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Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)

Page 42

by Selena Kitt

  Then Ricky gives me a smoldering, boyish side grin and sidles up closer to me. I swallow hard as I feel the butterflies overtake, going crazy inside me. Alone at last.

  "Ricky, I'm having so much fun with you," I giggle at him. He reaches over and pours me a little chilled bubbly from the side door. "But what are you hiding? You avoid my questions and won't even tell me what you do for a living." It may be the drinks, but I blurt out my concerns.

  I feel nervous as I slowly look up into his eyes. Shit, I hope he doesn't take it the wrong way. But I need to know.

  He sets our drinks down. I find myself reaching over to grab his hands and take them into mine. My eyes search his soulful beautiful eyes for answers. "Should I be concerned that you're a spy or bank robber or something?" I give him a side grin with a little chuckle to lighten the mood.

  He flashes me a brilliant sexy smile and suddenly pulls me very close. My lips part and I gasp lightly. Every thought flies out of my head. All I can think about is how perfect he feels against me and how incredible he smells. Time stands still and I think I stop breathing for a moment.

  "No, you need not be concerned for anything, beautiful," he softly whispers to me. "I'm having the most incredible time with you as well. Let's enjoy it."

  I feel a little faint as he pulls me even closer. His soft warm lips fall on mine as we kiss deeply and passionately. His kiss is tender, both soft and hard and all-consuming. His kisses make me weak, drive me crazy with passion. They feel as perfect as he is.

  His hands slowly roam my body. First, stroking my hips and my ass. Then reaching for my ample breasts. He teasingly explores my body with his maddeningly sensual touch.

  "I love all your curves. So hot," he mutters into my mouth as he continues to caress my curves, sending pleasurable shocks down my spine. A slight moan escapes my lips as I pull him closer and savor his touch. My core tingles with need as I squirm against him, feeling a little out of control. Then I feel the car slowing down. I pull back a little suddenly. Is the car stopping?

  I let out a low giggle and smile at Ricky. He briefly looks out the window. "Looks like we've arrived at our destination." Ricky pushes the door’s button and the tinted window partition scrolls down. Martin removes his ear plugs. "We have arrived, sir," Martin replies. "If you are ready, I shall get the door."

  "Very good. We're ready," Ricky answers. "You're coming in, right? At least for a nightcap but stay as long as you like. Martin can take you back any time you'd like." Before I can answer, Martin is extending his hand to assist me out of the limo. Then Ricky has his arm around my waist as he walks me towards his front door.

  As I look up, I'm surprised at the size of the bungalow. This must be their most expensive, high-end, presidential suite. It was shockingly large. Between the limo and his caviar tastes, I’m starting to get the picture that whatever Ricky does, he does pretty well for himself.

  We walk in to the open-air, elegantly appointed and enormous suite. It's like a majestic, tropical and tasteful mansion. "Wow, this must be their very best suite," I mutter to him as we walk in. "You're just here on vacation? As the president of France?" I wink at him with a giggle.

  Before I finish laughing at my own silly joke, he spins around suddenly and backs me up into a wall. My heart stops for a second at his sudden move. I am pressed against the wall with his perfectly hard body pressing against me. I gasp and am suddenly rendered speechless.

  His sultry lips quickly press against mine as we melt into more passionate kisses. I moan into his mouth with desperate need. I didn't know kisses could be so good. We stumble forward before he pauses to lead me into the bedroom. We fall into the bed back into each other’s arms. Finally. All night I couldn't wait to be alone with him.

  "All night I just wanted to be alone with you," he whispers to me. "I couldn't stop thinking about you since we met. Your incredible, Belle." I look up at him with a smile and melt at his words. It's almost as if he's reading my mind.

  His hard body presses against me as I clench my eyes shut for a moment. He feels amazing. His soft lips fall on my neck, planting torturous hot kisses on my sensitive skin.

  I bite my lower lip, speechless. As he blazes a hot trail down my neck, I can't help but slowly grind my hips into him. A low groan escapes his lips, making my core tingle in excitement. We scoot back onto the pillows in his royally lush, huge bed.

  His big strong hands quickly wrap around me, undressing me. I feel my temperature rise as my dress drops down. His skillful hands and perfect mouth quickly descend all over my body, caressing and kissing my curves. I moan and writhe around in bed in response as he teases me. My hands caress his back and strong shoulders. I love the way he feels in my hands and pressing up against my body. It's been a long time since I've been with someone else. And no one, ever like him.

  He quickly unhooks my bra, and lowers his head to take a nipple into his mouth. He caresses my breasts with his hands as he suckles on me. I throw my head back, moaning and grinding. He knows exactly how to touch me.

  He comes back up towards me to kiss me deeply again. His hands quickly find my curves, gliding down my breasts to my hips, my back, and my ass. He kisses me desperately and I can feel his strong need for me. His hardness presses up against my leg as his strong hands slip in between my thighs.

  I gasp as my legs automatically open a little wider for him. I feel my slippery wetness as I've been so turned on all night for him. His warm large hands glide across my moist skin, softly teasing my wet folds. I throw my head back and pant helplessly under his touch. He pushes my panties aside and rubs my slippery wetness and expertly places a finger on my clit.

  He strokes me firmly and deliberately as he continues kissing me hard. I start panting harder and moaning uncontrollably in his mouth. I feel a steady tension build up quickly in my core. I bite my lower lip as I clench onto his shoulders, trying to hold on to my sanity.

  "Oh my God. Oh God, Ricky," I mutter nonsensical bits in overwhelming passionate babble. In seconds, my explosive orgasm hits me and rocks my body hard. I scream as I grab onto him and feel the ripples of intense passion and pleasure flow through me. Panting harder as I try to recover, I moan deeper as my body shivers uncontrollably underneath him.

  "Mm, so sexy. I need to taste you," he groans in his drop dead sexy voice. Then he lowers himself down as he pulls off my panties with his teeth. I feel my heart beating with dangerously insane speed. I bite my lip as I watch him. He nuzzles his head against my legs, slowly going up the side of my leg. I feel his hot breath against me as he approaches my pussy. Oh God, I don't know if I can handle this.

  He pauses for a moment before gently licking my slick, wet lips. I feel his hot breath against my sensitive wet skin. He slowly drags his tongue deeper into my slit and wet folds. He teases me as I moan and grab fistfuls of his thick, silky hair on his head. He quickly finds my core and latches on with incredible skill. His finger slides in my juices and into my entrance.

  Within seconds my throbbing clit, already sensitive from my last orgasm is screaming with blind passion again. I moan and scream loudly as he thrusts his finger deeply inside me without mercy, hitting my G spot with every thrust. My moans are desperate and louder as this intense orgasm rocks my body even harder, making it shake violently as the sparks of pleasure overtake me.

  "Oh my God, Ricky," I half whisper and babble in gratitude in my spent state.

  "Belle, you're driving me crazy. I need to have you," he growls as he comes up and pulls my head close to him for more intense, deep passionate kisses. He pulls away for a moment and looks deep into my eyes. Quickly, he undresses and approaches me again. In the soft light, I admire his perfect, toned, tanned and muscular hard body.

  He looks and feels so perfect. He lies on top of me, pushing his hardness against my inner thigh, making me gasp. It looks and feels so large. I have not been with a lot of men. In fact, my last boyfriend was my high school sweetheart and only other guy I've had sex with. And Ricky was much larger
than he was. And immensely more skillful in bed, as I could tell already.

  He adjusts his body and I feel his hard, ample manhood presses against the center of my moist folds. I bite my lip, almost panicked yet desperate to feel him inside me. But first he teases me, sliding his hardness in my slippery juices, allowing my wet lips to feel his firm, heavy weight pushing against my sensitive skin, teasing me to no end.

  "Now who's driving who crazy?" I wince in a whisper. He flashes a soft smile before he gives me a knee weakening, delicious kiss while cradling my head in his hands. Then he lowers his hands and guides himself towards my entrance. I hold my breath for a moment as I grab onto him harder.

  He pushes into me, as I feel his hardness penetrate me deeply. He easily slides in slowly, pushing against the tension, filling me up completely. I throw my head back and moan loudly as I feel every inch of him enter me. His hips grind deep into me in a sensual, perfect rhythm as he grabs my hips and thrusts firmly and mercilessly inside me.

  I can't stop moaning as he pounds harder, bumping against my throbbing clit with every move. My body shakes as he takes over, filling me again and again. His hands reach up and caress my breasts as he continues slamming into me.

  "Oh my God, you are so beautiful. So damn sexy," he groans as he continues to drill into me. I pant and moan loudly and grind back with every thrust. I've already come twice, yet I feel another one fast approaching. My core is already hypersensitive from my earlier orgasms.

  My breathing and moaning escalates as I grip his hard body tighter. My body shakes again with another violent orgasm as I scream. "Oh my God, baby!" It's all I can get out as I come uncontrollably with his deep thrusting. My walls clench around him and grip him tightly, spasming as I find my release.

  "Oh God, I can feel you coming. I… Oh God, I'm going to come," he moans urgently. I feel him inside me pulsating before he pulls out and strokes himself, releasing himself onto my stomach. He reaches over and gives me a decadent, soft kiss before leaping up to grab a towel.

  He comes back with a soft, warm and wet towel to clean me off. "Ooh… That's nice. The presidential treatment. Thank you," I whisper teasingly with a smile. A guy like him knows how to pamper and be pampered, I guess. He pulls me into his arms and we sink back into the warm, large and plush bed.

  "That was…perfect. Amazing and incredible. I don't think you realize how amazing you are," he grins at me as he holds me tighter. I feel a blush rising on my cheeks.

  "Aw, thank you, Ricky. But you’re embarrassing me. I… I never do this," I try to explain. "It's been a really long time. I'm not experienced and I don't date." I feel awkwardly apologetic.

  He shoots me a puzzled look. "Belle, you were perfect. You don't have to explain." I smile back at him and just let him hold me tighter. I pull myself up to look at him again. "But Ricky, what you said before. About no expectations. I don't know if I'm ready for anything yet. And I'll have to leave DR soon."

  "Hush. I know we eventually have to leave. But let's live in this moment. I want, no need to feel you now and here. It's too perfect so I don't want to waste another second with worry. Let's enjoy right now, okay?" He sounds both sincere and sympathetic. Both strong and vulnerable.

  I decide I agree with his rational thinking for right now. The moment is truly too perfect to ruin with overthinking. Suddenly, I can't stop smiling as I cuddle closer into his warm, muscular arms.

  * * * *

  As I wake up, I quickly realize that I'm not in my bungalow. I look over groggily to an empty space in the huge bed. The air feels cool, tropical and relaxing in the warm sunlight. I look around in the impressive, massive bedroom suite.

  I hear faint guitar strumming in the adjacent room. I get up out of bed and throw on one of Ricky’s nearby T-shirts. It feels so soft and smells so divinely of him. I tiptoe across the bedroom towards the music. I slowly peer out, as to not startle anyone. Then my heart stops. There is Ricky, looking devastatingly sexy with no shirt and silky pajama pants, while strumming his guitar.

  He looks up suddenly, spots me there and gives me a boyish grin. "Why, hello there. Good morning, beautiful," he croons as he continues soulfully strumming his guitar in perfect rhythm. My heart skips a beat at this picture.

  Then Ricky's manager friend enters abruptly from the adjoining room. "Ricky, so what you want to do about this when we get back?" He nonchalantly looks up and stops abruptly. As Edward sees me standing there, he raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Oh sorry, I didn't realize you had company," he mutters quickly to Ricky.

  "Edward was just leaving," he says. "And Belle, if you would like to freshen up with the shower, I believe there is a basket of toiletries and essentials in the room."

  I smile and mumble my thanks before turning around to head towards the bathroom. I quickly spot the large, beautiful basket. It's almost like a luxury spa gift basket. There are high-end, organic toiletries like shampoo, body wash and the like. More surprisingly, there are a couple beautiful sundresses in my size as well. They’re made of fine materials and are delicately designed but clearly locally crafted by high-end artisans.

  Did he get Martin or one of his assistants to go out and create this luxury custom basket just for me? I smile and shake my head. Could he be that sensitive and thoughtful? It seems that he has the abundant resources to keep first-class customer service a priority in his life.

  I run into the bathroom with my basket of goodies to take a quick shower. The events of the last few days have my head in a spin. But I actually don't have a lot of time before I go out for the afternoon press trips. It's my last writing-related work event I need to go to.

  But more so, I wonder how this morning after will be. Looking at him play the guitar, my heart leaps in my throat and it’s crazy that he has that immediate effect on me. But will he feel the same? Maybe this was all a huge, terrible mistake. Will it be awkward and painful? I guess I will soon find out after the shower.

  As I wash myself, my hands glide across my skin and I think of how he touched me last night. I look over and see his soap in the shower, and imagine it sliding around on his perfect tight, hard body. I smile and let out a little sigh. Oh Belle, this can't be good.

  I try to get out of the bathroom quickly. I throw on one of the silky sundresses and lightly touchup my hair. Finally, I take a few minutes to put on a little makeup and check myself out in the mirror. It's go time.

  Although I feel strangely shy and sheepish, I try to walk out confidently. When I walk outside of the bedroom suite, I'm relieved to see that Edward is gone. And I see the stunningly handsome vision of Ricky sitting at the breakfast dining room table. "Belle baby, come. Join me for some breakfast," he croons at me with a big smile.

  I walk towards him and happily comply. There is a simple but bountiful and elegant spread for breakfast. I sit next to him and reach for some toast.

  "I hope you slept well?" he asks.

  "Oh yes, it was perfect," I purr back. I try to suppress a little giggle as I look at him like a smitten schoolgirl. In the soft sunlight, with no shirt he really does look like a golden Greek God Adonis.

  "Will you come with me tonight to the bonfire? It's right here at the beach at this resort," he asks.

  "Oh? Another date already?" I tease him as I bat my eyelashes with a smile.

  "You gotta know I can't get enough of you. Belle, I love spending time with you. And I want to spend every possible moment with you before you have to leave."

  I blush furiously in response. He reaches towards me to grab my hands on the table. "Yes. I'll see you tonight," I smile back. After breakfast, I rush back to my bungalow to prepare for my afternoon work events. Normally, I would be more excited. But for some reason, I've been incredibly distracted. I just want to get back and spend more time with Ricky.

  In my bungalow, after I prep for the day I realize I have a little time to chat with Julia. I quickly try to find her on Face Time. A couple seconds later, she answers and her sweet, bubbly face lights up my screen. />
  "Belle! There you are! I was starting to worry about you again. You having too much fun?" she teases me. "Don't forget to text or call some of us over here. You know, just to let us know you're alive." She chides me but I get her drift.

  "I know, I'm sorry Julia. I've just been running from event to event since I got here, but it’s all good things, I promise." I assure her. "And look, before you know it, I'll be back and we can catch up on our roommate things." I try to sound convincingly excited to come back.

  I take a few minutes to listen as she catches me up with the latest events in her life and with our friends. It's soothing and comforting to see her smiling face and hear her friendly voice, reminding me of all the creature comforts of home. But there is a twinge of sadness, knowing that this moment and this exciting week would have to be left behind. It felt so far away.

  After we say our goodbyes, I rush off to my next press trip. I spend the afternoon touring with another group of writers while the press tour operator explains about the local life, imports and exports and culture of DR. I try to remain focused although all I can think about is him.

  I snap a few pictures, jot down some notes, and take a few videos with my phone. Fortunately, I have some time to go back and work on this material before it needs to be written up and submitted to my editor. I struggle to remain present and just collect information for work. But my mind keeps wandering back to him. Every sweet thing he said to me, every smoldering look, every perfect touch.

  The afternoon goes by slowly. But finally, we finish with our group dinner and I’m free to return and get ready to meet Ricky for the bonfire. I rush into my bungalow and quickly start getting ready for the night. I know he's not patient and doesn’t like to wait. I want to be ready and look perfect for him when he picks me up. I decide to go with the other casual but silky and elegant sundress he gave me.

  There's a knock on my door. I look at the time. He's right on time as usual. After the final quick check in the mirror, I grab my purse and answer the door. Our faces light up when we see each other. I am always amazed by how incredibly handsome he looks.


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