Alphas' Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
Page 9
Brandy pulled in front of Avery’s house, and Avery got the feeling her best friend and daughter set her up. She’d said yes, and Rylee still had that glowing smile on her face. She got out and looked at the cars lined up along the street on Sam’s side.
Avery shook her head at Brandy before getting out and helping Rylee out. “You’re evil.”
“And you can be stubborn. I knew if I said Sam is having a barbecue to introduce you and Rylee to his closest friends, you’d say no. I know how you get when you’re scared.”
She hung her head. Brandy had her there. She would have out of stubbornness, too. “Yeah. I would have.”
“So, come on. It’s just a barbecue. What are you gonna do, hold up inside your house and sit alone all night or enjoy the company of your friends?”
“You know I don’t want to intrude.” She’d use that excuse because that didn’t sound like she couldn’t make up her mind, even though that was what it looked like. One second she was hot and wanting them, and the next, she was shoving them away and terrified of a relationship. If it was maddening to her, she couldn’t imagine what it was like on their end.
Brandy cocked her head to the side and regarded her for a moment. Her eyes were penetrating in a way she’d never seen before. “You don’t have to say anything for me to know that something awful happened to you and Rylee. It must have been horrible to shatter a bright light like Rylee.” Her eyes were bright with sadness as well as anger. “I know Sam and Gage better than you could ever guess. I know that you have something special that only our people understand. They’d never hurt you or Rylee, ever. Even if you keep rejecting them, they’d never do or say a thing to hurt you. I think they’re what you and Rylee need. Look at how much better she is already.”
Avery blinked back tears. “I’m scared, Brandy. You have no idea what Collin was like. He nearly killed us both. I thought he would be good for Rylee, and look at her. She quit talking, and it’s all my fault. If only I hadn’t dated or let him fool me.” She took a shuddering breath as she let the truth out. “I love them. I really do, but it’s not about me anymore. I thought about me with Collin, and my baby suffered for it. I have to think about Rylee.”
Brandy stepped closer and took her hands. “Whatever happened was not your fault, and you are not to blame for not seeing into the future. You are a good mama. Rylee is lucky to have such a fierce protector as a mother. Trust me, they know you are protecting her, and I think they love you more for it. She’ll come out of this. Sometimes little ones just need to shut down for a bit. A reboot kind of thing. She’s coming back slowly. Don’t shut everyone out because you’re afraid.”
They both loved her? Really loved her and not just something they said? Could Brandy see something she missed? “But what if this is wrong? What if Rylee gets attached to them, and then they tire of me and leave? What if they’re just another biker gang dealing drugs.”
“A what?” Brandy looked confused for a moment. “Sam and Gage?” Understanding lit up her face. “Oh, the bikes?” She laughed and shook her head. “For one, they head up a bikers’ charity for abused children.”
Avery blinked again several times and then laughed. “Charity?”
“Yes. My daddy and uncles are part of the motorcycle club, too. It’s not criminal at all. Sam also works with the Texas Rangers, so trust me. He’s on the right side of the law.”
Another fear she had vanished. She couldn’t believe how wrong she’d been. How many of her other fears was she wrong about? Gage’s words filtered through her head again. “I think you’ve been hurt so many times, you don’t recognize real love when you see it.”
“Yes.” Brandy smiled and pulled Avery along toward Sam’s house. Her next surprise was to see Evelyn there. Thankfully, this wasn’t a date setup. No man who still had his man card brought his mother to a date. It wasn’t a total setup by her traitorous best friend and daughter. Now she understood the winking and giggles. It was a conspiracy. She grinned at Brandy, the best kind. She really didn’t want to sit home alone. Being here among Sam, Gage, Evelyn, and Brandy made her feel like she had that little bit of a real family she’d experienced many years ago with her grandma. She looked around at the smiling faces as they held bottles of beer, glasses of wine, cola, and tea. Sam and Gage both turned and saw her at the same time. The look in their eyes filled her with a warmth she’d not experienced since she was small and would climb into her grandmother’s lap. Tears pooled in her eyes. As their gazes held hers, she felt beautiful. Not in a way men regarded a woman they wanted to fuck and forget, but in a way that a man stares at a woman when he finds her heart as beautiful as her body. The way a man regards a woman when he wants to make love to her soul as well as her body. In that moment, Avery saw herself as she truly was. A mother who loved her little girl so much, she was willing to walk away from two men she loved to keep her girl safe. Her knees were weak for a moment, and she shook with suppressed emotion. A gentle voice filled her mind, confirming what she saw reflected in their eyes. “You’re a good mother. Never doubt that.”
“Rylee!” Evelyn called, breaking the spell, and allowed Avery to get her emotions under control. Evelyn knelt down as Rylee ran toward her. “It is so good to see you again.”
Rylee hugged her and then Evelyn walked her over to an area set up with piles of toys. Yeah, total setup. Evelyn took out a wooden puzzle. Before long Rylee’s brow furrowed in concentration as they laid out the border of the puzzle.
Gage left Sam to continue cooking, and he met Avery and Brandy. “I am so happy to see you.” He pulled her close to him and enveloped her in an intimate embrace. It was no chaste hug often done by old friends. One hand rubbed her ass, and the other ran through her hair. Instead of pulling away, Avery leaned in and wrapped her own arms around him. His muscles were firm under his shirt, and she enjoyed running her hands along his back.
When he released her, Sam was standing next to him. “My turn.”
Gage took the flipper and grinned before heading over to the grill. Sam captured Avery’s face and held her gaze. “I hear you and Gage made things official.”
“Are you mad?” Avery searched his eyes for any sign of jealousy or anger, but all she saw was lust burning in his gaze.
“Never. I don’t want to overwhelm you with our ways, so I’ve made sure to go slow.” His head lowered, and his lips caressed hers for a moment before they enveloped hers.
She clung to Sam’s powerful frame as he kissed her senseless. His hands wandered over her body as his tongue caressed hers and mimicked how he’d made love to her last time. Heat pooled in her pussy, and her own arousal coated her panties as erotic images filled her mind of both Sam and Gage’s lovemaking. The way they’d thrust into her and made sure they’d wrung every orgasm they could from her body before finding their own release. She moaned and rocked her hips into his and thought she may come just from the kiss.
Sam released her and stared at her with his eyes almost opaque. “I better stop, or I will claim you right here in front of everyone. Soon, my love. I will claim you as my own.”
“Sometimes you talk so strange.”
Sam smiled at her, and his thumb lovingly stroked her swollen lips. “I know. I am going slow on purpose. I could show you everything and make you understand. I don’t want that though. I want your heart and love because you give them freely, not because fate had a plan.”
Avery had never believed in fate or true love before now. That was just another thing she was wrong about. “Thank you.” Avery wasn’t sure why, but she was grateful. Sam’s presence always dwarfed everyone around him. Not with body mass, but his mere existence. There was something harsh and deadly about Sam that frightened Avery. The only thing that kept her from running away from him was the fact of knowing he would never harm her or Rylee. As much as he struck her as a ferocious warrior, she also knew he was an honorable man. If there was any kind of disaster, he was the one that would throw himself over a stranger to keep them safe withou
t regard to his own safety.
As much as Sam seemed like the dark and leather brother, Gage appeared more like the good-natured and light one. That was a mask that made him far deadlier in Avery’s opinion. She’d seen strength and power restrained in Gage’s body language more than once. As he laid his body over an injured cowboy to protect him without worrying about his own safety spoke of Gage’s nature. She could see Gage using his charm to disarm his enemy moments before he exacted justice.
She wasn’t sure how she knew, but she was sure they always used their power for justice and never personal gain. How she saw that now, she wasn’t sure. She hadn’t been this intuitive into their personalities before she and Gage had made love. Now, when she looked at them, she saw their power and strength emanating off them in waves.
Sam turned with his arm still around her. “Wyatt. This here is my fated mate, Avery.”
The large blond man she’d seen the other night on the motorcycle waved. “It’s nice to meet you, Avery.”
“He works for me, but we’ll talk about all that some other day.” He walked her along to meet other couples. Many had two men and one woman. “You remember Dylan and Raeff, right?”
Avery nodded. “Yes, from the carnival.”
Dylan held his hand out and kissed her hand. “I am honored to welcome the woman who captured Sam and Gage into our pack.”
She glanced up at Sam, and he beamed with pride. “Dylan here is my assassin, and Raeff recently joined him.”
Avery burst out laughing at his joke, but when Dylan’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, she wondered if there was an inside joke they’d shared.
Gage brought out some vegetables and set them on the grill. “Supper is almost ready. I hope you’re hungry. I made some hot dogs and macaroni for Rylee.”
She stared at Gage as Sam and Dylan’s conversation faded into the background, and was struck with how handsome he was. His dark hair was cut short and shone in the sun. It was far more than his too-handsome-to-be-legal looks that melted her heart though. He’d taken care of her little girl by making sure there’d be something she’d like to eat. She’d always had to be the one to take care of Rylee at any sort of dinner get-together. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she said, “That was nice. How did you know that is her favorite?”
His smile was like a man who got caught sneaking cookies off the counter. “I snooped around in your food pantry once while we were over there one day so I could make sure to have some food Rylee likes.”
Avery couldn’t help but laugh and shake her head. She could picture him snooping and trying to figure out what to buy for Rylee. The light in her heart grew a little brighter. “You picked well. Hot dogs and macaroni and cheese are her favorites.”
Gage turned from the grill and wrapped his hand around her neck. He pulled her close and leaned in for a kiss. “You and Rylee will always come first with me. Always. Sam wants to keep going slow, but I threw a monkey wrench this morning by claiming you. Taking care of Rylee is a joy as much as it is my duty now.”
She didn’t understand half of what he was talking about. The amazing sex they’d shared this morning or one of the kisses. Either way, she lifted her face to meet his kiss. Later, her logic would try to scare her, but for now, she was a woman who was hopelessly in love. Her hands spread over his chest, and she shivered at the feeling of his strength. Their lips met, and the light in her heart burst into liquid heat that pooled in her pussy. Her clit ached as her heart soared with joy. She nearly wept at the warm and erotic sensation. Love and lust mixed into her body until her head swam as if she was intoxicated.
When he lifted his head, she gasped for air and clutched his shirt. “Later, once Rylee’s asleep,” he promised.
Avery didn’t need to guess what he meant. She saw the lust burning in his eyes.
Hours later, with a fire in the outdoor fire pit keeping them from getting chilled, and Rylee roasting her tenth marshmallow, Sam pulled Avery up.
“Hey, Mom, can you keep Rylee entertained?”
Evelyn turned and looked up at Sam’s. Her knowing smile had Avery blushing. She knew there wasn’t a lot of doubt about what Sam wanted. Not with that bulge in his jeans.
“I’d love to. We’ll finish our s’mores and then have a bath.”
Avery watched Rylee for any sign that she needed to go home. Ever since the shooting, she’d tried to keep her life as peaceful and stable as possible. One way was making sure she was in her own home as much as possible. Rylee didn’t appear to notice or care as she concentrated on getting every bit of melted chocolate and marshmallow off her fingers, so she let Sam and Gage pull her into the house and upstairs.
She’d never been in this part of the house, and despite the ache in her pussy and heat that burned inside of her to have Sam and Gage naked and inside of her, her gaze perused around his room. The woodwork in his bedroom was masculine yet exquisite. She couldn’t tell if the crown molding was original or a reproduction, but either way, it was beautiful and fit with the Victorian time period of the house. His dark wooden floors gleamed and smelled slightly of lemon oil and were cool on her feet as Gage knelt down and slipped her shoes off. His hands stroked up her legs, and she closed her eyes as the sensation sent desire coursing through her.
“That’s it, my love. Shut your mind off and just feel,” Gage whispered.
She opened her eyes and took in the room once more. The two floor lamps in the room were both set on low light settings which allowed her gaze to scan the massive bed four-poster bed in the center of Sam’s bedroom. It almost looked like a massive dark wood canopy bed, but instead of a fabric canopy, it had dark metal bars across the wooden frame. She noticed several anchor points along the headboard and on the side of the bed frame. She shivered as she imagined what Sam and Gage could do to her on that bed. Everything she’d seen in the movies and read in books fluttered through her mind. On her knees with her arms secured to one of the cross bars, on her hands and knees with her legs held open wide, or just secured down with her legs held open. Like every time when her mind shut off all the worries and what-ifs, her body and mind burned for them to dominate her. This was the place she loved to be the most. Sam and Gage took what they wanted from her without asking.
Gage closed the door as Sam leaned his head against hers. “Baby, I want you so much, but I also don’t want to scare you. There is so much about me that you don’t know.”
“I think we can handle it,” Gage said as pulled the straps of her shirt down over her shoulder.
“We can, and I will tell you everything in time. For now, I can’t wait anymore. I have to make you mine tonight.”
Avery nodded. She wanted that more than anything. Her heart and her mind sang with joy like a robin on the first warm day in spring. “Yes, I want to be yours, Sam. Make me yours.” She wasn’t sure exactly why those words came out of her mouth, or why Sam groaned as if she’d given him a priceless gift, but his hands went to her jeans and unfastened them.
“I’ll make it so good for you, baby.” His hands threaded through her hair and pulled her to him. “I’m going to take care of you. No one will ever hurt you again.” His lips caressed her neck and then her shoulder while Gage pulled her bra free, and then pinched her nipples.
Her head fell back and she gasped. It hurt, but in a delicious way she’d never experienced before. In moments, she was completely nude, and Sam fell to his knees in front of her. Gage stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her chest. He plucked and pinched her nipples while kissing her neck. She barely noticed Sam pulling her legs apart until he sucked her clit into his mouth. Her legs gave out, but Gage held her up.
“Your submission is such a gift,” Gage whispered and licked her ear. “I’m so glad you trusted us to take care of you.”
“I do.” In that moment, all her doubts and fears about the future and the past melted away as her hips rocked. With Gage pinching her nipples and Sam’s tongue stroking her clit, she couldn’t think of anythi
ng but the mind-blowing pleasure that built in her cunt. She was so hot and wet, surely, she would combust at any moment.
“Do you trust Sam and me to be your Doms? Have we earned that much trust from you?”
“Yes!” She thrust her hips out as she answered. She could see their relationship clearly right now, and she had absolute trust in them.
“Good. I’m so proud of you, Avery. It’s not easy to trust again. Sam and I will take care of you. You’ll never have a reason to not trust us, ever.”
Sam pulled her legs further apart, and his tongue stroked her clit harder. She tried to move away, but the two men held her in place as his strokes became unrelenting.
She shuddered and cried out as Gage pinched her nipples even harder. “One day I am going to clamp these, but for now, this will do.”
The pain was exquisite as the orgasm rolled over her. Sam’s tongue thrust into pussy as she came, and he moaned. They both held her and forced every wave of ecstasy from her body before stopping.
Sam stood and unfastened his belt and jeans. “Well, that was a good start.” His pants dropped to the floor and exposed his large erect cock.
She licked her lips as Gage backed away from her. Sam stared at her as if he thought she hung the moon. She took a step back, not sure how to deal with all of this affection. Insecurity weighed her down for a moment while Sam stalked her like a wolf who’d not eaten in days and she was a tasty roast. She took another step back as she took in his ravenous expression.
Sam was on her in an instant. He lifted her while she let out a high-pitched squeal and flailed her arms to grab onto something. He laughed as he spun and then landed on the bed with her. “I’m not sure what I could have done for the gods to smile on me, but I’ll take it.”
Avery laughed. “You talk so strange now and then.”
“I do,” he agreed. “I am easing you into our way of life. I could lay it all out for you now, and leave your head spinning and shocked. There’s not a good reason to though.”
“Okay.” She could ask more, but she’d learned that asking questions wasn’t always a good thing. If he thought the truth would shock her, then she’d let him have his way. She wanted to enjoy this night, not deal with shit thrown her way. He wasn’t a criminal, after all. What else was there to worry about? He was in a secret club maybe? Okay.