Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 6

by Needa Warrant

  Nailz picked her up high over his shoulder and threw her back into the water. Jo came back up laughing.

  They’d frolicked for a bit when Nailz finally suggested, "Climb on to my shoulders and you can reach the dock, then I will pull myself up. Ya know, though, I still owe you one, right?"

  "Keep dreaming, Nailz," she told him, winking.

  She swam up to the dock and hauled herself out of the water before running up to Elena. She was shaking her head and looking at them like they were crazy.

  "I see Nailz is being his usual, pain-in-the-ass self," Elena noted.

  Nailz was now out of the water, soaking wet, and shaking his long black hair out. He looked up, grinning a devilish smile at the two of them.

  Jo teased, "Nailz is just being a child. All the windows are done except for the tops." She then pointed at Nailz. "I left everything back at the cabin for him to finish up since I can't reach the tops. We were just cooling off before he got back to work, right, Nailz?"

  Nailz obviously hadn’t expected Jo’s cool answer, or the fact that he’d actually have to wash the windows. He looked at Elena sheepishly. "Yeah, Elena, getting right on it for you."

  Elena and Jo headed for the Lodge, laughing. Jo glanced over her shoulder at him, hoping he wouldn’t get her back too badly and grinning as she saw him stomp off. She couldn’t be sure, but she thought she heard him cursing and grumbling as he made his way back to the cabin.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Nailz was feeling pretty happy and even though he was wet and had to wash windows he was in a good mood. He was just hoping none of his brother's saw him doing what he figured was woman's work. The party was winding down anyway. It was fun to argue with Jo. He hadn't gotten this close to a normal female in many years. Maybe V had the right idea helping Kima out.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  At night, V held me close to him and I would fall asleep listening to his heart beating.

  Sometimes we’d just talk. He told me all about his family and I told him about mine. He told me about his brother, Thrash, and him being in the club and a tattoo artist; he talked about his sister and mother.

  I informed him about my wild ways, telling him funny stories and trouble I got into, and he laughed out loud, a deep rumbling sound.

  Very few people were allowed to see me, at first, and I was good with that. Jo sat with me for hours and I got the feeling she liked Nailz more than she let on. Elena checked in on me and told me my brother Jack would also be stopping by. My parents never came; I didn't expect they would, either. The party was over and yet Veiko and Nailz stayed on along with Jo to care for me.

  So, the days passed and I worried our time would soon be coming to an end. I didn't want it too. I was falling in love with Veiko!

  I knew Veiko kept in touch with his brother and his club. My guess was he was just staying around until I got better. We didn't talk about that, although I wanted to. How do you tell a guy you just met you don’t want him to leave? I knew he was protective, and felt guilty about the accident, but was that enough for him to want to be with me? I hoped so because life without him now would suck.

  I was worried I’d never see him again after he left and went on his way. Out of sight, out of mind, so the saying goes, and I didn't want to think about it. I couldn't help it, though, because it was always there invading my thoughts. Fuck!

  He was so gentle and caring. He would just hold me tenderly, giving me deep kisses, but as soon as I tried to take it further, saying, "Please V, I want you," he’d groan and turn away.

  Didn't he want me? He would see the hurt look on my face and just laugh, kissing me and touching me all over.

  V made sure to touch me in all the right places. That man's touch was amazing. As for sex...he said that it was too soon and was afraid he would hurt me.

  Kissing was great but I was dying to feel his cock inside of me. When I trailed tiny kisses down his chest and started to unbutton his jeans, he stopped me. I was frustrated, so hot for him and not able to have him.

  He swam quite a bit a night, though, and said he was ‘thinking about shit.’ I knew he had a lot on his mind but I thought it was mainly to not think about having sex with me. I told him I was fine but he wanted me to go see a doctor about my head. I refused to waste time and money when I was perfectly fine.

  I also had my plans. I had to see the lawyer about my grandparent’s farm and wanted to start dancing. I needed to support myself and Sugar.

  My dad wouldn't like the fact I was moving out, so I doubted he would pay for Sugar's board. I was glad Elena took him back to the stable so I wouldn't be tempted to ride him.

  I talked to my dad and it was obvious he was on a drunken binge. He and my mother loved having parties and I knew they were glad I wasn't there to cramp their style. It hurt, though, so when Jack came to visit I was really happy.

  V and Nailz had gone to their clubhouse and Jo and Elena were with me. My brother drove his new car over and, of course, it was flashy and fast. He was eying Jo up, as usual, but Jo wasn't interested.

  Jack grabbed my hands looking me over. "So you took a big fall, wild child? That must have hurt your head and your pride. I wanted to warn you - dad is coming over and wants you to sign papers giving him the house in Sea Woods. Mom’s having a fit and wants you to have some money," he said, tossing a wad of cash at me.

  Why did my mother want me to have money?

  "Mommy wants me to stay away, I take it, and hide from Dad? How much did she send over?"

  Jack rolled his eyes at me. "Couple grand. She says not to trust Daddy and to avoid him until you can get to the lawyer. We ordered your graduation present. Dad picked the car out and I don't think you will be happy. No truck."

  I sat there, counting the money. Three grand. What was really going on?

  "Jack, Dad promised me a truck! I need it to haul Sugar around! Is this money to make up for it? I see you got another car. I swear I’m moving out of that house and away from my crazy family!"

  I heard the roar of the motorcycles approaching. I didn't know if I should warn my brother, but he was used to Hunter's club and Thorn.

  He turned with interest as the bikes came to a stop in front of the cabin.

  He could have gone with Thorn to Delaware and joined Bound for Hell but was too lazy to prospect. I wondered if V and Nailz would like Jack.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V and Nailz looked at the guy standing in front of the cabin, clearly wondering who the hell he was. "Who the fuck is this guy, Kima?" he snarled at her, climbing off his bike.

  The guy in question snarled back. "Her fucking brother. Who the fuck are you and why are you staring at my baby sister?"

  Elena stood up. "Jack, meet Veiko and Nailz, friends of ours. They've been helping with Kima since she got hurt. Thorn knows them too, so it’s all good."

  My brother turned to look at me. "Kima! Daddy finds you with bikers, he’ll be pissed! He plans on you marrying somebody wealthy, like Shelly. He won't be happy at all."

  "Jack! Don't air our family business in public. I'm very much aware of what Shelly does and I am not marrying anybody." I was in shock.

  Veiko came over and kissed me hard on the mouth before looking at Jack and extending his hand.

  "Veiko. Pleased to meet you, Jack. It was my fault your sister got hurt and I plan on staying here, making her my business. You tell your dad to come see me if he has a problem with that."

  Nailz shook Jack's hand, too, and looked hard at Jo. I watched my brother follow his gaze.

  Jack turned to Jo. "Josephine Parker! Your family know you're shacking up with bikers too? I wouldn't put anything past Kima, but you?"

  "Jack, how dare you say that to me! I am not shacking up with anybody! We're just helping Kima out until she gets better. Where were you and your family when she was in the ER? Probably off drunk! Don't you dare go around spreading gossip about me to my family either!"

  "Visiting time is over, Jack. Leave Jo alone and go tell your f
ather Veiko's message. Kima doesn't need any shit right now," Nailz snarled menacingly, looming closer to Jack.

  My brother looked at the two pissed off bikers. He saw that Jo and Elena were pissed at him too. I think I was the only one not angry with him.

  "Watch those guys, and hide your money. I love you," he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.

  He bolted out of there quickly.

  I looked around at everyone. "Well, that was interesting. My dad’s going to get that message and be over here making threats. Get ready for anything."

  V had his arm around me. "That’s exactly what I want your brother to do." He grinned down at me, continuing, "Nailz has quite a bit of vacation time and we're thinking of renting this cabin for a few more weeks.

  I was ecstatic and Jo was in shock.

  Maybe the summer would be better than I thought!

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 8 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid and his 'boys' were hanging out at one of club's flophouses. So were some of the other bikers. This wasn't the best of the flophouses but it was hidden away in the woods in upstate New York.

  It wasn't as dirty as it had been earlier, either, which was a bonus. Rabid hated dirt so he had some of the sluts clean the place up. He supposed it had to do with the time he spent in the military – he liked being top dog and giving orders.

  He looked with disgust at the whores that hung around this house. They were starting to look old and nasty; he hated nasty broads. He liked young, fresh girls - the more innocent the better for his tastes. That way he could train them.

  His main goal right now was getting an old lady, one that had some class and came from an Irish family. It was time to start enjoying his power and his mother was nagging him for some grandchildren.

  He was in his early thirties and not getting any younger. The problem was he couldn't find an Irish girl. If he didn't marry a girl at least half Irish, he’d never hear the end of it. His mother wanted to keep their bloodline pure and the one person he hated to disappoint was her. Even a tough biker like him still had family issues.

  Rabid looked disgustedly at the women. He decided he was going to change that, so he barked out an order, "Yo, bros', we need to get rid of these used up whores. Send them down to some massage parlors or put ‘em on the street to earn their keep. Make sure they give their cut of the money to the club too. I wouldn't let any of ‘em suck my dick or yours; they're done here, move ‘em out. Any bitches here don't like it, sell ‘em or trade ‘em to another MC."

  The girls who were hanging out looked up in alarm. Some thought they were close to being old ladies. Some were just hang-around-types, happy for the drugs and sex the bikers gave them. Now Rabid was tossing them to the streets, or worse.

  A few of the bikers weren't happy hearing this news. They, too, had their favorites among the women there but nobody was fool enough to speak up against Rabid. The last brother who had was tossed out after being stomped almost to death.

  Some of the bikers there were not happy with what was going on and would be reporting back to their chapters. A few were just there to see what Rabid was doing and were seeing some shit that should never go down. Others were Rabid's 'boys' , his personal group of SAA's, or Sergeant of Arms loyal only to him. His boys were the ones pushing the women around, telling them to get their shit together. The other bikers looked pissed off at all of this but did nothing. Messing with Rabid's boys wasn't wise.

  Rabid was hanging with Flop, the Central New Jersey President of Bound for Hell. Seemed they had an understanding and Flop was another scumbag.

  Rabid turned to Flop and asked, "So, Flop, how is that new VP? He know what went down with the old president? Seems like he can control shit while

  you 're away and you seem to be spending plenty of time with me and my boys. You like the pussy and dust like me, eh?"

  Flop grinned, "V? Yeah, Prez, he’s doing a good job, doesn't have a clue. Just like I told ya, they all think either dirty cops or another MC killed him. V's got a good head for business. We'll be sending you a larger cut this month than usual. V don't touch anything but Jack Daniels - not many of them like the dust but we sure can sell it along with the speed."

  Rabid nodded approvingly. "Good. We need younger guys who have their shit together and ain’t stupid fuckers like you, Flop. I know Veiko and Thrash well; bet you didn't know that did ya? I've even eaten dinner with their family. I'd trust those Finn's with my life and Thrash is one of my boys so you make sure you treat his brother Veiko really good. I let Thrash have the day to go visit his mama and check his tattoo shop."

  Flop looked offended but Rabid just laughed at him. "No offense, Floppy; but we're both sick fuckers. I got my boys bringing us some freshly made dust and new pussy. Made a deal with another club for a few girls they bought outta' Texas, you in?"

  Flop's eyes glittered. "Hell yeah! Love that southern drawl."

  "You hear anyone bitchin’ bout me? I heard some bros are and, if so, they go out bad." Rabid was paranoid.

  Flop was quick to reassure him, "None here but could be in other states. We're all loyal to you."

  Rabid believed that was a fucking lie but then maybe Flop was too dusted and stupid to know what was really up. Luckily, for him, he was useful and loyal like a dog.

  Rabid was also from New Jersey but came from up North. He and his boys had to make some road trips to the other states Bound for Hell MC had claim too. But, when he got back, he'd be checking out Flop's chapter.

  So far they were giving him higher cuts than any other chapter in the Bound for Hell nation so he was satisfied so far with Flop's chapter.

  "Nailz down there helping V like I told him? Nailz can be a sneaky fucker, Flop - he’ll take you out in a second if he thinks you killed Crabs and every bro will back him. Ain’t nothing I could do by the time I heard, so watch your back. Nailz is one of the best Sergeant at Arms I've got and he reports directly to me."

  Little did Rabid know that Nailz hated his guts. They’d served together in Nam, but Nailz truly hated Rabid. He’d seen him fuck teenage girls there and it disgusted him. Rabid liked to hurt women and had done so many times without any repercussions. Nailz couldn’t get over what he’d seen. They may have come into Bound for Hell MC together, but he was good at hiding his feelings. He had Rabid and almost every brother fooled about their so called close relationship.

  The old guard of Bound for Hell was on to Rabid and so were many bros. They were just waiting for the right timing. Rabid would fall, it would just take some time and proof.

  In the meantime Rabid was in power until he put the final nail in his own coffin. And then he would be out bad or dead. Being out bad meant to the club you were as good as dead. In Rabid's case dead would be better for the club. Many brothers wanted him dead but nobody had a plan how to do it yet.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Thrash was pissed off, plain and simple. He was disgusted at being Rabid's bodyguard but the older biker wouldn't let him go back to working in his tattoo parlor. He said he needed him on the road with him to make cash for the club. In the mean time, Thrash was counting on his tattoo artists to keep his shop going and bring in the cash.

  Nailz had told him V was hooking up with some young girl and Thrash was worried. Rabid had given him a few hours to go check on his mother and tattoo shop. V was down with that Kima girl and Thrash didn't have time to see him. He had to get back to the up state New York flophouse so Rabid and his boys could check out chapters in other states.

  It was very unlikely for V to take an old lady. His brother liked to play around with lots of women, never settling for just one, and he could take his pick. Thrash and V had that in common.

  Thrash didn't have an old lady and he wasn't looking for one. He didn't want the complication and women were only too willing to suck his cock or provide a quick fuck.

  He was also with Rabid for a reason - to get enough info on that sick fucker to get the club back on track.

  Rabid also used Thra
sh to lure younger girls by his good looks and skills as a tattoo artist. His Nordic heritage showed with his long blond hair, ice blue eyes, and his tall, rippled body. His tats were some of the best looking in the country, and he knew it. Tattoos were his addiction and he’d gone to great lengths to study under some of the best artists in the U.S. before joining the club.

  Thrash was a martial arts teacher and a natural born fighter. He was a mean motherfucker so being one of the national SAA's was a natural for him. He hated protecting a president that was such a sicko but he was stuck for now, it seemed. Until he could get Rabid to let him leave, he'd have to make the best of it and make sure Rabid didn't catch on.

  He saw the girls being traded, sometimes bought, and it disgusted him. His club wasn't about trafficking in women. Hell, some were young teenagers and a few didn't even speak English.

  Rabid thought he was one of his boys but nothing could be further from the truth. At least he could keep Nailz updated and hope V knew what the hell he was getting into with this Kima girl.

  Thrash was twenty-eight years old and wanted to settle down in his shop and see where life went from there. If the club was staying on the path Rabid was going, he was thinking about just moving to Canada. However, he had such a tight relationship with V and the club, he was torn. Plus, he had his mother and little sister in New Jersey.

  At times he wondered if he could just fucking take out Flop and Rabid together. He would gladly do it if he knew he could get away with it. He didn't do the drugs they all seemed to live on - only once in a while would he use speed and that was to keep going, definitely not for recreation.

  Rabid seemed to be able to go nonstop. This selling and trading young women seriously freaked him out and he hoped his little bro and Nailz were ready to do something soon. Rabid liked hookers and used them badly. Thrash was sick of it all. He refused to clean up his messes with the hookers, leaving it to Rabid's other boys.


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