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The Dawn of Dae (Dae Portals Book 1)

Page 18

by Anderson, Trillian

  “Scaled the wall.”

  Rob reached out, took hold of my chin, and forced me to face him. “On what floor, exactly, was this window?”

  “Windows,” I corrected.

  “Windows. That implies you did this multiple times. Elaborate.”

  I sighed, but because what had happened in the warehouse had nothing to do with how Arthur intended to use me, I couldn’t find a single reasonable excuse to refuse his demand for an explanation. “Got out twice,” I mumbled. “First time, couple of stories up. I scaled the wall. He had locked me in a warehouse. I got away. He caught me after.”

  I shivered, averting my eyes so I wouldn’t have to stare into his questioning gaze.

  “Was that when he beat you?”

  “It was less of a beating and more of an unexpected rendezvous with the pavement. I tried to run. He stopped me.”

  “He stopped you. How?”

  I grumbled curses under my breath. “We had a bit of a scuffle. He grabbed my foot and slammed me to the ground.”

  At least, I didn’t think Arthur had beaten me. I was fairly certain all of the bruising on my chest and ribs had come from hitting the ground so hard. Did slamming someone to the street count as a beating? In a way, it did.

  “As I said, you fought back.” Rob sounded pleased. “Fact number three: you escaped on your own. Of course, I helped. You needed it, Miss Daegberht. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You did more than your fair share of the hard work.”

  “Bullshit,” I muttered.

  “You did get away on your own.” Rob paused, dipped his hand into the tub, and grabbed my left hand, which he lifted out of the water. “Despite yourself.”

  While Arthur had used the cheap bandages reserved for those living in the fringe, Rob had used the expensive stuff on me. I still wasn’t quite sure how the bandages worked, but at first glance, it was difficult to tell the bandages were there; they melded with my skin and like a chameleon, they matched my bronzed tones. They covered the worst of the gouges I had inflicted on myself, leaving the smaller scrapes to heal on their own.

  “Second window was three stories up. Guess they didn’t think I’d try it.”

  “I’ll admit, Miss Daegberht, I was rather upset to find you running around wearing another man’s underwear. I burned them. I’ve arranged for suitable attire for you, since you made an error in judgment regarding what is weather appropriate. One would think you were attempting to catch your death from the cold. I’m relieved I thought to grab every preventative vaccine I could get on such short notice. Considering you ran through the garbage dressed like you were, they were needed.”

  Why was the dae so damned good at pissing me off? The drugs weren’t enough to shield me from my outrage, though they did help me resist the urge to make a second attempt to throttle him.

  Almost drowning once in the bathtub was enough for me.

  To make matters worse, he was right. He didn’t care about my modesty—or lack thereof. I wasn’t sure what his game was, which added to my confusion and annoyance.

  Arthur was easy, if what I had overheard was to be believed. To him, I was a convenient meal. What was Rob’s play?

  What good was I to him?

  “Who cares what I was wearing?” I snapped, and all of my shame welled up. Tears burned in my eyes, and I jerked my head so I wouldn’t have to face him.

  “I care,” he replied, and dunking his arm into the tub, he found the stopper and pulled it out. “What you need is something to eat, another dose of medicine, and sleep. The rest will wait until tomorrow.”

  “Don’t want drugs,” I complained, shivering as the water level in the tub lowered.

  Rob turned around and grabbed a towel. Once the water had finished draining, he draped it over me. “You have nothing to worry about, Miss Daegberht. I’m not going to let you get hooked again, not when you’ve worked so hard to turn yourself into a respectable woman. Now be quiet and dry off unless you want me to do it for you. I don’t mind if you do.”

  The way he smirked at me sent shivers running through me. He didn’t know me. Why did he assume I was a respectable woman?

  I worked for a drug dealer who ruined lives for profit. There was nothing respectable about me. I flushed and grabbed the towel, clutching it to me. Conscious of my nudity, I squirmed and made sure the plush material kept me covered. “Turn around,” I demanded.

  He obeyed, laughing as he did so. When I finished drying myself off, I managed to climb into the bathrobe he offered—without turning around—on my own. I almost made it out of the tub without his help. The drugs were good, but they weren’t enough to smother the stabbing pain in my feet. I hissed, and in my hurry to shift my weight, I slipped. He grabbed my arm and hauled me to him. With a startled cry, I collided with him. His laughter rumbled in his chest.

  “I’m not this clumsy normally,” I blurted.

  “Of course you aren’t,” he agreed, and as he had in the alley, he picked me up with one arm supporting my back while the other held my knees. “If you were, I would’ve been scraping you off the pavement in some alley somewhere instead of chasing you halfway across Baltimore.”

  I should’ve fought Rob, but the warmth of the bath and the plush texture of the bathrobe conspired with the drugs to steal away my will and lull me sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I had no idea how long I drifted in and out of consciousness, but when I eased out of the drug-induced fog clouding my head, I was lying on the largest bed I’d ever seen. My living room could fit on it with room to spare, and bemused, I rolled over. Soft and warm blankets cocooned me. I wiggled my toes, and while my feet ached, it wasn’t the stabbing pain I remembered.

  I sucked in a breath at the memory of bathing with Rob watching over me. Heat washed over my cheeks and spread through the rest of my body. He had touched me, and it hadn’t hurt.

  In fact, it’d been rather pleasant, not quite as soft or warm as the blankets surrounding me, but close enough. I blamed the drugs lingering in my system.

  A high could make anything feel good.

  “Mommy?” Colby bounced onto the edge of the bed, hopping in place in its excitement.

  “Hey, you didn’t get fried,” I mumbled and considered whether or not I wanted to attempt getting up. “Good.”

  Maybe I wasn’t as coherent as I thought. I decided it didn’t matter, and with a contented sigh, I burrowed in the blankets.

  “Mommy!” With two long leaps, my roommate came to a halt near my feet. “Mommy.”

  Rob came into view and sat on the end of the bed, staring at me with a faint smile. Once again, I was aware of how much younger smiling made him appear. The clean lines of his charcoal suit brought out the brown in his hair and brightened the blue of his eyes. “Thank you, Colby.”

  “Mommy,” Colby announced, pausing for a moment before stringing its favorite—and only—word in a long speech. I had no idea what my macaroni and cheese was saying, but Rob seemed to understand it.

  When Colby fell quiet, Rob nodded. “I’ll take care of it. Your breakfast is in the kitchen.”

  Colby lunged past the other dae and vanished off the end of the bed. I retreated under the blankets, curling up. “I’m not awake.”

  Rob laughed. “You haven’t been awake for three days, Miss Daegberht. I have reassured the college you are safe, but considering the circumstances, it was wise to keep you hidden until they managed to deal with the uprising.”

  “Uprising?” I pulled a pillow over my head, wondering if I really wanted to know and if I could fall back asleep. “There’s an uprising?”

  “A few dae decided it was worth copying your kidnapper’s destruction at the college. I have no idea if they’re accomplices or simply opportunists.” At the disgust in the dae’s voice, I squirmed under the blankets enough to peek out. Rob was lying on his side beside me, bracing his weight on an elbow, propping his chin with his hand. “While I have mostly smoothed things over for you and made your various em
ployers aware of your rather extensive injuries, there are things I can’t attend to for you. Mr. Smith is one of those problems, and he insists you live up to your end of your arrangement with him. He’s quite displeased.”

  “He’s always displeased,” I grumbled.

  “He is under the impression you have aided his quarry.”

  “He got eaten by a werewolf.”

  “That is difficult to prove without the dae’s confession.”

  “You were the one who broke the werewolf’s neck.”

  “That makes it a bit more challenging.”

  I grumbled curses, and while I wanted to snarl at Rob for making my problems worse, there was no way he had killed my scapegoat to spite me on purpose. “Damn Kenneth, anyway. He’s always trying to ruin me. Why can’t he just leave me alone?”

  “You’re a talented and beautiful woman, that’s why. Of course he wants you. You’re also stubborn and do not want him, which makes you all the more desirable.” Smiling at me, he threw back the blanket so my head and shoulders were uncovered. “It infuriates him he hasn’t been able to claim you.”

  “You haven’t, either,” I snapped, grabbing the blanket and pulling it close to me. Unlike during my captivity with Arthur, I wasn’t naked under the covers, although my attire was limited to a thin, sleeveless nightgown.

  No wonder the elite liked silk. It was smooth and slick on my skin, almost as sensual as the plush blankets. The texture distracted me enough I didn’t notice Rob moving until he touched my chin with a finger and turned my head so I faced him.

  “I appreciate a challenge far more than he ever will.” The way Rob smirked at me stoked my fury, as though he knew something I didn’t and took great satisfaction in it.

  “What makes you think you’re any different from him?” I spat the words at him, struggling to extricate myself from the blankets. My face burned.

  Amusement brightened Rob’s smile, and he stroked his hand from my chin across my cheek. I tensed in anticipation of pain. Instead of the itching burn, his touch feathered across my skin, soft, smooth, and gentle.

  “You’ll see,” Rob murmured, and he pressed his thumb to my lips.

  I bit him hard enough to draw blood. While he hissed, he didn’t move, and his blood dribbled onto my tongue. A tingle spread through my mouth, enveloped my head, and swept through the rest of me. I gasped and let him go, shivering as the sensation intensified.

  “That’s not fair, stealing my blood without sharing yours.” Rob laughed, sticking his thumb in his mouth. Once he licked away the blood staining his skin, he showed me where I had bitten him.

  The wound closed while I watched. Fascinated, I grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand towards me. All evidence of the injury faded.

  Rob’s skin was smooth and warm. Mine was roughened from climbing so many buildings over the years. The blisters and rashes from touching others hadn’t done me any favors, either.

  He reminded me of the silk I wore, and fascinated by the texture of him, I brushed my fingertips along the line of his wrist to his palm. Rob relaxed his hand.

  “You’re soft,” I mumbled.

  He flexed his fingers, and his muscles tensed under my grip, hinting at his inhuman strength. “Not so soft,” he replied with laughter in his voice. “What are you doing, Miss Daegberht?”

  Between the pleasurable comfort of the blankets and the buzz in my head, I relaxed, stroking my hands over Rob’s hand. His palm was rougher than his arm, and he kept still while I worked my way towards his shoulder. Like his forearm, the inside of his elbow was smooth. Calloused skin marked the outside, catching on my fingertips.

  “Not so soft,” I agreed, poking him.

  “Elbows typically aren’t.”

  “Mommy?” Colby asked from the foot of the bed.

  I jerked, rolling away from Rob when I realized I had wiggled closer to him in my effort to examine his arm.

  With a scowl, Rob sat up, twisting in the direction of my roommate. “Mommy is busy right now, Colby.”

  “Mommy,” my roommate complained.

  “She’ll be fine, Colby. Go do your part of the work. I’ll watch her.”

  Colby muttered scornfully, but retreated from the room.

  Once it was gone, Rob turned back to me, scooting closer. He took hold of my right hand, and as I had, he brushed his fingers over my skin. With wide eyes, I watched him, tensing in expectation of a reaction.

  His touch was light, gentle, and soft, and the tingling in my head strengthened. My face flushed, and warmth crept down my throat to my chest. Tracing his fingers over my palm, he paused at one of my more prominent scars, a pale line stretching from my thumb to my pinky finger.

  “What happened?”

  Staring at my hand, I frowned. Why did he want to know? Seeing no harm in humoring him, I replied, “Kenneth wanted me to do some work for him. It got ugly.”

  Sometimes Kenneth didn’t send me sniffing after debtors, but after one of his hounds who had gone astray. I’d been a trusting fool back then, and I had a matching scar across my stomach to show for it.

  If the other bitch’s strike had been a little stronger, I would’ve been the one to die instead of her.

  Rob tugged on my hand. Puzzled, I stared at him. He brought my palm to his mouth and brushed his lips over the scar. My eyes widened.

  His mouth was far softer than his hands. The warm tingle in my head raced to my palm and left me squirming in its wake. My breath caught in my throat, and the drumming of my heartbeat filled my ears.

  “I don’t like the sort of work he has you do.”

  “Gotta get by somehow,” I mumbled, torn between angry at his criticism and fascinated by the way his mouth moved against my skin.

  Holding my arm several inches away from his face, he turned his attention to the next scar, one that ran along the length of my forearm. “This one?”

  “Same,” I grumbled and tried to pull my arm away from him as my annoyance surged. “Different day, same old shit.”

  Rob scooted closer without releasing me, although he didn’t fight against me. Without his gaze leaving my scar, he stretched out beside me, lying on top of my blankets. “I definitely don’t like the sort of work he has you do. He told me you were doing a job for him, so I couldn’t have you until he was done with you. He was very insistent you needed to finish what you started or he would cause trouble for you. I disagreed, of course. Of course, he isn’t aware I know the nature of his side business in drug dealing. He believes I think of him only as a property investor and purveyor of exotic goods. What sort of job are you running for him? He didn’t give me the details.”

  I growled, not caring if I sounded like a werewolf. “Terry Moore’s drugs.”

  Without the drugs—or the cash—Kenneth would ruin me in the eyes of the elite to keep me as one of his bitches. Once I finished with the job, I’d find a way to keep away from him.

  Agreeing with Rob about my working for Kenneth irritated me, and the buzz in my head wasn’t enough to dull the edge of my anger. I grumbled curses under my breath, yanked my arm free of his grasp, and rolled over.

  “What about the drugs?”

  “Gotta recover them—or Kenneth’s money. That’s the job. Was supposed to sniff out information on him, too, but it won’t do the boss any good now.”

  Rob’s breath tickled the back of my neck. “Why not?”

  Shivering at the dae’s close proximity, I scrunched my shoulders and clutched at the blanket. “I already told you a werewolf ate him. It had pink wings. You broke its neck. It’s your fault I can’t finish the job. At least I could have given Kenneth the info on Moore’s killer,” I complained.

  “It breathed fire near you.”

  I hadn’t been the werewolf’s target, although I had been singed during the fight. I frowned. “What does that have to do with it? You snapped its neck, so I can’t even use it to save my ass. This would be a lot easier if you hadn’t interfered.”

  “I see. Mr. Smith
was rather quiet about the details of your work for him, much to my annoyance. Had I known you could have used that dae, I would have kept him alive for you. I suppose I will have to assist you so you’re able to locate this Terry Moore’s drugs so you can satisfy Mr. Smith’s demands. However, I will insist you cease putting yourself in dangerous situations for his profit.”

  I twisted around to face him and snapped, “How many times do I have to tell you? You don’t own me.”

  Once again, Rob pressed his thumb to my lips. My frustration welled up, and I bit down as hard as I could. Instead of letting him go as I had before, I held on until my jaw ached from my effort.

  “Vicious,” Rob murmured, stroking his fingers along my jaw to seize my chin. “I think you like making me bleed. It’s really not fair, stealing my blood without offering to share, Miss Daegberht.”

  The tingling buzz swept me to a stronger high, and while I was aware I had bitten him in retaliation, I lost interest in inflicting as much pain on him as possible. My hold on his thumb loosened and I went limp.

  For years, I had spent my days seeking my next drug-induced stupor. During the stronger highs, I disconnected from the real world for a little while, dazed and lost rather than pleased. I floated, keenly aware of the soft warmth surrounding my body. The silk of my nightgown caressed my skin, and with a contented sigh, I closed my eyes and wiggled my toes.

  Pleasure left me incapable of clinging to my anger, although as the last of my resistance crumbled to dust, I mumbled, “You drugged me.”

  “You were hurting,” was Rob’s quiet reply. He ran his thumb along my lower lip before stroking his fingertips across my cheek. “Rest, Miss Daegberht. You need it. Tomorrow is soon enough, and if you’re not doing better by then, it’ll wait.”

  I paid the price for escaping Arthur with chills and fever. My entire body ached, and despite my protests, Rob dulled the pain with drugs. Time distorted, and when I finally managed to fight my way through the medicated fog, I was alone and the bedroom was dark. Sweat bathed me, and shivering at the way the silk nightgown clung to me, I threw off the blankets.


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