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His Jazz Affair

Page 2

by Fife, Nicky

  The latest now was that Miss Sheila had no man, and the sexual frustration was making her behave like a she cat.

  “I think we should hire some escort for her to take care of her business, you think?” Jane smirked as they parted.

  As Tracy left the restaurant, signing off and grabbing her bag the overwhelming effect of the surprise meeting left her. She had had been engrossed with Jane that her mind her nerves had calmed down from meeting Guy.

  Her mind drifted back to him as she walked over to the elevator. He was a handsome man in his mid thirties. Tall dark handsome rich, every girls dream. Wasn’t he voted the most eligible bachelor last year?

  She followed his life in the papers and magazines, and was amazed at how much he had accomplished in the ten years he was in charge. Growing up in hotel industry success came to him naturally. Having inherited three hotels form his father he had managed to add three more hotels, bigger and more luxurious!

  Guy had a good eye for investment, he treated his employees well and had an army of loyal staff that were devoted to him.

  Guy was involved in charity work, he donated large sums of money every year. Scot Hotels built an old people’s home, and gave scholarships to various students. He inspired a lot in the young people, and was involved in mentorship programmes.

  Tracy could feel her head clearing up as she took her phone and scrolled through some messages from her friend. The elevator was taking long to come. She did not pay attention to the man who entered with her. She laughed at a text message she read, then realised she had company.

  "I am sorry sir.... "She started.”Oh it’s you! I am sorry Mr Scot."

  "Something funny?" He drawled his voice deep and husky.

  She smelt so good, like a bed of flowers he could just roll all day in.

  “Kinda.... "

  “You have me at a disadvantage. You are?” he inquired extending his hand. It was a firm handshake. She could feel an electric shock pass through her body. He held her hand longer, then she pulled away.

  "I am Tracy, ahh Tracy Burns. I work here, as you can see...and you are Mr Scot... off course you are...."she rumbled. Ok let me be quiet now. She almost jumped out of her skin. He was close she could smell his cologne. It was expensive, light, masculine, dark and musky.

  There was silence, neither wanting to go further. The elevator came to a stop.

  "Well good night then," she said stepping out carefully, waving. A smile tweaked nervously at the corner of her lips.

  He just leaned back on his shoulder and winked back her, as the doors closed.

  " Ohhh, my!” Tracy fanned herself. This much excitement in one night was too much.

  She was running late for the band session. Mike the band leader was not going to be amused. She had to forget about Guy and rush home.

  The bus ride helped to cool her down. A horny hot girl and a bumpy bus ride was not a good combination. She was delighted to have finally seen him face to face he certainly looked impressed by her.

  It was a short bus ride but at the opposite side of the city. Totally different from the upscale area the hotel was located. It wasn’t down trodden, neither was it up class! It was just the right area for a twenty five year old struggling musician.

  The restaurant salary paid her bills for sure, but her heart was in music. Everyone knew it was difficult getting a breakthrough in a big city like Cape Town. There were a lot of musicians around singing for the meals. People were coming from all over the world to try their fortunes and it did not make life easier for them.

  But as a young woman determined to make it she knew that day was not far in the future. Okay, so maybe jazz music was not the most liked genre, but surely someone out there appreciated their music. Jazz was becoming more popular with more people calling them to perform at weddings and corporate events as well

  Their small band of three guys and one girl did get gigs once in a while. At least they had a few hot spots that they played at over the weekend, which was working out fine. They now had regular performances at least twice a week and soon their first album will be out in the market.

  The guys were already at the apartment she shared with Sarah, a high school friend, also Mike's girlfriend .It was their usual Monday night affair to hangout chill, and practice.

  They would practise an hour or so in the evening because the neighbours complained. Still they got a couple of practice sessions in the afternoons she was off work. Still she had to put in early hours by herself as she was the lead singer and a few key notes in the shower too.

  Tracy noticed boxes of pizza on the table, a few coke bottles scattered on the table. It looked like the guys had an early start as they were working hard on new songs.

  “Hie Don, Mike, Nick!” She shouted taking off her jacket. They nodded at her and continued playing the instruments. Soon she was singing off softly letting the music take over.

  It was later during the evening that Mike took the courage to confront her. “You look distant are you ok?” Mike was a child hood friend. She had known him all her life. Being three years older than her, he was the big brother through school and in time eventually inviting her to join their band.

  Mike looked out for her. He had a soft spot, maybe because she was an only child. She would hang around him after school. At first he hated it, in time she grew on him. He had also hooked her up to be his girlfriends’ roommate. Mike and Sarah had been serious for two years, and were talking of marriage as soon as the band took off. Which hopefully would be soon, Sarah always hoped.

  “You would not believe whom I saw today,” Tracy smiled. She went to tell him about running into Guy and how handsome he looked in his black suit and his liquid to die for eyes.

  Mike had laughed at her once when he saw her staring at Guy’s photo in a paper. He had joked about how all the ladies in the city were half in love with the bachelor. He had suggested that a TV show be aired to compete for him. Problem was that all the women in the city would turn up for the show including his girlfriend Sarah!

  “As long as you realise that it’s all your fantasy dear. That dude is out of your zone, it’s all in your head. Have you seen the kind of women he hangs out with? I don’t think your waitress uniform will hold a candle over them.” He laughed her off.

  “It’s good that you have finally met in him flesh. Maybe now you can get over him as a romantic figure in your head, and see him as your pay check.” He brushed her aside.

  Mike never took her seriously as she was always smitten with one actor or the other. All women were like that he figured. Always living in their fantasies and never seeing the everyday dude that passed by them.

  Tracy only ever had two serious relationships in her life, one with a college mate who turned out to be a drunk and then a university mate. She had broken up with her last boyfriend a year ago, they had been together two years and he cheated on her with one of her friends.

  Mike had stood by her through the ordeal, and he was happy she was completely over him. He hoped that one day she would find a nice man who deserved a sweet girl like her.

  “See you tomorrow for another session. Tell Sarah I will call her later!” he shouted as he closed the door behind him. Leaving Tracy with a smug look on her face.

  Chapter 2

  Tracy hurriedly put on her shoes as she ran for the taxi; she was late for an appointment with Guy at his house. Imagine them of all people getting to play at an n event at his house! She hastily gave the driver the address which she had scribbled over the phone with Mike. Even though he was in charge of bookings for the band, he had asked her to go because he thought she would score more points as she was already an employee of Guy.

  “But I don’t know him, he doesn’t know me either!” she complained over the phone.

  Mike was convinced that she could effortlessly drop a hint that she worked for him. Maybe he wouldn’t recognise her from yesterday she hoped. She will be at her best composed behaviour, even if it killed her.

p; It was an important event as Guy was hosting some prominent business people who had donated to his charities. It would give the band good media coverage, and free marketing. They were sure to get a few more contracts through this event. And maybe they could become full time musicians. And stop waitressing, she thought to herself.

  Tracy went over her conversation with Guy, in her head on what to say, and hopefully what not to say. It was going to be a hell of a test to be in his presence and be professional. Her stomach growled, nervousness flooding her body.

  Should she call him Mr Scot, or by his first name? He always insisted on first names for the hotel staff. It was company policy as it promoted a more relaxed working environment, he said. Maybe I will let him speak first, she thought. Yes. Let him speak. He was the smooth operator.

  It was a large beautiful Victorian house that had been in the family three generations, she remembered reading it somewhere. It had been well kept through the years and still maintained its old charm. Large grounds with pretty rose bushes bordering around them. Tracy could see several men pitching up tents and fixing up a stage. It looked all set for the event tomorrow, Saturday.

  She got off the taxi and walked to the front door admiring the big house, ringing the bell as she rubbed her palms on her jeans. She rang it a couple of times more without an answer. Eventually she walked up to one of the men asking if he had seen Guy.

  “Oh you are the band people? He is picking up a few things and will be back soon. You can wait around in the gardens.” he said as he continued pulling up the tent.

  Tracy wondered about enjoying the breeze that was in the air. No one paid attention to her. They were engrossed in their work to admire the jean that hugged her hips or that little tank top that left nothing to the imagination.

  She saw a man approaching her and recognised him as a free lance journalist who had covered their interview at one time. He was a tall man with long hair, a chain smoker. His teeth were coloured by the smoke.

  She didn’t like him much because he had been too forward, dropping hints of sleeping with her. A few exaggerated statements and their band could get access to social bloggers who would give a good review about them.

  He made empty promises but Tracy knew better. The entertainment industry was full of opportunist and most had long tales that amounted to nothing. Just wolves in sheep skin and Todd was the worst of them all.

  She had been insulted and had told him in her most annoyed voice to back off. He had not been amused she had seen. Silently he had let it go then but his eyes burned with anger at the small girl.

  “Tracy, my girl! So you are playing here?” He smelt of cigarette smoke as usual. The odour was overwhelming, Tracy stepped back.

  “Yeah we are, just waiting for Mr Scot. “She replied civilly.

  He made small talk but he could see she wasn’t interested. Eventually he gave up. She was the ice queen no melting her frozen heart.

  "Ok, see you later. I will be covering this event, so you will see more of me. I am supposed to meet Sheila, but I guess she got busy” He said as he moved off.

  I hope I won’t see you again, she mumbled to herself. It was enough dealing with him once, but never again. Todd made her uneasy. His beady eyes darted over her undressing her. She felt dirty at his scrutiny.

  She spurn on her heels nervous, her throat had suddenly going dry. She walked over to some rose bushes and soon she forgot the men around. She must have wondered off, because soon the voices were a blur in the background.

  She walked over to a small pond that had some colourful fish swimming about. She was smiling to herself imagining herself a bright little fish when she lifted her head to brush off a butterfly that had landed on her shoulder.

  As she turned she unexpectedly saw him and for a moment she was stunned and took a step backwards stepping into the pond.

  Guy saw her fall in a loud splash and ran to help her up.

  Tracy spluttered in the water she tried to regain her balance. It wasn’t a deep pool and soon she was standing in waist high water drenched through. Not again, she reflected to herself. What is wrong with me, what will Guy think of me?

  “Are you alright?” he asked concerned and stretched his hand out to help her out. Tracy took it gratefully as she was pulled out of the water. Up close he was more devastating than before.

  “I hope my phone is still working.” That was all Tracy could come up with.

  “As long as you are alright” he said. He looked at the poor girl with weeds hanging in her hair. She was more beautiful than he remembered, with the sun playing in her hair. She was like a mermaid from a fairytale book, with no fish tail, but long long legs.

  “Oh you are the waitress!” he started, knowing well who she was. He would never forget her. She was in his mind all day.

  “You remember me?" Tracy was nervous. Did he plan on firing her? Did Sheila suggest that?

  “I never forget a face.” He said continuing to hold her hand.

  “Thank you for pulling me out.” She said awkwardly removing her hand. Why would he put her face to memory? It was most likely a business technique, she thought to herself.

  “I am sorry Mr Scot; I hope I didn’t land on a fish.” She apologised.

  “I am sure they will be fine,” he reassured her. “Call me Guy."

  "Ok, Guy." She nodded embarrassment washing over her.

  They stood for a moment looking at each other and Tracy could swear she was going to pass out in embarrassment. She must look a sight with her t-shirt plastered to her body, nipples pointed begging to be sucked.

  “I had come to talk about the gig, what time do you want us here?” she was shaking in her clothes.

  “Let’s get you out of those wet clothes and get you dry and we will talk about it,” he said suddenly remembering that they were within earshot of the workmen. Her boy was enticing and he wanted to swoop her in his arms and lay her on that lawn and do things that would tickle her fancy.

  He looked at the wet t shirt plastered to her breasts, and Guy was mesmerized by her nipples which were two little peaks on her t-shirt. His eye burned through her and she felt her body responding.

  She was turned on by the man just by being here with him. Appalled by her body, she crossed her arms around her chest to cover her breasts. “Are we going to ehhhh...." her voice trailed off.

  "Let’s get you out of those wet clothes." He murmured his voice almost croaking.

  He cleared his throat. She was an itch he wanted to scratch real badly.

  He led her to a private path away from the garden into a bedroom. It was a private guest bedroom that was directly off the garden. It was a beautiful room with marble floors and luxurious furniture.

  Tracy stood in the middle of the room unsure what to do. He moved over to her and for a moment she felt his presence behind her. What was he going to do, she wondered.

  Guy went over to the closet and pulled out a clean white shirt. “You can wear this. Remove your clothes and give them to me I will dry them for you. I am going out to the garden to see the men off, they have finished.”

  Tracy stood in the middle of the room unsure what to say.

  “I will dry your clothes for you. I will bring them later on. Just leave them out by the door I will pick them up.” he closed the door softly behind him.

  He had to get away from her. She was some potent drug in his system, and he was getting drunk in her beauty. He was a grown man not to be swayed by a young chick without her even her trying.

  Tracy removed her jeans and t- shirt and decided to keep on her bra and panties. It would just be too embarrassing for him to get personal with her under garments she decided. She put on the shirt wondering if it was one of his. Since it was a guest room she decided it was perhaps an extra shirt for the guests.

  She went on about the room touching the furniture letting herself be carried away by the luxury. It was getting late with the sun setting. Outside the door she heard him pick up her wet clothes. Ther
e was a pause outside the door, and for a moment she wondered if he would come back.

  She walked out through the double french doors leading to a small patio that had a small table and chairs. It was a beautiful place, relaxing and serene.

  She wondered about his life. Did he live alone? She knew that his only sister lived in Europe. It was such a big house for one person. She wondered what he thought about her falling into the pond like that. She was always clumsy around him.

  Tracy could hear the sound of the trucks leaving and soon there was silence. All alone now, she thought.

  Oh dear I better be going as well, she decided. It would be too tempting to be around him all by herself.

  As she was standing there admiring the house when Guy walked over and stood behind her for a moment was enchanted by the light playing around her. Her hair was starting to dry curling about her face, softening her facial features. She looked like a teenager, young and innocent, never been touched. But she wasn’t she was a grown woman, and he was a grown man.

  "It is beautiful isn't it?" He said admiring the setting sun in its orange glory. But she was even more beautiful in his shirt with a glimpse of thighs peeping through.

  "Oh yes.” Tracy agreed turning, smiling and him.

  With the light behind him she was blinded by the setting rays and could not see his eyes clearly. He moved over closer to her, and she saw the fire in his eyes. He reached his hand out and brushed it across her cheek. So, so soft and silky.

  "Hmm hmm," A clearing throat sounded behind them. They jumped apart like guilty teenagers.

  It was the journalist. Todd stood there is eyes gleaming on the couple that stood guilty in front of him. Guy had completely forgotten about him. He must have been wondering about the house, or he was sneaking up on them deliberately.

  "I had forgotten you were still here Todd, let me see you off." Guy's voice was on edge.

  Tracy was embarrassed and could not turn and look at them as they walked away. That guy was not to be trusted. But they did not do anything wrong. So why was she feeling guilty?


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