Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 7

by Needa Warrant

  Everything that was going on had him sleeping badly. He didn't want to touch the young girls and he was getting super concerned about the legal issues regarding the fate of Bound For Hell.

  He thought of his little sister, Katri, which made him more determined to end this shit. Rabid might look at her next; since Rabid came to their house, it could happen. Thrash got a headache from the thought. Rabid would be dead if he went anywhere near Katri.

  Thrash was having that fucking dream again; it seemed to haunt him every night for a week now. It started when Elena brought a beautiful girl to his shop for a tat too. She was so perfect and her flowing black hair was like silk. She was French Vietnamese and her voice was soft, sweet like a melody.

  Elena always brought stray dancers so he could fix their scars. China had one she wanted covered. He was amazed she spoke English so easily. When he asked her what kind of tattoo she wanted, she answered, "Just a red rose with thorns with a drop of blood, shaped like a tear."

  It was for all the bloodshed she had seen in her country. China explained her mother had married an American soldier and he had brought them to the states. His guess was that she had once come from a wealthy family because the girl had class.

  She never moved as he inked her, impressing the hell out of him since going over scar tissue hurt. The grace in the way she moved and held herself amazed him. He knew there was a lot of hatred toward the Vietnamese who’d immigrated so it couldn't be easy for her.

  She was dancing because she wasn't able to get regular work. There was something that just made him want to hold this woman close and melt into her. She spoke only a little; the one time he wanted to talk during an ink session and this chick was as quiet as a mouse!

  In his dream she kept coming to him, holding out her hand as if to say ‘come take me away.’ Maybe she was coming to take him away - the pull to go was so strong. He could feel the slight brush of her silky hair over his face and it would wake him up, yearning and haunted.

  He could never go back to sleep after that. Instead he’d ponder over this chick and why she invaded his sleep and entered his dreams.

  Once awake, he would think about the day ahead and what nonsense Rabid was doing. It is getting harder and harder to put up with his shit. They were all smoking dust and the only reason he got away with not using was because he did tattoos. You couldn't be wasted when you were inking someone.

  Lately everyone seemed paranoid about everything. If he went to use the phone, Rabid would send Flop to see who he was calling. Sometimes Thrash called his shop to make sure he was making money and staying afloat. The calls to his mother were the ones that freaked Flop out because his family could speak Finnish. Most of the brothers thought it was the only language his mother spoke.

  She disapproved of their lifestyles and refused to speak English in front of people she didn't like. At first it was to piss them off, but it was pretty normal in his family. So Thrash sent messages through her to his brother and Nailz.

  Luckily he had no problem with Thrash calling his mom a few times a week. For such a scumbag, he had respect for his own mother, so Thrash guessed he was allowed to respect his own by calling her.

  Rabid sometimes went with him to his mother's house to eat. He loved her cooking and got a kick out of hearing her yell their names in Finnish; Thor, Veiko, and Katri. For some reason, though, their mother called Rabid 'Paha' from the day she had met him; it meant evil in Finnish. Their mother was not a stupid woman. Although she tried to run their lives. Katri had it hard since the brothers had moved out.

  Rabid was stupid because he believed their mother liked him. That 'Paha' was a term of endearment. V always got a kick out of it, Mama swore if he had been her child she would have killed the little bastard in his cradle.

  V and Thrash tried to make their mother happy but she was really pushing them to the limits. She always bitched about their father and how bad a man he was. No wonder he left them. Katri was still young but Thrash was betting she would leave the house as soon as she could.

  One night after dinner with his family, that fucker, Rabid, told Thrash when he opened chapters in Finland and Sweden, he would be their ambassador.

  Like hell! He thought. Rabid was completely off his rocker! Yeah - as if they were ever going to be worldwide. Those drugs he was doing were turning his brains to mush.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 9 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  The day my dad showed up Veiko and I were sitting on the cabin’s porch. Nailz had taken Jo for a ride. I was glad they weren't there for whatever he had to say. His Cadillac pulled up and my heart jumped.

  My dad was handsome and a shrewd businessman, despite his drunken weekend ways. I knew V would be able to handle whatever shit he tossed his way.

  "Kima! Why haven't you come home? You should be healed up by now and I have some papers for you to sign." My dad was angry.

  He was strolling up to the porch when he saw V's motorcycle. He hesitated for a moment, glaring at it. I steeled myself, ready for him and whatever he tried to pull over my eyes.

  "Hi Dad. Mom said not to sign anything because we're not selling the house. She also said to stay here… Why is that?"

  My dad stopped completely in his tracks. I wasn’t sure if it was what I’d said or if he finally noticed Veiko sitting beside me.

  He looked at me, his eyes grew dark with anger. "Kima, pay no attention to your mother. I need this deal - I promised developers that land years ago and they've been waiting to build on it. It will get you into college. You have no need of that old farm. Be reasonable for a change. Now all I need is for you to give me your power of attorney."

  I was getting upset when I felt V's hand on my thigh. It was welcome, grounding me, because I didn't want to jump out of my chair.

  "Dad, there’s a loophole in the will I doubt you know of. When my grandparents bought that land it was from Hunter's family. If it’s sold they have the right to buy it first, which Hunter wants, at the same price Grandpa bought it. I will never give you my power of attorney. Do you really think I’m that stupid?"

  "Where did you see that?" My Dad asked, looking baffled.

  I took my time answering. "Dad, did you ever even read the will? Hunter has always known. If the farm is sold, it goes back to the McQue family at the price they sold it to grandpa. Mom has known it too. I won’t sell the farm - I love it and I'm moving there."

  My dad was getting angrier by the moment and turned his gaze to V. "You thinking of living off my daughter, dirtbag?"

  V was calm when he replied, "Nah, just going to fuck her and see if she wants to be an old lady. Guess that will be up to Kima if she wants me. You're done here, aren't you? She already told you she ain't selling the farm."

  "Your horse or the biker. Kima, make a choice," Dad spat, his eyes blazing.

  I was shocked.

  "Dad, I can buy Sugar from you. I'll give you two grand right now."

  He shook his head and laughed. "No deal. I’ll have my lawyers check the will out. Give it to me and I can talk Hunter into selling it to me."

  I hated him. "Dad, if you sell Sugar, I will never forgive you. Oh, and the will is solid - Grandpa didn't trust you. I am giving you nothing!"

  "Your choice - him or the horse," He turned to leave. I watched him drive up to the Lodge and get out to talk to Hunter.

  I felt tears drip down my face. My dad sucks, I thought. Veiko put his arms around me.

  "You have two grand for the horse?"

  I nodded. "But he is worth more. At least to me. Maybe Elena will buy him from my dad. He's always had the hots for her." I had to speak to my mom. "I'm going to run up to the Lodge and call my mother."

  V held me back. Hunter had appeared with a shot gun in his hands, yelling at my dad to get out of the Lodge.

  Things were getting worse. I knew my dad dealt with shady people but I was determined he'd never get my farm.

  I threw myself into Veiko's chest and his strong arms held me safe as I wondered what would
happen next.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V had a lot on his mind. He had been getting reports about Rabid from many members and none of them were good.

  Nailz was beyond pissed. He just wanted to take Rabid out, and Flop with him, but V wouldn't go that far yet. He had backed off the Jack Daniels, which amazed some brothers, but his club came first. He needed to be sober to deal with this shit and he was always thinking of Kima. Nailz was going to go back up to his chapter and hold shit down. He’d be driving back and forth to give V daily updates.

  Word had come down that Rabid was visiting other chapters on the East Coast and Flop was joining him. V almost felt like he was letting his own chapter down, however they were one of the strongest around. V ran business straight and the guys all were pretty normal, except for Flop.

  Neither Nailz nor V trusted phones. Too many brothers had been busted due to wire taps that the Feds were more than happy to place. Sometimes they used code talk, but Nailz was sure the damn Feds would use it against them at some point.

  Each time he saw Jo, Nailz was in a good mood. V would catch him looking at her when she was around, although she was unaware of it. He had yet to ask him about her and thought it was better to just leave it be.

  Nailz told him to stay with Kima since he saw Veiko was digging her so much. It was unlike him to fall for a woman.

  Kima made life fun again. She was funny, cute, and V felt like he needed to protect her and make her his.

  V was wondering if he was finally in love. Did Kima want to be an old lady? Was she ready for Flop and the club sluts? A few of the guys in the club had seen her around at the party; everyone would be shocked if Veiko finally got himself an old lady.

  Hunter had work for him here and he had one boat to finish up north. He would also ride up for church, their weekly meetings. He would handle any problems then. It seemed a decent plan, as long as Kima wanted to be his old lady. He figured she would be fine with living with him; he just had to ask her.

  Maybe he would bring Kima around slowly. He wondered if she would be happy when he told her she was going to be his old lady.

  He knew she was into him, but was it just the fooling around? They hadn’t had actual sex yet, although he really wanted to. He had to take cold swims just to get rid of his raging hard-ons. Veiko wanted to take his time with her because he knew she was something special. They had pretty much bared their souls to each other. It was something he’d never done with any other bitch - they’d never gotten the chance to get that far with him. Fuck, he didn't even like to kiss a bitch. It was too intimate, but with Kima; he could kiss her forever. He knew as soon as he met her things had changed for him.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Elena and Hunter were sitting on the dock quietly talking, away from everyone.

  Hunter put his arm around her. "Elena, I can't patch over into Bound for Hell until Rabid is out. I told Nailz and V that. By the way I offered V some work on a few of those fishing boats that need repairs. He’s a good mechanic and our Kima seems safe with him."

  "Hunt, Thorn would be more her age, you know. Not that I don't think V is a good bro. I worry, though, because Kima is used to doing things her own way. She plans to dance and make her own money, she has plans. I’m not sure V will be able to handle that. Look how over protective he is of her already."

  "Elena, Thorn is a sore subject. He went to his mother's in Delaware just so he could join Bound for Hell, away from me. Said he didn't want any favors because of me! Why do you think I'm even patching this club over?" Hunter was frustrated. "If Kima wants to dance, then V will deal with it or not. You dance - I don't care for it but it helps you keep your stable business. So, unless V is filthy rich, I don't see an issue with it. You want him knocking her up at her age? Kima is going to have to learn to live a biker life and fast. She ain't you, Baby...yet."

  He softly smiled at her. Elena sighed and leaned over to kiss the hard man she loved with all her heart. After a moment she said, "Jo looks taken with Nailz too. Her parents are going to be worse than the Regan's if that happens."

  Hunter scoffed. "Nailz! You don't know him. He ain't looking for nothing but a few good times. You make sure Jo knows that." He scratched his beard and looked possessively at her before asking, "How the fuck did I get so lucky?"

  Her golden eyes sparkled at him. "If I remember correctly, you were going to leave me behind and I just climbed on the back of your Harley."

  Both stopped to think back. It was true.

  Hunter had come back from Vietnam and headed straight to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota to show his respects for his fallen comrade, Billy. He was Elena's deceased cousin. When Hunter left, she had gone with him, knowing full well he was married and that they had almost a ten year age difference.

  She had hung around and started dancing, though she was never a club slut. She just waited for Hunter to see he was meant to spend his life with her. When he caught his wife cheating on him a few times, he finally divorced her, but Elena hadn't jumped into his bed right away. She made him earn her love.

  His son Thorn adored her. They had never had any kids and Kima, in Elena's eyes, was like her daughter. Time had flown by and it worked well for them. Elena had her farm and stable business, plus she made a lot of money dancing. Hunter ran the Lodge his grandfather had started long before he was born. As Thorn would after he retired or died.

  Both looked at the water, thinking of Billy and how they had struggled to make their relationship work.

  "Baby, anything worth having is worth fighting for. If Kima has to fight for V, or V has to fight for Kima, then it will be the right path for them. We made it didn't we?" Hunter whispered in her ear.

  She took him into her arms. "Oh Hunter, I just worry. I always hoped Thorn and Kima would end up together." She shook her head. " As kids Thorn took care of Kima like a sister, even when he didn't want too. I guess I hoped it would grow into something more."

  "Elena!" Hunter cut in, "Thorn looks at Kima like a little sister and I doubt that would change. He’ll be back soon to help with the Lodge. Hell, I’m not sure V will understand their relationship. He’s a jealous man where our girl is concerned."

  Hunter looked up and saw his friends making their way to where they were sitting. "Now, get your ass up. We got company, Old Lady."

  A hug and a slap to Elena's ass, then they parted ways.

  Hunter went to go talk to the brothers and Elena went to check on Kima.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 10 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  I was getting ready to go over to my parent's house. I called my dad last week, but I kept that from V. I didn't want to upset him, I didn't even want to think about that call because it went bad.

  My father was furious with me, still threatening to sell my horse, and told me to not come around with that biker. I had to laugh at that because my dad had some real crooks as friends.

  My brother told me our older sister was angry but there was nothing she could do living in Las Vegas. She was coming back but it wouldn't be for a little while. My mother was trying to make peace, but I knew my dad was angry with her too.

  I had called my brother's girlfriend and asked them to pack my favorite things in boxes. I had to make arrangements to go and pick them up and I wanted to get in and out quickly.

  V had taken the day off to be with me, though he was almost finished with the boat he was working on. I was on the back of V's bike and Hunter was following us in his truck to get my boxes.

  I silently said a prayer, asking God to please let today go without any problems.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V didn't want to take Kima to her parent's house for her stuff but knew she wouldn't let it go. Riding up on his bike, he saw her parents on the porch. He already knew it was going to be a cluster fuck.

  Her dad was coming down the steps as Kima got off the bike,

  "I see our wild child is finally home to face the music. I told you when you called last week to get your ass home or
that horse would be sold. I gave you a choice, the biker or your horse. Seems to me you chose the biker. Big mistake!"

  V stiffened up before he glared into Mr. Regan's eyes, "Hunter will be helping Jack load her stuff, old man, and there will be no shit going down."

  Kima was crying, tears flowing down her face.

  Her mother stood before her, "Kima, you can come home. Your father is acting like a fool. I don't want you living in a cabin, honey. Jack told us some story about you living at the Lodge and of all things you want to dance? I know you took ballet honey, but you can't live off that!"

  Kima glared at Jack, the rat.

  "Mom, there is no need to worry about a job for me. The cabin is very affordable. I will be taking over my legal affairs and daddy can go to hell. Jack, please make sure you get everything; I won't be back here for a long time. V, let’s get going. Mom, I'll be in touch when I can."

  I hoped my dad hadn't sold Sugar because, if he did, I was done with him.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Elena was already at the barn when I got there and she was crying. I was off that bike in a flash and running to her.

  "I tried to buy him, honey, I really did, but he was sold and loaded up nearly an hour ago. I couldn't reach anyone," she cried.

  I was so devastated and felt tears running down my cheeks. Of course she couldn't reach us - we were at my parent’s house. I bet my dad timed it that way too. Bastard!

  I turned to V, sobbing. "Please, get me away from here. Anywhere! Just ride."

  I saw V glance at Elena for approval before he looked at me. I must have looked a mess and V' s expression was a mixture of outrage and anger.

  "Anywhere you want, Babe. We can ride all day or we can go to the boat I'm working on," he gently stroked my hair.

  "The boat," I whispered, my gaze meeting his, through my tears.

  I looked at Elena who nodded her head as if to say go. I climbed on his bike and we roared off into the wind.


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