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Page 8

by Iris Bolling

  “While we are excited about this announcement, we have other business at hand.” Zack turned to Diamond first, knowing X-man needed a moment. Smiling at his wife, he asked, “What plans do we have for the grand opening of Davenport Circle?”

  Xavier listened as the meeting progressed around him. His mind, however, was on his mixed emotions about Nicole.


  After the meeting, Xavier returned to his office. The first item on his agenda was to finalize the draft for the strip mall. However, now that the funding was in place for the recreation center, that would take priority. Placing his tablet on his desk, he walked over to his drafting table, turned on his computer, then stared at it. The creativity was not there yet. He turned towards the windows that covered the back wall of his office and stared at the outline of the city with the James River in the distance. The scene always sent inspiration his way. This morning, it wasn’t working. He turned to the sound of a soft knock at his office door.

  “Am I interrupting?” Diamond asked from the doorway.

  “No, come in.”

  “Is it safe?” She smiled, showing those deep dimples he loved so much.

  “I haven’t decided yet,” he replied as she sat on the windowsill.

  “Oh, come on. I never would have thought so much drama would have occurred at the auction. You can’t still be mad at me.”

  “I can.” He raised an eyebrow. “But, I’m not.”

  She jumped up and kissed him on the cheek, then sat back down. “I’m happy to hear that. So, tell me about your plans for Nicole Brooks.”

  “I haven’t finalized them yet.” He sighed.

  “You’re not going to do the Shenandoah? I love that area.”

  “I’m not sure Nicole Brooks will go for the outdoor events I had planned.”

  “Why not?” Diamond asked a little surprised.

  “She’s a billionaire, Diamond.” He stood and walked over to his desk. “I’m not sure how to plan a weekend for her.”

  “Xavier.” She walked over to the desk and gave him a gentle push. He fell into the chair behind the desk, faking injury. “Nicole is a female first. Anything romantic will impress her.” She put her hands on her hips. “Millionaire, billionaire, what's a few thousand dollars amongst friends. Don’t allow what you hear or her money to dissuade you from fulfilling your obligations. Besides, I think she likes you.”

  “Why, did she say something to you?”

  “No, we never mentioned you. We only discussed the project this morning. From what Alicia told me, you are the first man she has shown any interest in for a few years.”

  “Is that so?” He picked up the tablet on his desk as if he was not interested in the subject. “Who is Alicia?”

  “She’s my soror and she is Nicole’s personal assistant.”

  “Nicole isn’t a soror?”

  “No. She was at the event with Alicia.”

  “With Alicia?”

  The way he asked the question made her smile. “Don’t believe the rumors, especially from Trish. I don’t know much about Nicole’s personal life. According to Alicia, she’s a loner. She is all about Brooks International. If she takes this weekend off with you, it will be a first.” She took the tablet from his hand and placed it on the desk. “Look, you need a break. You’ve been working non-stop since Davenport Estates. Take the weekend, enjoy the company of a woman. Who knows, you may find something special in Nicole Brooks.”

  “You don’t believe the rumors?”

  “No, and you shouldn’t either. Find out for yourself.”

  He sighed. “I’m concerned about the move she made this morning.”

  “The announcement about the recreation center?”


  “Why are you concerned about that?”

  “I don’t like the idea or the appearance of having been bought.”

  “Sorry to tell you this, but that ship has sailed. The price and all was published in the newspaper and on the blog Rumor Has It.”

  “Another blog?”

  “Oh, man, are you out of it.” She laughed as she pulled the blog up on his computer. “There’s a few blogs connected to just about every family of substantial wealth. It seems The Brooks’ have captured the attention of this particular blogger. You, my friend, have been identified. You don’t need to read it. It’s just a weekend obligation for charity.” She turned to walk out. “I have to go. Be sure to have Lafonde set up those plans for you.”

  He watched as she walked away. “Hey, you’re filling out those pants, girl.”

  Diamond stopped in the doorway. “You’re not supposed to be looking at my butt.”

  “Dimples, I’ve been looking at that butt for ten years,” he replied laughing.

  “I’m your brother’s wife.”

  “Don’t make the butt no less phat.”

  She gave him a mischievous grin. “I’m going to tell your brother,” she said then walked out of the office.

  Xavier smiled as she walked out. He was very happy his best friend married his brother. The two complimented each other well. Looking at the computer, he began reading.

  Rumor Has It

  This blogger has identified the $50,000.00 man. Remember the cat fight I mentioned on yesterday, well, rumor has it Nicole Brooks paid $50,000.00 to have a romantic weekend get-a-way with an Architect from Virginia. His name is Xavier Davenport. Can you say FINE! Check out the pic below. Trish Hargrove may be in trouble. It seems Xavier and Nicole have something in common. The brother is one half of Davenport Industries, a commercial developmental firm. I wonder what designs he has for Nicole for the weekend.

  Xavier stood and walked over to the window as his thoughts went to Nicole. He now wondered if she was the one. The woman who could make his heart smile at the sight of her. It certainly was not smiling this morning when she made that announcement. Call it machismo or whatever; he had a problem with the world thinking he could be bought. The thought of her investing in the recreation project because of him was an issue that needed to be cleared up. Before he allowed this woman to creep into his heart any more than she already had, he would have to get the answer to a few questions. He walked back over to his desk and pushed the intercom for Lafonde. “Will you get me the address to Brooks International’s corporate office and find out if Nicole Brooks is in the office today.”

  Chapter 6


  Manhattan, New York

  Brooks International’s offices were in a buzz. The telephones were ringing off the hooks, several employees were gathered in pockets at their desks and Alicia was in a bad mood. Nicole did not have the luxury of any office interactions this morning. She was in cleanup mode. The calls were coming in fast and while she had no intentions of discussing her sexual preference with any of the callers, a few demanded at least a conversation about the articles from the weekend. To add to the lovely morning she was already having, Steven Warner was sitting in the chair across from her desk waiting for her to deal with the third interruption since he arrived, fifteen minutes ago.

  “I understand your concern, however, Brooks International has no interest in interfering with the policy of your agency regardless of what’s written in a blog.” She listened, then nodded. “I totally agree and if we have any reason to withdraw the notice will come from this office. Thank you for the call.”

  Nicole closed her eyes and exhaled. When she opened them Steven was staring at her. “Don’t you dare laugh.”

  “I would not dream of it.” Steven wiped an imaginary piece of lint from the trousers of his five thousand dollar navy suit. The dark tie against the crisp white shirt was his trademark. And he wore it well for a sixty-something year old mogul who resembled the movie star Clark Gable. “It seems the articles have ignited a little nervousness among your clientele. You do realize this is only the beginning?” He raised an eyebrow.

  Nicole sighed. “I do. My sexual preference has seemed to generate unrest in the world. Who would have though
t it?”

  Steven smiled. “My dear, anything about a young African-American billionaire will generate talk. The thought of you having a questionable sexual appetite is like ice cream on top of a thick brownie with nuts.”

  “Oh, that sounds delicious.”

  “Yes, it does. However, my dear you will have to address this issue one way or another soon. You should know I received a call from Ellington, your troubles are only beginning.” He uncrossed his leg and stood. “He’s coming after your share of the London deal full throttle. I suggest you contact Jacob Allen before he does.”

  Nicole stood to see him to the door. “Bend down here so I can kiss your cheek.” The six-foot man did as requested with a smile. She kissed him. “Thank you for the heads up. I expect Jacob will attempt to pull out of the deal.”

  “Not attempt, my dear. He will pull out of the deal. However, Allen and Allen are not the only commercial architects in the world. There are others.”

  “Just the best and I have to say I love their ideas for the London project.” She looked up at him. “Are you still with me?”

  “You keep solid funding and Warner Industries is with you. However, Ellington is coming after you. He does not want Brooks International on this project.”

  "What you mean is he doesn't want a little girl with brown skin on this project."

  "That is true."

  “It was our idea. We did the leg work with the London officials. He needs us as much as we need him. He doesn't have the funding to go it alone.”

  “Don’t underestimate Ellington's’ goal. He wants the project to proceed. If there is another source of funding to be found, he will find it. He does not want Brooks International to spearhead such a groundbreaking project. At this moment, I’m certain he is speaking with Jacob Allen to convince him to pull his design, forcing you to pull out of the project.” He kissed her forehead. “Tread lightly, my dear. I’m in your corner.”

  "Brooks International owns the property."

  "A small technicality, my dear."

  As soon as Steven left the office, Alicia walked in. “How did it go?”

  “He’s still supporting the project, for now. If Ellington is successful in pulling Jacob to his side, we may have a problem.”

  “Problem is on line one.” Alicia frowned.

  Nicole sighed. “No interruptions, Alicia, okay.”

  Alicia turned to walk out. “Oh, and tell Stacy if one more call comes in on my line from the media, I’m going to assume she is unable to handle her job and find a replacement. One more thing, Steven mentioned articles. I know about the one, see if there are more. Then see if we can block them. I don’t need this on Page Six.”

  “Be happy to.” Alicia replied and closed the door behind her.

  Nicole took a deep breath, then picked up the telephone. “Good morning, Jacob.”

  “Is it, Nicole?” Jacob’s voice echoed in the phone.

  “Any morning I wake up is a good one for me. How is your day so far?”

  “My day began at seven when I received a conference call from Hayward Ellington and Steven Warner. You seem to have some dissension on the London project.”

  “Brooks International is fully committed to the London project. I just spoke with Steven Warner. He has assured me Warner Industries is committed as well. I cannot, however, speak for The Ellington group.”

  “Nicole, it goes without saying Brooks International is well respected as a leader in real estate development. However, recent developments have created a buzz about its reputation.”

  “Brooks International’s reputation has not been tarnished in anyway. We have a AAA rating internationally in addition to several awards for commercial excellence. We stand on our reputation.”

  “Nicole, you are the face of Brooks International. As unfair as it may seem, the news reports over the last few days have tarnished that reputation in the eyes of my agency. However, a public announcement on your sexual preference could eliminate this situation.”

  “No one should have to publicly announce anything about their sexual preference. Are you willing to do that Jacob?”

  “I don’t have to, Nicole. I’m not about to lose a multibillion dollar project.”

  She knew Jacob was right, but she was not willing to give in. “You know me, and you know how I handle business.”

  “I represent an agency, Nicole, and so do you. We do not have the luxury of our own convictions. I have to protect the investors. This call is a courtesy to advise you of a board meeting that will take place this afternoon to discuss our continued presence on the London project. You will have my vote. However, I’m only one in seven and Ellington is gathering his votes. I suggest you do the same.”

  “I understand your position, Jacob. Will you at the very least promise me this? Do not give the design you shared with me to Ellington, regardless of the outcome of the board’s vote.”

  He hesitated. “I’ll give you thirty days. After that, I can’t promise anything.”

  “Thank you, Jacob.”

  “Nicole, I want to work with you on this project. Reconsider your position.”

  “I’ll think about it, Jacob,” a dejected Nicole replied. “I’ll think about it.”

  Nicole stood to look out the window hoping the view of Central Park would calm her rising anger. The morning had started out so promising. The offer to help build the recreation center in Richmond felt good. The proposal from Davenport Industries was impressive. She wondered if Xavier had any part in that. She knew he was one of their architects, but that was about all she knew. How much input he had on their projects, she did not know. She reached up and touched her lips, remembering the kiss they’d shared. A warmth spread through her as she replayed the conversation from the night before. The man’s voice was like a smooth caress. It was funny how the few times they had spoken it seemed as if they had so much to talk about. They had just met, yet he seemed so familiar. She wanted to see him again, but there was no way she could go back to Virginia right now. So much was happening at the office that even the weekend getaway was questionable. Glancing at her watch, she saw it was a little after one. She wondered if Xavier was free to talk, just for a minute. She pulled her cell phone from her purse then dialed his number. The call went directly to voice mail. She sighed, threw the cell back into her purse. It was just as well, there were a few calls she had to make.

  She was about to push the intercom on her desk, when it buzzed. “Alicia, good, I was about to buzz you. Have you had lunch?”

  “Um, no. With everyone so busy I ordered in. I ordered you a sandwich and a salad. Why don’t I send that in?”

  “Bring your thinking cap. We have to work on a game plan for Jacob.”

  Alicia hesitated. “Before we do that, you have a visitor.”

  “Is it Ellington? I can’t take discussing my sexuality with another man right now.”

  “Oh, I don’t think you’ll have a problem with this one. I’ll send him in.”

  Alicia disconnected the call before Nicole could respond.

  “Oh hell,” she murmured as she sat behind her desk. A second later she jumped up. “Oh, hello.”

  The man was finery at its absolute best. Xavier stood there in a pinstriped Armani suit, with a crisp pink shirt, a solid black tie and his hair bound in a band. His six-two, slim frame was mouthwatering and there was no way she could hold her smile back.

  “Hello, Nicole.” Xavier stood there leaning against the door still wondering why the very sight of the woman affected him. “I was instructed to deliver your salad. I’m to tell you it looks delicious.”

  He said something, that she was sure of. For the life of her she had no idea what. The first and last time she saw him he was leisurely dressed. Today he wore business attire and damn if he didn’t look good from head to toe. Then he smiled. The crotch of her panties filled with moisture. The man made her come just by looking at him. “I am in so much trouble.”

  “If I’m allowed to enter I may
be able to help.” He raised an eyebrow. “May I?”

  He was still standing at the door with a knapsack over his shoulder and her lunch in his hand. “Oh, please do come in.” She quickly walked toward him taking the lunch container from him, placing it on the desktop. As she turned back to him the urge to throw herself into his arms was so strong she took a step forward, then stopped.

  He reached out, wrapping his arm around her waist and gently pulled her to him. They stood there, staring into each other’s eyes. “May I kiss you before you kick me out?”

  Without responding, she tiptoed up to gently kiss his lips, but the feeling was so glorious, and the morning had been so crappy, she just couldn’t stop. When his fingers cupped her head, holding her lips securely to his, her greed to taste him increased.

  Xavier’s intent was to talk with her face to face about his concerns. Then based on her response, make the plans for the weekend. Seeing her brought an entirely different response. The combination of the sunlight pouring through the window behind her, the look of surprise in her eyes, the radiant smile she gave him, all knocked the wind out of him. Urges, like he had never experienced before, flowed through him. All he knew for sure was if he did not kiss her right at that moment, he was going to die. What in the hell was happening to him?

  The knapsack dropped to the floor, as her arms circled his neck. The mystical surges of desire rose quickly as the warmth of her mouth pulled at him. It was as if his tongue was seeking to take every inch of her and more if he could get it. His arms tightened around her, lifting her from her feet, bringing her more securely nestled to his body. A sound or something triggered him to stop. His mind thought, not just yet, just one more taste.

  Slowly, he lowered her back to the floor, ended the kiss, then smiled at her kiss swollen lips. He ran a thumb over them and smiled. “Thank you.”

  There was no way she could let go. She held on to the strong arms that circled her and laughed. “You are welcome, but I swear it was my pleasure.”


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