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Wild Child

Page 22

by Needa Warrant

  Jo smiled, “So I'm your Chickie huh? I like it.” She sighed loving the feel of his arms around her. “Well, I'm worried about Kima. She’s been sick a lot lately, so I stopped in to see her when I got the keys.”

  Nailz laughed, “I was wondering what was taking you so long. V thinks she's pregnant - he can't wait to find out.”

  He turned serious all of a sudden, his eyes had a hint of pain in them.

  Nailz looked almost wistful. “I know what he’s going through. I have a daughter named Tearney. Tear's mother, Diana, was killed in a car accident. Her parents have been raising her and don't want me seeing her. They hate me and the life I lead and my family feels the same.” He sighed. “From what I know, Tears is happy. Between her two sets of grandparents they give her everything she wants. I ain't exactly what you would call daddy material.”

  Jo looked at Nailz in shock. “My God, Nailz! That’s awful! I think you'd have been a good father.”

  Nailz looked uneasy. "I really don't like talking about my old life Jo. No point to it. I was a disappointment to my father. Hell, we live in the same fucking town and I don't want to see my parents. Look, all that matters is Tears is happy. Once in awhile I see her. She calls me when she feels like it. But enough about my kid and past. Leave it alone."

  He smoothed Jo's hair and she sighed sadly, thinking of Nailz's daughter. “Now, let’s get you a drink.” Nailz pulled her toward the bar.

  Jo was beyond ready for a drink now and let him lead her to the bar.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jo had been drinking tequila shots all night and was feeling no pain. The guys kept sending them to her and Nailz. All she knew for sure was that they kept appearing before her and she was tossing them back like a pro. She couldn't turn them down- it would be disrespectful, she told herself.

  They were leaning against the bar and Jo was rubbing up against Nailz. He was pretty much holding her up. They were kissing in between shots and couldn't keep their hands off each other.

  Jersey walked over to them. Amusement crept into his eyes as he looked down at Jo. “Looks like you're having a lotta' fun.” he laughed. “Who would have ever thought the little hippie chick could cut loose like this.”

  “Jersey!” she exclaimed loudly. Throwing her arms around him, she hugged him tightly. “I'm just having a good time,” she slurred. “Next year I’m going to school, so this year is party time!” Jo hung on to Jersey as if her life depended on it. She shouted over to Tiny who was behind the bar and called for another round of shots.

  Nailz gave Jersey a dirty look and reeled her back to him. It was obvious to everyone that Jo and Nailz were both shit-faced drunk. Jersey was worried about them driving so he suggested, “Think you better get a room tonight, bro. She's loaded and so are you.”

  Nailz grinned at him, “Great idea, Jerz! Can't have her crashing Kima's bug.” He turned Jo around and gave her a short, hot kiss. “Hey brat- we're both drunk - so we're getting a room. We can walk across the street to the motel. Let’s go.”

  "Whatever you say, boss man,” She playfully poked Nailz in the chest and slurred, “And don't call me brat; I'm 'Chickie' now.” Turning to Jersey she smiled drunkenly, “You can call me that too, Jerz. Nailz renamed me!”

  Jersey smiled and shook his head. Jo would no doubt regret saying that when she sobered up in the morning. That was a name sure to stick.

  Nailz smirked and went to grab her hand. Jo stumbled, so Nailz picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. The bro's around them all started to laugh. Shouts and whistles erupted as Nailz made his way through the clubhouse, carrying Jo over his back.

  Jersey snickered as he watched Nailz go all caveman as he carried Jo out the front door. Laughing to himself, he thought he’d go find a slut, or maybe two, that he could have a little fun with. Yep, that was just what he needed. After all, the night was still young and there was plenty of him to go around. He wasn't one to keep the ladies waiting.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  The next morning they were badly hung over. Jo had to return Kima's bug and Nailz was following her. They’d either stay in Kima and V's loft or, if they felt up to it, ride back to Nailz’ apartment.

  Jo was torn. She didn't like lying but her parents were driving her nuts. All her dad did was tell her she had to go to school and make him proud. He was pushing things on her she wasn't sure she wanted anymore.

  Nailz had certainly changed her life. The old Jo Parker would never have carried guns, speed, nor gone out with a biker. Or have sex with one. If her father only knew!

  Jo was driving through her hometown of Beach View, in back of Nail's bike. She noticed Nailz motioning for her to pull over at the local convenience store. After parking his bike, he got off his chopper and made his way to the VW bug. Rolling down her window, Nailz leaned in and told her that he was out of cigarettes. Jo decided she’d get a soda while they were there. They'd only be a minute or two and she didn't think she’d run into anyone she knew.

  Nailz held the door open for Jo and they went into the convenience store. Going to the large fridge at the back of the store, she got a soda and met up with Nailz at the counter. He grabbed her hand as the clerk rung in their purchases. Jo looked up at him and smiled.

  All of a sudden, she felt a tug on her arm. "Josephine Parker! What do you think you’re doing and why is that biker holding your hand? Does your father know you are consorting with filth like that?”

  Jo panicked; it was that old biddy nurse. Ethel Myers, that used to work for her dad. She was also one of the town's biggest gossips. Ethel had a pinched, sour look on her face.

  "Fuck off, bitch,” Nailz snarled.

  The old bat went pale. They left the store as Ethel gasped at the insult. Nailz was a blunt man and Jo knew her dad would be told immediately. "Nailz, this is really bad. I've got the feeling my dad will be home shortly after Ethel calls him. It’s better for me to deal with him now. Just stay near Elena's phone in case I need you.”

  Nailz was pissed off. "So you're running back to your parents?”

  Jo looked at her man. "More like I’ll be kicked out and I won’t know what to do."

  Nailz wanted to follow her home but she told him her parents would call the cops on him in a heartbeat.

  Jo felt trepidation as she made her way down her parents driveway. Her mother was already waiting for her outside. Mrs. Parker glared at her daughter as Jo walked straight past her through the front door. Jo went down the hall, into her beautiful room and looked around. She had many lovely things, but that was all they were; things. It was ironic because she felt more alive with Nailz and on his bike than she ever did living in this house.

  The Parker's hid their secrets well. They never got drunk and fought. People believed they had perfect lives. A doctor's family had to be upstanding citizens. They talked and if there were issues, Jo's father's word was law. Her mother was too busy on committees to really find out what her children thought. They kept up good appearances and got good grades. Or married well, as her sister had. They did what was expected of them and Kima had been right all along. Jo wasn't happy here. She’d been pretending for far too long. Jo heard her dad pull into the driveway as she was stuffing clothes into suitcases. She knew that old bat would be spreading the news all over Beach View.

  Her father wouldn't give her a chance to explain. He would decide what to do in her best interest and Jo wasn't going to like it. So she could either do as he said or leave.

  She knew she only had a few minutes before the knock came. In the background she could hear her parents yelling at each other. This wasn't good. Jo got out all the money she had and stuffed it in her pockets. Going to her phone, she made the call to tell Nailz to come to her house.

  Next, she raided her closet and dresser to gather her clothes. Into the suitcases went as much as she could fit. Jo grabbed her bankbook, all her identification and papers for school. She took her jewelry box and anything that was worth money or a happy memory. When she had finishe
d, Jo went into the formal living room where her parents were now talking.

  Her dad stood up. "Josephine, is all of this true? You're being seen in town with a filthy biker?”

  Jo held her head up high, "He isn't filthy, Daddy, and what I do is my business. Your dreams aren't mine anymore! As for me being a doctor, I never wanted to be one. It was all to please you. At least I wasn't screwing a football player and had to get married while I was in college like Lisa did.”

  Her father was turning red. Lisa was his favorite daughter. "You don't talk to me that way, young lady! How dare you? You can forget about me paying for college. As a matter of fact, you can leave this house!" he yelled.

  Jo could hear Nailz's bike coming down the road. She was shouting at her parents as Nailz opened the door. "Nailz, meet my uptight parents; the Parker's. Mom, Dad, meet Nailz. He's come to get me out of this mausoleum.”

  Her mother gasped while her dad tried to stare him down and couldn't.

  Nailz stood there with a smile and just nodded. He was smart enough not to say a word that could cause a fight so her dad could call the cops.

  Jo's mother sunk into the couch like it might take her away from the domestic scene that was so distasteful to her. Jo left them all staring at each other while she began to lug suitcases from her room.

  Her father bellowed, "Josephine Mary Parker; if you leave this house I will disown you!”

  Nailz walked down the hall to Jo's bedroom with her father glaring at his back and grabbed what she’d left behind. Jo stood in her room, wondering what the hell she was really doing. Finally she walked out, taking the few things that mattered to her. Nailz was back for the rest of the suitcases. Everyone remained silent.

  When she got to the front door, Jo looked at her parents and announced, "You can't disown me. I was gone a long time ago. You both never noticed the real me - all you ever did was try to live my life for me. You tried to make me into what you wanted and I wised up.”

  Jo was never allowed to slam the door so she slammed it as hard as she could. Nailz had her stuff in Kima's bug as she got in and started to pull out of the driveway. Her parents came outside as if they couldn't believe she was really leaving.

  Dr. Parker watched in disbelief as Nailz grinned and shot him the middle finger as he rode over the perfectly cut grass doing a wheelie. By the time he was done deep ruts scarred Dr. Parker's pride and joy – his lawn!

  Jo felt more free than she ever did before. She pulled over and Nailz pulled up beside her. He had a huge grin on his face. In a fake Scottish burr he joked, "Josephine, will ya dae me the honor of moving in wi me since you’re already ma old lady?”

  Jo cracked up, then countered, "Bout time ya asked me, ya grate big oaf!"

  They both laughed and Jo drove to Swan Point to move her stuff into his apartment.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 7 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  I’d been sick on and off for awhile and hadn't gotten my period either. I was even taking off work, which I hated doing. I went to the doctor by myself. After peeing in a cup, they told me they’d call with the results. I left Elena's number since we were still waiting on getting our own phone.

  When I got back home I went to talk to Elena. We hadn't been seeing each other because she was either at the barn or dancing. In fact, she’d picked up some of my shifts when I was sick. She planned to surprise Hunter with a trip to Florida for Christmas and was saving money.

  Elena took one look at me and she said, "Oh, Kima, you’re pregnant! You have that glow."

  I was feeling awful.

  "Glow? More like I’m glowing green. All I do is puke. And I don't know what V’s going to say. I had to leave your number because we still have no phone. So I figured I'd better tell you. V will probably dump my ass and I’ll end up back home. I took the pill every day so I don't understand how it happened.”

  Elena went to make me some ginger tea she swore would help me feel better. So we talked over our tea. Elena looked at the leaves in the wood's changing colors. It was Indian summer - one of the best times to be at the Lodge.

  She spoke suddenly. "Do you remember when you got sick in early August? You said it was a bad clam and you ended up in the hospital. You couldn't keep anything down and V was so worried. Did you take the pill then?”

  I remembered alright. I was so sick I forgot to take the pill but I had taken it again when I remembered. Damn it!

  "Elena, how the hell am I going to tell him?”

  Elena looked sad. "The one thing I always wanted was a baby with Hunter. I'm still young enough but I don't really know why we haven't had one. We tried in the beginning and the stress of not getting pregnant almost broke us up. Hunter wanted more than one son, but not with his ex-wife. Maybe I should try again. Things happen for a reason and maybe I wasn't ready. Wouldn't it be great if I could get knocked up and we had babies together?”

  I was stunned. Hunter and Elena almost broke up over not having a baby? "Elena, Hunter wanted a baby. I don't know if Veiko does. How do I tell him?”

  Elena looked at me. "You just tell him straight out, honey. If he leaves, he leaves, and we'll always be here for you and the baby.”

  I did feel better after hearing that and headed home to make him some dinner. The smell of food was making me nauseous and I did my best to hide it as I served him meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I had to run to the bathroom. When I got back V had cleaned up and was sitting on the couch.

  "Kima, what did you do today… besides puke?”

  I had to tell him I went to the doctor. I didn't lie to Veiko. "I think I'm pregnant. I went to the my cousin, she's a baby doctor. I'll know in a few days."

  He put me on his lap and rubbed my belly.

  "So, we're gonna have a son or maybe a little Trouble like you?”

  I had to look at him. He wasn't mad at all. In fact, he seemed happy. But I wasn't so sure. We needed a bigger place. I didn't pry into how much money he made; could we even afford a baby? I knew we could move into my grandparent's house as soon as the lease was up. I’d told the lawyer not to renew it. But I wondered if Veiko would think I was fat and cheat on me. "V, you aren't mad at me? Elena thinks it happened when I ate the bad clam and forgot to take the pill. Remember I was so sick?”

  He pulled me closer and kissed my ear. "Nah, I love kids. Just no twins, Kima. I don't know if I could do two at once. You want me to rub your belly?”

  I felt better. "I think I’ll try to eat. I’m suddenly hungry.”

  He pushed me off his lap gently. "I'll fix you a plate, babe. I wanna go to the doctor with you too.”

  My old man was going to go with me to the doctor? I was in shock. Luckily, I was able to keep dinner down and, with the ginger tea, I started feeling better. A few days later I got the call that I was pregnant. I was having a baby. At least my cousin Regana would be my obstetrician.

  What bothered me was that V didn't ask me to marry him. I knew that would hurt my parents.

  I was always a bit wild but we did things right in my family.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Nailz had just finished fucking Jo. They were fucking like rabbits since she moved in and they couldn't keep their hands off each other. He was laying in bed with a satisfied grin on his face, when Jo bolted up and ran to the bathroom. He could hear the sounds of her puking.

  After a few minutes, Jo had flushed the toilet and was in the process of getting cleaned up. What the hell was wrong with her? The water was running as he lay there wondering.

  Living with Jo was great. He felt more alive than he’d felt in many years. He was falling in love with Josephine Parker. He’d made the mistake of telling that to Diana and was scared how deep his feelings went for Jo. He was afraid of getting hurt. The pain of loving and losing someone had cut him like a knife and that wound ran deep. He had a feeling in his gut that things were suddenly about to get fucked up.

  Jo walked out of the bathroom, her face flushed and she looked scared.

  He pulled her into his arms. "
Jo, baby, what’s wrong?”

  Jo started to cry.

  “Come on Chickie - you can tell me anything.”

  Jo pushed herself away from Nailz and wouldn’t look at him.

  "I haven't gotten my period and now I keep getting sick. Maybe I'm pregnant.”

  Nailz heard her but his mind went back to years ago when Diana had said almost the same words to him. He got off the bed and pulled on his jeans. Jo looked at him through tears. "What the hell, Josephine? Are you fucking stupid? Weren't you on the pill?” he roared.

  Jo fell back on the bed, crying more, as Nailz shrugged into his jeans and slipped a shirt over his head. He tugged his boots on and grabbed his colors. He slammed the door on his way out as her sobs followed him down the stairs. It was late, but the clubhouse was open. He'd go there.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jo laid down on the bed and cried. How had she been so stupid? She’d planned to get on the pill but she had been so busy looking for a job. Plus she spent all her free time with Nailz. She was going to go to the clinic as soon as she could but it was hard for her to get a car. She couldn't borrow Kima's car all the time. Now it was too late.

  Kima had warned her to get on the pill for years but she hadn’t had a sex life and never saw the need to. Until she met Nailz. With everything that had happened with getting kicked out of her parents house and being so busy, it truly escaped her mind.

  Nailz was mad as hell at her. What the hell was she going to do?

  She thought she had gotten her period because the last time she had bled, it was just faintly pink. But there were also times when there was nothing. This wasn't unusual because her periods were irregular anyways. Damn! Her whole world just turned upside down.

  Her parents wouldn't help her and Nailz wasn't happy; He had said he wasn't daddy material. Calling Kima or Elena wasn't an option. Right now she didn't want to hear what they'd have to say. No doubt they’d think she was stupid too.


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