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A Lesson on Love

Page 6

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “Mommy, can I go and get Jerry?”

  “No, Stormy. I told him what time we’re eating. He’ll be here shortly,” Rayne said, flipping the pancakes and then scrambling the eggs. The bacon was ready and she had placed the fruit salad on the table. A few more minutes and everything would be done.

  “But Mommy, Jerry likes it when I go to his house and help him come over. Can I go?”

  Rayne shook her head and laughed at her daughter’s serious expression just as they heard Jerry’s signature knock on the front door. Stormy ran off in a sprint.

  “Don’t open that door until you look out the window and make sure it’s him.”

  Seconds later, Rayne didn’t have to look over her shoulder to know that Jerry had entered her home. Like usual, her body tingled from the top of her head to the soles of her feet, and the heat that soared through her veins was enough to set fire to a flame-retardant blanket.

  What the heck was it about this man, that whenever he was within ten feet, her body immediately responded? This was why she had to keep her wits when around him. He might make her feel like a gorgeous goddess with just a look, but Rayne hated the silent power he had over her. It pissed her off. He probably made every woman he encountered feel the same way. None of them stood a chance against the hot blooded, sexy as sin, man.

  Just like they hadn’t been able to resist Kirk.

  Frustration pulsed through Rayne’s body at the thought of her late husband.

  I will not succumb to another player.

  The words played over and over in her head as she finished scrambling the eggs.

  I will not succumb to another player.

  Rayne put the eggs in a bowl and set the dish on the counter, but then her gaze slammed into Jerry. And as usual, his intense eyes trailed the length of her body as if seeing her for the first time. She suddenly wished that she had taken more care in dressing. Opting for comfort, Rayne had chosen an oversize, black long-sleeved T-shirt and yoga pants. He looked at her as if he was peeling off her clothes in slow motion with only his eyes.

  So much for the chant. The sexual tension between them was getting stronger by the day and despite Rayne’s efforts to keep him at a distance, she wanted him. God help her. She wanted him in every way a woman wanted a man.

  “What’s wrong, Mommy?” Stormy asked, perched in Jerry’s arms. Rayne’s heart did a giddy-up at the sweet picture they made just standing there.

  “I was um…checking to see if Jerry looked any older since it’s his birthday.”

  Stormy studied him critically. “He looks the same to me.”

  Rayne and Jerry laughed, and the tension was effectively broken, until Stormy asked him, “How old are you?”

  Jerry tweaked her nose. “I’m twenty-eight.”

  Rayne groaned internally. He’s so young. Yet another reason why she didn’t need to be thinking about him as more than a friend. She could add the five-year age difference to the list of all the reasons why she would never succumb to Jerry Jenkins.

  “Oh, happy birthday,” Rayne finally said.

  He smiled and her heart rate doubled. Geesh.

  “Thanks, babe. It smells good in here.”

  Stormy laughed. “You called her, babe.”

  Jerry grimaced and looked at Rayne. “Sorry about that,” he mumbled. That twinkle in his eyes didn’t look like he was sorry, but he probably hadn’t meant to use the term of endearment in front of her child.

  Rayne pulled the orange juice from the refrigerator. “Hungry?” she asked Jerry who was leaning against the kitchen counter. Arms folded across his chest, brought attention to his thick biceps, and the gray T-shirt straining against them.

  “I’m always hungry.”

  “Great, then we can all sit down and eat.”

  For the next half an hour, they ate, talked and laughed as if the three of them had breakfast together all the time. The moment felt surreal. Like they were a family. This was what Rayne had dreamed of having with Kirk, but their marriage had hit rock bottom before it got going good. She might not have any intention of ever getting married again, but she’d be lying if she said that she wasn’t enjoying this moment.

  “Ow,” Stormy whined, catching Rayne’s attention.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “My teeth hurt.” Stormy wiggled the loose front tooth that had been bothering her off and on for the last couple of days. Considering how much it was wiggling under her touch, it would probably fall out before the day was over.

  “Want me to pull it for you?” Jerry asked, reaching for Stormy. She leaned away from him, practically falling out of the chair with a look of horror on her face.

  “Nooo,” she cried, tears filling her eyes.

  “Maybe you should let him pull it out, Stormy. Then it’ll stop hurting.”

  “And you’ll get a visit from the tooth fairy,” Jerry added.

  Rayne groaned. She’d had no intention of mentioning the tooth fairy idea, but by the way her daughter perked up, it was too late.

  “Anna got five dollars from the tooth fairy when her tooth came out,” Stormy said, the tears miraculously disappearing as she talked about the neighbor, Mrs. Addy’s, granddaughter.

  Jerry went back to eating. “You’ll probably get more money than Anna received since Anna—”

  “Jerry,” Rayne snapped, not wanting to encourage the route this conversation was going. One, she wasn’t supporting the tooth fairy idea. Two, she didn’t want him saying anything bad about Anna, especially not in front of Stormy who would most definitely repeat it.

  “What?” he asked innocently. “It’s true. Anna is a little terror, and Ladybug is a sweetheart. I’m sure the tooth fairy will take that into consideration when she doles out cash.”

  “What does dole mean?” Stormy asked.

  Jerry had her complete attention while he explained how the tooth fairy operated. He really was good with Stormy, but clearly Rayne needed to talk to him. She hadn’t grown up believing in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus or any other fictitious characters and hadn’t planned on introducing them to Stormy.

  Then again, Rayne’s childhood had been downright miserable. A time in her life that she would never want to revisit. Maybe she shouldn’t rule out Jerry’s method just yet. She had always said that she wanted Stormy’s childhood to be special. Special enough for her to look back on it with fond memories.

  Once they were done with breakfast and had decided to let Stormy’s tooth fall out naturally, Jerry opened the birthday gifts that they’d picked up for him. The You’re the Best! key chain that Stormy had given him and the Electricians do their best work in the dark travel mug from Rayne, had been a hit.

  A short while later, Stormy went to her room to make her bed.

  “Did you get enough to eat?” Rayne asked Jerry as they cleared the table and carried the dirty dishes the short distance to the kitchen.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” He patted his flat abs, drawing Rayne’s attention to them.

  Considering he was a big eater, it was amazing that he was so fit. From what she’d seen of his sexy body, he didn’t have any fat anywhere.

  “Breakfast was delicious. Feel free to cook for me anytime.”

  She gave an unladylike snort. “Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.” She loved cooking and often set a plate aside for him, especially when he worked late.

  Jerry handed her the dirty dishes and Rayne lowered them into the hot dishwater. Her body stiffened when he stood behind her, and he leaned in close.

  “It’s true you know,” he crooned, his voice deeper than it had been moments ago.

  “Wh—what?” she croaked, barely recognizing her own voice as he caged her in, his hands gripping the counter on either side of her. His enticing, woodsy scent enfolded Rayne like a cashmere blanket, making her weak in the knees.

  God, he smelled good. But she refused to let him see how much he affected her and kept her back to him. “What’s true?” Her voice sounded stronger than she felt while
being engulfed in the intensity of his presence.

  “That electricians do their best work in the dark. I can prove it to you if you’d like,” he purred close to her ear causing her to shiver.

  Trying not to touch him, Rayne turned to face him, but bumped into his chest. His powerful, wide chest. “Um, you’re crowding me.” She pushed against said chest and immediately regretted the move. Heat blossomed through her body. She had no desire to remove her hands.

  Just push him away…or go beneath his arms…or…do something, she chastised herself to no avail. This was what she meant by the power that he had over her. For a person who had common sense, at least most of the time, Rayne was currently proving otherwise. He felt so good, that the desire to touch more of him overshadowed her good judgment.

  “I’ve dreamed about having your hands on my body,” he admitted, and made his pecs bounce up and down under her touch.

  Rayne gasped and dropped her hands as if handling something hot. Jerry chuckled but didn’t step away. If anything, he moved closer. Too close. Close enough for her to raise up on her tip-toes and kiss his full, and oh so sexy lips if she wanted to.

  But I don’t want to…right?

  Who was she kidding? She definitely wanted to kiss him. The last time had been mind-boggling and too quick, making her curious. Deep down, she definitely wanted to taste his lips again.

  I’m sure it would be good…but I can’t. I won’t. She argued with herself.

  I will not succumb to another player.


  “What if I asked you to go out to dinner with me, like on a date tonight. What would you say?” Jerry asked when Rayne turned and went back to washing dishes.

  “I’d ask why.”

  “You know why.”

  Her hands stalled in the sudsy water and she glanced at him. “No, actually, I don’t know why. Jerry, you and I are neighbors…and friends. That’s it. Like I’ve already told you, I’m not looking for anything more than that in my life right now.”

  “What you mean is that you’re not looking for anything more than that with me.”

  She rinsed a plate and set it in the dish rack. “I said exactly what I meant. Raising Stormy in a healthy and loving environment is my number one goal. I don’t have time for anything else.”

  “You don’t have time because you’re not trying to make time. What about your needs Rayne? I’m sure you can use a night out on occasion or some adult entertainment from time to time. Why not go—”

  “My needs don’t matter. All that matters is Stormy. I owe her the chance to have the best possible childhood, and I plan on giving her that.”

  Jerry stared, willing her to look at him, but she didn’t. Rayne turned back to the sink. When she finished washing the last plate and dried her hands, he stopped her from moving to the stove by tugging on the front of the oversize shirt and pulling her to him.

  “You are an amazing mother. There’s no denying that. Actually, it’s one of many things I like about you,” he said when she finally met his gaze. Each time she looked at him with those beautiful light brown eyes, he lost a little more of his heart to her. “I would never do anything that would hinder you from taking care of Stormy. But who takes care of you? It’s all well and good that you feel that your sole purpose in life is your child, but what about you, Rayne?”

  “What about me? I don’t matter right now. All that matters—”

  “You matter to me, and it pisses me the hell off that you would even say something like that.”



  She released a dramatic sigh and her shoulders drooped like a deflated balloon, but she didn’t pull away from him.

  “The last few months of hanging out with you and Stormy have been fun. And for the first time in my life, I look forward to arriving home, knowing there’s a good chance that I’ll see you two. But somewhere along the way, my feelings for you guys have grown and—”

  “Jerry, I’m not denying that we don’t love hanging out with you, too. I’ll admit, you and Stormy are the highlights of my day. Her exuberant energy and love for life, and your humor and kindness make me forget the trials that go with being a working, single mother. But I think we should keep things the way they are between you and me. Dating will only complicate things between us.”

  “I don’t think it will. You already know how much you and Stormy mean to me, but I want you to be more than my neighbor and my friend. I want us to get to know each other better. I want—”

  “We don’t always get what we want,” she snapped, then placed her hand on her chest and huffed out a breath. “I’m proof of that. Since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a part of a loving family. When that didn’t happen, I had every intention of having my own family. I married the first man who made me feel special, and then I got pregnant. I wanted a fairytale life of happily-ever-after. Instead, my husband turned out to be a selfish bastard who didn’t give a crap about me and then got himself killed. Now I’m raising the most precious little girl by myself and struggling to keep up with…” She stopped abruptly and stiffened. She glanced away feverishly wiping away tears that suddenly slipped from her eyes.

  Selfish bastard? Killed? Struggling?

  What the hell?

  His chest tightened when a tear slipped down her face and then another. “Finish what you were going to say,” he prodded gently, caressing her damp cheek with the pad of his thumb.

  He had sensed something was up the week before, and this declaration was more proof. Maybe she was just overwhelmed with all of her responsibilities and needed a break. All the more reason to take her out on the town for a night of fun.

  “Tell me what’s going on. Maybe I can help.”

  She tried pulling away, but Jerry maintained his hold on the front of her shirt. “I’m sorry…there’s nothing to tell. I said more than I intended to.”

  Instead of pushing for a better explanation, Jerry wrapped his arms around her and she laid her head against his chest. Placing a kiss on top of her head, he recalled something his mother once said.

  Sometimes all you need is a hug to make the cloudiest day brighter.

  Chapter Eight

  Engulfed in Jerry’s tender embrace, Rayne steadied her breathing. Why had she snapped at him? He’d asked her out plenty of times and usually they kept the conversation light, but today…

  She hadn’t intended to tell him anything about Kirk or her financial situation. Yet, that’s exactly what happened. No doubt he’d have questions, but she was grateful he wasn’t pushing for answers. So much for keeping her emotions in check and her personal life private. Now he knew that her world wasn’t as peachy as she wanted him to believe.

  “You’re no good to anyone, especially Stormy, if you’re not taking care of yourself or if you’re unhappy,” he said softly against her hair. “Let me take you out for dinner. No pressure. No date. We’ll have a great meal, do some dancing, and I’ll even tell a few jokes.”

  Rayne laughed. “I’ve heard some of your jokes,” she mumbled against his chest before lifting her head. “They’re not that good.”

  Laughing, Jerry kissed her cheek and flashed that grin that always sent butterflies fluttering inside of her belly.

  “Well, I guess I need to work on some new material.” He cupped her cheek and she couldn’t help but lean into his touch. “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry about that.”

  “You don’t have to apologize to me. Just know that if you ever want to talk. I’m here for you.”

  Warmth traveled through her body at the affection in his eyes. Then his gaze dropped lower, to her mouth. It was as if Rayne could read his mind, knowing that he wanted to kiss her. Or maybe it was her mind, nudging her to lean in more and taste his tempting lips.

  “There’s something I’ve wanted to do from the moment I walked in here this morning.”

  Without another word, he covered her mouth with his, and Rayne’s brain s
hort-circuited. Her mind screamed stop, don’t do this, move away, but she couldn’t. She craved to be kissed, touched, and held. And with the way Jerry held her and devoured her mouth, he knew how to do all of the above.

  And damn if his mouth didn’t feel good against hers.

  The kiss stole her breath away, and Rayne held on tight to the front of his T-shirt, trying to ignore the warning bells sounding in her head. She loved the way he took charge, taking what he wanted and giving her what she needed.

  Still, the thought of kissing her neighbor…her friend…her…Jerry, sent a wave of elation mixed with fear warring within her.

  Don’t think. Just be.

  The words rattled in her mind, but battled with her common sense while her body was on high alert. Rayne wasn’t a small woman, but wrapped in Jerry’s strong, muscular arms, she felt dainty and desired. It had been a long time since a man made her feel so good.


  Stormy’s high pitched scream pierced the quietness of the house, and Rayne’s heart leaped into her throat. She and Jerry jerked apart, and before she could get her feet to move, he took off in a sprint toward the stairs. By the time either of them touched the first step, Stormy was half way down the staircase.

  “My tooth came out!” she screeched, waving her fisted hand in the air, her little legs carrying her quickly toward them.

  Jerry blew out a breath and placed his hand over his chest. “She scared the heck out of me,” he said only loud enough for Rayne to hear.

  “Yeah, welcome to my world.” Her chest heaved while she willed her heart rate to go back to normal. “She’s easily excited.”

  “Look,” Stormy said animatedly, her high-pitched voice loud enough to break glass, and then she leaped into Jerry’s arms. “It came out all by itself. See.”

  He kissed her cheek and opened his hand for her to drop the tiny tooth into his palm. “Yeah, I see. Let’s give it to mommy so you don’t lose it before the tooth fairy visits.”


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