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by Iris Bolling


  A Brook’s Family Values Novel

  Copyright © 2014 by Iris Bolling

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Printed in the United States of America


  Library of Congress Control Number:

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are with the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, locales is entirely coincidental.



  Books By Iris Bolling

  The Heart Series

  Once You’ve Touched The Heart

  The Heart of Him

  Look Into My Heart

  A Heart Divided

  A Lost Heart

  The Heart

  Night of Seduction Series

  Night of Seduction/Heaven’s Gate

  The Pendleton Rule

  Gems and Gents Series

  Teach Me

  The Book of Joshua I – Trust

  The Book of Joshua II – Believe

  Brooks Family Values Series


  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Books By Iris Bolling



  Manhattan, New York

  Somewhere along the line, Nicole Brooks was certain her friend Alicia Robinson had lost her mind. She listened as Alicia attempted to persuade her to, not only buy a ticket, but to participate in the charity event. The more details Alicia shared, the more Nicole was certain participation was not in the cards for her.

  “I will be more than happy to buy a ticket to donate to the cause. However, I draw the line at buying a man, even for charity.” Nicole smiled at her friend, “You cannot believe I’m that desperate.”

  “I do believe you are in need of a man. I mean a real man. Not a, ‘I’m just too fine to work man,’ whom you have a way of attracting. I am talking about a man’s man. However, this is not about being desperate or needing a man. This is about raising money to build a recreation center for the Highland Park area in Richmond. The city has closed every center for after school and summer programs. It baffles me when politicians have the nerve to wonder why kids are hanging on the corners or stuck in front of an electronic babysitter. It is going to take money, and lots of it, to get that center built. Let’s not forget furnishing it with equipment and computers to keep the kids occupied. Nikki, you know what it is like. The kids need a place to go to stay out of trouble. How can you turn your back on that?”

  Nicole knew Alicia was right. The area of Richmond the center would serve, was in need of some revitalization. Her brother James and his wife Ashley had a home in the Richmond metropolitan area. Of course at the moment, their home was in Fairfax, Virginia. Her brother, James, Political Advisor for the President of the United States, JD Harrison, was also the President’s brother-in-law. One of the campaign promises was to improve education and after school programs for children across the country. Highland Park was one of the areas President Harrison mentioned was in desperate need of assistance. They wanted to find ways to reduce gang activity in that area. The President’s belief was that in order to eliminate the gangs we must find alternatives for the kids, otherwise the gangs would just resurrect themselves.

  What Nicole was not clear on was why she had to be the savior. “I’m sure Richmond has plenty of people who will attend the event and be very generous. The function will not fail if I’m not there, and Brooks International is already considering a proposal for the community center. Besides, you know your sorority sisters aren’t particularly fond of me. And if I remember correctly, some of them aren’t too thrilled with you, either.”

  With hands on her slender hips, Alicia smiled. “Well, maybe you should not have called them a group of ‘wannabes’, when we were in college.”

  Arms folded over her chest, Nicole countered, “Well, maybe they should not have shunned me because my skin was a little darker than theirs.”

  “Maybe, you should not have told them you were going to have your daddy kidnap them and have all of their asses shipped back to Africa, to learn about their real roots.”

  They both laughed. “That did kind of piss them off, didn’t it?” Nicole smiled. “I don’t mind supporting your event, but I’m not too crazy about being around your sisters. Can’t I just give a donation and be done with it?”

  “Any other time I would say yes,” Alicia agreed relaxing her stance. “However, as you said, some of my sisters aren’t very loving towards me these days. You know I’ve been on shaky ground with them since I walked out during pledge week, because they voted you out.” Taking a moment to push the guilt button, Alicia continued. “If I remember correctly, Shirley Ann wasn’t too happy either.”

  Nicole exhaled. “Yeah, your mom was pretty pissed.”

  Pissed wasn’t the word Alicia would have used, ballistic was more like it. Alicia’s mother expressed her displeasure in very direct language. ‘Nicole’s father has enough money to buy her a sorority if she wanted one, your father and I do not. You will go back to school, young lady, and apologize, beg, grovel and anything else you have to do to cross the line. It is a legacy in our family and you will not break it.’ Alicia was sure her mother would have broken every bone in her body if she had not become a soror. “To this day, seven years later, she will not let me forget it. I’m not trying to make you feel guilty or anything, but you do owe me.”

  “Cut the crap, Alicia, that’s exactly what you are doing.”

  Alicia rose from her seat in front of Nicole’s desk and walked over to the window that overlooked Central Park. “You know there are thousands of people in New York City. At least one-fourth of them are men. You have been here for two years, sitting behind that desk trying to impress a group of old men who run the Real Estate world. What you and I both know is that they will never accept you, or I, into their inner circle no matter how good we are at what we do.” She turned and looked down at her friend, who was seated at her desk. “You, my friend, have three things going against you. One-you are Black.”

  “No, say it ain’t so. Say it ain’t so.” Nicole looked at her friend astonished.

  Alicia smirked. “Two, you are a female and you know females have no place in this male dominated career. Then last, but certainly not least, you are young. There is no way the men who run the Real Estate business in New York are going to accept you. They don’t care that your daddy is one of the richest African-Americans in this country. You sitting around, working twelve hour days and not having a social life is not going to change their minds.” She sighed. “I just want you to have some fun, at least for one weekend, with a man that does not feel it’s a crime to have a job. I’m not asking you to fall head over heels in love or anything close to that. Just have fun, get your little grove on.”

cole smiled at Alicia, appalled. “You want me to buy a man to have sex with for a weekend? A man I don’t know anything about and who is willing to strut across a stage for money.”

  “Nikki, it isn’t like that.” Alicia became excited. “These men are all business owners or partners. They are donating their time and the cost of the weekend package. You get to see their bio and what they have planned for the weekend before you bid. If you don’t like the way they look or what they have planned, you don’t bid. It’s that simple. From what I’m told, the bachelors participating represent the cream of the crop of African-American men from across the Commonwealth of Virginia. We always say the good looking ones are in jail, not working or on the down-low.” She stopped and looked at Nicole’s reaction. “I’m not judging. I’m just saying, this is your opportunity to meet some honest to goodness hard-working brothers, especially since you refuse to come to the other side.”

  The look that Alicia had become accustomed to since she declared her sexual preference to Nicole during college was immediately evident on her friend’s face. “I love you and always will, but that is your preference, not mine.” A small smile crept on to her face. “I like the solid feel of a brother between my legs.”

  “You have made it clear that is your choice. However, don’t knock what you don’t know. Okay?” Alicia crossed her arms over her chest. “Although rumor has it, you’ve crossed over.”

  Nicole exhaled. “So I heard. Is that why you are so desperate for me to be seen with a man, because of the rumors?”

  Alicia pouted. “I feel bad. I know the only reason the rumors started is because of our close friendship. I never meant for my openness about my sexual preference to affect you. I’m sorry.”

  Nicole smiled at her friend. She knew the rumors were floating around the office about her, but she was never one to concern herself with rumors. She was a firm believer that her personal business was just that—personal. It was nobody’s business what she did behind closed doors. “You know, I couldn’t care less what people think of me. I like who I am and I like who you are.” She hugged her friend and smiled. “Don’t worry about what people say, I’m not.”

  There was a knock on the office door. Nicole’s secretary, Stacy Crane, walked in. “Umm hmm, excuse me. Ms. Brooks, your ten o’clock, Mr. Prentiss is here.” She stood with a disapproving look at the two women embracing.

  Nicole smiled and put her arms around Alicia’s shoulder. “Would you have him wait for a moment?” She turned to Alicia and then back to Stacy. “Stacy, would you call my pilot? Have him to fuel the jet.” She smiled at Alicia and continued. “We will be going to Virginia for the weekend.” Nicole put on the brightest smile she could manage on her face for the judgmental woman standing in her doorway.

  “As you wish,” Stacy replied and closed the door.

  Alicia looked at Nicole. “You know she is going right to the lounge room and tell those heifers who work here what she just saw.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she will. That will only give me another reason to let her go. I have a hard time dealing with judgmental people.” Nicole walked back over to her desk. “Now get out of my office so I can get some work done.”

  Alicia smiled. “So Virginia is on, right?”

  Nicole exhaled and looked up. “I make no promises about bidding on anyone for sex. But I’ll go to the event.”


  The scene was hilarious, at least it was to Xavier Davenport. He watched as two women discussed the merits of monogamous relationships with his friend Grant Hutchinson. Tapping one hand to the beat of the music in the club, Xavier lifted his drink with the other hand. The woman sitting next to him, he did not know her name, wrapped her hands around his to stop his progress.

  “Why are you so quiet? You don’t have anything to add to this conversation?”

  Grant was shaking his head as he laughed, anticipating his friend’s response to the question. “Don’t do it.” He chuckled.

  Xavier noticed the woman had a sassy smile and a devious look in her beautiful eyes. Her hand was soft, well-manicured, and teasing. Her lips, inviting as she stared up at him. He raised the glass to finish his drink.

  “I believe a conversation on monogamy is moot.”

  “Why is that?” the other woman, sitting next to Grant asked.

  Grant lowered his head, shook it, then raised his hand for a waitress. He knew in about two minutes the night would be coming to an end.

  Xavier held the woman’s eyes. In his smooth baritone voice he said, “The thought of having sex with one person for the rest of my life is foreign to me. I haven’t met the woman who could satisfy my every need as a man. Just as I’m certain you haven’t met a man who could satisfy your every need. For if such a creature existed, you nor I, would be in this club playing the game of seek’n find. We would be home with that miraculous human being, partaking in the beautiful experience of blood pumping through our veins at an immeasurable rate. The heat in the room would be so intense buckets of ice wouldn’t be able to douse it. And there would be a desire so deep, it would take touching our souls to fulfill it.”

  The women sat mesmerized by the response. One slowly ran her tongue across her bottom lip. “Damn. I think my panties are wet.”

  The woman sitting next to Xavier pulled a pen from her purse, held his hand, then wrote her address in the palm. “My door is always open to any man who can make me hot with words.”

  Xavier stood then dropped a few bills on the table. “With that said, ladies, I must call it a night.”

  “Wait,” the woman who wrote the address on his hand called out. “You’re leaving with an offer on the table.”

  Xavier and Grant glanced at each other with a knowing nod. Xavier took the woman’s hand and kissed the back of it. “Thank you. However, the passion you have in your eyes is meant for someone special. That person is not me. Good night.”

  As the two men made their way towards the exit, they drew looks from several women, for both men were handsome and tall, each standing around six-two. Xavier, dark brown, with braids bound at the nape of his neck. His eyes were brown and so deep brown a woman could drown in them. He was casually dressed in jeans, a polo, and a sweater. Grant, light caramel in skin tone was clean cut, and nicely dressed in dark slacks, an open collar shirt and a blazer.

  All Grant could do was shake his head. “Why do you peak these women’s curiosity when you know you have no intention of taking any of them home.”

  “I only speak the truth,” Xavier said as he shrugged his shoulder.

  “One day you are going to run into a woman you can’t walk away from.”

  Xavier, with his shy smile, nodded. “I look forward to finding her.”

  “How do you know one of them isn’t the one?”

  “No sparks.”

  “Sparks? Give her a chance, I’m sure she will give you a spark or two.” Grant laughed.

  Xavier stopped before he pushed the door open, raising an eyebrow at his friend. “Along with a paternity suit.”

  Grant stopped as the valet pulled up with Xavier’s SUV. “I’m a Hutchinson, all I have to do is look at a woman and I get hit with one.”

  Xavier shook his head as they pulled off. “I don’t know how you put up with the lawsuits, the paternity suits, the press in your business or the women throwing themselves at you. Just because your family has money.”

  Grant shrugged. “You learn to not let it interfere with your life.”

  “I don't ever want the kind of wealth that makes people seek me out. Give me a comfortable living and I’m good.”

  “X-man.” Grant gave him a look. “You are the architect of award winning communities. Your name is all over buildings in this city and others. I’m not in your pockets, but I’m certain you have a few zeros behind the leading digit in your bank account.”

  “I work for a living. You were born with the proverbial silver spoon in your mouth. The crazies seek you out.”

  “Yeah, well, a numbe
r of those crazies are going to be at the auction tomorrow night seeking you out, including Trish Hargrove.”

  “Don’t remind me.” Xavier huffed. “How did I let Diamond talk me into doing that auction?”

  “Those big brown, puppy eyes of hers, not to mention those dimples, that should be registered as lethal weapons. Look what they did to your brother.”

  Xavier smiled. “Yeah, it’s great to see Zack happy.”

  “You know, until I saw Zack and Diamond together, I didn’t think that type of love existed.”

  “Diamond knew,” Xavier stated.

  “Women know,” Grant said. “Men, it takes us a little longer.”

  Xavier thought back to his brother’s relationship, then nodded. “I don’t know about that. I think Zack knew, he fought it, but he knew.”

  “I’m not in a hurry for the love thing. I have too many plans for my future to have to succumb to thinking about someone else’s happiness.”

  “I’m not looking for it, but I will not run when I see it coming my way.”

  Grant looked over at his friend and grinned. “Who knows, you might find it tomorrow night.”

  Xavier gave him a look of disbelief. “It's an auction. A bunch of horny women looking to get their hands on a piece of meat for the weekend. I doubt there will be one person of interest in the group.”

  “You never know, X-man. According to you, it only takes one.”


  “This is all you have on the Brooks’?” Isaac J. Singleton, of Singleton Enterprises, threw the folder across the conference table where four men were seated. “I gave each of you a target and this is all you bring me?”

  “Mr. Singleton, you are asking for dirt on children of one of the most prominent families in the country. The oldest son is the leading criminal attorney on the East coast. His younger brother is the freaking advisor to the President of the United States. The youngest brother is in a partnership with Tyrone Pendleton. I don’t have to remind you what happened when we tried the takeover the Pendleton Agency. The weakest link in the family is the daughter, Nicole, and to be honest, professionally she may be somewhat vulnerable, but that’s stretching it.”


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