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The Virgin's Promise

Page 110

by Angela Blake

  Ashlyn smiled bittersweetly. Suddenly, she wanted her mom to tell her exactly what to do, so she walked away from all the cameras and poured out everything that had happened in the last few weeks, not leaving out anything. She even told her mom about the confusing situation with Mark. She ended with, “I don’t think he would hurt me. I think Mark cares for me, but I don’t know if I can trust what he says.”

  “Sweetheart,” her mom sighed, and Ashlyn waited impatiently for her mother’s wisdom. “I can’t tell you what to do.” Now Ashlyn was copying her mom’s sigh. “I know you want me to, but I don’t know either one of these men. I can’t make the decision for you.”

  “I know, Mom. I want to trust Brandon, and I don’t have any reason not to trust him. But then again, Mark could be telling the truth.”

  “And Mark could be exaggerating. Tell me this, if you really trust Brandon, why do Mark’s words bother you so much?”

  Ashlyn thought over her mom’s question for a few minutes. “I guess it bothers me, because I am scared that he’s right. I don’t know Brandon very well. I think we’re going on day four or something. I’ve known Mark longer.”

  “Exactly, if you’ve only known Brandon for four days, then you can’t expect yourself to know everything about him. Give it some time.”

  “It’s just that I don’t know how much time we have,” Ashlyn told her mom. “We’re only filming here for two weeks. Is that enough time to really get to know someone?”

  “You have to ask yourself what your plans are after the filming. Will you try to work on filming another movie? Where is that movie going to be filming? Are you willing to give up a chance at filming to stay at the beach near Brandon?”

  “At some point, I have to be willing to give up something,” Ashlyn replied softly. “I can’t keep going against guys who show interest in me just because it doesn’t fit into my plans right then. In the future, it might fit perfectly.”

  “That’s what you have to work through, Ashlyn. Maybe you have to do a long distance relationship for a while. But get to know him as much as you can. Use your common sense.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” Ashlyn said, noticing the others hurrying over to their cameras. “I think I need to go. I’ll let you know how everything works out.”

  “Have a good afternoon, and I hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye, honey!”

  Ashlyn pressed the end call button and stuffed her phone in her pocket. Her mom hadn’t really cleared anything up. She hadn’t told Ashlyn to listen to Mark or to go against everything that Mark said. She had simply told Ashlyn to get to know Brandon more.

  Ashlyn looked over to where Brandon was joking with one of the other extras. He was so naturally kind to everyone that there was no way he could just be using this as an opportunity to get higher up in the world. Then Ashlyn realized something. That could very well be what he was doing. After all, the more friends he made on set, the more a chance he would have of getting another part. Ashlyn swallowed hard. Why were men so complicated?

  Chapter Six

  That evening, Ashlyn didn’t approach Brandon. She wanted to observe him a little and see what he would do. Was he only interested in spending more time with the crew? Would he be interested in spending time with her? They hadn’t really had a conversation since the night before. Ashlyn was worried to let her guard down in case Brandon might turn around and stab her back. At the same time, she was also nervous to have her guard up and lose an amazing guy.

  As Ashlyn started down the beach with her camera in tow, Brandon hurried to catch up with her. “Do you want to walk with me again tonight and see if the turtles are going to hatch?”

  Ashlyn was quite interested in the turtles, and going to see them would give her a chance to talk to Brandon one-on-one. “Sure,” she replied. “What time?”

  “It needs to be dark. What about nine o’clock? I’ll go home first and let old Slippers have her dinner.”


  “Yeah, that’s the dog’s name,” Brandon smiled. “Hey, like I said, she’s not mine, so you can’t blame me if she has a silly name.”

  “Okay, I’ll come out to the beach at nine o’clock.”

  Brandon seemed to realize that Ashlyn was carrying her camera. “Do you want me to carry that for you?”

  “Oh,” Ashlyn looked down at the camera. “No, I’m fine. I don’t mind. But, thanks.” Letting Brandon do things for her would be the first sign of weakening. She couldn’t let herself be swept away by his gentlemanly ways. She had to be strong.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you tonight then,” Brandon said. He headed off down the beach, and Ashlyn wondered if he was going to swim in the ocean before he went back to his house. She almost wanted to join him. She hadn’t had a swim in the ocean since she had first met Brandon, and that swim had been quite a bit less enjoyable than most were.

  As soon as Ashlyn had finished cleaning off her camera, she showered and carefully applied a fresh layer of makeup. She didn’t pick anything too fancy, but her clothes clearly gave the message that she was interested in him. Because, Ashlyn decided, no matter what Mark said, Ashlyn was interested in Brandon. Besides, maybe the only way to find out his real intentions for spending time with her would be to show him that she was interested.

  Ashlyn’s mind floated back to their previous kiss, and she smiled. There was nothing like tasting Brandon’s lips. Now if only their kiss wouldn’t scare him off if it happened again!

  A few minutes before nine, Ashlyn headed down the steps to the beach. She left her shoes and began walking toward the boardwalk where she assumed she would find Brandon. The sun was just sinking over the horizon, and the moon was already high in the sky. This would be a perfect night if the turtles were coming out.

  “Hi,” Ashlyn said, coming up behind Brandon as he stared out across the ocean. She naturally slipped her hand into his, her heart beating rapidly.

  “Hey,” Brandon said, turning to her with a smile. “It’s good to see you.” He took a step closer then seemed to hesitate. It was as though he wanted to kiss her, but he didn’t want to. Fear started pounding through her. Why was he hesitating? Maybe he really wasn’t interested in her, but he felt like he had to keep up the charade. Maybe the whole reason he had apologized the night before was that he felt bad for taking advantage of her.

  Ashlyn quickly dropped Brandon’s hand and took a step back. He stared at her strangely. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  Ashlyn swiped at her eyes, furious with herself for wanting to cry at a moment like this. She had to be strong. “I don’t get you,” Ashlyn replied simply, her hands in fists at her side.

  Brandon seemed frozen. “Pardon?”

  Ashlyn shook her head and sucked her cheeks in. “It’s like some moments you’re such a gentleman, and then other moments, I doubt you. I know. I can’t expect to know everything about you right away. But. . .” Ashlyn shook her head as she trailed off. What was she doing? Trying to start a fight?

  “Did something happen?” Brandon asked. He took a step toward her, but he didn’t touch her. He seemed content to let her figure it out herself.

  Ashlyn decided to reveal her hand. “Someone said that in watching you, they think that the only reason you are interested in me is because you want to get a higher position in acting. You want to become rich and famous, so you are using me for an in.”

  Brandon stared at her. He didn’t even ask who had said such a thing. “Do you believe that person? Do I seem like the kind of person who would take advantage of other people? Someone trusted me enough to leave me in their house for three months.”

  Ashlyn swallowed, feeling angry and sad all at the same time. “I don’t know what to think. I thought I had you figured out. You’re the Southern gentleman that every woman wants, but then. . .I don’t know. When someone said that to me, I couldn’t put it out of my mind.”

  “That’s fair,” Brandon replied. “You don’t know me. But I can assu
re you that being an extra had nothing to do with being famous. Who doesn’t want a little bit of fame? I thought it would be fun to go for three days and maybe see my face on the screen when the movie came out. Sure, who wouldn’t think that? But I would never use you for anything. You are a sweet woman, and I would never think of hurting you.”

  Now a tear did escape. Ashlyn didn’t even wipe it away. She just let it run down her cheek and drop off the point of her chin. “Thanks,” Ashlyn said, scared that if she let any more words out that a whole floodgate of tears might escape too. Brandon pulled Ashlyn into his arms, and she laid her face on Brandon’s chest. He gently rubbed circles into her back, and Ashlyn felt so secure that she wanted to cry. She wanted to stay there forever in Brandon’s arms. How could she have thought he would hurt her?

  “I’m sorry,” Ashlyn whispered gently.

  “For what?”

  “For not trusting you. You’re a gentleman, and I don’t think you would hurt me.”

  “Never intentionally,” Brandon replied. “But I’m not perfect. Ashlyn, I. . .you’re a very sweet girl.”

  Now, a few more tears escaped from Ashlyn’s eyes. She squeezed Brandon in her arms to tell him that his words were just what she needed to hear. She finally pulled back, and Brandon quickly made busy wiping away the last trace of tears.

  “Now,” he said, “let’s enjoy this evening.”

  Ashlyn smiled and took Brandon’s hand. They started walking down the beach, and Ashlyn was doing more thinking than talking. Was Brandon the kind of guy that she would be with forever? A giddy part of her heart said he was. There was still a small corner of fear, though, that was telling her she should hold back.

  “What are you thinking about?” Brandon asked.

  “I was just thinking that I never met a guy like you before. It’s like you’re genuine, not just a fake guy.”

  “That’s me,” Brandon smiled. “Genuine skin on this body. You won’t find no imitation.”

  Ashlyn smiled at his sarcastic answer. As she smiled at him, she remembered their kiss. She had already blubbered like a baby in front of him. What else was she afraid of? “Why did you apologize for kissing me?”

  Brandon was silent for a few minutes as though carefully considering his answer. Finally, he spoke. “You’re the kind of girl I could get lost with.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you’re strong, not afraid to be who you are, but that doesn’t keep you from being a woman too, emotional when that’s who you are. I guess you just used the word I mean. You’re genuine too.”

  Ashlyn felt the farthest a person could possibly be from genuine. If Brandon knew 100% of the thoughts that passed through her brain, he might not use the same word. Ashlyn squeezed Brandon’s hand. “But you don’t have to apologize for kissing me. I. . .well, I really liked it.”

  Brandon smiled a full smile, showing his teeth. It made Ashlyn feel happy for being honest with him. “I’m glad to hear that, did you know? I just don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you. Some girls, well, I don’t know. I usually take my time getting to know someone, but then there are some people that are on a super-fast route to I don’t know where. That’s why it surprised me when I seemed to lose control of myself. You’re something else.”

  Ashlyn’s breathing was coming quickly. She wondered if Brandon felt as attracted to her as she felt to him. She took a quick glance over at Brandon. He was wearing a muscle shirt and swim shorts, ready for the ocean at any time. His arms were strong, and Ashlyn’s eyes wandered to his stomach area. She wondered if he had abs and what it would feel like to run her fingers over them.

  “You’re so honest,” Ashlyn replied bluntly, trying not to let herself be distracted by his body. “In truth, I usually move very slowly, but I really didn’t mind out kiss last night.”

  Brandon smiled at Ashlyn. “Good, because I didn’t mind either. Sometimes, with a person, things just click. That’s exactly what happened with us, at least that’s what I thought.”

  “I know,” Ashlyn replied. “I don’t know if my job will ever take me back this way, or if it does, if you will still be here. I guess that makes me cautious.”

  “Look,” Brandon replied softly. “I can’t make any promises for the future. You know that I don’t have anything planned out. But I do want to enjoy each and every day that you’re here. I want to get to know you better, and then, I guess we’ll make decisions when the time comes.”

  Ashlyn nodded, her heart swept away by the idea. Brandon hadn’t said as much, but she took his words to mean that he might be interested in a relationship with her past the short time she would be staying on the beach. But she completely agreed with everything he said. She wanted to learn as much about him as she could.

  When they reached the turtle nest, there were no turtles hatching. The same ranger was sitting in a chair next to the hole, and he greeted them. They stayed maybe half an hour before deciding to walk back. As they reached the house where Ashlyn was staying, Ashlyn asked Brandon if he wanted to walk to the turtle nest with her the next night.

  “I want to see those turtles hatch,” Brandon replied. “I’m going to walk out to every night to see if there is any action. And I think you would be a good companion.” Ashlyn glowed at Brandon’s words, and they shared a kiss before she went inside. This kiss was not any shorter than the last one, but when they pulled away, Brandon felt no need to apologize.

  Chapter Seven

  Ashlyn went out with Brandon three nights in a row, looking for turtles each day. They never saw the turtles, but Ashlyn enjoyed getting to know Brandon more and more. The beach was surprisingly quiet during the night, only a couple here or there, and Ashlyn loved her private time with Brayden.

  When it came to Ashlyn’s off day, she had hoped to spend the whole day with Brandon, but he didn’t show up until his regular after-dinner time. He only had one more day as an extra, and Ashlyn would miss seeing him on the set.

  “The moon is already starting to wane,” Brandon commented as they took yet another hand-in-hand walk down the beach. “If the turtles don’t come out in the next few days, then I wonder if they are going to come out at all.”

  “Do you mean that the turtles can just die in their little eggs?”

  Brandon nodded. “Any number of things could happen. Maybe the mom buried them too deep, and the little turtles can’t quite dig out. Maybe they simply weren’t fertilized.” Ashlyn nodded, trying to understand the process. But the truth was that she couldn’t think about anything else except Brandon. She had been excited to see the turtles the first night that they had gone out, but then night after night of disappointment caused her to feel like she might never see them. What she did look forward to was the kiss that Brandon always gave her before he left her at the foot of the stairs. Ashlyn’s stomach fluttered. She wanted more than a kiss. She wanted to know Brandon completely.

  “Wouldn’t it be terrible if we spent so much time coming down here every night and we never even saw the turtles?” Ashlyn asked.

  Brandon didn’t answer for a minute. “Not really. I mean, you always have to work for good things. Rarely do they fall right into your lap.” Brandon smiled at Ashlyn. “I guess it’s not true 100% of the time, though, because you came swimming out to me, and I didn’t have to do anything.”

  Ashlyn smiled. She was surprised when Brandon stopped. He pulled her closer to him. “You make me go crazy,” Brandon whispered softly. A shiver that had nothing to do with the weather ran down Ashlyn’s back. She didn’t wait for him to say anything else. She pressed her lips onto his, an urgency pushing her forward. She felt something for him. She didn’t know exactly what, but she knew it was strong.

  Ashlyn felt his tongue reach through and dab the tip of hers, stirring a fire in Ashlyn’s stomach. She felt the space between her legs growing warm, and she didn’t want that feeling to go away. She liked that Brandon could turn her on so easily. They kiss
ed and kissed as Ashlyn kept waiting for Brandon’s hands to begin roving her body. Her nerves were standing on edge, sensitive to the slightest touch. Ashlyn pressed her shorts up against the front of Brandon’s, and she felt that she was hard.

  She briefly broke off the kiss so that she could breath, and a small space opened between them. Brandon took both of her hands in his and squeezed them. He was breathing hard, and his eyes just searched Ashlyn’s. Ashlyn wanted him, and she tried to tell him that with her eyes. Brandon seemed hesitant as Ashlyn waited for him to initiate the next move. Ashlyn slowly guided his hand up under the edge of her shirt onto her stomach. As soon as his somewhat chilled hand touched her warm stomach, Ashlyn shivered.

  “Ashlyn,” Brandon said softly. His hand seemed frozen in place. He looked at the ground. “What- what do you want?”

  “I don’t know how to be any more clear,” Ashlyn replied somewhat coyly. “I want you to touch me.” Brandon bit his lower lip and groaned.

  “Here?” he asked.

  Ashlyn suddenly remembered they were on a public beach and the romantic bubble that she had formed around them melted into reality as she looked around. It was low tide; the beach stretched wide. A lone jogger was jogging along at the water’s edge. They were alone. Ashlyn didn’t want common sense to take over her brain. She wanted to have Brandon right then. But she knew it wouldn’t be wise. This wasn’t the place.

  Her breath was coming quickly, and she couldn’t think clearly. “Just touch me,” Ashlyn said. “It doesn’t have to be anything more.”

  Brandon slowly moved his hand upward, his eyes focused on Ashlyn’s lips. “I don’t know if I can stop at just touching you,” Brandon said. He gently unhooked Ashlyn’s bra, and she felt it come loose. It felt strange to watch Brandon’s face instead of kissing him as he gently explored her breasts, but it turned her on.

  His hand cupped her breast, gently taking it with his fingers. His mouth opened, and he breathed loudly. As his thumb began to circle Ashlyn’s nipple, they let out twin groans. Ashlyn pushed her body up against his, not able to support the desire he was giving her without taking something for herself. She gently reached down and touched the front of Brandon’s pants with her hand.


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