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Page 13

by Iris Bolling

  “No, no.” Xavier shook his head as he walked toward her. He took her hand to pull her into the office. “I need to see you.” He smiled down at her.

  “You, Mr. Davenport have no idea how happy I am to hear that.”

  Reese cleared his throat once,-no response. Zack, Reese and Diamond looked at each other grinning. Reese cleared his throat again.

  Xavier looked over his shoulder. “Say hello to Zack and Diamond."

  "Oh, I must be chopped liver.” Reese acted as if he had been insulted.

  "Nicole, this is our head of security, Reese Kendrick.”

  She turned to Reese. "Reese. Hello."

  Reese shook her hand. "Ms. Brooks, this is a pleasant interruption."

  "One I must apologize for." She looked at Xavier. "I'm a day early for the weekend. I’ll be at my brother’s house. Will you call me later? Something’s come up and I think we should talk about.”

  “Don’t leave.” He glanced over his shoulder at Zack. “We will wrap this up in a few minutes.” He turned back to Nicole. “We can start the weekend early.”

  “I can wait in the lobby,” she nodded.

  Seeing the protest in Xavier’s eyes, Diamond spoke. ”I have a better idea.” She walked over to Nicole. "I would love to tell you about the joke from last night.” She smiled at Xavier. “We'll let the guys finish up the meeting. They don't need me anyway." Diamond took Nicole by the arm and led her out of the room.

  Xavier stood watching from the doorway after the women were gone. He had to do something about that sexual energy that hit him whenever Nicole was in the room.

  Zack and Reese looked at each other. "He's gone," Reese said.

  "No doubt," Zack laughed. “One question. What are you going to do about Trish?”

  Xavier turned. "I have no idea."

  "You do realize you are being played, right?" Reese asked.

  "Those tears were so fake she could put a crocodile’s to shame," Zack added.

  "When you go to her place to console her she is going to be so distraught over the picture or because her big bad Mommy came to beat you up,” Reese continued. "Then when you get there, she will be dressed so provocatively with the tear stained cheeks, and puffy eyes that the only thing you can do is to hold her in your arms. That's when the real trouble will starts. You’re going to feel those pillow like breast against you chest. Her nice firm body rubbing up against you. A man can't help but respond. So you pull her a little closer, then she kisses you on your neck, you know right in that spot that gives you an instant hard on. Next thing you know, bam you're be doing the do. And there ain't no turning back at that point."

  Xavier and Zack stood there watching as Reese continued to rant. When he finished, Xavier smiled. "Sounds as if you have a little experience in that scenario Reese."

  "A little." Zack laughed.

  "I was being kind," Xavier teased.

  "Man, that crap ain't nothing to play with. I almost lost my wife that way. I'm telling you what I know. A woman like Trish knows how to play that game. Man I will bet you my Lexus her mother taught her."

  "Her mother," Xavier laughed. "Come on, Reese."

  "X-man, you're laughing, but I'm telling you, they are at the lingerie shop right now picking out the perfect seduction outfit.”

  Zack was laughing but he knew Reese was serious. "How did you handle it?"

  "Wrong. I lied to Terry. Told her I hadn't slept with my ex since meeting her. You know what my ex did? Texted Terry pictures of me in her bed asleep with the date and time stamp on it. I'm telling you man, I wasn't drunk, wasn't high. It was those crocodile tears and those pillow soft breasts that did me in.”

  “So you’re telling me to watch out for women with big breasts and crocodile tears?”

  “Damn right,” Reese laughed. “Along with a big butt and a smile.”

  Zack laughed, then turned to Xavier. “It doesn’t seem we will get much done here. Why don’t you join your visitor?”

  That was exactly what Xavier wanted to do. “You sure you don’t mind?”

  “We have plenty to go on. Reese and I will get out of here so you can start your weekend early.” Zack nodded at Reese as he closed his folder.

  Xavier walked over to his desk. “I’ll work on a few diagrams over the weekend.”

  “No.” Zack demanded. “Enjoy your weekend with Nicole. We’ll pick up on this Monday.” He waited until Reese left before closing the door. “Interesting morning,” he said as he stood in front of Xavier’s desk.

  Xavier knew the tone. He stopped putting things away, then took a seat behind his desk. “You’re concerned?”

  Giving a small nod, Zack agreed. “It’s clear you have a connection with Nicole. Trish is not going to step aside quietly. She isn’t a lady in that sense. However, Nicole doesn’t appear to be the kind of woman to take whatever Trish dishes out.” He grinned. “You’re in for an interesting ride, little brother.” He turned to leave. “Know I’m here when you need me. I know a thing or two about dramatic women.”

  Xavier laughed remembering the drama Zack went through with his ex-girlfriend right before he and Diamond were married. “I don’t think anyone is going to burn down buildings to get my attention.”

  Zack was at the door when he looked back. “I wouldn’t laugh too hard X-man. I won my woman. You have yet to close the deal. Have a good weekend,” he said as he walked out of the office.

  Xavier’s head dropped as he exhaled. The day had been trying. This was something he was not used to. He led a quiet life for a reason. During college, his roommate went through a situation that nearly ruined his life. An ex-girlfriend claimed she was pregnant. His friend, trying to do the right thing, left the woman he loved to plan a life with the ex-girlfriend and the baby. When the child was born, a paternity tests was performed. The child was not his. His roommate was fortunate. The woman he loved, loved him enough to stand by him. The two married six weeks later and are happily married with two children. The drama his friend endured prompted Xavier to handle women in his life differently. First, he did not get into long term relationships. Second, he let them know upfront what he would and would not deal with. Third, and more important than the others, he never—never had sex without protection. He thought those three rules would keep the drama at a minimum. Then he met Trish Hargrove and thought maybe, just maybe, he could have what Zack and Diamond had. He dropped rule number one and soon regretted it. Now, there’s Nicole. Rules had no meaning.

  Chapter 10

  Xavier stood at the window behind his desk, with his shirt sleeves rolled up, hands in his pockets and legs braced as he took in the surrounding area of downtown Richmond, VA. The sight of the James River with its history of slave trade, auction houses, and the selling of human goods as if they were commodities like coffee and sugar, inspired him to make something beautiful from the not so pleasant past. Today, the scene symbolized him. He had to end his not so pleasant past with Trish, to begin what he believed to be his beautiful future with Nicole.

  “I heard you had an interesting morning,” Nicole said from the doorway. She stepped inside as Xavier turned toward her. Closing the door, she leaned back against it and sighed. “My appearing unannounced added to that. I’m sorry.”

  The appearance of Trish and her mother annoyed him. Nicole’s showing up pleased him. He wondered why as he stood there staring at her. There was something about her aura that created a calmness about him. No, drama, no mysteries. Today, there was something in her eyes. It was clear to him, even with the beautiful smile and calm demeanor, something had upset her.

  He walked over to her and gently kissed her lips, then smiled. “Your appearance brightened my day. Now, tell me. What can I do to remove the sadness from your eyes?”

  The warmth of his gaze touched her through and through. It eased the unpleasant events of the morning. “Take me away from here. Make the world around us disappear for a little while.”

  "Let me have your cell phone." Nicole reached in
side her purse and gave him her phone. "Now, your tablet." She hesitated and watched as he raised an eyebrow. After a long moment, she pulled the tablet out and gave it to him. Xavier smiled as he walked to his desk, placed her devices along with his there, picked up his keys and suit jacket, then walked back to her. He opened the door. “Your wish is my command.”

  Arlington, VA

  Thursday Afternoon

  Gwen sat in the downstairs family room with a book in her hand. However, the story she had been waiting for months to come out, did not hold her interest. It was a crisp October evening, yet her granddaughter was more content to be out in the cool air than in her luxury suite upstairs, or on her cell phone texting friends, or listening to music. That was the one that concerned her more than the others. Taylor always loved music. She would have the house filled with the sounds of music she would be dancing to, or creating on the piano. It had been a week and Taylor had yet to touch the piano, or even hum a tune.

  “Hello, Mother.” Vernon gave her a kiss on the cheek, then walked over to the bar. “What are you reading, another romance novel?”

  “Romantic suspense.” She smiled. “How was your day son?”

  Taking a seat across from her Vernon could see he did not have her attention. Turning in his seat, he saw Taylor sitting out on the deck. He put his glass down and stood. “How long has she been out there?”

  “Constance went upstairs about an hour ago, Taylor came down.” Gwen looked up at her son. “She’s been out there since then. Now son, I don’t interfere in my children’s lives unless I sense trouble. You need to find out what is going on with your daughter, now, before it settles so deep you can’t get it out.”

  “Gwendolyn Brooks, your middle name is interfering.” He walked out the room. “And I love you for it.”

  Gwen smiled as she watched her son step out onto the deck, taking a seat next to his daughter.

  “Did I hear Vernon come in?” Avery asked from behind his wife.

  “Yes, he’s talking to Taylor,” Gwen responded as she continued to watch the scene unfold. “Do you think she will tell her father what’s bothering her?”

  Avery rubbed his wife’s shoulder. She covered his hand with hers. “I think if anyone can get Taylor to open up, it’s Vernon. The concern is what he will do once he finds out.” Avery sat next to his wife, pulled her feet into his lap and began to massage them.

  “Our children are very passionate about those they love. Ooh, move to the center.” Avery moved his hands to massage the arch of her foot. “Yes, right there,” Gwen purred. “Vernon will handle whatever is happening. What concerns me is Taylor’s music. I haven’t heard her singing.”

  “I miss her voice, but I miss her laughter more.” Avery replied as he watched his son put his arm around his daughter. “I think Vernon is softening in his older years.”

  “He works too hard.” Gwen frowned. “I want him and Connie to find happiness. If it’s not with each other, then they should divorce and move on. No one should be as miserable as Connie.”

  “She brought that on herself when she married for money and not love.”

  “Oh, I think she loved Vernon at one time. It happened to be at a time when he was still trying to prove himself. Hanging out at all hours, sleeping around.” Gwen shook her head.

  “Let’s not forget what happened between him and Butchie.”

  “Please don’t remind me of that.” Gwen raised an eyebrow. They held each other’s eyes, then turned to the two on the deck.

  “Daddy, can I stay home for a while? I have some decisions to make about my future.”

  Vernon looked at his daughter who had wanted nothing more than to sing since she was five years old. It seemed things had changed. He had no idea why, but he was going to find out before he allowed her to give up on her dream.

  “Taylor, this is your home. You don’t ever have to leave if you don’t want to.” He took his daughter's hand then walked down the steps, through the yard and did not stop until they reached the gazebo. “Let’s talk for a while,” he said as they sat.”

  Taylor wasn’t afraid of her father, it just seemed he was always so distant from her. Like he never knew what to say or how to be around her. When she decided she wanted to sing, her mother handled everything. At the time Taylor thought he didn’t want to be bothered. As she grew older she realized it was her mother keeping her away from her father. Yes, her father spent a lot of time working, and wasn’t always available to attend her concerts, but she understood he was working. Now, she needed him like never before. She needed him to help her understand what had happened. Only a man can understand how another man acts. No, she wasn’t afraid of her father, but she was afraid of what he would do when he found out what had happened to her. Worse when he found out her mother’s reaction to it. The incident could impacted her contract and her future with the record company. At this moment she did not trust the people in her camp, including her mother. How could she explain her feelings without causing a bigger strain on her parent’s marriage?

  It felt a little awkward sitting with him now, but she knew she had to trust someone.

  “Okay.” She took a seat across from him, then crossed her legs.

  Vernon watched her and it suddenly felt as if a ton of bricks had landed on his head. His baby girl was no longer a baby. She was a beautiful young woman.

  “Who is he?”

  For the first time in over a month, she smiled from deep within. That was the first time her father had acted like a father, a real father.

  “There is no man, Daddy. You will be happy to know your little girl is,” she hesitated, then sighed, “untouched in that sense.”

  Vernon breathed a sigh of relief. “I can’t tell you how that pleases me.” He smiled. “If it’s not a man, then tell me, what is going on with you and your mother?”

  Taylor looked away, pulled her jacket a little tighter as she hugged herself. She looked over the plush green grass and shrubbery that covered the area and wondered just how much she should tell her father.

  “Daddy, I need to make a change. I’ve thought about it a lot and I think I’m old enough to make certain decisions.”

  Vernon listened without interrupting.

  “I would like to move to New York with Aunt Nikki and attend Columbia. I’ve checked out the admission requirements and I’ve been studying for the LSAT. I’ll take the test December.”

  Of all the things he expected her to say, that was not on the radar. “You should look a person in the eyes when speaking. It lets them know, you are serious and cannot be swayed.”

  Taylor looked up at her father. “I want to let music go for a while and attend law school. As you know I have an undergrad degree in music. Now, I want to learn the legal side of the business. I don’t want to be in a position where I have to depend on anyone to handle my career.”

  Vernon nodded his head. “Columbia. Okay, have you discussed this with your mother?”

  Taylor hesitated, then lowered her head. “I’m not sure Mother has my best interests at heart right now.”

  “Head up, Taylor.

  Taylor looked up at her father.

  “Your mother loves you, Taylor. She has dedicated her life to your career. I think you should at the very least inform her of your decision. I will support anything you want to do, as long as it is not something that will harm you.” He sat forward, resting his arms on his thighs and clasping his hands together. “Sweetheart, your mother has spearheaded your career. She persuaded me to let you follow your dream. I have to say, Connie has done a damn good job with you. You are Lil Tay.” He smiled. “Hell, I’m finding myself trying to live up to you and your accomplishments in the industry.”

  “Daddy, please,” Taylor laughed and waived his statement off. “I know how famous you are. Even in Atlanta we hear about your cases. So don’t even try that one.” Vernon smiled. “But thank you. Sounds like you’re proud of me.”

  He switched seats to sit next to her. “
I’m very proud of you.” He kissed her temple. “I wish I could take credit for you, but I can’t. Connie and your talent made you Lil Tay. That makes me wonder why the hostility between the two of you. Before you answer, understand your old man deals with criminals. I have a bull-shit radar that can detect from miles away.” He gave her a tight squeeze, then looked down at her.

  Taylor bit her bottom lip, wondering how much she should or should not tell her father. She had to talk to someone, but if she told him all, her father would have one of his clients take people out or worse, he would do it himself.

  “Daddy,” she began slowly. “I need my management team loyal to me. Their first priority should be my well-being, my career, my future. It seems Mother’s priority is more with her these days. Please don’t ask me to explain further. Just know I love Mother. I just don’t think my career should remain in her hands.”

  “Okay. Do you have a management team in mind?”

  “I do,” she acknowledged. “Before I make that decision I want Mother to be open to what I want and what I will not tolerate in this business. I still want her involved, but as my mother, not my manager.”

  Vernon nodded his head. “I think that’s fair. Do you want me to speak with your mother about this?”

  “No. I want you to let us work it out. However, you should know I’ve made up my mind. I will not re-sign with B7 and Mother will not be my manager after this contract expires. I will no longer be Lil Tay. I will be Taylor Brooks.”

  Vernon and Taylor talked a while longer then walked back into the room where Avery and Gwen sat.

  “Grandma, I’m moving to New York.”

  “New York?” Gwen smiled. “Don’t you want to go back to Atlanta? I thought that was where all the big time music producers were located now.”

  “I’m taking a break from music to attend Columbia.”

  “Columbia? You’re thinking about law school?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Oh my. Avery, get off that phone. Did you know this?” Gwen beamed.


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