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Dungeon Play [The Dom's Dungeon 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Cara Adams

  Mason stared out to the lake. After a long time he said, “Maybe to visit. Maybe we should visit more often. But not to live. This land is home, and it’s incredibly beautiful, but it’s not easy to make a living here. Living in a city suits me better. I need to earn my own living. I don’t think I would like being dependent on other people at all.”

  “Mutual interdependence is okay, but not dependence,” said Wade.

  Once again Adelaide understood how much alike they were and how often they felt the same about things. But it was true for her as well. She liked the thought of earning her own money and making her own decisions, at least to some extent.

  Adelaide sat down on the rock and crossed her legs. “Tell me about your homelands.”

  * * * *

  Mason stared at Wade, and Wade looked back at him, so Mason answered first, speaking slowly as he thought about Adelaide’s question.

  “You know that far more male shape-shifters are born than females. For a boy growing up with other boys to play with, this land was amazing. In summer we’d run wild and free, swimming in the lake, camping in the forest, hunting and fishing for our meals, climbing trees, making forts, and generally just being boys.”

  He looked at Adelaide, and she nodded. Clearly she understood what he was saying. In many ways it was an idyllic life for a child.

  “Even winter was good. Sooner or later we wouldn’t be able to get to school. There was always work set for us, but we’d run around playing in the snow all day and do our schoolwork in the evenings. However, as we got older, we understood that life could be hard for the adults. The soil isn’t all that good for farming, and earning a living here is challenging. Forestry is about the only work available unless we live in a town.”

  “Don’t misunderstand us. We were never hungry or anything like that, but the adults had to work damn hard to ensure the pack was provided for. Now some of them are able to telecommute to a regular office job and that helps,” said Wade.

  “It’s almost like pioneer life for the adults I suppose. Heaven for kids, but hard work for adults. You were fortunate to have such a wonderful childhood,” said Adelaide.

  “There is something irreplaceable about being with a pack and on our own land. To have that is special indeed,” said Mason, looking at her, hoping she understood what he was saying. He wasn’t asking her to live here, but he wanted her to appreciate something that was a core part of who he and Wade were.

  Adelaide looked thoughtful, so they stayed there for a long time, looking out over the lake, breathing in the scent of the grass, the trees, the earth. The aroma that was distinctly home to him and to Wade.

  Finally he said, “We’d better head back. You didn’t want to be out here at dusk, and it’s starting to get late.”

  Adelaide jumped to her feet. “Will you show me your wolves tomorrow?”

  Chapter Seven

  Wade was excited when she asked to see their wolves. It was a sign she really was getting serious about them. There’d been no hesitation in her acceptance of their games or anything else they did today, but they hadn’t played a dungeon scene. He was hoping they could do that tonight. He’d brought along a few simple toys, and he knew Mason had as well.

  The dungeon was where their relationship had started and had seemed so very successful. It was also where she’d been unable to agree to a contract to keep playing with them. Now he and Mason were hoping for so much more than a simple dungeon contract. They both wanted Adelaide herself, wholly, completely, and utterly. All of her. Her luscious body, her bright, intelligent mind, her heart, and her soul, as their mate now and forever. Mating here on their pack lands would be the best gift she could ever give him and Mason. But only if she was ready to take that step. It didn’t have to be today or even tomorrow. Hell, their last night here would do. But it was something he craved with his entire being, and he knew Mason did as well.

  They never had found out what was holding her back, and she hadn’t responded when they’d tried to ask her. Maybe she didn’t even know herself what the issue was. He hadn’t looked at the problem from that angle before. Anyway, watching them play as wolves, joining with them in their games, might help her know she belonged to them. That was something to really look forward to for tomorrow. Meanwhile, there was tonight and, with some luck, a true dungeon scene between the three of them.

  The bike ride back to the cottage went well. Adelaide rode confidently now and didn’t need them to protect her. She handled the rough terrain confidently, and when he and Mason took a detour through the trees and over some rocks, she had no hesitation in following them. She was also riding faster. At first they’d deliberately traveled quite slowly, but she didn’t need that anymore.

  It was Mason’s turn to cook, and he served them ribs with baked beans and mac and cheese.

  Wade turned to Adelaide. “Now that you’ve seen me cook and Mason cook a meal, you know why we mostly eat at the BDSM club. They provide meals so much better than we can.”

  “You haven’t quite gotten the five vegetables and two fruits rule sorted yet, I agree. But you both do comfort foods really well. It’s only for a week, and we certainly aren’t going hungry. It’s my turn to cook tomorrow. Apart from meat, potatoes, and mac and cheese, what do you like to eat?”

  Mason teased her, “You mean there are other foods out there as well as meat? We’re men, remember?”

  Wade tried to think about favorite meals, but really he liked pretty much anything. Especially when someone else was cooking it. “Just cook whatever you want to. I’m sure we’ll like it.”

  Mason put their dishes in the sink, so Wade went over to the fire and built it up. If they played a dungeon scene, they’d turn out all the lights and just use the glow from the fire. That would be a lot more evocative since they didn’t have the stone floor and gray walls to add to the setting here.

  “Would you like to play a dungeon scene with us now?” he asked Adelaide.

  He watched her face carefully, but she made no attempt to hide her thoughts. Her big brown eyes sparkled, and the edges of her mouth curled up in the beginnings of a grin. She rubbed a hand over her forehead, pushing her bangs to the side and then said, quite firmly, “Yes. I would, please.”

  Wade smiled with relief and released a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding.

  “Great. Why don’t you wait in the bathroom then? When we’re organized, we’ll tell you to come in. Make sure you’re naked and ready to play,” said Mason.

  Adelaide left the room without uttering a word. Wade grinned at Mason and spoke very softly. “So, what are we going to do first?”

  Mason pulled their suitcases out from under the bed and began sorting through his, so Wade did the same, pulling out lube, condoms, and the few toys he’d bought. He pointed to the handcuffs and some rope and then to his elbows. Mason nodded and added a few ideas of his own. Happy with the plan, Wade checked that the curtain was completely over the window and then turned out the light.

  Mason had switched off the much smaller light in the kitchen, and now the room was illuminated by only the fire. There was more than enough light to see by, but it was a much softer light than from the electricity. Wade thought it was much more appropriate for their scene, and, as so often happened with him and his best friend, Mason agreed.

  “Come into the dungeon, sub,” called Mason.

  * * * *

  Adelaide wasn’t sure whether she was shivering from cold or excitement since she’d undressed as soon as she’d left the main room of the cottage. But she was very excited at the thought of playing a true dungeon scene again, even though they weren’t in a dungeon this time.

  When Mason told her to return, she had to force herself to take a deep breath and wait a moment instead of racing back in. She opened the bathroom door and stepped into the room. Coming from the bright light of the bathroom into the almost dark main room of the cottage made her pause, close her eyes, and then wait for them to readjust to the dim li
ght from the fire. Once she’d waited, she found she could see quite well really. It was just the contrast that had confused her. Likely the men had expected it would.

  “Have you remembered what your safe word is?” asked Mason.

  “Yes, Sir. Parsnip.”

  “Excellent. We can begin.”

  “Stand in front of me, eyes down, hands behind your back, feet shoulder-width apart,” ordered Wade.

  Adelaide did as requested, happiness bubbling inside her at the thought of being punished to orgasm, but also of learning more about herself and about both these men during the process. Spending the day with them just talking, laughing, exploring, and playing games had been an excellent way of learning all about them. But since she wanted the dungeon as part of her life, she had to know about them here as well. Adelaide was certain they would treat her appropriately. The Dom’s Dungeon had very strict rules. But there was a huge difference between knowing that in her head because she worked there with them and believing it in her heart because she wanted these men in her life.

  Adelaide knew she had to take the step to accept them wholeheartedly as people, despite them being werewolves. She knew she was a whole lot closer to doing that now that she’d spent this time with them. But a dungeon scene would clear her head and focus her mind and heart on the decisions only she could make.

  It seemed to her she waited in silent stillness for a very long time. The only sound was the occasional pop of the wood in the fire. She managed not to shuffle her feet, but the hard wooden floorboards were starting to feel cold to her bare toes, and her naked body was discovering drafts in the room that she’d never noticed when she was dressed. Up until now she would have said emphatically that the room was quite warm enough just with the furnace on but that the fire had ambience and a pleasant atmosphere, as well as making a focal point for them to gather around.

  But right now, the fire was burning brightly and was clearly hot, and she knew the furnace hadn’t been turned off. She’d heard it clicking on to maintain the temperature when she was in the bathroom. But standing still and silent like this, she felt cold. This is what Wade and Mason want me to discover. To learn all about the environment and myself in peace and silence.

  She only just managed not to sigh in relief when Mason moved from beside Wade to stand behind her. She had no idea where he’d hidden them, but she felt the cold metal of the handcuffs on her wrists. These men and their handcuffs. They’ve got a fucking fetish about them.

  It was hard to keep her head bowed down instead of watching Wade. She wanted to know what he was doing. She used all her other senses to try to tell, but she didn’t hear him move away or return to stand behind her with Mason. She only knew that there were two of them when Wade roped her two elbows together, forcing her back to straighten and pushing her chest forward so her breasts were emphasized.

  Then Wade came around in front of her and efficiently wrapped the rope above and below her breasts, constricting them, pushing them together, and making her cunt cream with desire. Her breasts always had been one of her erogenous zones, but no one had so much as touched her nipples, far less sucked them. Yet, already her pussy lips were wet, and she was longing to be fucked. And that wasn’t going to happen for a long time. They’d only just begun this scene. Adelaide managed not to say anything, but inside she was shouting “Yay!” Already she knew this was going to be the most amazing night of her life so far.

  “Would you like to feel the rope somewhere else on your body, sub?” asked Mason.

  Adelaide pictured him whipping her on the ass with it. “Yes, Sir.”

  Mason, who was still behind her, kneeled down, and she was shocked to feel rope sliding over her pussy lips and then being pushed up hard against her cunt. Mason rubbed the rope over her cunt, backward and forward several times, until Adelaide had to force herself to relax. She could feel her forehead wrinkling and her eyebrows rising into her hairline. That always happened when she got a big surprise. But it wasn’t appropriate now. She needed to concentrate on the amazing feeling of the rope sawing along her slit.

  Mason came around her and stood in front of her holding the rope between two hands. He placed it between her lips and rubbed it across her mouth the way he’d done with it over her pussy. Once again Adelaide was hugely shocked to taste her own cream on the rope.

  Fucking hell! I never expected that!

  “Rope can be used for many things. It can tease and arouse.”

  Mason walked around her now, gently trailing the rope over her legs and sides and then down her back. Once again, Adelaide’s cunt was screaming with need. When he began whipping her ass, she almost lost her balance from the fierce pain that arced through her body. The first three or four strokes hurt a lot until she relaxed her muscles and welcomed the punishment her ass was receiving.

  Wade crouched on the floor between her spread legs and held her cunt open with both hands. Now Mason was back to sliding the rope over her pussy lips, drawing it tightly upward until he was pressing it against her clit in the front and up her ass crack at the back. Back and forth he worked it until Adelaide was ready to beg him to fuck her. Now all her strength was spent in keeping her mouth closed and not spoiling the scene.

  When he dropped the rope, she wasn’t sure whether to be pleased or sorry. The intense feelings backed off a little, but now she was faced with a sense of loss. Dammit, it’d been good to be teased like that.

  And then the whipping began again. Her ass was already hot and sore, but Mason laid a dozen powerful strokes across it until her skin was burning hot, but her cunt was dripping cream, the heat on the outside of her skin pulsing inward until her cunt was aching with emptiness and craving to be filled with a thick cock.

  But instead of touching her there, Wade walked away, coming back with something hidden in the palm of his hand. She couldn’t imagine what it was, but he didn’t keep it a secret for long. To her surprise, Wade held up a clothespin.

  “Such a useful little thing, a clothespin. I always take them when I stay in a hotel because often the drapes don’t close properly and a couple of clothespins solve that problem so easily.”

  Adelaide was certain he wasn’t worried about the drapes closing here. There was no hint of light coming through the window right now.

  “They have other uses as well.” Wade moved closer to her and snapped the clothespin closed over her nipple. Adelaide gasped. Her breasts were constricted between the upper and lower ropes, forcing them to swell and the nipple to engorge. Her breasts were hot, and the nipples already aching with need. Pinched between the jaws of the clothespin, the nipple throbbed hard. She breathed through her mouth, trying to slow her pulse rate down. As she did so, she noticed the nipple was throbbing at the same pulse beat as her sore, hot ass.

  Wow. Now that’s erotic.

  She focused her thoughts on the heat in her ass and the heat in her breasts. She was just starting to wonder whether he had a second clothespin and would put it on the other breast when he crouched down and clipped one to her clit. This time she couldn’t prevent the groan that slipped out. Her cunt was already full of cream. The second clothespin just redirected her need and desire to her clit.

  Wade’s final action was to snap a third clothespin onto her other nipple. Now her entire body was throbbing with one desperate desire to be fucked. Right now.

  Adelaide had temporarily made the mistake of forgetting she had two masters in the dungeon. Mason’s rope flicked out, whipping her thighs, her legs, and her shoulders. The shoulders particularly hurt because of the way her elbows were bound together. But none of it could ease the longing to be fucked. Her cunt was empty. Only a cock or, better yet, two cocks would ease that ache.

  Wade pulled his clothing off, leaving it in a pile on the floor in front of her. His cock was huge and hard. He had to be every bit as needy as she was. When Wade stroked up and down his cock, tugging it, extending it, rubbing lightly over the head, Adelaide could barely prevent herself from falling on her
knees and sucking him down her throat.

  “Are you ready to be fucked, sub?” Wade asked.

  “Yes, Sir.” Hell yes. I can’t wait. Do it now.

  Mason’s fingers stroked over her rosette. “What about here? Are you ready to be fucked here again?”

  “Yes, Sir.” That would be another resounding “hell, yes” from me.

  “It’s my turn for your ass. Are you sure you’re hot enough for it to feel good?”

  She wasn’t certain whether or not she was supposed to speak, but decided to answer anyway. “Yes, Sir.”

  Wade spun her around and began untying her arms, and then he removed the handcuffs. He massaged her shoulders, rubbing both of them thoroughly, and then he led her across to the rug before the fire. He took a condom from the hearth and handed it to her.

  Carefully Adelaide rolled it down his erection, covering his long, thick cock. She would have liked to suck the head just once, but they were still officially in the dungeon, and she had to obey her two Doms, who’d just given her amazing pleasure. Besides, there were several more days left of their vacation. There’d be time for that later.

  “Rest your hands on the mantelpiece and thrust your ass toward me,” ordered Mason.

  Adelaide obeyed. Her body was leaning right over the fire now, the heat warming her skin instantly. She hadn’t felt cold, although she’d been aware that her ass was a hell of a lot hotter than the rest of her. Now she was distracted by the flickering flames warming her skin as Mason’s fingers penetrated her ass, filling it with cool gel, making it ready for his cock.

  She wanted him so much. She longed to be held between her two men again as she had been yesterday. Pressed tightly between their bodies, possessed by both of them, outrageously loved and fulfilled. But the fire was distracting her. Its heat was a pleasure on her bare skin, and the colors in its heart as wood burned, died, or flared higher were fascinating to watch. The fire was a symbol of their relationship. It had begun slowly and cautiously but was now burning higher and higher. Adelaide knew she wouldn’t be able to let go of these men now. Already they meant far too much to her. She’d never be able to say no or goodbye to them. She craved them as an addict craved a drug. She was an addict, and they were her drug.


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