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Sinergy Page 5

by Iris Bolling

  “Okay, I’ll be home this evening.” She jumped up and hugged him.

  “Save those kisses. Your father wants to see you within the hour. The jet is waiting. James, Ashley and the children are joining us.”

  She stepped back. “What’s going on? Why are we taking the jet and not driving?”

  “I don’t know, James took the call,” Vernon replied as he leaned against the door jam. “It could be your that your escapade from last night has reached our father and he is eager to speak with you on the matter. I hope this Xavier Davenport is worth it.”

  She gave her brother the side eye. “You had him investigated, didn’t you?”

  Vernon grinned, “See you downstairs,” and walked out the door.

  Chapter 4

  Sunday Noon,

  McLean, VA

  Nicole walked into her childhood home and was greeted by her mother and father. The foyer of the Brooks’ home was large enough to hold two hundred people comfortably. Therefore, when the roar of Avery Brooks’ voice sounded, it seemed as if a surround sound system was connected to it and continuously repeated itself. “Nicole Cheyenne Brooks, what in the hell have you gotten yourself into? And what is the meaning of this statement?” He looked down at the morning paper. “‘You do not like men, you like women.’ Explain yourself young lady, and at the moment I am using that term lightly.”

  Gwendolyn Brooks, with her short sassy haircut, size ten figure and wearing an angry look, left her husband’s side and went to her daughter who was standing in the middle of the room dazed by the tone of her father’s voice. Nicole had heard her father angry many times, but there was something different in his voice today. He was hurt.

  “Avery, you will not attack my child with that tone. Gather yourself.” Gwendolyn matched his anger. The two had argued for the past two hours about the article that had reached the paper in Mclean. She was determined to keep Avery from alienating his daughter. She had made that mistake with their son James, and it had taken them years to reconcile. She was not going to have that kind of friction in her family again.

  “Hello, sweetheart.” She kissed her daughter’s cheek. “I heard you had an interesting evening. Come into the family room and talk to us about it.” She looked back over her shoulder at her husband warning him to watch himself.

  Nicole looked from her mother to her father and now understood why James and Ashley had come along. “Hello, Poppa,” Nicole smiled. She didn’t care how angry he was or why, he was still her father and she loved him without question. She kissed his cheek and stared into his eyes, he was mad. “I’m not sure what I have done to cause you to be angry with me, but I’m sure we can work it out.”

  Seeing the two, his wife and his baby girl standing together looking like Siamese twins, he couldn’t help but let his anger melt away a little. But damn it, this was still his baby girl smeared in the paper and it was his responsibility to protect her against any and all perpetrators. Even against herself. “Is it true?” he asked roughly as his heart melted a little more from his baby’s kiss.

  “Hello, Pop,” James smiled as he walked through the door holding the hand of his daughter Jayda, who had been through a traumatic experience and was still very clingy.

  Avery smiled at his son. He was so proud of all he had accomplished in his life, but nothing made him prouder than his children. “Well hello, Jaybird.” He bent down and kissed his granddaughter on the forehead, worry etched in his brow over the change in the once rambunctious child, making him forget about Nicole’s situation for a moment.

  “Any progress with the doctor?”

  “Some.” James nodded his head. “We’re still working on it, right Jaybird?” He smiled as his wife, Ashley, walked through the door.

  Gwen waited with open arms as Jayden, her grandson ran to her. “Grandma, Grandma, we going to save Aunt Nikki?”

  Jayda pulled away from her father to join her brother. “Me too, Grandma. We not going to let Poppa get her.”

  Nicole walked over and took both of the twins’ hands, then walked into the family room.

  “They are under the impression that you plan to spank Aunt Nikki.” Ashley stated as James winked at her. “I have no idea where the notion came from.”

  Vernon walked over to Nicole and whispered. “The twins have given you a moment to get your response together before Pop remembers why we are all here. I suggest you use the time wisely.”

  Ashley, who had become a friend as well as her sister-in-law, came to her side. “You realize this distraction is only going to last a few more minutes.”

  “Yes, I know,” she sighed. “Now if I could just figure out what Pop is so mad about.”

  Ashley smirked. “You can assume it’s one of three things - the possibility that you are gay, you just dropped fifty-thousand dollars on a man or you got arrested. I would go with the gay part if I were you.”

  Nicole looked at the family gathered in the foyer and exhaled. “I hope you are wrong ,Ashley, because if that’s the issue, we are going to have a problem.”

  “Well, whichever one it is, James and I have your back.”

  “Ashley,” James called out, “let’s take the children upstairs while Pop gets started with Nicole.”

  Nicole kissed her niece and nephew goodbye then sat back and closed her eyes. The family room under different circumstances was a happy place. Many family discussions filled with laughter and her brothers getting into trouble had taken place there. Very seldom was she the focus of her parents’ displeasure. It was important to her not to cause them any trouble, for she had disappointed them so with her learning disability. Her brothers, all attorneys, were brilliant in their respective fields. Nicole struggled. She had to work harder than any of them to succeed. The fact that her father was upset with her about something so personal did not please her, not one bit. However, angry or not, she was raised to respect her parents. She would allow her father to have his say about the situation. At the moment, she was a little afraid of which position he would take. As an attorney, she was sure he would understand why she had not dispelled the rumors regarding her sexual preference. As a father, she was sure he would want to know if the rumor was true. After all, she was his baby, and he wanted to protect her against any harm, real or imagined, no matter what.

  When she was in high school and the talk began about her being dumb, her father had been working on a highly publicized civil rights case in Georgia. She came home crying to her mother about the kids in school calling her a dummy. Of course, the group of girls teasing her were all friends of Trish. Gwen immediately called Trish’s mother and had more than a few choice words with her regarding her daughter’s cruelty. She then advised Mrs. Hargrove, that if she did not find a way to curtail her daughter she would make a personal trip to their home and teach both of them what the back of her hand felt like. In turn, Mrs. Hargrove told her husband who gave the information regarding the threat to the tabloids. There was no mention of the reason for the threat.

  Avery asked for a continuation on his case and came home the same day the paper hit the newsstand. He talked through the night with his daughter until he understood exactly what her learning challenges were. After gathering information from teachers and other students who’d witnessed or taken part in taunting her, he confronted the school administration about allowing this type of bullying to take place. He then took steps to have her tested to determine the exact nature of her learning disability. The next step he took surprised Nicole. He made an appointment with Mr. Hargrove. Went to their home and followed through on the threat her mother had made. Instead of the back side of his hand, Avery used his fist. Mr. Hargrove stated he would call the police and show the pictures of the attack to the tabloids if her Pop did not pay him one hundred thousand dollars. Thus began the monetary relationship between the Brooks’ and the Hargroves.

  “When did violence become the way we handle things in this family?” Avery asked as he joined his daughter on the sofa. “Haven’t your
mother and I taught you to handle things through open communications?”

  “She used open communication, Pop,” Vernon snickered. “It was her fist that was closed, see,” he said pointing to the picture in the paper. Avery gave his oldest son a look to let him know he was not in the mood for jokes. His baby girl’s reputation was at stake and it was not a laughing matter to him. “Pop, you have to find the humor in this, I did.”

  Avery turned to his son, who, was now standing at the bar fixing a drink. “I haven’t forgotten your part in this, Vernon. We will discuss why I did not receive a call from you last night.”

  “Pop, don’t blame Vernon,” Nicole exclaimed. “He did what any brother would have done. I am responsible for this. I lost my temper. I allowed Trish to get under my skin, again—and I am sorry. Tomorrow I will go to her home in Richmond and apologize in person. Of course the offer of restitution for any doctor bills will be made.”

  “You know that will not satisfy the Moneygroves,” Gwen sneered as she sat on the opposite sofa, crossing her legs.

  Nicole smiled. “Mother.”

  “Don’t mother me, you know I am right. I’m surprised they have not called making their demands before going to the tabloids.”

  “Isn’t a wing of their house called the Brooks wing, since we literally paid for it?” James smiled as he came into the room and mussed the top of Nicole’s head, ruffling through her curls.

  “If it’s not it should be.” Avery snickered. “Nevertheless, we have a situation here. It is only a matter of time before the New York media picks up this article, if it has not already happened. We need to have a response in place. How do you plan to nullify the statements in the paper regarding your sexual preference?”

  Nicole looked around at her family. For the first time in her life, she was not sure they would continue to love her if she handled things the way she wanted to. This stupid incident could cause irreparable damage to her reputation if she finally took a stand.

  “I don’t.”

  The two simple words she’d just spoken, captured the attention of everyone in the room.

  “Explain yourself, young lady,” Avery demanded.

  “Poppa, it’s simple. It is no one’s business what my sexual preference is. What goes on behind my doors is my business. It doesn’t change who I am in the board room. I don’t ask Hayward Ellington what he does behind closed doors. I have no plans to address that issue at all. I will apologize, for my actions, but that is as far as it will go.” Nicole stood and took the glass of wine Vernon extended to her. She looked at him for a sign to see where he stood on her decision, but was not able to read him. The expression on James’ face encouraged her to stand her ground. However, the look on her father’s face cautioned her to step lightly.

  “Nicole, I will love you until the day I die and will stand behind you no matter what. If you tell me you are…” Avery hesitated.

  “Gay, Pop? Or you could use the politically correct word lesbian. But either way, she should not have to answer that question, not even for you.”

  Everyone turned to see the six-one, slim, serious face of Nicolas Brooks who stood in the doorway dressed in jeans, and a sweater with his arms folded over his broad chest.

  “Nick, what are you doing here?” James asked as he stood and shook his youngest brother’s hand.

  “I called your place. Claire indicated you would all be here.”

  “Nicolas, welcome home. It is so wonderful to see you,” Gwen smiled as she hugged her son.

  The relief that washed over Nicole was unmistakable. Her other half was there. Based on his statement, she knew he understood and supported her decision. There was never a time when her older, by five minutes, twin brother was not there for her. The last few months had been miserable without him around. She’d made a mistake and came between him and his girlfriend. She now knew that was wrong. In her mind she was only trying to protect him, but in the end she realized she was being judgmental. That, she thought, had cost her, her brother’s love, but it seemed she was wrong. Placing the glass on the table, she went over to Nicolas, put her arms around his waist and hugged him. The hold was so tight, Nick stumbled to keep his balance.

  “Hello, baby sis.” He returned the hug filled with eternal love and forgiveness. He looked at her. “Did you think I was going to let you have all the fun on this one?”

  Nicole smiled up at him. “I think it’s time to merge Brooks and Brooks, protectors of the Fourth Amendment.”

  “Nicolas, I’m going to tell you the same thing I told Vernon, stay out of this,” Avery warned.

  “No way, Pop. Nicole has a right to her privacy,” Nick stated as he accepted the drink Vernon offered. Nick took a seat between Nicole and his father. “Butchie,” he called out the family’s nickname for his brother James. “Where are the children?”

  “They are upstairs with Ashley,” James replied.

  “James Jr. too?” Nick asked, ready to challenge the boy to a game of basketball.

  “No, he’s visiting Georgetown's campus with friends this weekend.”

  Gwen loved having her family in the house. The huge home had been feeling empty, but today just about everyone was home. “I’m going to have Helena prepare something for dinner.”

  “I have a taste for an Uncle Butchie burger on the grill,” a young voice stated from the doorway.

  “Taylor,” Vernon called out with surprise as he walked over to the doorway. He picked his twenty-year-old daughter up and swung her around, then hugged her fiercely. James looked at Nick and they both had the same question on their minds. What’s up with Vernon? This was a man who shows no emotion and he was displaying sounds of joy at the sight of seeing his daughter.

  “Where’s your mother?”

  “I’m not sure.” Taylor said as she slipped from her father’s arms and walked over to Nicole. She hugged her. “My stylist told me about the article on the internet. I took the jet home. I’m not sure what I can do to help, but I’m here for you.” She took the seat on the other side of Nicole.

  “This sofa is getting mighty crowded.” Avery growled.

  Nicole smiled and hugged her niece. To think she’d come from Atlanta and left a busy touring schedule just to support her, meant a lot to Nicole. Taylor, known to most of the world as Lil Tay, was a multi-platinum recording artist who was supposed to be on a concert tour.

  “In the kind words of Bartle and Jayme, thanks for your support.”

  “Who’s Bartle and James?” Taylor asked.

  “Never mind,” the group echoed in unison with a chuckle.

  “This is between Nicole and I. Everybody out,” Avery commanded.

  “I love you, Pop, but I respectfully disagree,” James stated. “This is about family.”

  “What Nikki’s sexual preference may or may not be is her business,” Taylor added.

  “I agree.” Vernon added. “The question on the table should be, what we are going to do to stop the continuous extortion of money from this family by the Hargroves?”

  “We could all whip the woman’s ass, give her a check and call it a day,” Ashley suggested as she strutted into the room and took a seat next to her husband.

  “You are becoming more like a Brooks every day,” Nicole smiled at Ashley.

  “Thank you.”

  “Nicole in my office—now.” Avery pointed to the door across the foyer.

  Nicole jumped to her feet. “I’m coming with her, as her attorney,” Nick insisted.

  “I’m her attorney,” Vernon argued.

  “Actually, I am also an attorney,” Nicole said to stop all of them. “I will state my own case to Poppa.” She turned to her father. “I’m ready,” she said, then marched across the foyer with her head held high.

  Avery looked at his family as they watched Nicole walk across the foyer into his office. They all looked as if they were ready to pounce on him.

  “I’m not going to kill her, you know,” he said to defend his actions.

/>   Taylor walked over to her grandfather. “Poppa,” she said with sad eyes as she took his hand. “I know you are not going to kill Aunt Nikki, but can I please just sit in the room and hold her hand while you fuss? It always made me feel better when you held my hand while Daddy fussed at me.”

  Avery swore he saw crocodile tears about to fall from Taylor’s eyes. This was his first grandchild and he did not have the power to deny her anything. He kissed her forehead, took her hand and began walking toward the office.

  Taylor looked over her shoulder and winked at the family.

  Vernon smiled. “That’s my girl.”

  James and Nick turned to Vernon with raised eyebrows.


  Avery walked into the office, crossed the length of the room with four long strides and took a seat behind his desk. The office was decorated with deep, rich mahogany furniture, with plaques and accolades of all kinds for his different court battles or actions concerning civil rights. There were pictures of him with political powerhouses, leaders of the world in this country, and others. The big chair he sat in was made to intimidate those opposing him. However, he could feel this battle with his only daughter was going to be his toughest yet. Of course he understood her stance, hell he fought for people to be able to take the stance. Here, there was another element in play. This was his baby—his daughter, the apple of his eye and he would move heaven and earth to keep her safe—protected from all. He would not stand for her reputation being slandered in the media. For as her father, that was his job. His family was low on girls. His daughter and granddaughters were his pride and joy. Now he sat there looking at two of them across from him and knew, he was in trouble.

  Nicole sat and waited. She knew her father was not going to speak until he felt he had intimidated his opponent into submission. She always admired his tenacity when it came to waiting out his opponent. She just never thought she would ever be on the receiving side. His problem, however, lay in the fact that she had inherited that trait from him and so had Taylor. She knew they were his one weakness, with the exception of her mother. However, she feared her love for him may overrule her right to privacy and she would give in to him. At the moment, Taylor squeezed her hand. She glanced at her niece and read what was in her eyes.


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