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Wild Child

Page 5

by Needa Warrant

  Hunter and Jo came back and I checked my saddle to make sure it was on correctly.

  I wondered why Veiko hadn’t come and was a bit disappointed. But, clearing my mind, I got a stable hand to hold him while I got into the saddle. We rode into a paddock and the stable hand shut the gate.

  CC was doing great, he trotted and walked. I couldn’t help but think he wasn’t as green as Elena was told. I suddenly noticed his ears go back, I knew something was wrong.

  Oh no!

  CC was rearing and I held on for dear life.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Veiko rode his bike up the trail Kima had told him to take. As he got close to the barn he saw her on a large white horse. It was far bigger than her horse, Sugar. All of a sudden the horse was rearing so V rode faster, hoping to get to her. Hunter was waving at him to slow down.

  V cut the engine as Kima flew through the air. Jo was screaming as she saw her friend's body hit the fence. Kima's head bounced off the ground. Stablehands were trying to grab the horse so it didn’t trample her. Nailz was faster and grabbed the reins, handing the horse to a stablehand.

  The horse was calm now that Veiko had shut his bike off.

  Hunter stomped up to him, fuming.

  "V! Didn’t you see the signs on the trail? No motorcycles? You're to blame for this!"

  Hunter went running and told a stable hand to get Elena. Kima wasn’t moving and Jo was silent. She knelt beside Kima, checking her hair for blood and vital signs.

  Jo looked up, very upset. "I think she needs to get to the hospital as soon as we can get her there."

  Elena roared up in her truck and ran up to where Kima was lying, she went pale.

  "Oh my God! Don’t touch her - her neck may be broken! Somebody call for an ambulance. NOW!"

  Veiko stood there, thinking about how this was his fault. If this girl was hurt, it was his fault for not paying attention to the warning signs.

  Nailz grabbed him. "Bro, walk your bike away from here. If the cops come, we don't need them seeing us."

  They pushed the Harley back down the trail and waited silently. In a few minutes an ambulance appeared and V turned to watch as it slowly went up the trail.

  It stopped and people rushed out, going about their business. They loaded Kima on a stretcher and into the ambulance. Hunter, Elena, and Jo went in the truck to follow it.

  V was stricken, panic in his gut.

  "Fuck! Nailz, get your bike! We’re gonna to follow them to the ER. It's my fault Kima’s hurt."

  Nailz looked at V oddly. "There’s nothing we can do, bro. We’re leaving a party to sit in the ER? Damn, V? You falling for this chick?"

  V was tired of waiting while the ambulance was getting further away.

  "If you want a patch over from Hunter, don’t you think it would be wise to show some respect? It was my fault."

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  The men were able to find the hospital easily. The ER wasn’t busy so Kima had been rushed for x-rays. Elena was on a pay phone talking to somebody, looking pissed off beyond belief.

  V walked over to Jo. "Why is Elena looking so angry? Is she blaming me?" Jo shook her head. "I think, from what I heard, that Kima’s family is drunk. I doubt they’re in any shape to come to the hospital."

  Drunk? V thought. This time of day? Normal people drank this early?

  Jo continued, "Every weekend's an excuse to have a party for the Regan family. If Kima was home she’d have to babysit, or take her cousins crabbing, or something. She avoids being home as much as she can, because they usually get too drunk. It happens all summer long."

  V felt a rage building up inside of him. Fuck it! Her parents could rot, as far as he was concerned. He was the one who had caused this. If it came down to it, he was going to stay and be there for Kima when she woke.

  Grimly he sat down and waited for any news on her.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jo sat in the waiting room. Elena was still on the pay phone, shouting at someone, and Hunter was pacing. V was sitting there like a statue staring off into space.

  She was wondering where Nailz had gone. He’d probably left to get a drink. The redhead really hoped he wouldn’t be coming back.

  She started to settle in for a long wait. She said a silent prayer to God that Kima would be alright. Jo was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't see the large shadow of Nailz loom over her, she looked up, startled.

  Nailz smirked down at her, looking like a cat eying a mouse.

  She thought; Here it comes. Payback time!

  Jo shifted away as he filled her entire space. She really shouldn't have let things go that far, in which she and Kima now termed 'the ass crack incident.' Sometimes her temper really did get the best of her.

  "Well I finally got you cornered," he drawled wickedly.

  Nailz sat down beside her and snaked his arm across the back of her chair. Casually, he glanced around the room.

  Jo wondered what was up with this guy? Did the big jerk enjoy amusing himself at her expense? Again her temper started to boil.

  Nailz leaned down and growled in her ear, "Don't think for a moment I’ve forgotten about your little stunt on the beach."

  Jo retorted, "How's the sand in your ass, Nailz? Did you finally get it out? I don't recall inviting you to sit beside me. There are plenty of other chairs for you to choose from." She shifted uncomfortably again; if she moved any further she would fall right off her chair. Exasperated she snipped, "Why don't you make yourself comfortable, Nailz. While you're at it, feel free to take up all my space."

  Nailz gave her an amused look and teased, "Don't mind if I do. You don't have a problem with me sitting here, do you, Josephine? I have to keep my eye on you, just in case you want to play with my ass again."

  "Well, that’s what you get for stealing my towel and not giving it back, moron,."

  Nailz just smirked at her. "Well, Chickie, you'd better watch your ass. You're a lil' brat. I’ll give you a reprieve on account of what's happening with your friend, but don't think for a moment I'll be forgetting. When you least expect it, I will get you back. Payback's a motherfucker."

  Jo snorted, "Oh don't worry! When this is over, I don't plan on being anywhere near you. Good luck trying. Um - Nailz - isn't the correct term payback's a bitch?"

  Nailz shot her a challenging look. "It's whatever way I want to say it. You will get it, Josephine. Trust me!"

  Really? She entertained the idea of getting up and moving to another chair but knew Nailz would only follow her, just to aggravate her.

  He was so close to her, she could feel the heat of his body flowing into hers. It was a very unexpected feeling and a good one. What on earth was happening to her?

  He was so not her type! Yet, she got these little fluttery feelings in her stomach when he was around and had this warm wet feeling between her legs.

  Jo flushed as she remembered his gorgeous firm ass. She also remembered some other parts of him too. That memory played repeatedly in her mind.

  V looked over at Nailz, making a motion for him to get up and go for a walk.

  Nailz turned to her as he got up, a sly smile on his face.

  "Josephine, watch my seat for me, please."

  Jo sighed, hating the long form of her name being used. Her parents called her that when she was in trouble. She watched those two fine ass bikers walk away.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Veiko was upset. "Nailz, her parents aren't even coming to the hospital! What the fuck kinda parents wouldn't be here?"

  Nailz kept a blank face. "V, you gonna save the world or just this chick? This ain't like you, bro."

  "Yeah, well maybe I feel like this is my fault and if I wanna get with her, I ought to take care of her. Kima got under my skin."

  Nailz looked at V seeing determination on his face. "I knew that fallen angel put a spell over you. Next you'll be making her your old lady."

  V glared at him. "Maybe I will. Lets go back inside and see if the nurses know anyth

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I woke up sore all over. My head pounded and my ribs were killing me. I looked around and saw nurses.

  Oh shit! I was in the ER in Beach View hospital.

  I could hear one of them talking. "Poor thing. Her parents refuse to come to the hospital and did you see those guys waiting out there?"

  I was wondering who all was out there?

  A doctor came in and asked me if I could talk.

  I replied "Yes."

  The Doctor recited, "You had a loss of consciousness after your injury. Do you recall anything from the time you were injured?"

  I tried to shake my head but it hurt too much.

  "No, all I remember is my horse reared. Then I woke up here."

  He was using a light to look into my eyes.

  "Well your neck isn't broken thankfully, but you do have a bad concussion and bruised ribs. You may vomit and feel dizzy but we're not admitting you. I would like to but we have no beds available. Someone will have to watch you. Do you have anyone that can stay with you for the next few days while you heal?"

  I prayed that my parents would be able come for me.

  The doctor continued, "Somebody needs to make sure you follow up with a neurologist. If you have a seizure you need to come back here immediately."

  I sighed, hating to feel like this.

  I hoped I could stay with Hunter and Elena but they would be busy with the party. I didn't really know if my parents were capable and it left me wondering who was going to look after me?

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I didn't have long to wait. Much to my surprise Veiko and Jo appeared through the curtains. V spoke to the doctor and Jo grabbed my hand.

  "V and I will take care of you, Kima. We've worked it out since he rented a cabin from Hunter. Somebody will be with you so don't worry about a thing."

  Oh great! I thought. I'll probably be puking and look awful! I was seeing double and said weakly, "Where are my parents, Jo?"

  She sighed, "It is a weekend, Kima. You know what weekends at your house are like. Everyone is drunk. Your parents couldn't drive if they wanted too."

  Ouch! That was the truth and it hurt.

  "Why can't I stay at the Lodge?"

  Jo was speaking slowly to me. "The Lodge is too loud. The cabin V rented is further from the party, Kima. Don't worry; it'll work out fine. Elena and Hunter agree so that's the plan."

  I groaned. "Why do I feel like I can't remember what happened? And I feel dizzy too! I bet I look like shit."

  V appeared by my side and smiled.

  "Hey, babe. You still look pretty. You just got banged up in the fall which was my fault so let me make that up by helping, you ok?"

  I just wanted to get out of there. A nurse handed a sheet to me to sign and I was still seeing double, I felt awful.

  I mumbled, "How am I getting back to the Lodge?"

  Jo was happy to inform me that Hunter and Nailz had went to get a car and Elena was shopping for soda and things she thought I would need.

  My memory was coming back and something occurred to me about the horse I was breaking.

  "Jo I need to tell Elena about CC. He was great until he got spooked."

  She laughed, "Kima, I was there honey. You were doing great until he got spooked by V."

  Oh great I thought! She is blaming V. I needed to clear the air fast.

  "CC just needs to be made bombproof. Make sure you tell her that if I don't."

  I shut my eyes and rested.

  Finally Hunter came to take Jo and I back to the cabin that V was staying at. It was one of my favorite ones with a loft, a huge bed and a fireplace. It had lovely views.

  Elena wasn't back yet and Jo went up to the Lodge to call her dad about a neurologist.

  I was having issues getting undressed and Veiko had to help me. I wasn't embarrassed really; I felt too shitty to care that he saw me naked.

  He slipped a big tee shirt of his over my head and tucked me into the bed. I felt the bed move as he laid down beside me.

  "Kima, I got a pail next to the bed in case you get sick. Maybe you ought to let me pull your hair back."

  I was able to sit up a bit and he gently brushed my hair and put it into a ponytail. Concussions weren't new to me and I knew I'd feel crappy. I felt bad about him babysitting me.

  "You really ought to go back to the party and let Jo sit with me."

  Veiko grinned at me and shook his head. "Babe, I've had a few concussions so I know all about them. I can take really good care of you. If you're up to it later, I can make you feel better in other ways too."

  All of sudden I rolled over and puked.

  I groaned as I finished. I hoped he wasn't grossed out too much! I was relieved when he went and got me a cool washcloth and a drink of water to rinse out my mouth.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V and Jo fought over who was going to sleep with me and Veiko won. To be honest I liked his body next to mine. He slept naked and damn was he hot! He caught me looking at him the next morning. Cocky bastard!

  "Like what you see, babe?"

  I wasn't going to lie. "Yeah I do and it is too bad I can't do anything but look." I sighed.

  He had a wicked smile. "Doesn't mean I can't make you feel good, Kima. I can rub your back and figure out ways to make you feel better."

  I smiled, "I'm sure you can but Jo would be in here in a flash."

  Veiko looked amused. "Nailz and Jo are out there arguing about everything under the sun. I doubt she'd even notice."

  I sat up slowly. "Nailz is staying here too? Oh my God! Jo must be having a fit."

  Veiko's eyes were gleaming, "Well, it's been interesting. I think Nailz has met his match in Jo. I'm shocked they didn't wake you up yet. So far Nailz is in the loft bed and Jo's on the couch. But I don't know how long that'll last. Elena wants Jo to wash the outside windows and Nailz is gonna help her. I gotta go make some calls. You'll be ok?"

  I slipped back on to my pillows and shook my head slowly. "I think so but I am hungry. Can you bring me back a milkshake?" I watched V pull on his colors. He grinned, "Chocolate?"

  I nodded.

  He smirked at me. "Double thick too, huh?"

  Damn this biker knew me too well!

  "Of course!"

  I watched his fine ass walk out the door and heard him tell Jo and Nailz to keep it down as I was resting. His bike roared to life and then he was gone.

  I lay there thinking about this man. Damn I wanted him, I planned to let him make me feel better. Hell I had nothing else to do! I drifted off to sleep thinking of him.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 7 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jo sighed. "Knock it off, Nailz. I told you - I have plans for my life and you’re being a pest. Go find somebody else to bug. I'm busy."

  Nailz looked at her with amusement and placed his hand over his chest.

  "You wound me, Josephine Parker! I came over to help you and was admiring the view. Plus... I’ve got nothing better to do. Elena said to help you wash the windows because you're too damn tiny to reach the tops."

  Jo looked at him with disbelief. Shit, no! This biker was not going to help wash windows with her. He probably planned to attack her in some way for her stunt with the sand.

  "No way in hell are you helping me. I don't trust you," she snapped, her hands on her hips.

  He just grinned at her before snatching her up by her waist. "I'm not washing the windows, but I’ll hold you up so you can."

  Jo couldn't believe this crap! What a jackass. Well, she thought, this is one way to get them done. No ladder needed when this big beast was around.

  She sighed, giving up, knowing it was no use to argue with him.

  Nailz lifted her easily, like she weighed nothing.

  "Don't you dare drop me. Hand me that spray bottle," she ordered.

  He smiled wickedly and flipped her around so she hung like a sack of potatoes. Instead of handing her the cleaner, he began carrying her toward the dock.

bsp; "Aren't you hot?" he was laughing. "I can feel you sweating through your t-shirt and I believe I owe you something, don't I? So, be a good lil' chickie and take your punishment."

  His strides were long as he walked out the door. Jo pounded on his back with her fists, kicking at him.

  "Damn it, Nailz! Put me down. Right. Now!"

  As the water came into view, she screamed.

  "Sure thing, Jo!" he chuckled smugly as he tossed her over the dock and into the water.

  Jo sank under the surface, then came back up sputtering, pissed off and shouting curses.

  "Oh my God! You better run, you fucking moron, because when I get out of this water you are so gonna' be hurting!"

  Nailz was laughing his ass off, obviously quite please with himself. "There’s no beach here. Looks like you better give me your hand so I can pull you up, Chickie."

  Jo realized he was right. Shit! The only way out of the water was by grabbing hold of the dock and pulling herself up. What the sly bastard didn't know was that her toes were touching sand. If she swam in a little she could stand firmly on the bottom. Nailz didn't know the Lodge and docks as well as she did.

  She swam up and faked like she was treading water. There! Her feet were firmly planted. She knew if she could get the moron bent over and off balance, she could pull him into the water. If Nailz wanted to play dirty, so could she.

  Sighing and looking defeated, she relented. "I give up, Nailz. Please help me?"

  He laughed and bent over, offering his hand to her. His feet were near the edge of the dock. Perfect! She grabbed his hand and tugged as hard as she could, holding her breath as he toppled into the water.

  When Nailz surfaced, soaking wet and sputtering water, they looked at each other in shock before both burst out laughing. He started to splash Jo and was moving toward her, growling like a monster.

  He laughed wickedly, "I am coming for ya! Watch out!"

  Jo shrieked, giggling, and paddled away from him, but he was on her in a flash. Jo flung water at him, laughing hysterically.


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