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Finding Erin

Page 15

by America Leigh

  Where did that come from?

  I wanted that connection with him. I wanted to feel him deep inside me, stretching and filling me. “Please” I begged.

  “Not yet my love, I need you shaking with need.” Eddie smirked back at me. Shit. He was going to torture me. Literally.

  “Eddie” A guttural cry left my lips and my vulnerability returned at how much power and control Eddie had over my heart and body. Eddie eyes shot up with concern and softened instantly.

  ‘Please.” I told him again.

  “What do you want Erin. Do you want my rock hard cock claiming you? Making you mine?” He pinned me with a stare. The lust transformed into a possessive one.

  “Once we do this. There is no going back. There is no changing your mind. Once I taste heaven, I cannot go back. I won’t give you up for anything. Do you understand?” I gulped hard afraid I might swallow my own tongue. I nodded. My throat tightened again with need and emotion.

  In one swift movement, he eloquently slid into heaven and took me with him. Eddie stretched and tightened every muscle I had and some that I didn’t. The hint of pain curved around my spine and into my belly. I froze. Eddie stopped before he entered me again.

  “You ok?’ He asked, his voice thick and breathless. The control he had was impressive. I knew guys could rarely stop once they started. Well that’s what justice had told me.

  “Yeah. Just don’t stop.” I pleaded, thrusting my hips gently. The pain had turned into red hot passion and my movements became needy and rushed, but I couldn’t stop. I needed Eddie more than my next breath. Eddie kissed down my neck and up again. His tongue darting out to meet my skin. Ever so gently teasing my senses as we moved so fast we were climbing in a frenzy. Oh God! Eddie slammed into me over and over. He hit something that shot fireworks up my spine and made my vision swim with stars. I met his every thrust, not wanting to loose this rush of adrenaline and passion. I needed to get closer and take him. Eddie movements became frantic. Once, twice and I felt Eddie empty himself deep inside me. Our breathing filled the room with the smell of sweat and sex. That was… Magical. Eddie lifted his weight off of me and withdrew himself. The emptiness hit me first, but Eddie walked quietly to his bathroom and shut me out. I was such a fool. I practically threw myself at my husband and he fucks me and then leaves me like a cheap whore. I looked around for my pants, but they were nowhere to be seen. I gathered the sheet off the bed and climbed quietly down. I had been through enough embarrassment for one day.

  I was done.

  I turned the handle. “Going somewhere?” Eddie asked lightly, but dark storms were brewing under those chestnut eyes. He was propped against the doorframe looking like a Greek God with a bare chest. The muscle on his abdomen were impressive, but not compared to his shoulders where that tattoo twined around Eddie gorgeous physique.

  “My room.” My voice shaky and uncertain.

  “This is your room, Erin. I warned you, didn’t I baby. There was no going back.” Eddie stated, giving me a look of warning. I didn’t know if I should concede or challenge him back?

  “Try telling yourself that Eddie. I didn’t just walk away from you without not as much as a word and locked himself in the bathroom. I don’t deserve that. I may be inexperienced and not very.” The words caught in my throat. I had no clue what I was about to say. Did he enjoy himself like I had?

  “First thing. I love it when you’re all fiery and fierce. This passion is sinful Erin Vance. I plan to explore that with you soon baby.” Eddie practically purred down at me. “Second. I would never walk away from you. Jesus Erin. You have no idea what I have gone through.. What I’ve done to get you…..” Eddie sighed loudly. Tearing his gruff hands through his shaggy hair. “I needed a minute or I would have climbed back on you and made love to you over and over.”

  I loved that idea. My eyes flashed with need as Eddie watched me closely.

  “Don’t look at me like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “We have to wait, baby.”

  “Don’t you want to?”

  I growled. “You need to pay attention baby.” I told her and placed her hand over my cock to feel it thicken and strain underneath her gentle touch.

  “Oh.” Her cheeks blushed. She had that look. It was the one she had when she didn’t realise what effect she has over me and is utterly shocked that she can cause. I needed to teach her that my need for her would never falter.

  “Will you hold me?”

  “That I can do.” Eddie laughed and led me back to bed. We both climbed in and he pulled the cotton sheets tight around us both.

  * * *

  I laid their sated in Eddie’s arms and melted into the secure feeling of finally belonging to someone. He had woke me up several times during the night. I wouldn’t complain. His breathing was steady and even as he held me tight. The comfortable silence stretched out for I don’t know how long, until I heard Eddie speak. “Would you come to the gala with me?” He asked has nerves shook his voice. He had nothing to be nervous about I quickly thought. I would follow him anywhere. Rafi had mentioned the gala in passing, but Eddie had ignored his interference. Rafi had kept his distance since I had changed back. I wondered what had changed his mind. “Of course.” I told him confidently. I was his wife after all. I would stand beside him, united. He gulped hard, making his Adams apple move in protest. “There will…” Eddie started, then stopped, looking more anxious now. “What Eddie? You’re making me nervous now. Have I done something wrong?” I asked, suddenly feeling inadequate and fragile compared to just a moment ago.

  “Don’t ever say that.” Eddie warned, grabbing my chin to look at him. “You are everything, do I have to keep reminding you of that. You are my only concern and that’s why I need to warn you that my parents will be at the Gala.”

  “Ok, I get it.” I whispered, still feeling that bite of disappointment that Eddie didn’t want me to accompany him to the Gala. If that was the case, then why would he have asked me in the first place?

  “No, I don’t think you do. My parents won’t be the only ones I need to protect you from. Your parents will be there too. Our parents won’t be best pleased that we are married.” Eddie told me, sick with nerves. His palms were clammy and his usually confidant demeanour was pale.

  “Why? I thought they all knew about the contract?” I asked puzzled.

  “Yes, they did,…but there is some bad feeling between the families. Don’t get me wrong they tolerate each other’s company in society, but I think something happened between Edmund and Chris to fracture their relationship before we were even born.”

  “What kind of bad feelings?” I asked, but I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to know the answer to that particular question. Whatever happened in the past, could stay there. All that mattered now was Eddie and I.

  “I don’t know.” Eddie answered honestly. I could see the questions behind those hazel eyes and trusted that if he knew the truth, he would tell me.

  “Then whatever happens doesn’t matter. If you want me to come to the Gala, I would be honoured to go with you.” I smiled happy.

  “Thank you.” Eddie whispered, relief washing over his body. “Whatever our parents say or do. You are Erin Vance, there isn’t anything anyone can say or do to change that. Ok.” Eddie reassured me with steel in his voice. I had seen Eddie acting possessive a few times before, but the look in his eyes told me that I hadn’t seen how possessive he could be, if pushed. I prayed to god, I wouldn’t have to, but I had a feeling that our parents were going to test his restraint.

  “When we attend the Gala. If you don’t want to talk about Maggie, then you don’t have to. You may look like Margaret Montgomery, but you only have to be yourself. So don’t feel pressured when people see you because we may be entering the lion’s den, but I promise that no one will force you to talk about the past.”

  “Why are we going then?” I asked directly, unsure if I was going to like his answer. What if he wanted to cause trouble with
our parents or he was just using me against them. To get his revenge for how they treated us back then. The last thing I expected was the one word that affirmed he would always protect me. “Molly.”

  “Will you tell me about her one day?” I asked quietly, searching those distant eyes. I wanted Eddie to open up to me about her, but I didn’t want to force him either. I already knew she held a connection with our past, but who was she to Eddie?

  “Not today” He said, as he ran his hands up and down my bare back. That familiar tingle of arousal and protection curled up my body with a reverence I would have to start getting used to this. I had never needed anyone in my life, like I needed Eddie and that need burned deeper than I could possibly imagine. Eddie continued to hold me tight until I started to drift off. I dreamed of Eddie and I holding our baby, until Molly’s pale face sifted into my dream and scared the shit out of me. Her words rang through as if a bell was being rung inside my head. As if time was running out.

  “You have to remember. You’re both in danger.” Her pleading voice repeated over and over again.

  Chapter Twenty -Three.


  Erin’s petrified face terrified me more than her screams that penetrated our bedroom. Her eyes held a haunted depth to them. Had Erin remembered something from our past? I don’t want to even imagine her suffering or someone hurting her.

  “Erin” I whispered soothingly. “What is it?” I had wrapped my entire body around hers to stop her from shaking. I ran my fingers gently up and down her arms. I read a journal once saying that a calming touch can soothe far greater than being talked to. I prayed to anything that was holy, that I was soothing her and not causing any more damage.

  “You.” she muttered, her words barley audible. Why was she upset? Erin had taken me to heaven and back and one taste would never be enough.

  “I was dreaming about you and I was…” She paused.

  “My belly was round”

  Erin continued, looking uncomfortable. What did she mean her belly was round?

  Then it suddenly dawned on me. Erin was dreaming of us having children. The image of her beautiful body changing with the life we would create together, had me forgetting her screams of pain.

  “Why were you crying then?” I was perplexed. How could she be so upset over her carrying my baby? Unless she didn’t want children? I never thought of that possibility. I just presumed that was something that would develop into our futures.

  “You don’t want that kind of future with me?” I asked crippled with fear. I already knew the answer, her sobs were enough of an omission for me.

  “No” Erin spoke breathlessly through her sobs. “That is something I want with you, more than anything.” Erin admitted. Her sobs finally ceased. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and looked up into my eyes. “I wasn’t crying about us. Molly…’


  What the hell?

  “When I was in the hospital. Molly came to me. She told me to hurry back to you because you were waiting for me. She called you her Eddie.” Erin looked down and I waited patiently. My heart was beating out of my chest. What the hell had Molly said? Could she have really seen Molly?

  “She told me I had to remember that last day before I was taken. That I had to remember both Maggie and Erin and that we were both in danger.”

  “Danger from what?” I asked. Erin’s head whipped up to meet mine, shock filled her pale face.

  “She said not from what. But from whom?”

  Tears flowed down Erin’s face and I didn’t even attempt to stop them. This was not what I thought my life would turn into when I found a little part of my past. What the hell was I going to do now? My selfish need to see her again had put her back into danger. What if this time, they not only take her away from me, but they finished what they had started.

  * * *

  “Have you told her everything?” Rafi questioned.

  “I told her… bits and pieces… I didn’t want to scare her.” I admitted.

  “Bullshit. You only told her what you wanted to”

  “No” I threw back instantly, but I knew I was lying to myself. I should have told her about the threats and how both our parents were against the contracts from the beginning. I came from family with money. Edmund believed that I had a duty to form ties with influential people. By disobeying my father’s wishes of marrying Sabine for someone who wasn’t born into money had been the final straw. Erin was in her own right, wealthier than I actually was at this point in my life. I had heard through associates that there had been bad blood between both our families since Maggie and I were babies. How can I admit to the one person I care about what she thinks of me that I made a unthinkable deal, to get that contract legal and binding. No. I shook my head vehemently. Trying to stop those harrowing thoughts of the past. I had to keep Erin from finding out about the deal I had made with my father and get some fucking answers from the only person who could give me some. Maggie’s father.

  “Are you going to?” Rafi asked softly. He looked worried.

  “I don’t know” I told him truthfully. “I don’t want to lose her again. She dreamed about Molly” I admitted feeling defenceless. Rafi stiffened. “What did she say to her?” Rafi asked solemnly. I took a deep breath and sighed. “That she needs to remember both Maggie and Erin and we’re both in danger. She told Erin someone was after us.” He stood side by side with me for a while. There was no need for words. He patted my back and quietly left my office. Rafi was right. I had only told Erin what I had wanted her to hear. I wanted to feel that connection, that understanding we had between us. The thread that tied us together all those years ago. I wouldn’t threaten snapping that tie to admit how low I had sunk to keep her in my life. I wasn’t ashamed of what I did, but Erin wouldn’t see it like that. She would feel betrayed and abandoned, by both me and her parents. I just couldn’t do that to her. Maybe I was being selfish. I was. I admit it. When it came to Maggie, I was undeniably consumed. I always have been and that instinct has drove me towards finding Erin. What I didn’t know, was how much Erin could take of my control issues. Erin may look like the angel I had once loved, but she was full of fire and warmth too. That scared me more.

  I looked across the streets of London. It was lit by thousands of street lights. These streets and my office represented something new and fresh for me now. Erin’s ability to bring everything to life had me convincing myself that it would be ok lying to my wife.

  I loved that.

  My Wife.

  Finally, she was mine.

  I knew I would have to tell her eventually, that everything wasn’t as black and white had I led her to believe. My need to protect her overshadowed my need to be absolutely truthful with her about our pasts.

  Chapter Twenty Four.


  One of the advantage of being married to a billionaire. Is that he has the ability to spoil me rotten, even against my will. I had my own money. My business had done pretty well over the years, but Eddie had insisted on spoiling all four of us with everything we could possibly need to attend the Gala tomorrow night. When Eddie had asked me to go to the Gala with him, I was nervous at the thought of people recognising me as Maggie. When Faith had rushed into the living room screaming like a little girl, mumbling about going to the Gala. I knew Eddie had invited them to reassure me that what he had said the other night mattered.

  “I was the most important thing to him.”

  I was beginning to realise Eddie meant exactly that, has I traipsed around London’s shops with Faith, Justice and Peace in tow. Rhodes trailed slightly behind us. Rhodes watched tentatively ready to protect me at all cost. He showed no weakness as we looked around London’s most expensive shops. Even Faith was giving Rhodes or Ellerson has she calls him, a wide berth. I could tell by the pout on her naturally full lips and the scowl she was sending his way, they have had words. Faith had mentioned that Ellerson liked to keep his priorities separate, work and personal life in diff
erent compartments. I couldn’t wait to see if that would last. If I know Faith, she will test his restraint to the very limit and he will be forced to put her first. Faith doesn’t know any other way to be. She can be distant and segregated, but she craves attention and affection. Which is ironic in its self, as she never wants to let anyone in. Once Faith has opened that guarded heart of hers, there is no going back, but to keep Faith.

  Eddie had handed me his credit card and given me full access to his accounts, so I could always have access to his funds. That thought weighed down heavily on me. I never had someone give me that kind of trust and that prospect terrified me. I milled around each store with no intention to spend his money. Justice was in her element. She browsed the entire shop as if it was Christmas morning. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, when she spotted rows and rows of red dresses. It was official, we had lost Justice. I smiled wide and chuckled softly to myself. Faith and Peace were the same, embracing the allurement of the exquisite dresses on display.


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