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Sinergy Page 6

by Iris Bolling

  You can do it, Aunt Nikki.

  “The London deal goes to the board next Thursday. Ellington and Warner will have the final vote on the acquisition going through. What do you think their stance will be once this story reaches them?”

  That was totally unfair. She wanted to yell objection, but they were not in a court of law. They were in the courtroom of Avery Brooks. He played to win—she had forgotten that.

  “That’s what I thought your reply would be.” Avery leaned forward with his hands folded on top of the desk. “You see, Nicole, as unfair as it may seem, in this instance when you and Brooks International have so much on the table, you have allowed your personal life to interfere with your professional. If it were not for this incident, you could very well have continued as you have, keeping your personal and professional lives separate. Your actions have forced your own hand. To keep the London deal alive, you will now have to publicly declare your sexual preference.”

  Nicole stood and began to pace the floor in front of her father’s desk as she had as a child when she was trying to work something out in her mind.

  “That was smart, Poppa,” she said as she folded her hands behind her back and continued to pace. “Approaching this from a business standpoint was an intelligent move. However, you know and I do too, Ellington would never vote with me on this acquisition. He may sway Warner. Our only recourse was to develop a plan that would impress the London team to a point where they would provide the funding needed to complete the project.”

  “Therein lies your problem.”

  She stopped pacing and faced her father. “Jacob Allen.”

  Avery nodded his head. “Jacob Allen.”

  Nicole’s shoulders slouched as she sighed.

  “Who is Jacob Allen?” Taylor asked, unable to wait on the two legal minds.

  “Jacob Allen is the developer working on the plans for the London project.” Nicole began to explain. “He, his family and everyone that works at their firm are right-wing Christians who condemn homosexuality.”

  “What does any of that have to do with business?” Taylor exclaimed. “You’re not asking to have sex with any of them. You just want them to design your building or shopping center or whatever it is you do. You shouldn’t have to declare your sexuality publicly with anyone at any time. That’s a private issue and it should remain that way.”

  Nicole and Avery could see Taylor was becoming emotional, but neither could understand why.

  “Anything sexual should be between two consenting adults, it should not be forced, coerced or openly discussed by others. It’s a private matter and if Aunt Nicole does not wish to announce to the world which sex she prefers she shouldn’t have to Poppa.”

  Nicole stared at her niece, something wasn’t right, she thought as the distress showed on Taylor’s face. Nicole glanced at her father. Avery returned the look, then turned back to Taylor, concerned.

  “Taylor,” Avery gently spoke, “come here, darling.”

  Taylor wiped the tears that had unconsciously dropped while she was talking. “No, Poppa, I don’t want to.”

  “Come over here Taylor, now.” He spoke quietly, but firmly.

  Taylor hesitated, then walked over to her grandfather. “I’m too old for the lap, Poppa.”

  Avery pulled her onto his lap. “You are never too old for this lap.” He tucked her head in the crook of his neck. Her legs were longer than he remembered and she clearly was not a little girl any longer, Avery thought as he pulled her snuggly onto his lap. He motioned to Nicole to leave the room.

  She mouthed Vernon, wondering if she should have her brother come into the room. Her father shook his head, no. Nicole opened the door to leave the office, then stopped. “Poppa.” She hesitated at the door. “I’m not gay.”

  “I know.”

  “How do you know?”

  “You paid fifty-thousand dollars for a man,” Taylor cried while sinking in the safety of her grandfather’s arms.


  “What happened?” Nick jumped up as Nikki walked back into the family room.

  Sighing as she slumped into the seat next to Ashley, she said, “We do have a problem.” She sat up. “Vernon how can we get rid of the charge and the story?”

  “The story is out. Pulling it back will not prevent other media outlets from picking it up. The charge, that’s easy. The Hargroves are about money. Dangle enough in their faces and they will go away.”

  “Only to be resurrected again,” Gwen said from the doorway. “I am tired of making their lives easier. They are leeches. It’s time to teach them a lesson. Vernon, set up an appointment to meet with the Hargroves. James, contact the media to set up a press conference, it’s time to put a stop to this madness.”

  Nicole looked from Nick to James then back to their normally reserved mother. They had all witnessed Gwendolyn when someone attacked one of her cubs.

  “Mother, thank you for the support. However, we have to proceed with caution. Brooks International is in a very delicate phase of negotiations with London on a multibillion dollar deal. I’m afraid my actions haven’t given us any option than to pad the Hargroves' bank account again.”

  “Then what is going to stop them from coming back again, and again, and again,” Ashley asked hesitantly. “I mean, according to what I’m hearing, extorting money from the Brooks’ is the Hargrove family business. It also gives me the feeling that we are buying people off instead of dealing with the situation.” James touched Ashley’s hand. “Please hear me out. I don’t mean to be disrespectful in any way.” Ashley turned to Gwendolyn. “I am a Brooks now therefore, I have a stake in this as much as the rest of you. I don’t know the Hargroves or their history. However, I can tell you the way to deal with a bully is to get in their face. If you keep doing the same thing you always have, the results will be the same. I say squash their little behinds and call it a day.”

  The room was silent for a moment as they all considered Ashley’s words.

  “She may have a point there,” Vernon nodded.

  “What would you do, Ashley?” Nicole asked.

  “That would depend on what’s at stake. You mentioned a deal. How does this incident impact the deal?”

  “The owner of one of the companies we are depending on to pull the London deal through are devout Christians. The accusations about my sexual preference have been an issue for them in the past, however, they have never questioned me on it before, because it was basically in-house.”

  “Now that Trish has made it public, they will expect you to take a position one way or another, and you believe it’s a private matter.” Nick summarized.

  “Precisely.” Nikki nodded.

  “What if you spoke with them privately, one CEO to another,” Ashley asked.

  “The CEO represents the company,” James stated. “His first priority will be to keep his company’s public image intact. He will want Nikki to make a public statement, or his company will withdraw from the project.”

  “You can’t be certain of that until you try.”

  “I’m afraid we can, Ashley,” James stated. “Allen and Allen are politically connected and support only candidates that have the same beliefs.”

  “They are the same in business,” Nikki added. “When we first approached them, they were very interested in working with us. Then one of my partners, Hayward Ellington, conveniently dropped a hint about my administrative assistant’s sexual preference. I couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t gay.”

  “Is that why Alicia came out,” Nick asked.

  “Yes. Fortunately, Jacob Allen was impressed with the idea of designing a community in London, so he stayed with the project.”

  “It’s one thing for an employee to go against what he believes in, quite another for that employee to be the CEO. This situation may push him to withdraw,” Vernon summarized.

  Nicole sat back and sighed. “That is my fear from a professional standpoint, just not my biggest concern.”

t is your other concern?” Nick asked.

  “What does Xavier think of all of this? Does he believe Trish? Will he still be interested in me with all the baggage? I mean he was supportive when I spoke with him this morning, but in the grand scheme of things how long will that last?” Her head dropped to the back of the sofa in exasperation. “Good Lord that man can kiss.”

  The room again was silent. None of them had ever heard Nicole express concern over a man’s feelings towards her. Oh, she had had boyfriends here and there, but her attitude was always, had fun—time to go.

  “Well, that answers the question on if she is gay.” Ashley smiled at her husband.

  “Who in the hell is Xavier?” Nick asked.

  “The man she paid fifty-thousand dollars for,” Constance replied from the doorway. “Where is my daughter?” She frowned at Vernon.

  Vernon straightened from the fireplace where he was leaning. “You’re her mother. You should know.”

  Constance put her purse on the table next to the door. “I’m not in the mood for you today, Vernon. Where is she?”

  “Our daughter is with her grandfather,” he replied through clenched teeth.

  “Why,” an angry Constance demanded. “ What lies has she told him?”

  “Is there something wrong with Taylor?” a concerned Gwen asked looking from Constance to Vernon. Neither replied. “I don’t give a damn what’s going on between you two. I asked a question and I expect an answer,” she demanded.

  “Constance.” Vernon glared towards his wife. “Is there a problem with Taylor?”

  “Yes,” Nicole replied. “However, Poppa is handling whatever is wrong.”

  “What do you mean?” Constance snapped.

  Nicole sat up, looked around then looked back at Constance. “You have mistaken me for your child. Try again.”

  Constance pushed her now auburn hair from her shoulders and remembered her situation with this family. As Vernon’s wife she was to be seen, not heard. “I did not mean to snap, Nicole. I’m just concerned about Taylor. She took the jet and left without telling me where she was going. After speaking with her people I guessed she was here.”

  “That’s what family does when one of us is in trouble,” Nick responded as he took in a head to toe view of Constance. “You look different.”

  “Yes, you do,” Ashley added. “Hello, Connie.”

  “Constance,” she replied to Ashley with a defiant look.”

  “Not that Ashley cannot speak for herself,” James stood as he walked over to the bar. “In her defense she calls you Connie because I do.” He refreshed his drink then walked over to Constance. “And I would thank you not to take that tone with my wife.” He held her eyes until they softened. “Welcome home, Connie. How are you?”

  James always treated her with respect, as if she was a true member of the family. Their true bonding point was formed when he caught his wife in bed with his brother, her husband. James was able to leave, go on with his life away from the house and the family. She had to stay and deal with the humiliation. “Hello James.” She spoke for the first time in a civil tone. “Thank you and I’m fine. I just want to make sure Taylor is okay.”

  “Why are you concerned with her being here, Connie?” Vernon continued to glare at her. “This is her home, after all.”

  The venom returned to Constance’s stare, as she looked around James. “Because she is my child. I am always concerned about where she is and what she is doing. Always have been, can you say the same?”

  “Excuse me Mrs. Brooks.” They all turned to Helena, the cook. “Dinner is ready.”

  “Thank you, Helena.” Gwen replied. “We’ll be right in.” She turned back to Constance. “I asked you a question. What’s going on with Taylor?”

  “She’s a teenager, Gwen,” Constance smirked, “there is always something going on.”

  “Taylor is twenty, not a teenager.” Vernon walked over to his wife. “Look at me Connie.”

  Venom would have been sweeter than the look she gave him. “The days of me jumping at your command are over,” she snarled.

  “Really?” Vernon raised an eyebrow. “As long as you carry the name Brooks you damn well better jump.” He walked by her toward the stairs leading to their wing of the estate. “Connie,” he commanded.

  Connie looked around at the family members. James was the only one who looked remotely embarrassed by the scene. He nodded to her to go with Vernon.

  The thought that haunted her years ago when she caught Vernon in bed with James’ wife the first time, was whether she had married the wrong brother. She glanced at Ashley and wondered if Vernon had had his way with her as well. She lowered her eyes and followed Vernon out of the room.

  Nick stood, pulling Nicole up with him. “Saved by the ever forbidding Connie.” He hugged her. “I’m hungry, what about you?”

  “I’m starving.” Nicole returned the affection she had been missing from her brother. “I missed dinner last night and breakfast this morning.”

  “For fifty-thousand dollars the man should have at least bought you dinner,” Nick smirked.

  “At least a hot dog,” James added as they all walked toward the dining room.

  Ashley, looked up at James as he took her hand. “I have a feeling she got something hot last night that was better than food.”

  “Ashley I don’t give it up on the first date,” Nicole frowned, then smirked. “He can certainly hit it tomorrow though.”

  “Hey.” Ashley gave Nicole a high five as they walked through the dining room door. “Clearly, she is not gay,” Ashley said as she took a seat next to her husband. “Since that’s the case, couldn’t Nicole sue for defamation of character or something?” Ashley took the platter from Nick, without noticing that the room had grown quiet.

  Nicole stared at Ashley, and then slowly drifted her eyes to Nick. James took the platter from Ashley after she had taken what she wanted, and just stared at her, then looked up at Nick and Nicole.

  “Out of the mouth of the non-lawyer in the family,” Nick said as he began to nod his head. “Why not?”

  “Why not what?” Ashley asked.

  “There are four elements to defamation.” James began. “Prove the statement was made.”

  “The statement had to be made publicly,” Nick added.

  “Hell, you can’t get any more public than an auction filled with people and press,” Gwen huffed.

  “The statement had to be negligent and we must prove damages.” Nicole nodded, thinking the process through.

  “Think this through, Nikki,” James cautioned. “Your sexual behavior will come into play if you take this course of action. You will have to prove, in a court of law that the statement is false. A few moments ago, you didn’t want to acknowledge your sexuality to your own father. Are you willing to swear in court that you are not gay?”

  “That’s right Nikki,” Nick added. “You will have to prove not only financial damage, but personal damage to your reputation. What do you think Alicia’s reaction will be if you use the approach that being gay or accused of being gay was damaging?”

  “Before you make a decision,” Gwen reached across the table to grasp her daughter’s hand, “speak to your father. No one knows discrimination law like your father.”

  The discussion continued as Nicole contemplated her next move. It now seemed she had options.


  “You have two minutes to tell me what’s going on with my daughter.” Vernon entered the sitting area in the wing of the Brooks Estate that he called home. His footsteps, though angry, were cushioned by the thick Persian carpet as he walked towards the bar. Seconds later, Constance entered the room just as Vernon put the glass of brandy to his lips. He paused, watched as she placed her purse on the table next to the bedroom. There was no mistake; Constance was still a beautiful woman. Nothing could change his thoughts on that front. It was her heart that caused him to push her into the hell hole of the abyss.

  The demure walk
towards him, with her hands folded in front of her was a farce. He took the shot of brandy in one gulp, then placed the snifter on the bar. “You’re down to one minute.” In that minute, he decided to pray for control.

  “Taylor is a typical twenty-year-old.” Constance sat in the Queen Anne chair near the fireplace on the other side of the room and crossed her legs. “She feels she knows what is best for her.”

  “Which is?”

  “Vernon, I have been managing Taylor’s career for five years now,” she hissed. “I know the music industry inside out. I know the players from the fake, to the legit.”

  “I don’t recall asking you what you know. Game recognizes game. And you, Connie, are a master.” He stepped from behind the bar, then towered over her. “Don’t make me ask again.”

  “She wants out of her contract.” Her voice level raised. “If she does that, it’s going to appear she is difficult to work with. It will tarnish her career. I’m not going to allow that to happen.”

  His cell phone buzzed, as he gave her a speculative look. “Brooks,” he answered the call without taking his eyes from her. He listened for a moment. “Mr. Hargrove. I’ve been expecting your call. Before you go any further, please know, there will not be a settlement out of court this time. We’ll be in touch.” He hung up the telephone, bent over and placed his hands on the arms of the chair, boxing Constance in. “For the record, I didn’t fall for that crap you extracted. You can go back to Atlanta, Taylor stays.”

  “Taylor is in the middle of recording a CD, she has contractual responsibilities.”

  “Present the contract. I’ll find a way to break it.” He stood to walk away.

  “You can’t do that.”

  “Yes, I can and I will.”

  “I won’t allow it.” Constance jumped up.

  Vernon was back in front of her so fast Constance fell backwards into the chair. “Allow? You-” He stared down at her. “I’ve allowed you to take my daughter from her home to assist with her wishes to perform. I…allowed you to manage her career.” He hit his chest with the palm of his hand. “I allowed you to have your freedom.” His voice dropped low. “You didn’t allow anything.” He stood up attempting to get his temper under control. “Make no mistake, Connie, if any harm comes to Taylor I will kill anyone I think is responsible. Do we understand each other?”


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