Shelter from the Storm

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Shelter from the Storm Page 11

by Samantha Sommersby

  “From Patricia. It was forwarded from my old address in Los Angles. I should have known I’d hear from her again, that she’d track me down. I guess I wasn’t prepared.”

  “She’s the one you told me about? Your former girlfriend?”


  “Is that you, Mac?” The voluptuous redhead hopped onto the barstool next to him.


  “Hey! It is you! How are you? Oh! Not so good, huh? I bet I can cheer you up. Bartender? We’ll have two more.”

  “Mac!” Jennifer called out, firmly.

  He turned his attention back to the phone. “What?”

  “Make yours a coffee and tell me the name of the place. I’m coming to get you. Let me grab a pen.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to do it. I’ll have Tom and Rachel watch Sara for a bit. They can bring her home once you’re settled.”

  “All right.”

  “But, Mac? Let’s not make a habit of this. I don’t want to be taking care of a drunk boyfriend.”

  “Is that what I am?” Despite the melancholy, he found himself smiling.

  “Let’s just say I’m considering your application.”

  Thirty minutes later Jennifer walked into the dimly lit room. She spotted Mac immediately. He was sitting at the bar, hunched over a cup of coffee. There was a pained expression on his face and a leggy redhead glued to his side. Melody. She was flirting shamelessly with him.

  “Really, you don’t have to sit with me. I’ve got a ride coming,” he said as she approached.

  Melody seemed to take his speaking to her as a sign of encouragement. She wrapped her hand around his bicep and leaned toward him, brushing the side of her breast against his arm. “I could give you a ride, Mac. No waiting.”

  Jennifer resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Some things are worth waiting for.”

  Mac spun around on the stool then made the mistake of trying to stand. He was a little unsteady on his feet. “And you would be one of them.”

  Jennifer wrapped her arm around his waist. “Ready to go home, big fella?”

  “Yeah. Thanks for coming to get me.”

  “You’re living with someone?” Melody asked. “While you’re dating me?”

  “We’re not dating.” Mac swayed a bit.

  “You were hitting on me, just now. You were about to ask me out for dinner.”

  Mac turned to Jennifer. “No. That’s not right. I was not hitting on her. I would remember. I’m not that drunk.”

  “What?” Melody slapped Mac across the face.

  He stumbled into the bar and knocked over her martini.

  “Now look what you did.” She grabbed her purse. “You can have him,” she hissed before storming out.

  Jennifer picked up the overturned glass.

  “She slapped me!” Mac gasped, holding his cheek.

  “She sure did.”


  “I’ll explain tomorrow. Trust me, it will be much funnier then. Are you all paid up?”

  “Yeah. I wasn’t hitting on her. I swear. Cross my heart and dope to hie.”

  “Dope to hie? Come on, Prince Charming, let’s go home.” Jennifer steered him out the door. Fortunately, she’d managed to get a parking place right in front.

  “Dope to hie,” she giggled as she unlocked the door.

  Once Mac was tucked safely into the passenger’s seat, Jennifer buckled his belt and slammed the door.

  “I sure know how to pick ’em,” she muttered, rounding the car. She slid behind the wheel and started the engine.

  Mac groaned.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He was holding his head in his hands.

  “My head hurts. I think I’m sobering up. Remind me to never drink again.”

  Jennifer held out the bottle of water she’d grabbed from Rachel’s fridge and then fished through her purse for aspirin. “Take two of these.”

  Mac opened the water bottle and drank down a few swallows with a couple aspirin.

  “So that was Melody?” she asked as she pulled out of the parking place.

  Mac leaned his head against the window of the car and closed his eyes. “You believe me, right?”

  “Yes, I believe you.”


  They drove in silence the remainder of the way back to their apartment.

  Jennifer unlocked the security door to the building and called for the elevator.

  “You okay?” she asked him.

  Mac nodded and stepped into the elevator.

  He didn’t look okay. In fact, he looked miles from okay. His silence was unnerving. Normally, he was so eager to share, so comfortable communicating.

  The elevator stopped on their floor. Jennifer followed him down the hall and into their apartment.

  Chapter Twelve

  Mac immediately walked back to the bathroom, stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Jennifer asked from the other side of the curtain.

  He leaned back against the cool tile of the shower wall. “Yes. No. I don’t know.”

  There was a long pause.

  “Are you moving out? Are you going back to her?” she asked.

  “No and no.” He pulled back the curtain, completely heedless of his nudity. “How could you even think that?”

  “I…” Jennifer averted her gaze. “I don’t know.”

  With one swift tug, the curtain slid back into place. “The letter… It just made me sad. And incredibly angry. Patricia’s been sober for a few months. She said she was making her way through the step-work and wanting to make amends.”

  “That’s good, isn’t it?”

  “That’s bullshit. No way she’s gotten to step nine yet. Patricia was saying what she thought I wanted to hear. Trying to draw me back in. I thought I had put her and all those old feelings to bed.”

  “But you haven’t.”

  “I miss…”

  “You miss her?”

  “No, not her. I don’t miss her. But the truth is a part of me misses feeling…”


  “Loved. I miss feeling loved. I had that once. I miss it.”

  Jennifer could tell from the change in the sound he had stepped back into the stream of water. Her heart ached for him. She wondered for a moment if she, ever in her life, had experienced the feeling of being loved, truly loved. She searched her memory for a time. She couldn’t come up with one, not one. Had she ever even gotten close? She had, she realized, with him. He had given her so much over the past couple weeks, so much of himself. And now he needed something in return.

  She shed her clothes, then quietly peeled back the curtain and stepped into the shower.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as her body pressed up against the back of his.

  She slid her arms around his waist and rested her head on his back.

  “Don’t.” He placed his hands on her arms and tugged gently. “Why this? Why now?”

  “I’m not sure I’ve ever been loved, Mac, truly loved.” She murmured her confession against his back. “But last night, all you did was hold me, watch me sleep and it felt like heaven.” Jennifer placed a soft kiss between his shoulder blades, then released her hold on him. “I want to comfort you. I want to take away the pain, make you feel better.”

  She squeezed some of his shower gel into the palms of her hands. The spicy aroma filled the room. She inhaled deeply as she once again slipped her hands around his waist.

  “Is this okay?” she asked, repeating the very question he’d asked her the night before. Her fingertips trailed across the hard plains of his abdomen and chest.

  Mac’s left hand slapped against the tile wall, every inch of his body was suddenly tense. “You should leave.” His voice was rough with passion.

  She stepped in closer. Her breasts were brushing against him, her nipples grazing his back. “Maybe. That would be the safe thing
. But I can’t. I won’t. Not this time.” She wrapped her hands around his cock. He was already long and hard.

  Mac hissed. “No turning back?”

  “All you have to do is turn around.”

  In the blink of an eye Jennifer found herself wrapped possessively in Mac’s arms. He held her body, flush against his and he kissed her deeply, passionately, with a sense of urgency that ignited something within her. His restraint crumbled. Mac’s tongue entered her mouth, curling around hers, taking, demanding possession. Jennifer threaded her fingers through his wet hair and surrendered, sharing his desperate desire, his raw need. The intensity of the moment took her breath away and she broke off the kiss with a gasp.

  “God, how I want you. It seems I’ve wanted you forever. I need you.” His lips moved down her neck. His teeth grazed back up the same path.

  “I need you, too. I want you…so much.” She was clutching his biceps, her nails digging into his flesh. She was holding on, anticipating the fear, readying herself to guard against it, only this time it didn’t come.

  “What do you want?” His hand was on her breast, his mouth at her ear.

  “Want you inside of me.”

  He bit down on the flesh of her earlobe.

  “Now!” Jennifer pulled back. Her breaths were coming quick and heavy. Her eyes drank him in. Every inch of his body was pumped and ready. She reached for his cock and licked her lips.

  Mac placed his hand under her chin and tilted it up. “I want that too. Inside you. Now.”


  He picked up the shower gel. “Turn around.”

  She did as he instructed, the muscles in her stomach tightening in expectancy.

  “Christ, you’re so beautiful.” Mac began to stroke her. “So fucking beautiful.” His strong hands traveled down the length of her back, over her ripe bottom and across the tops of her thighs. He stepped closer. She could feel his cock pressed between them.

  Jennifer leaned forward, her hands supporting her against the tile wall at the back of the shower. His mouth was on her neck, his arm around her waist. He reached down with his other hand. “Lift up your leg.” He guided it to the edge of the bath. “That’s it. Open up for me.”

  His fingers found her wetness.

  Slick with arousal, she pushed back, encouraging him.

  Mac separated her folds and dipped two fingers inside. “Are you sure?”

  She moved against him, seeking friction, wanting more. “I’m sure.”

  He filled her in one deep thrust. It forced her forward and she quickly had to place her second hand on the wall. Mac held onto her tightly. He pulled out almost completely before thrusting in again, this time angling up and penetrating her even deeper.

  Jennifer gasped.

  His movements stilled. “All right?”

  For a moment she held her breath.


  His voice was tense, whether from worry or his efforts to control himself, she wasn’t sure.

  She nodded.

  He started to move again, this time using slow, measured thrusts. He kissed her neck, her back, her shoulders. The pressure started to build. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, letting the sensation wash over her.

  “Christ you feel good.” He angled up again, this time continuing the same, slow pace.

  She stayed right there, in the moment, savoring each and every sensation. “You’re so deep. I…” Tears started to cloud her vision.

  She felt Mac start to pull out. “Don’t want to hurt you.”

  It wasn’t the physical feelings that were becoming too much, it was the emotional. Mac had somehow managed to touch something within her that she’d long ago buried. He’d been doing it since the second they first laid eyes on one another. He’d done it so many times, in so many ways. But this…now… Never had she felt so connected.

  She pushed back, driving him in farther. “You’re not hurting me.”

  “What’s going on? Talk to me.”

  She was on the verge of crying. Jennifer reached back and snaked her hand around Mac’s neck. “Don’t stop. Don’t leave me.”

  “Never. Not going to leave you, baby.”

  Her body trembled as the excitement built. She was almost there, right at the edge.

  Mac reached around and pinched her clit.

  Jennifer threw her head back. “Oh, God!”

  He was rolling it now between his thumb and forefinger. His thrusts were coming faster, his rhythm more erratic. He was close, so very close.

  “I’m going to…” Mac pulled out quickly. He wrapped his hand firmly around his cock while continuing to hold her around the waist with his other arm. He pumped it a few times and then watched, panting and wide-eyed, as long ropes of come spurted out over his hand and across Jennifer’s backside.

  “Christ, that was brilliant!” he shouted, slapping her playfully on the bottom and then giving it a sensual rub. As he brushed his thumb across her lower back he felt her tense. He looked down. “What’s…”

  She spun around. “It’s nothing.” She nodded toward the spray. “Do you mind? Somebody managed to get me all sticky.”

  Mac bent down and kissed her softly. “I believe that was me. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry?”

  “Only about the sticky part.” He switched places with her, then chuckled. “That’s a complete and total lie. Truth is, I’m not even sorry about that.”

  Jennifer moved beneath the water. She couldn’t help but smile.

  Mac leaned back against the wall. “Although I admit, this isn’t how I envisioned it happening between us.”

  She started to soap her body. “How did you envision it?”

  “Not this wet.” He stepped closer and started to help, gliding his hands up the length of her arms, across her shoulders, then down over her breasts and stomach. “Candlelight, music, searching out your eyes, watching the expression on your face as you climaxed for the fourth or fifth time, me coming deep inside of you, of course,” he finished sliding one soapy hand between her folds. “I finished too fast. Let me take care of you.”

  She placed her hand on his wrist. “Why?”

  “I want to make you come.”

  “No, not—”

  “No?” He stepped back, confused.

  “I meant… Why didn’t you come inside of me?”

  She suddenly looked incredibly vulnerable.

  “No condom?”

  “Right! Of course.”

  Mac raised his eyebrow in question.

  “It’s been a while. I thought maybe I wasn’t—”

  “You felt amazing.” He leaned down and began to trail a line of kisses across her jaw and down the side of her neck. “You feel amazing.” His hand moved between her legs.

  “I liked the way you felt, too.”

  Mac slipped two fingers inside of her and began to slowly pump them in and out. Sliding inside her velvety channel, touching her, fingering her clit with his thumb. Her lips parted in a gasp and he slid his tongue inside her mouth. It curled around hers, stroking, exploring, savoring.

  Her hands were gripping his biceps again. He felt a tremor run through her body.

  “Mac, I…”

  He watched her fall apart as she was seized by orgasm. Her knees weakened, her legs buckled. “Let go,” he whispered, pushing her just a bit further, until she was utterly swept away. He’d never felt so powerful.

  The water on his back had minutes ago gone from hot to lukewarm. Now it was fast approaching cold. “Steady,” he whispered, holding her close, not daring to let go. “I need to turn off the water. You all right?”

  “Never been better,” she said breathlessly.

  “Going to let go now, okay?”

  As soon as Jennifer nodded he pulled away, quickly spun around and began to fumble with the shower taps.

  She jumped back. “Shit! It’s like ice. You’ve been standing there with cold water coming down on your back?”

  Mac op
ened the shower curtain, stepped out and quickly wrapped a towel around his waist. “Well, there was this…distraction.”

  Jennifer leaned against the shower wall and sighed contentedly.

  “Liked that, did you?” Mac offered her his hand.

  She stepped out of the shower. “Uh-huh.”

  He grabbed a second towel and held it out for her, bowed slightly. “Milady.”

  “Why thank you, kind sir.” She turned around and he wrapped it around her naked body.

  “My pleasure. You are a far better remedy than scotch.”

  “How are you feeling?” Jennifer walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

  “Better.” He followed her.

  Jennifer opened the refrigerator and peered inside.

  Mac snaked his arm around her waist. “Of course, I may require regular doses of Jennifer between now and morning to stave off the hangover of the century.”

  “Drink up.” She handed him another bottle of water. “You also need water, food and rest.”

  “No, really. I just need more of you.” Despite his protests, Mac opened the bottle and began to drink.

  Jennifer picked up the phone and dialed.

  “Jennifer?” He placed his hand on hers.

  She paused. “Yeah?”

  “I can guarantee you there are going to be moments when you regret this. I’m not perfect, you know.”


  “Well, guess you saw that today.”

  She nodded. “And you’re annoying sometimes.”

  “And I can be arrogant, and snarky, and you already know about the dishes thing.”

  “Let’s not forget the weird issue you have with mimes.”

  Mac smiled. “But, you’re willing to give this a go?”

  “Yes.” She kissed him softly on the mouth. “We need to talk about testing and birth control.”

  “Whatever you want. You’re exquisite,” he whispered huskily, nuzzling at the crook of her neck. He began to unwrap her towel.

  “Hey, mister!” Jennifer slapped his hand and stepped back. “Sara. Food. Then after she’s tucked in bed and fast asleep you can have Jennifer.”

  “But, Mac want Jennifer now.”

  Jennifer gave him a disapproving look.

  “All right! I’ll go get dressed and be a good boy.”



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