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Crazy Love

Page 19

by Nicola Marsh

  The tip of her tongue flicked over her lips while her hands toyed with the sash holding his robe together.

  “I’m rather peckish myself,” she said, chuckling at the exaggerated way he smacked his lips, as if about to devour a feast. Hopefully, he was looking at it.

  “You sure? Indulging our passion for uh, food can be dangerous. Could become addictive.”

  “We can live in hope,” she said, tugging on the sash in response.

  There was no question in her mind: this was it. Time to make her fantasies become reality. “Remember that other collection I want to show you? In my bedroom.”

  He stepped away, leaving her slightly shivery before reaching for her hand. “Speaking of collections, want to make use of some of those?”

  She followed his gaze to the jade box and nodded shyly. “Guess it’d be a shame to let them go to waste?”

  “Damn right.”

  He delved into the box and stuffed a handful of condoms into his pocket. “Never let it be said I don’t do my bit for the rubber plantations of the world.”

  She batted her eyelashes at him and smiled. “My hero, the environmentalist.”

  “I’ll show you hero.” His growl had her chuckling as he swept her off her feet and into his arms.

  “Slick, I’m a sure thing. You can put me down,” she whispered in the vicinity of his ear, liking his mock gallant act despite her feeble protest. “Wouldn’t want you to put your back out or anything.”

  “My back’s fine, as I’m about to prove to you.”

  He marched up the stairs as if she weighed nothing and headed straight for her bedroom, almost tripping as fast as her pulse.

  “You’ve been teasing me long enough, Angel Face. Time to get what you deserve.”

  “About time.” She clapped her hands, their banter quelling her nerves somewhat.

  For someone who wanted this so badly she was a mess, her tummy tumbling in a frightening free-fall, her muscles sluggish and lethargic, like he’d drugged her with one sensual glance.

  He paused outside the door and let her slide to her feet. Slowly, very slowly, their bodies plastered against one another, leaving her in little doubt as to how he’d prove his back was okay.

  “Last chance. If you open this door, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  She turned the knob and opened the door with a flourish. “Go ahead, Slick. Time to show me what you’re really made of.”

  He pulled her back against him and nuzzled her neck. “I love a challenge.”

  “That wasn’t a challenge.”

  She slipped out of his arms, grabbed his hand and led him into the bedroom, hoping she was doing the right thing. Taking the next step with Marc would involve more than opening her legs; her heart would be laid bare too, as much as she tried to convince herself otherwise. “But this is.”


  He looked around, his eyes widening at the hundreds of dream catchers suspended from the ceiling.

  “If you can successfully navigate your way through the dream catchers to the bed, maybe some of your dreams come true?”

  “One of them already has.” He took hold of her hand, dodged his way through the dream catchers, led her to the bed and cupped her cheek in his hand. “Being here with you.”

  She melted.

  There was no other way to describe the feeling his words elicited, her bones liquefying and her muscles joining the party as heat seeped through her, intense, scorching heat that would combust her on the spot if she didn’t do something to relieve the pressure-cooker of simmering need threatening to explode.

  Without saying a word she tugged at the sash of his robe, watching the folds fall open to reveal expanses of tanned skin and so much more.

  As her gaze dipped, drawn to his erection, she couldn’t help but gasp. “Wow.”

  “You approve?” He shrugged out of the robe and reached for her.

  “Uh-huh,” was all she could manage as he slipped his arms around her and she came into contact with all that tantalizing male flesh, her hands eagerly exploring every contour, every ridge.

  “One of us is way overdressed.” He groaned, an earthy, sensual sound torn from deep within as she wrapped a hand around his shaft and started stroking.

  He moved in rhythm with her hand, his face a study in rapture before his eyes flew open and he pinned her with a passion-hazed stare while stilling her hand.

  “Something wrong?”

  He shook his head, his slow, sexy smile beckoning her to ravish him; he wouldn’t have to ask twice. “Everything’s right. Apart from this.”

  He took hold of the edge of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head in one smooth movement.

  “Gorgeous,” he said, bending to kiss the top of her breasts and she briefly wondered if he meant her or the red satin bra she was wearing.

  With a deft flick he unfastened the bra clip, slid it off, cupping both breasts as he stared at them with reverence.

  Guess that answered the question about her or the bra.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  He buried his head between her breasts, licking his way from one to the other, sucking her nipples, nipping the tender undersides, driving her closer to meltdown with every deft flick of his tongue.

  The guy was an expert and if the foreplay was this good, she knew the rest would be cataclysmic.

  “So are you, Slick.”

  She shucked out of her jeans and panties in record time, eager to feel him, all of him, against her, inside her.

  “Jeez-us,” he said, staring at her for a suspended moment in time before they fell on the bed together, hands reaching for each other in a frenzy, tongues dueling in a hot, open-mouthed kiss that sent her need spiraling out of control.

  “I want you. Now,” she said, locking her legs around him, the tip of his erection nudging her entrance.


  He fumbled for the robe on the floor, pulled a condom out of the pocket while her hands strummed his back, reveling in the feel of hard muscle.

  He tore open the foil packet and sheathed himself quickly.

  “I wanted to make this last,” he said, trying to pull back from her.

  “We’ve got all night for that,” she said, and locked her legs tighter, arching up to meet him.

  With a guttural moan he plunged into her, his gaze never leaving hers for a second.

  Heaven. Absolute, glorious heaven as he slid in and out, stretching her with his size, filling her in a way she’d never experienced before.

  She didn’t speak. She couldn’t find the words as he took her on a fast, furious ride culminating in a climax that shot her to the stars and back.

  Marc waited until Sierra’s breathing slowed into deep regularity before opening his eyes and looking at the woman who had rocked his world.

  Her hair laid spread across her pillow like a swathe of copper silk, beckoning him to bury his hands in it. She’d teased him with it, draping it across his upper body and drifting lower with infinite slowness until he’d been so hard he ached, unable to think straight.

  Not anything new. His brain hadn’t functioned properly since he’d first laid eyes on her, the problem intensifying with every minute he spent with her. Most of the time away from her too.

  For a guy who didn’t do emotional involvement he’d turned into a total schmuck and at this moment he didn’t give a damn.

  Being with her felt right.

  As for what had just happened…he glanced down at his semi-erect cock and grinned like a randy teen that’d just lost his virginity.

  Sex with Sierra had surpassed his fantasies, ten times better than his constant dreams about her.

  Just sex?

  He ignored the thought, not wanting to label the mind-blowing experience they’d shared as anything more yet.

  He wasn’t a fool. He knew there was more to their relationship than pure lust. They’d forged a strong friendship, one he’d miss when he returned to LA. He’d grown used t
o their squabbling, their banter and if he were completely honest with himself, someone to spend quality time with at the end of a day.

  He’d never had that, even during his brief marriage to Annie. He hated how quickly their marriage had failed, had willingly shouldered the bulk of the blame. Look at his track record: his parents’ marriage, his upbringing, the shallow, empty relationships before Annie, all pointed to him being doomed in matters of the heart.

  He didn’t have a clue how to make a relationship work.

  After Annie he’d learned to be smarter and though he didn’t stick to Rob’s casual adage of wine, dine and sixty-nine them, he kept his entanglements emotion free.

  Until now.

  Sierra stirred in her sleep and snuggled into the pillow, a small smile playing around her mouth.

  Lord, that mouth. The things she’d done with it had him hornier than before and that was saying something, the memories alone guaranteed to keep him coming back for more.

  Did he want to?

  Damn it, another question he’d rather not answer right now. Maintaining a relationship would be hard work, commuting just the start. He didn’t want to be tied down, to start answering to someone, having to account for his whereabouts, explain the many business trips he took.

  Not to mention the other major problem: business. How would she take the news his company was considering acquiring her pride and joy? He could separate business from pleasure but he seriously doubted she could. She’d see his spending time with her as Rob did, as a way of insinuating his way into her life for inside info.

  He wished there was another way of securing the deal and getting one up on George without harming their friendship. But the Tech file needed to be finalized over the next few days and if he didn’t find a solution, fast, he was screwed.

  He liked Sierra. A lot. He’d never had this much fun with a woman. Having sex changed everything, was why he’d resisted for so long, but it wouldn’t alter his plans.

  He wasn’t stupid. He’d seen the longing in her eyes and getting physical tightened the strings that bound; and dammit, he didn’t want to be tied. He may have mellowed during his time in this crazy town but living up to its reputation and falling in love? Hell no.

  Despite all logic he’d gone ahead and lost his head earlier. It wasn’t the cozy atmosphere she’d created, the fine wine or the fact she’d turned him on in wet clothes plastered to her incredible body.

  No, it had been the hint of vulnerability he’d glimpsed in her baby blue eyes when she’d turned as he entered the living room, almost as if she’d opened more than her home to him and didn’t know how he’d react.

  That one glimpse of her heart on her sleeve had slayed him and he’d known in that instant he couldn’t leave her alone tonight, that whatever she asked of him he’d give. He hoped she wouldn’t regret it in the morning.

  “Not tired, huh?”

  His gaze flew to hers at the sound of her sleepy voice, a strange ache filling his chest as he smoothed her tousled hair.

  “I’m pretty wired,” he admitted, resisting the urge to reach out and haul her back into his arms, where she fit perfectly.

  “Maybe you haven’t exhausted all your energy yet?”

  The saucy glint in her heavy-lidded eyes, her wicked grin told him exactly what sort of mood she was in and in a flash all the blood drained from his head and moved south as her fingertips trailed lightly down his torso before dipping under the sheet.

  “Hell,” he groaned as her hand wrapped around his hard-on and started stroking. “You’ll be the death of me, Angel Face.”

  “But what a way to go,” she whispered against his chest as she kissed her way down, her hand picking up tempo until he almost cried out at the mindless pleasure.

  Marc’s moans fired Sierra, notching up her own excitement. They’d made love three times all ready and though she’d dozed briefly, waking to find him lying naked next to her was too good an opportunity to pass up.

  Who knew what the morning would bring or how he’d act? In the cold light of day he’d probably retreat into his man cave, leaving her with nothing but memories of this one, amazing night. She intended to make every second count.

  “Hey, slow down.”

  He stilled her hand and tugged her upwards, his mouth claiming hers in a hot, steamy kiss, his tongue dueling with hers, willing her to match him.

  “If that’s what you call taking it slow, Slick, I’d hate to see your version of fast.”

  He nuzzled her neck before dipping his head to nibble at her breast.

  “I think you all ready have and I didn’t hear any complaints.”

  “Ooh…” she sighed as he captured a nipple in his mouth, flicking his tongue around it, suckling it until she arched off the bed in total rapture. “You’re so good at that.”


  His lips slid across her chest, leaving a trail of goose bumps as his breath fanned her damp skin, only to repeat the performance on her other breast.

  “Nothing,” she murmured, entwining her hands in his hair. “More please.”

  “Been reading Charles Dickens, have we?”

  He kissed his way down her stomach, laving her navel until she giggled.

  “We would prefer it if you stopped making small talk and focused on the task at hand.”

  He nibbled lower, grazing her mound with his mouth, skimming the tops of her thighs with his fingertips, driving her crazy with desire.

  She’d always enjoyed sex but this? Blew her mind. Maybe it had something to do with her heart as well as her body being involved?

  As much as she’d tried to deny it, dress it up in fancy language about ‘being good friends’ and ‘opposites attract’ and other bull to appease her conscience, she now recognized the truth.

  She was in love with the guy.

  Head over heels. Stark-raving-mad, lost-the-plot type of love she’d scoffed at once too often, the type of love that would leave her nursing a broken heart once he left her high and dry.

  And he would, for there was nothing surer than Marc Fairley scampering out of town at the slightest hint she viewed him as anything more than a friend. Apart from the fact he was due to scamper next weekend anyway.

  “You’re a hard woman to please, Angel Face.”

  He lay propped on an elbow, grinning from ear to ear, his face level with her bikini wax—which had come in handy, thank you very much. “I’m not making small talk. I’m seducing you with my wit.”

  “Oh, riiight.”

  She shimmied down the bed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “In that case, we better skip the chatter and get to the interesting stuff.”

  He clutched at his heart in mock pain and rolled away from her. “You sure know how to wound a guy’s ego.”

  “I can kiss it better.”

  She tickled him, enjoying this part of their coupling almost as much as the sex itself.

  The first time they’d made love had been frantic, hard and fast, sex between two people who’d been dancing around each other for too long. The second time had been slow, languorous and exquisite, the third an intense combination of the two which left her gasping for air afterward as she climaxed twice.

  Whatever the cold light of day brought she’d never regret what they’d shared tonight. It had been too special, too spectacular and every bit as good as imagined.

  Pity it had to end, but not before she had a rousing encore.

  He dropped a kiss on her nose before tugging her closer and rolling her on top of him. “For an angel, you’re very naughty.”

  “And very, very nice.” Her hand skimmed his torso, her fingernails lightly scraping his sweat-sheened skin, as it moved lower. “Where were we?”


  Cupid’s Dating Tips for the Enlightened Male

  Stay awake after sex. It’s only polite.

  “Any progress with that dating agency, boss? We have to close this deal ASAP.”

  Marc understood Rob’s urgen
cy. He operated under the same meet deadlines or else mentality. But after his night with Sierra, he was no closer to a solution to his insolvable problem.

  This is why he never got emotionally involved. It sucked.

  “I’m working on it,” Marc said, hating the easy lie. The only thing he’d been working on was how to get into Sierra’s pants.

  “That town’s affected you. You’re not half as sharp as you used to be.” Rob sniggered. “Or is there some other reason you’ve lost your balls? That hottie got them in the palm of her hand? Giving them a good squeeze?”

  Marc bit back an expletive and settled for thumping his fist into the cushion beside him.

  “I told you. I’m taking care of it.”

  “Bet you are. Saw the prelims. If she fucks as good as she looks I don’t blame you for stalling.”

  Resisting the urge to fling the phone at the wall, Marc took a steadying breath and counted to five before answering.

  “I want you to consider other options to finalize the Tech file, without Love Byte on board.”

  “Why? She got you by the short and curlies?”

  “Just do it,” he snapped, hating the futility of what he’d asked.

  He had to buy out Sierra’s business to snaffle the number one spot from George and in doing so would alienate the woman he cared for.

  There wasn’t an escape clause here and while his ruthless streak would earn him success and accolades from his peers, at what cost?

  “Make sure all avenues have been explored before we sign off on anything. Got it?”

  “Loud and clear. And have fun with—”

  He hung up before Rob could spew any more drivel, struck by how much he detested his deputy. Rob Alden may be one of the best in the acquisition business but he was a major pain in the ass.

  Rob had held fort while he’d been here so Marc owed him. Reports from the office had been positive though the women at A-Corp didn’t like him. Little wonder. Rob fancied himself as a ladies man though no one had told the ladies. Being a sexist pig was difficult to hide and if it grated on his nerves, he could only imagine what his female colleagues thought.

  Perhaps the company could do with a major personnel reshuffle when he got back to LA? Starting with putting out feelers for a new deputy. If they managed to nab the top spot in California he’d have staff lining up at his door for a position, allowing him to kick Rob’s sorry ass out.


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