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Claiming Goldilocks

Page 7

by S Cinders

  My voice still gruff with my beast so close to the surface I pleaded with her, “Are you okay, Goddess, please Goldie, are you okay?”

  She nodded against my chest, “It’s okay, Bryson. It’s not my blood.”

  I pulled back to see my brother Benton looking on with great concern. In his hands was an old ax that had been on the side of the house where Brax usually chopped wood.

  “What happened?” My voice was thick with emotion and I couldn’t let her go. I physically couldn’t allow Goldie to leave my embrace.

  “Stuart,” she choked out and shuddered into my chest.

  “Shh, you don’t have to tell me,” I hated how upset she was, and I wanted to kill the bastard, but I had a feeling that he was no longer living.

  “No,” Goldie said resolutely, “I need to tell you.”

  I guided her over to where her grandmother was standing and took the outstretched towel. Then I started to clean her face.

  The sound of sirens ripped through the air and in seconds our home was surrounded by police and fire trucks. The damage wasn’t as substantial as what had happened at the spa.

  “I went into the kitchen to get a drink and Stuart had broken in. He was waiting for me. He covered my mouth and dragged me out the back door. He was saying horrible things, terrible words about what he was going to do to a whore like me. I knew I was going to die.”

  Goldie clung to me and I felt sick that my sweet mate had to go through such atrocities.

  “He stumbled as he was dragging me, and I was able to scream out. He grabbed the ax and swung it wildly. He wanted to kill me, I did what I had to do!”

  She was starting to get hysterical and I hated the terror in her voice.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s okay.”

  “I killed him, Bryson! The ax slipped from his hands and landed near me. I didn’t hesitate, he was trying to kill me. He wanted to kill us all. I picked up the ax. My aim was true, there was so much blood, it went everywhere!”

  I held her close and turned to see Braxton racing toward us, the same fear and anxiety in his eyes. Reluctantly I allowed Goldie to pass into his arms. He would need the reassurance just as I did.

  Office Gregor motioned for Benton and me to come and speak with him. They were able to contain and stop the fire but there was still much to be done. An ambulance came to take the body and we all had to go back into town for more statements and paperwork.

  By the time all was said and done we were wrung out, and barely functioning. Our home wasn’t fit for living in until repairs could be made. Goldie and Mara’s place was small, but it smelled like her and that alone made it the best place on earth.

  We fell asleep wrapped up in a massive jumble of limbs and blankets in a large bed we had made on the living room floor. We were beaten, but not broken.

  CHAPTER 15 – Goldilocks

  Five and ½ months later...

  I raced to complete the rocking chair that I had been working on for a client, knowing that I needed to get down to the Tranquil Bear by three.

  My werebears had decided to rebuild the spa and I had been there every step of the way. It was almost better now that I had my furniture and other carpentry added to the framework of the spa. Not only that but a large warehouse was added to the property and I could now work just feet from my men rather than miles.

  We kept the little shop on Main Street to be our storefront, but everything was now built here. Benton was still working with me most days and I had been more than impressed with the skills he had brought to the table.

  Braxton had been a godsend for the business. My online orders had increased by 300%. I don’t know if it was the increase of jobs that caused townspeople to relent, or perhaps they felt sorry about the attack brought on by Stuart.

  I’m not sure we will ever know, but I was thankful just the same that my family had finally been accepted into this town.

  “Goldie, the mayor is here, and your guys are out front. Did you get a chance to change into that dress I hung up?”

  Grandma Mara rounded the corner and caught me working on the rocking chair.

  “Goldie! You are still in your overalls!” she chided. “There isn’t time to change now, you will just have to come to the ceremony as you are.”

  I smiled happily. “It is a good thing that my bears like me just the way I am.”

  Grandma Mara grumbled something, but I didn’t care. Nothing could bring down my excitement for this day. We walked across the parking lot and through the crowd until I was able to see Benton, Braxton, and Bryson; they were scouring the area looking for me.

  I felt a swelling in my chest at the sight of them. My mates, my werebears to love and hold for all time.

  The mayor handed us a ridiculously large pair of scissors and the four of us each placed a hand on the metal and sliced through the red ribbon. There were shouts of joy and clapping as pink balloons began to fall from above.

  This was a secret that my guys and I had set up to share our exciting news.

  Grandma Mara caught a balloon and read the note scribbled on the side. “Welcome, Baby Girl??”

  Tears filled her eyes as she turned and caught sight of the four of us standing in unison.

  “We wanted to thank you, Mara,” Bryson wrapped my tiny grandmother in his arms for a hug.

  “We would like to think that the Moon Goddess would have found a way to bring Goldie to us.” Benton grinned. “But we know that you gave her a little nudge in the right direction.”

  Braxton grinned, “Or a large shove, semantics aren’t that important. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.”

  My grandmother continued to cry tears of joy. “A girl? Are you certain?”

  I smiled widely, “They saw her on the ultrasound last week. We wanted to be able to surprise everyone.”

  Rapunzel was the next to grab me in a hug, and then Scarlett. Her boys were racing about causing trouble and her two wolf mates were having a merry time trying to keep them in line.

  It was later that night with Benton’s massive cock inside my mouth, Bryson buried deep in my ass, and Brax pumping inside my pussy that I knew no matter what life threw our way we would be okay.

  My core clenched as I sucked Benton deep and I knew that my men were holding out for me. Benton cupped my head as Bryson pinched my nipples and Brax traced lazy circles around my clit.

  Suddenly I was coming, shattering around them as my pussy squeezed, my ass milked, and my throat swallowed hard on the cock inside of it. They were coming, and I was in ecstasy.

  Life in the bedroom had been interesting. Never twice the same, sometimes they would want me to be submissive, other times I called the shots; there were points where it was just two or three of us if someone was away on business. But one thing was for certain. We were a unified team.

  I learned that in my search for the perfect man I had almost lost out of the chance of a perfect life with my imperfectly perfect werebears.

  CAROLINE MARA WAS BORN three months later with the help of one doula, one midwife, one grandmother, one very grouchy expectant mother, and three anxious husbands. Actually, I suppose it was only two, because Brax passed out and missed the grand finale.

  He was horrified that he had missed the birth of our child. But I promised him that he would get his chance, and not more than three years later Bryson Jaren and Rose Claire were born. Quick on their heels was Taylor Michelle, with only eleven months between the twins and herself.

  We settled in, feeling that this was our family and thankful for all the Moon Goddess had provided us. I can’t say that there weren’t ups and downs. Particularly when Scarlett’s cubs came sniffing around Caroline. But we were happy, incandescently so.

  It was the night before Caroline graduated high school that I received the shock of my life.

  Staring at the stick, I willed the second line to disappear.

  “Um mom,” Caroline was fighting back a smile, “I don’t think we need to do another test.”<
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  She motioned to the four that already littered the bathroom counter. She was sitting on the side of the tub painting her toenails as I literally felt fate handing me the greatest practical joke ever.

  “I can’t have a baby. I am forty-two!”

  She shrugged, “That is old.”


  My daughter laughed and tossed her shiny hard hair, that looked so much like her fathers,’ over her shoulder.

  “I know I don’t need to have the talk with you, Mom. You know where babies come from.”

  I scrunched up my nose, “You know, some animals eat their young.”

  She didn’t miss a beat, “I totally understand that; start with Taylor.”

  “What are we going to tell your dads?”

  I felt scared. I knew that they would be happy, of course they would. But I was older and more tired. What if something terrible happened? Things were harder when a mother was older.

  Caroline tipped her head. “It’s going to be okay mom, I promise.”

  I sniffled, “How?”

  Her smile pierced right through my heart, “Because you said that no matter what happens in life we can get through it when we are together.”

  “I am really smart,” I grumbled, but a small smile threatened to break out.

  “Come on, Granny,” Caroline teased, “Let’s go out there. We have been in here for almost an hour, they have to know something is up.”

  I nodded and righted my clothes before quickly washing my hands.

  Glancing in the mirror I could see the fine lines from life touching the sides of my mouth. The circles under my eyes were darker from the lack of sleep lately. I was a few pounds heavier, okay more than a few.

  Caroline hugged me against her slender body. “Smoking hot mom, let’s go.”

  I opened the door and found my three husbands standing right in the doorway.

  “Is it true?” Benton insisted.

  Brax took my arm and Bryson questioned Caroline.

  She laughed and said I was the only one making announcements that night.


  I looked into their hopeful faces and felt a swell of love and devotion wash over me.

  “We are having another baby.”

  There were cheers and tears of joy as they gathered around me. My men had been there through thick and thin. I choked back the emotion as I said, “I love you all, so very much.”

  I saw the love they had for me and our children reflected back in their eyes and I knew that what I had told Caroline was true. No matter what life threw at us. As long as we were together, we would be okay.

  Alexander Robert was born just after my forty-third birthday, healthy and whole.

  BONUS MATERIAL: There are many crossovers from MATED TO THE BIG BAD WOLVES in CLAIMING GOLDILOCKS, so I have included it here for those that may not have had the chance to read.

  Mated to the Big Bad Wolves: Tales from Little Red.


  Written by, S. Cinders

  Mated to the Big Bad Wolves © 2018 S. Cinders

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher - S. Cinders, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  “Red, I need you to drop off these care packages on your way home tonight. Our regular driver is out sick.”

  Scarlett raised her head from her computer to look at her mother, “Sure, mom, are they labeled with the addresses?”

  Scarlett’s mother, Janet, was the owner of Grimm’s Goodies, the family bakery. Scarlett did all of their bookkeeping and occasionally pitched in with the baking when her mother needed it. They were famous for their fresh baked desserts that could be ordered and delivered on the same day.

  Janet flashed a tired smile at her eldest daughter, Scarlett. She knew that Scarlett had wanted to leave this small town, but after the death of her husband, Scarlett’s father, Scarlett had taken over his responsibilities at the bakery.

  That was more than two years ago now. Scarlett had turned twenty-eight and Janet worried that she might be throwing her life away. Scarlett didn’t go out with her friends or date very often. And when she did, Scarlett always had a million reasons why it would never work out.

  Janet had been very appreciative for the help that her daughter had given her. But it was past time that Scarlett find a life of her own. And if she wasn't going to do it, Janet would give her daughter the little nudge that she needed.

  There was only one person that could do the job. Janet called Grandma Mara, known for her matchmaking skills, and explained the situation. The older woman was not related to Janet, but everyone in town called the elderly woman Grandma Mara.

  Her advice shocked Janet at first. It was certainly unconventional. But after talking it over with Grandma Mara, who assured Janet that this was Scarlett’s destiny, Janet consented.

  Scarlett, knowing nothing of her mother’s machinations, finished the accounting and closed her computer down for the day. She stood up and stretched, allowing her flowing red hair to fall down her back. It was almost long enough to reach her ass. She pressed her hands on her skinny jeans and flexed her fingers, trying to get some feeling into them after all of the hours she’d put in on the keyboard.

  “Are you ready to head out?” Janet asked from the kitchen. “Those deliveries I need you to make are already packed into the backseat of the car.”

  Scarlett smiled; her mother was a perpetual organizer. “Thanks, mom! I will see you in the morning!”

  “Sounds good, Red! Love you!”

  Scarlett slipped on a red cashmere sweater with a hood that looked fantastic against her pale skin. She was wearing a pair of ankle boots with ripped skinny jeans and her red sweater. Scarlett may not have known it, but several of the towns men watched her as she approached her car. She looked like sex on a stick.

  Scarlett slipped behind the wheel of her red corvette and started out on the deliveries. There were only four of them, which wouldn’t take her very long at all. The first went to Mrs. Abernathy, and the second to the Hollings family. The third was delivered to the children’s hospital, which left only one package remaining.

  Trevor Kingsley.

  Scarlett frowned; she had never heard of Trevor Kingsley, and she had lived in this small town her entire life. When she put the address into the GPS, Scarlett groaned. The man lived out in the middle of the forest. It would take at least an hour from the children’s hospital.

  With no other choice, Scarlett threw her car in drive and peeled out of the parking lot. The sooner she could get to this Kingsley person the sooner she could get home and into a nice hot bath. That sounded amazing, and she could picture the steam as it rose out of the scented water.

  Scarlett turned the radio up and put the windows down. She hardly ever let loose, but something inside of her was begging to be set free, and she had the feeling that this night would be the one to change her life forever.

  The drive along the lonely mountain roads had Scarlett reminiscing about visiting the woods with her father. He had always loved the outdoors and had fostered that same love in Scarlett. She was most likely driving too fast and invariably not paying attention when something flashed in front of her car, and she slammed on her brakes.

  “Fuck!” she screamed as her car slid to one side and then the other. Scarlett was terrified that she would run straight into a tree, or worse, off the side of a cliff. The car finally came to a screeching stop, and the eerie silence of the woods blanketed her.

  Shaking, Scarlett opened her door and went to investigate. But what she saw when she opened her door was enough to make her believe that she was dreaming, or at the least bit, hallucinating.

Right before her eyes was a giant black wolf, sharp teeth exposed, with his massive body bristling with rage.

  She was going to die out here in the middle of the woods! Her heart rate seemed to triple, and then the oddest thing happened. Instead of the wolf pouncing, he appeared to tip his head to the side to consider her.

  Scarlett held as still as possible, wishing to God that she had listened when her dad had explained what to do in these types of situations. Scarlett couldn’t remember if she was supposed to run, stay still, make as much noise as possible, or climb a tree.

  As these different options flashed through her mind, the wolf seemed to have made up his and advanced toward her. Scarlett couldn’t have moved even if she had wanted to. The paralyzing fear was almost enough to knock her out. Never in her life had she ever been so terrified; she found herself whispering nonsense to the wolf.

  “Please don’t hurt me. I just need to deliver a package for my mom. Shit, I don’t care if it gets delivered, just please don’t eat me!”

  The wolf smiled; it was creepy in the extreme. All sharp fangs and black gums. Scarlett knew that she was no match for the wolf.

  “Please let me go, please!” She wasn’t sure why she was pleading with an animal that couldn’t know what she was saying. Scarlett had long since let go of all semblance of reality. She took a hesitant step back, and the wolf growled menacingly at her.

  This was it, the way that she died, and nobody would even know for days, because her mother wouldn’t expect her until Monday at the bakery.

  The wolf took another step toward her and then another. Instead of this increasing her fear, Scarlett began to feel oddly comforted by the wolf’s presence.

  “You aren’t going to kill me, are you?” Her whisper cut across the brief space between them. Suddenly a great flash of light caused Scarlett to cover her eyes. When she reopened them, a tall dark-haired man stood naked as the day he was born in the same place that the black wolf had been.


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