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Page 3

by Iris Bolling

  “No, Vernon,” Nicole said as her left hand grabbed Trish’s neck and her right fist connected with the makeup on Trish Hargrove’s face. Trish’s body propelled upwards and back into the crowd, landing with her legs spread eagle. Nicole shook off the distaste of her actions, turned and walked out the door. She stopped at the cashier’s table as people rushed to see what was happening inside the room. She gave the woman the check for bachelor number eleven, just as Alicia came out of the ballroom with Trish’s screams for someone to call the police vibrating through the room.

  “Nikki, we have to get the hell up out of here.”

  “No, I’ll wait.” Nicole said as she took a seat next to the table.

  “Nikki, they are calling the police,” Alicia exclaimed

  Nicole looked at Alicia. “What sense does it make for me to run? It’s not like they don’t know who I am. Did you reach Vernon?” Nicole asked as she crossed her legs.

  “Vernon will be here before we get to the station,” Alicia said as she gathered her things.


  “Yes, you go down, I go down.”

  “Shirley Ann is not going to like this.” The women laughed as an officer approached Nicole.

  Chapter 2

  Nicole had been booked by the time Vernon arrived at the police station. The arresting officer described the incident to the magistrate, during which time he indicated he would have hit the woman, too. The magistrate decided to release Nicole on her own recognizance.

  Vernon Eugene Brooks was the attorney; other attorneys, stars and athletes went to when they needed representation. He was known as the cleaner. If anyone could sweep a crime under the court’s rafters, it was Vernon Brooks. When Vernon walked into a courtroom he was respected. Hell, all some prosecutors needed to see was his name on a document and they would look for ways to settle the case to keep from being embarrassed in front of the court.

  Alicia had no such affliction. Nothing about Vernon intimidated or frightened her. He entered the station, looked around, then walked directly to her. “Why am I not surprised to see you?”

  He towered over the sitting Alicia, with his six-three sleek frame, dressed from head to toe in Armani, looking like he just walked off someone’s corporate jet. “Do you always wear Armani? You should try Hugo. It would look good on you.”

  Vernon smirked. “Anything would look good on me. I’ve noticed whenever Nikki is in trouble, you are somewhere around.”

  Crossing her legs, Alicia smoothly replied, “Contrary to what you may think, I did not cause or encourage this one. However…” She smiled. “I don’t blame Nikki for hitting the heifer.”

  He stopped and looked down at Alicia. She was always a sassy little vixen. Pretty as hell and a body most men would enjoy. The dress she was wearing would definitely capture a man’s attention. He shook his head, it baffled him why she went to the other side. Nevertheless, that was not his concern.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “Nikki placed a bid on this man Trish wanted.”

  Vernon raised his eyebrow. “Nicole put a bid on a man, for money?”

  “Yes, we were at a charity event and Trish….”

  “Trish Hargrove?”

  “Yes, will you stop interrupting me and listen?” Alicia asked, somewhat exasperated. “Anyway, Nikki outbid her. Trish jumped in her face, proclaiming to the crowd that Nikki was spending her daddy’s money to buy the man only because she wanted him. Then she said Nikki was a lesbian and didn’t like men. Nikki turned to walk away and Trish added what she has always said. Nikki was a dummy. I think Nikki had taken enough and she swung. I mean she knocked the daylights out of Trish.” Alicia laughed. “She fell into the crowd with her legs wide open, showing her kitty-cat and everything. It was a sight to see.”

  “I’m sure you enjoyed it,” he replied sarcastically.

  The sarcastic remark sobered Alicia quickly. “Vernon, you know where you can go. I’ve told you several times over the years. Just make sure Nikki is okay. I’m out of here.” She turned and left the precinct.

  Vernon approached the desk and advised the guard he was Nicole Brooks’ attorney. The doors buzzed open allowing him entrance. There was his little sister sitting on a bench with her legs crossed holding a conversation with a woman of questionable character. He never understood why his siblings had this inbred need to associate with people beneath their status.

  They were all multimillionaires. Each child to Avery and Gwendolyn Brooks received twenty-five percent of Brooks International when they turned twenty-one. Nicole inherited the CEO position with Brooks International, plus a ten million dollar trust fund when she turned twenty-one. James, the second oldest child went into State Government work, which paid little to nothing and now was working in President Harrison’s administration. In Vernon’s opinion, James should be President. Then there was Nicolas, Nicole’s twin brother. He decided to become a sports agent. A potential gold mine, if he chose to open up to some of the advantages offered under the table to him for his client’s services. Nick wasn’t the type. He preferred to keep his clients free and clear from what he considered the sharks of the game.

  Nicole, Vernon was sure, was talking to the woman offering her a bank account or a job with a ridiculous wage attached just to get her off the streets. When would she realize not everyone can be saved? Vernon, who was one of the top criminal defense attorneys in Virginia, would never assist anyone unless it was family, or there was something in it for him. It couldn’t be money, because he had plenty of that. No, his clients had to bring prestige or publicity to the table for him to consider taking them on.

  He cleared his throat. “Nicole,” he said in an irritable tone.

  She stood. “Hello Vernon. Glad to see you.”

  “Why on God’s green earth did you call me out of my bed from McLean? James is fifteen minutes away. Why didn’t you call him?”

  Nicole tiptoed up and kissed Vernon’s cheek. “James comes with TV reporters.”

  As hard as he tried, Vernon found it difficult to refuse Nicole anything. He was the black sheep of the family, but Nicole always showed him unconditional love. He smiled inwardly, of course, at her kiss, but continued his assault. “Why didn’t you call Nick? You two always cover for each other.”

  Nicole was signing her release papers as she responded. “Nick is in Florida recruiting some baseball player. Besides, he’s still a little pissed at me about his girlfriend.”

  “I happen to think you were right about her,” Vernon huffed, not revealing that Nick and the lady were no more.

  “Right or not, I should not have interfered. He has a right to love whom he chooses.”

  They continued to talk as the doors buzzed open. “They seem to be happy.”

  He shook his head. “I’m the last one to comment on anyone’s relationship. I have my own to deal with.”

  Nicole stopped and scowled at him. “Constance is not going anywhere. What are you worried about?”

  “I don’t know, Nikki,” he began as they walked through the outer doors into the cool night breeze. “We are having our differences concerning Taylor.”

  He walked towards the curb where a black sedan with a driver waited. The driver came around to open the door.

  "You can handle her, Vernon. I know you can."

  "I'm not sure I want to."

  Nicole stopped, then turned back to look at her brother. Before she could respond, fluttering started in her stomach.

  “Nicole Brooks?”

  She knew to whom the smooth, silky voice belonged before she turned around.

  Vernon stepped in front of Nicole. “Who are you?” he asked, shielding Nicole behind him.

  Stepping back in front of Vernon, Nicole’s eyes shimmered at the sight of the man up close and personal. He was simply delicious. Her stomach was doing somersaults. She turned to Vernon. “Would you wait for me in the car?”

  Vernon looked at her and then back to the man who stood about six-two
. “He has plaits in his hair, Nikki.”

  “They are braids, not plaits. Now, wait for me in the car,” she said again politely. Vernon glared at the man. “I’ll leave the door open,” he said as a warning.

  Xavier Davenport gazed at the beautiful brown skinned woman smiling back at him. No one in this life had captured his attention as this woman had the first time he laid eyes on her in the ballroom. His nerves were getting the best of him while sitting in the room with the other men, waiting to be paraded in front of women like cattle. If it had not been for the fact that it was his company that was designing and building the recreation center, he would not have been in this farce of a charity. Nevertheless, when he saw her walk into the ballroom, he said a silent prayer. If he had to endure a weekend with a woman, let it be her.

  Standing in front of her now, he found himself at a loss for words. She was even more captivating up close. His only saving grace was that she seemed to be as entranced with him as he was with her.

  A police officer standing outside observed the two for a few moments. He decided somebody had to make a move. The officer walked over to Xavier, then shoved his shoulder. “She ain’t gonna bite man. Say something.” Then he walked off.

  Xavier smiled and extended his hand. “Xavier Davenport. Are you all right?”

  Nicole placed her hand in his. She now understood the meaning of still waters. Everything within her said a simultaneous ahh. Calmness settled over her and the fluttering in her stomach stopped. “Nicole Brooks,” she replied while staring into the dark brown eyes with gold flecks shining through. “Yes.”

  Still gazing at her he heard her response, but was lost. “Yes, what?” he asked, not ready to let her hand go.

  Nicole blushed. “Yes, I’m all right.” She smiled. “It was nice of you to come here to check on me. I think Trish was trying to convince the officer not to grant bail. She believes I am a menace to society.”

  “Are you? I mean do you go around striking people at will?”

  “Believe it or not, that was my first time in about ten years.”

  “Was it worth it?” Xavier grinned.

  That crooked grin was her undoing. It was the most alluring vision she had ever seen. Nicole reluctantly pulled her hand from his and immediately regretted the move. “Yes, and I would pay fifty-thousand dollars to do it again.”

  “Speaking of that, I tried to retrieve your check, but I’m afraid the sorority would not hear of it.”

  “I don’t want it back; it’s for a good cause.” Nicole smiled.

  “In that case, it seems I owe you a dinner and a weekend getaway.”

  Nicole was so caught up in his smile that she did not hear Vernon call out to her. “Nicole!”

  “So, will you join me for dinner?”

  She smiled. On top of his good looks, kissable lips and a body to die for, he was also a gentleman. “You don’t owe me anything. I’ve embarrassed you enough tonight for a lifetime. I’ll say we are even.”

  He stepped closer, he wasn’t ready to part ways with her yet. Just about a breath away from her, he whispered. “You paid for a weekend getaway and I plan on delivering. I missed dinner. I’m certain you did as well. We both have to eat. Why not do it together?”

  She was tempted to reach up and touch his braids that were a perfect frame to his face. She wondered if they were as smooth as they looked. Instead, she placed her hands inside her blazer pockets. “It’s late. I’m sure they will not allow me back into the reception at the hotel.”

  “I happen to know a place that’s open and is in walking distance. Will you join me? I mean you have to eat, right?” He smiled.

  She was mesmerized by his smile. “All right, I’ll be happy to join you.”

  “Nicole!” Vernon called out.

  She walked over to the sedan and whispered to Vernon. “I’ll see you later.”

  “I don’t think so. You don’t know that man,” Vernon replied as he stepped out of the vehicle.

  Xavier pulled out his wallet and gave Vernon his driver’s license. “You may hold on to that until I return her safely.”

  Vernon glared. “You give me a driver’s license in exchange for my little sister.”

  Nicole laughed. “Seems like an even exchange.” She kissed Vernon’s cheek. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Nicole, where are you staying?” Vernon asked.

  “With James,” she replied as she stepped away from the vehicle.

  Vernon put the driver’s license in his pocket. “I’ll be at James’. I expect you home soon,” he replied looking at Xavier.

  “Okay, daddy,” Nicole laughed. Vernon scowled at her as he climbed into the car.

  As the sedan pulled away, Nicole turned to Xavier. “Where to Mr. Davenport?”

  Xavier placed his hand on the small of her back. “This way, Ms. Brooks.”


  The breeze was warm for an October night as the two walked down Jackson Street. “I’m told you are visiting Richmond tonight. Where do you live?” he asked as they turned to stroll down Leigh Street.

  “I currently live in New York. My parents’ home is in Mclean, VA."

  “James is?”

  “James is my middle brother.”

  “James Brooks, advisor to the President?”

  “Yes, you know him?”

  “I do.” Xavier nodded.

  “Well, I have three. Vernon, whom you just met, is the oldest, and my twin Nicolas, lives in Georgetown.”

  “You are the baby and only girl?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “What about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

  “One brother, Zackary,” he replied as he guided her across the street.

  She stopped and looked at her surroundings. They had come to a black wrought iron fence that was about eight feet tall with a double gated entrance that appeared to be locked. Xavier punched a code into the keypad and the gates began to slide open. There was a building with two archways, allowing the traffic to flow under it in both directions. The sign in the middle of the median strip read, “Davenport Circle.” They strode along the walkway to the right. A doorman appeared at the entrance to the building. Nicole looked around. “What a wonderful retreat, right in the heart of the city.”

  “Good evening Mr. Davenport, Ms.,” the doorman greeted.

  “Hello, Joe. How are you this evening?”

  “Fine, thank you, sir,” he replied as he opened the door. “A package arrived for you today, sir, it’s at the concierge’s desk.”

  “Thank you, Joe.” Xavier replied as they entered the lobby area of the building. In the center was an oval shaped fountain encased in marble, with cushioned bench seats surrounding the outside. To the right was Marco’s Restaurant, which catered to elegant dining, and a number of patrons were waiting to be seated. Next to it was Karen’s, a coffee shop and restaurant, Karen’s, catered to casual dining and also had people waiting. On the left was a hair salon, a spa and a gym. On the far wall were two elevator doors and an exit to the courtyard. Xavier stopped at the desk to pick up his package. He joined her at the fountain. “Would you mind if I take this upstairs, before we have dinner?”

  “You live here?” Nicole asked.


  “In the middle of downtown Richmond?” she asked, surprised.

  “Not exactly the middle, but yes.” He smiled. He guided her toward the elevator. He placed his palm on the glass next to the key pad. The wall behind the elevator opened. Nicole hesitated and looked up at him. He stepped back, placed his hand on the small of her back to guide her inside. “It’s a private elevator that goes directly into my home,” he explained.

  Nicole stepped inside and was surprised to see the glass interior. The elevator doors closed and began traveling upwards. The grounds on the other side of the building came into view. To Nicole’s surprise, there was a small park with homes built in a semi-circle. “What a beautiful community in the middle of the city,” she exclaimed. “It seems
so exclusive. The homes here must cost a small fortune.”

  “To the contrary, they are very affordable. That’s the concept of the community. Beautiful, safe and affordable homes for the average working family.”

  The elevator stopped and opened to the foyer of Xavier’s penthouse. “Lights,” he ordered. Lights illuminated the room. Xavier placed the package on the breakfast bar and turned back to Nicole. “Shall we go downstairs for dinner?”

  Nicole’s interest in real estate got the best of her. “May I see your place?”

  Showing pride in his work, he was pleased with her request. He smiled. “Allow me to give you a private tour.” He extended his hand to her. She placed her hand in his. A surge of energy flowed through him. He stared down at the small, well-manicured hand that lay within his. Rubbing his thumb across it he smiled up at her. “Do you feel that?”

  Nicole knew what he was talking about but was afraid to acknowledge it. She’d set eyes on this man for the first time less than four hours ago, but there was an undeniable force flowing between them. “Yes, I’m just not sure what it is.”

  The moment was charged with so much energy that it seemed to clog his throat. He swallowed hard and decided to ease the moment. “I know what it is.” He smiled as he placed her hand in the crook of his arm and guided her out of the foyer.

  “You do? Please share your thoughts with me.”

  “I will.” He smiled. “Sinergy.”

  Nicole stopped and looked up at him with questioning eyes. “Synergy?”

  “Yes, sinergy. Sinful energy.”

  “I’ve attended many business seminars and that was not the definition given for synergy.”

  “You’re speaking of synergy.” He spelled the word. “I’m talking about sinergy. It describes the sinful energy that takes place when we look at each other. If we aren’t careful, it will erupt at any moment.”

  “Sinful energy.” She tilted her head to the side and smiled up at him, “I think I like that.”

  Her smile was so radiant, he wanted to kiss her, but instead he turned away. “This is my kitchen, where I tend to spend a little time.”

  “You like to cook,” she stated as she followed him through the room.


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