapunzel’s new studio I forgot myself and kissed him soundly on the cheek. I was just so damn happy. I had no idea that I would be unleashing the beast. He grabbed me by the shoulders and yanked me all of the way over to his lap.

  “You kissed me,” he growled, eyes hungry and they raked my face.

  I nodded slowly because I had kissed him just seconds ago.

  “About fucking time!”

  I almost asked what he was talking about but the minute his lips brushed mine I forgot everything. It flew out of my head that we were in the parking lot of the community center where anyone and everyone could see us making out.

  I didn’t even consider that smooching with Brax would make us late for the painting class or that we would be the main topic of conversation.

  All I knew was that the impossibly soft lips on Brax should have been classified a lethal weapon. The things he could do with those lips, and that tongue.

  He slipped it into my mouth and I felt the earth move. My heart galloped, and my hands sank into his shoulders. He kissed me like he had all the time in the world and yet with each stroke he was drawing me deeper and deeper into his web.

  I’ve always been the kind of girl that liked kissing and loved fucking. But kissing with Brax, it was different. There were layers to it, each one seeming brand new and needing exploring. I felt buzzed like I had been drinking. Weightless as if I was floating away. And grounded, because of his strong arms that were firmly planted on my hips.

  He didn’t try to touch me more intimately. It was as if I were a fine wine and he needed to take his time getting to taste it fully.

  Kissing Brax made me realize that I had never really been kissed before, not like this. I couldn’t help the sounds that escaped. Little moans of pleasure and whimpers when he would pull back for a second to gaze into my eyes.

  I could have stayed there all night kissing him in the parking lot and likely would have if someone hadn’t knocked loudly on the window.

  I was determined to ignore the idiot that dared get between my lips and his. But the knocking was insistent and Brax finally broke the kiss.

  “Rapunzel?” I motioned for Brax to roll down the window. “We are coming to your class.”

  She gave me a wry grin, “Sugar, class let out about ten minutes ago. I could barely see that it was you in there with all the fog on the windows.”

  I flushed. “It’s not that bad.”

  It was that bad, she was not overstating anything.

  Rapunzel laughed, and I cringed at the sheer delight she was getting out of my utter humiliation. That is until I realized that we missed her entire class.

  “I’m so sorry!” I blurted out, “I’m the worst friend ever! I can’t believe we missed it!”

  Her eyes twinkled. “I get paid in advance. So, it’s the both of you that missed out.”

  Brax cleared his throat. “Can we come again next week?”

  I could see dollar signs in Rapunzel’s eyes as she nodded quickly, “Come as often as you like. And if you want, you can even come inside. Totally optional, like I said I get paid either way.”

  Brax chuckled while I rolled my eyes. “You sound like a two-dollar hooker.”

  She laughed throatily. “I think I am hilarious and so does Brax.”

  I gave her a grudging smile. “You are funny; shameless, but funny.”

  She executed a little bow, “Why don’t you kids run along to Lookout Point? I think you have given the town enough fodder for gossip tonight.”

  I paled, “What do you mean?”

  She tipped her head to the side, looking at me incredulously. “Goldie, half my class was buzzing about you two when we started and by the end, everyone knew. Mark my words, by morning it will be all over town.”

  Well, she was wrong.

  Those fucking gossips had spread their vile sludge before the eleven o'clock news that night. By 11:18 I had taken the phone off the hook and turned my cell phone off. It would seem that everyone in town had an opinion on me dating one of the three bears.

  Some of the single ladies wanted me to hook them up with his bear brothers. It was all I could do not to reach through the phone and gouge their eyes out. Others warned me that if I wasn’t careful I would end up like that poor girl from the bakery, Scarlett.

  But Scarlett was happy. She and her two wolves had a child on the way. Scarlett had always been stressed, worrying about her family and her mom, especially after her father passed. But when she married her wolves, something changed within her.

  It was like she was blossoming into the woman that she was always meant to be. I couldn’t help but wonder if that could happen to me too.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t have a good life. Because I did. My Gran and I worked hard at the furniture shop and I loved making things out of wood. I loved the smell and the creative process. I loved using my hands and proving that just because we were small women we could still do anything a man could do, and often we did it better.

  But I wasn’t happy, not like Scarlett. Something had been missing in my life. Even before sad-sack Stuart came into my life and sent me on the self-destruct downward spiral.

  I was missing something.

  For the first time, I had an idea of what that might be. And if Ben, Bryson, and Brax weren’t opposed to this insane situation, I was going to ride it out.

  What I hadn’t anticipated were the repercussions of such actions.

  We awakened the next morning to the house covered in eggs and the trees lined with white two-ply. For the briefest moment, I shrugged it off as kids out for a night of toilet papering. Until I saw my truck, that is.

  ‘Bear Whore’ was written with spray paint on the side.

  Gran called the police and we had some neighbors that came and helped clean up the mess. But I couldn’t afford to get my car repainted.

  For the first time since my breakup with Stuart, I didn’t go to work. After we cleaned up the mess I crawled into my bed and stared at the wall. Gran tried to talk me into watching a show with her or eating something. But I wasn’t interested.

  Was I really a whore?

  I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew someone was pushing my hair back off my forehead. I opened my eyes and blinked the sleep away.

  “Ben?” I croaked.

  His gorgeous smile warmed me all the way to my toes. And then I remembered, ‘Bear Whore.’

  Tears began to gather in my eyes and I tried to turn away from him. But he wouldn’t let me.

  “It isn’t true, Goldie. They are horrible spiteful creatures with mean minds. They could never understand, and what they don’t understand they lash out at. Don’t let them win!”

  I nodded, but more tears fell.

  He leaned forward and gathered me into his arms. I let all the frustration and embarrassment out. Because in his arms things didn’t seem as bad. I was safe to let those feelings go, and when I was done I felt a million times better.

  I wasn’t going to let them win. Not when my heart was on the line.

  CHAPTER 11 – Benton

  I hated the broken look in Goldilocks’ eyes. Every tear she shed felt like it was being ripped from my soul. How could people be so cruel? That was something I would never understand. The main predator to a bear is a human. Some might not understand that and think it should be a lion or some shit. But there is not a species out there that is as cruel as humans.

  I gathered her into my arms, thankful that I listened to the prompting to come and check on her. We had quite a few cancellations at the spa, which was unusual. That is what tipped me off that something might be wrong. I went into town and was snubbed right and left.

  It doesn’t take a genius to know what was going on. Small minded pricks, the lot of them, what did they care about Goldie, or our happiness?

  Just because it may not look the same way their lives did, they were bound and determined to shame us all.

  Werebears have a long lifes
pan. My bear brothers and I have accumulated a lot of money over the years. Some in investments, some in gold and silver, some in bank accounts, and a large stash in our vault at the house.

  We didn’t have to run the spa, that was only for fun. If they continued to be a problem, the boys and I could easily cut ties with the town. But where did that leave Goldie?

  I knew full well that she wouldn’t take money from us. I also knew that she supported her Grandmother. It wasn’t like we could sweep her off her feet and never look back. From the moment I met Goldie I knew she was a woman who cared very deeply.

  You can see it in her eyes, the way she looks at people. You can see it in her work, the special touches, and intricacies that others wouldn’t take the time to mess with. She wasn’t only hurt for herself, she was embarrassed that she brought her Grandma Mara shame.

  When I got home that night the boys and I had a talk. Braxton was cooking dinner and Bryson had just finished mowing the grass. We gathered in the kitchen and I told them about how I had found her earlier, curled in her bed and crying.

  “Stupid mother fuckers,” Bry growled, bristling with rage.

  Brax shook his head, “Should have known something was up with the cancellations. I know that you love the place, Bry. But I’m going to have a hard time working on those self-righteous pricks. It won’t look good if I break someone’s neck while giving a back massage.”

  Bryson winced. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did. We need to do something, but I will be damned if I know what it is.”

  I blew out a breath, “I have an idea. I haven’t spoken to Goldie about it because I wanted to check with you guys first.”

  “What is it?” Bryson asked.

  Running a hand over my stubbled chin, I continued, “We have all had several weeks to get to know Goldie. Are both of you still interested in a relationship with her?”

  Brax scowled, “Hell yeah we are, what kind of question is that? Aren’t you?”

  I could feel the hairs on my body stand at attention as I narrowed my eyes dangerously at Brax. I was the alpha of our brotherhood and he knew it. Seconds later he averted his eyes in submission. I didn’t have to answer him, especially as he was being a wanker, but I did anyway.

  “My feelings have not changed,” I gritted out, “but I think it is time for a change in how we are conducting this courtship. Goldie needs our protection, and if I can talk her into it, I am going to ask if she and her Grandmother would like to come live with us.”

  Bryson’s eyes widened, and a broad smile crossed his face. “Fuck yeah! That would be amazing.”

  Brax nodded, “I agree, I’m totally on board with Goldie coming, but do we have to take the Grandmother?”

  Bryson’s lips twitched as I frowned. “I don’t think Goldie will come without her.”

  “How will we work out our time with her?” Brax asked, and it was a good question, one that I had been giving a lot of thought to.

  “We will have a schedule, but when we are all in the house, Goldie will go where she pleases, and we will respect her wishes. I want no fighting over her; the last thing we need is to scare her away.”

  “I have to watch if she wants to kiss one of you fuckers?” Bryson looked like he had eaten something sour.

  “No lips,” I said shortly. “She can kiss our cheeks, but no lips when we are all together. Can you two assholes keep your hands to yourself and remember that this is about her and not your dicks?”

  Brax scowled. “What about at night?”

  “She will have her own room,” I responded, and watched as my bear brothers frowned. “But she is welcome to stay the night where ever she wants to.”

  Bryson opened his mouth and then stopped, before finally replying, “Deal.”

  I looked at Brax who nodded as well. “I’m in.”

  “Good,” I breathed a sigh of relief. “They should be here in the next hour or so. Bry, as soon as you can take her truck over to the next town for a new paint job. Brax, make sure that the spare room has clean sheets on the bed.”

  “Are we preparing two rooms or one?” Brax started walking to the stairs.

  I barked out a laugh. “One.”

  He looked at me and understanding crossed his face. Was it a little underhanded to give her the choice of sleeping with her Grandmother or one of us? Yeah, it really was. Did I feel bad about that? I sure as shit didn’t. I felt like a fucking genius.

  “I can just sleep on the couch,” Grandma Mara offered, when the girls finally arrived two hours later.

  They had packed up a few suitcases into the back of Betty, Goldie’s truck. It still had those horrible words painted on the side, but I saw that Bry slipped out shortly after they arrived with her keys. Hopefully, they could take care of her truck today.

  There had been a few other incidents after the eggs. Someone had thrown a brick through their window; it appeared that things were going south quickly. And there was shit spread on the doors of their furniture business.

  Goldie and Mara had spent much of the afternoon speaking with the police, who were less than helpful. A part of me was angrier than I had ever been in my life. But there was also a small piece that was thankful those idiots had driven Goldie right into our arms.

  Goldie wrinkled her nose at her Grandmother. “You are not sleeping on the couch. We can share, or I will sleep there.”

  “Or you could stay with me,” I offered, my voice huskier than usual.

  Brax looked like he wanted to deck me. “Bry and I would love to share as well. You could rotate if you wanted.”

  Goldie’s cheeks pinked. She looked at her grandmother, who stood there beaming at her.

  “Well, that will work out just fine. I will need just a moment to settle in. See you all in a bit,” and with that Mara slipped up the stairs to the one prepared guest room.

  Goldie eyed the both of us with a strange expression. “Are you sure?”

  Brax groaned low in his throat when she took her bottom lip between her teeth. It was fucking sexy and I had to hold myself back from grabbing her. I don’t know what I had been thinking. How was I supposed to go around the house with a hard-on if her grandmother was in the same room?

  She nodded, her cheeks turning from pink to crimson. “I will take you up on that offer. I assume that Bryson will be willing to share as well?”

  I wanted to cut the poor bastard out, but I knew that it wasn’t the right thing to do, despite how great it sounded at the time.

  I nodded gruffly. “Yes, he is in agreement.”

  “What am I to do about work?”

  “I’ll send a cleaning crew over to your business,” I said calmly, even though I didn’t feel anything of the sort inside. “I will be coming in with you and Mara every day. You won’t be without protection.”

  “What if the customers cancel all of their orders?” she said in a small voice.

  “How many of your orders are local? You do a lot of business online, don’t you?”

  She nodded, “Yes, about sixty percent is online.”

  I thought for a moment. “Just leave the locals to me.”

  Brax was tapping his chin. “I’m a bit of a wiz on the computer. Do you care if I have a look at your website and marketing?”

  Goldie blushed, “We have a site, but there is no marketing program.”

  Brax’s eyes twinkled and she laughed.

  “You look like a kid at the candy store!”

  Her giggles went straight to my heart. There was nothing sweeter than this girl right here and I would do anything to protect her.

  CHAPTER 12 – Goldilocks

  Living with three gorgeous men was certainly not a chore. I felt like there was eye candy everywhere I turned and to make matters worse they treated me much like one would a kid sister. I got affectionate pats on the head and an occasional kiss on my forehead but otherwise things were strictly rated G.

  My grandmother was laughing it up behind my back. She knew that I was frustrated with how thi
ngs were going. The guys were being amazing about helping us with the business and making us feel at home.

  The only times I felt truly connected was at night when I shared their beds.

  They were still achingly polite, but I found when the guys had fallen asleep I could cuddle up next to them and whoever I was with would wrap me tightly in their arms until morning.

  I would have to be dead to miss their reaction to me in the morning. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to awaken to a cock shoved up against your ass and know that they won’t do anything about it?

  The bathroom shower was seeing more action than any bedroom. But I had a plan and that was about to change. If my werebears weren’t going to seduce me, I was sure as hell going to seduce them.

  It was Benton’s night and just like he had the last time I stayed, he allowed me to use the bathroom first before he went in. Instead of crawling into bed with my usual flannel pajamas I opted for a much subtler approach.

  And by that, I mean completely not subtle.

  The moment he touched hot skin I knew I had him. There was low growl emanating from somewhere deep in his chest. I felt my stomach clench as I asked,

  “Is this okay?”

  Maybe it wasn’t the sexiest thing in the world, but you wouldn’t have known it with his response. Benton ripped the blankets off the bed and stared at my naked body.

  “What are you... Why did you... Are you sure?”

  I’m certain that he meant to give me a chance to answer before crushing his lips to mine; we were both just in a hurry to finally taste each other. How it was possible to crave this man when I wanted the others so badly, I didn’t know. All I could do was give in to my instincts and love him the way that my heart wanted to.


  Benton broke off when he felt my hesitation. “What’s wrong?”

  I knew that if I asked him to stop he would. Despite my naked body and the massive hard-on, he was sporting behind his pajama pants. But what I had just discovered was monumental. I couldn’t go a moment longer without saying something.

  “Benton, I am falling in love with you,” I whispered, searching his face to see if he had a shred of the same emotion for me.


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