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Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)

Page 51

by Selena Kitt

  “That’s my girl,” he said, his voice like silk caressing her. “Take that cock up your ass like a good girl.”

  “Yes, sir,” she murmured, arching a little and offering it to him.

  He groaned at that, grabbing her hips and thrusting in, his cock driving into that tight, humid little hole, not taking anything easy anymore. He fucked her hard and long and before she knew it, she was coming again just from the sensation of his cock plunging deep into her ass, his balls grinding against her pussy and clit.

  “I’m going to come!” she gasped, sliding on the surface of the table as he fucked her furiously, grunting with every shove, and she felt him reach his own pinnacle at the same delicious, dizzying moment, burying himself inside and growling as he came, filling her ass deeply with thick geysers of his cum.

  Slowly he untied her, first her hands, and she knew his tie—a five-hundred-dollar Georgio—would be ruined from the oil and knew, too, he didn’t care. She rubbed her wrists as he untied her ankles from the table legs and helped her turn over so she was looking up at him, still standing between her thighs, his shirt on but nothing else. She wanted to reach for him but she didn’t, holding still and waiting for his direction.

  She felt his hand cup her slick mound and she moaned softly, biting her lip.

  “I want to kiss you,” he murmured, his eyes meeting hers and her breath went away, her heart hammering in her chest. She wanted it, too, more than he could know, but his words dispelled her hope in an instant. “Right here…” His finger moved over her clit and she whimpered.

  “Come here.” He pulled her to sitting, unmindful of the oily press of her body staining his Vera Wang shirt as he held her in one arm, the other moving between her ass and the table, pulling her up tight against him, his mouth moving over her neck, whispering into her ear, “You’re so fucking beautiful, I can’t even tell you.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his cock slowly and surprisingly throbbing to life again against her thigh, wanting to tell him how much she wanted him, how much he had come to mean to her in such a short time, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, she feathered kisses over his neck, his jaw, teasing her way toward the mystery of his mouth, and she felt him relenting, moaning softly as she took his cock in her hand and squeezed gently, rubbing the tip with her thumb as her lips found the corner of his mouth.

  “Ahhhh fuck!” he swore when the phone rang, dropping her to the table again with a wet plop and looking at his watch. “I have a meeting downstairs in ten minutes.”

  She looked down at herself, then at him, wondering how in the world they were going to clean up in time—of course, he was far less messy than she was. He walked over to his wardrobe, shedding his shirt and finding a clean one. Heidi bit her lip, looking for the first time at the machine he’d used to fuck her with by remote. Where had it come from?

  But the mystery was solved quickly as Kaiser opened the door beside his wardrobe, a door she knew was there but had never known to be open. He rolled the machine inside, opening another door and sliding it in. When he flipped on the light, Heidi saw a private bathroom and shower revealed as if by magic.

  “I’m sorry to leave you with the mess.”

  “I’ll clean it,” she assured him, sliding off the table and looking back at its slick surface.

  “You can clean up in here,” Kaiser said, going over to his desk and slipping his boxers and trousers back on. “There are several changes of clothes in my wardrobe for you. Take your pick.”

  “Thank you.”

  He came over to where she stood, still dazed and oiled and nude, smiling as he assessed her. He leaned in from a considerable distance, careful not to touch her oily skin, and kissed her cheek. “No… thank you.”

  He found his shoes, his jacket, his briefcase, and unlocked the door, leaving her as he said he would, but she didn’t care. She knew he would be coming back, and that’s all that mattered, all that would ever matter.

  Chapter Seven

  They were all hers. All of them.

  “Do you want one?” Kaiser smiled, his gaze soft as he watched her flipping through the newly delivered dresses on the rack standing next to her desk in the vestibule. “Tell me which one and it’s yours.”

  They are mine, Heidi fumed, her fists clenching as she swallowed and blinked back tears, her jaw working.

  “This one would be gorgeous on you.” Kaiser pulled the feather-front dress, a luscious red number, holding it up admiringly. “Perfect for your coloring.”

  She didn’t respond—she couldn’t.

  “It’s the one you liked, the design you grabbed off my desk when Carvel was here,” he reminded her, holding the dress under her chin. His gaze moved over the dress, and she saw in his eyes that he was imagining the material hugging her curves. That look was the only thing that kept her focused in the moment.

  “I wouldn’t take it even if it came with a Porsche and a lifetime supply of Jimmy Choos.”

  Kaiser’s eyebrows went up in surprise and then he laughed, a wonderful sound, shaking his head as he hung the dress back on the rack. “You are a jealous little thing, aren’t you?”

  She tried to resist when he moved to embrace her, but his lips tracing her jaw line, his teeth nipping at her earlobe, quickly changed her mind.

  “I shouldn’t tell you this,” he murmured, the heat of his breath on her throat making her shiver and arch against him, her arms sliding around his neck. “But since that day in the trailer bathroom, I haven’t been able to even think about any woman but you.”

  She thought her heart actually stopped for a moment.

  He can’t really mean it.

  Heidi moved her head back to meet his eyes, looking for the truth there and finding it. Could it be true? The heat of his gaze fell to her mouth, his head inclining and she held her breath and waited, motionless, wanting to know it was him, that he was the one who wanted this, wanted it as much as she did, and he did, he did, she was sure, finally, sure he did…

  “Heidi, I—” He looked confused, surprised by his confession and the magnetic pull between them, his lips coming so close to hers she actually closed her eyes with hungry expectancy. Finally! Finally! Her breath caught as his hands pressed the small of her back, pulling her in tight against his hard, lean length, and that’s when—

  “Damnit!” she swore, not sure what she was more angry about, the ringing phone or Kaiser as he stepped back, releasing her. Reluctantly, she reached across her desk to answer the call, glancing back, but Kaiser was focused again on the dresses.

  “Yes, Mr. Carvel,” Heidi agreed. “Please hold.” She pressed the “line one” button and it began to blink. “Roberto Carvel for you, sir.”

  Kaiser nodded. “I’ll take it in my office.” He didn’t look at her as he strode by and Heidi sighed, dropping the phone back on the cradle as his office door shut and line one’s blinking light turned solid again.

  She slipped into her desk chair with a dejected sigh and stared at the rack of dresses in front of her, chin in hand, contemplating her ongoing dilemma. Lenny had called again last night, urging her to tell Kaiser the truth about the designs. She’d still been flying too high from yesterday’s “punishment” to even care and she remembered guiltily that she had given him some vague, lame excuse to get off the phone.

  Lenny kept talking about the truth, but the truth was, telling Kaiser was a bigger risk than she was willing to take. She had played out the worst-case scenario in her head. She could see Kaiser not believing her, accusing her of simply having another jealous fit—he already believed that was her reasoning behind the Andrea-meet-coffee incident—and then firing her. What would she do then? A few weeks ago, this job was just an opportunity…now? Jeopardizing this job meant sacrificing her heart.

  How did I get in so deep, so fast?

  She didn’t know the answer, but she knew she was more willing to watch her dresses walk down the runway attributed to someone else than she was willing to give
up her chance—and she knew that’s all it was, an outside chance, playing the odds, buying her ticket in the lottery every day she came in to work—that Kaiser might really feel something for her.

  The phone rang and Heidi jumped, startled out of her thoughts. She grabbed it quickly, pushing the button for “line two,” and didn’t even get a chance to convey her usual greeting before Lenny said, “Hey, beautiful, want to go to lunch?”

  “Hi, Lenny.” She smiled in spite of herself, glancing at the “line one” button, making sure it was still solid, meaning Kaiser was still on the phone. She wasn’t allowed to get personal phone calls and she would be in big trouble if it was discovered.

  “I can’t take you to Atelier’s like Mr. Moneybags, but we can get a hot dog and take a walk in Central Park. Whaddya say?”

  “I don’t know.” Heidi twisted the phone cord around her finger, glancing at Kaiser’s door. She, admittedly, was hoping Kaiser needed her—wanted her—during her lunch hour. “Can I let you know in half an hour?” It was just another fifteen minutes before she was due to take her lunch.

  He snorted. “Have to ask Daddy?”

  “Lenny…” She glanced again at Kaiser’s door and then at the phone but the light showed he was still on the line.

  “Have you told him yet?”

  “I told you—”

  “I know you told me—” He interrupted her. “But you haven’t told him, have you?”

  She sighed, turning in her chair, facing the wall. “Could we change the subject?”

  Lenny obliged. “Ty said to say hi.”

  “How is he?” She smiled, remembering her life running errands on photo shoots. My god, was it really just weeks ago? It felt like a lifetime.

  “Distracted,” Lenny said. “He’s got a new boyfriend.”

  “Good for him!” She knew Ty was gay, and had assumed for a long time that Lenny was, too, until he’d made it a point to tell her differently. In this business, if you were a straight man, you almost had to.

  “We got into an argument about blowjobs.”

  Heidi giggled. “How can you argue about blowjobs?”

  “He says guys give better blowjobs.”

  “Do they?” She grinned, imagining the back and forth of this conversation. She’d always enjoyed Lenny and Ty’s debates, although she usually kept her own mouth shut unless Lenny insisted she voice an opinion.

  “How the hell would I know?” He half-laughed, half-snorted. “But I told him in order to determine anything for sure, we needed to test it scientifically.”

  “Ha! Did you volunteer?”

  “As a recipient?” He was grinning—she could actually hear it in his voice. “Hell yeah!”

  “Even from a guy?” she teased.

  “I’m secure enough in my masculinity to let a guy give me a blowjob,” he reminded her. “Besides, a blowjob is a blowjob! And if it’s in the interest of science…”

  “Oh the sacrifice…” She rolled her eyes but she was smiling.

  “Anyway, I told him we needed to get you to volunteer.”

  “Sorry, sweetie, but I don’t have a penis…”

  “Oh, I’m aware.” His voice dropped a little. “I was thinking more as a contributor.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “You want me to give you a blowjob?”

  “It’s in the interest of science after all…”

  She laughed. “What’s in it for me?”

  “Where’s your sense of gender-allegiance?” he scoffed. “Don’t you want to win one for the girls?”

  “Ohhh, I see. I’d be taking one for the team.”

  “And science!” he said, chuckling. “Don’t forget science!”

  “Well, I have to admit,” she said, dropping her own tone of voice. “I give a pretty good blowjob.”

  He groaned. “Now you’re just teasing me.”

  “Maybe.” She grinned. “But it’s true.”

  “I bet it is,” he agreed, his voice rich and warm and full of longing.

  “Heidi!” The harsh reprimand in Kaiser’s voice made her freeze and she blinked at the wall, knowing he was standing behind her, wondering just how much he had heard and cringing at the subject of her conversation.

  “Thanks for calling! I’ll let Kaiser know,” she said, covering as quickly as she could manage and hanging up on Lenny without a second thought. Standing, she turned to face her boss, waiting. She didn’t have to wait long.

  His jaw worked as he looked from her to the phone now sitting in its cradle. “Come into my office and close the door.”

  Of course she did as she was told, standing next to his desk as he took a seat behind it. She expected a lecture—not only had she been on a personal call, but the subject of their conversation had been nothing short of…lewd. The lecture, she was sure, would be followed by some sort of punishment…

  “Carvel’s up to something.” Kaiser drummed his long fingers on the desk, glaring at the phone. He wasn’t even looking at her. Had he heard anything she’d said? Oh what a relief, if he really hadn’t…

  “Up to…something…sir?” she inquired.

  Kaiser stopped drumming and looked up at her, leaning back in his chair and tenting his fingers over his tie. “I want you to find out what.”

  Heidi blinked. “How—?”

  Kaiser held up his hand and she quickly closed her mouth. “I know Carvel. He’s a scammer. He makes Bernie Madoff look like a pickpocket.”

  “But…” Heidi frowned, remembering the two men talking, arranging dinner. “I thought you were friends?”

  “In this business, there’s no such thing as a ‘friend.’” Kaiser’s look was almost kind as he shook his head at her in disbelief. “I need you to find out what he’s up to. I’ve made you a dinner date with him. Tonight. His limo will pick you up at seven.”

  Heidi snapped her gaping jaw shut.

  “I want you to do whatever it takes to find out, Heidi.” Kaiser’s cool gaze met hers, and the meaning in his eyes was unmistakable. “Do you understand me? Whatever it takes.”

  He couldn’t mean… but she knew he did. He was really asking her to trade sexual favors for information.

  “Is that clear?” He cocked his head, frowning, waiting.

  Heidi nodded, clearing her throat. “I think so, yes, sir.”

  “Just in case, I’ll make it crystal clear.” Kaiser stood, towering over her, his mouth drawn tight. “If you need to put your apparently legendary blowjob skills to the test, you will do so. Understand?”

  She paled, feeling her knees go weak, surprised that both her legs and voice held up as she whispered her reply. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good.” He gave short nod, a dismissal of the subject. “Bend over my desk and pull up your skirt.”

  Assume the position, she thought. It was a phrase he never uttered but it often crossed her mind when he made that request. Was it a request? Kaiser never asked…he directed. And she complied. Just as she did now, turning and pulling up her skirt, waiting for his attention.

  She expected his hand—perhaps even the crop—but as always, he surprised her, pressing against her from behind, grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her head back, making her gasp.

  “Why stop at a blowjob?” he asked against her ear, his voice low, and she heard him pressing the button under the desk, locking the door. “Why not just let him fuck you?”

  Heidi shook her head, whimpering. “It was a joke. It wasn’t—I wouldn’t—”

  “Yes, you would.” Kaiser’s hand fisted, turning her head, his mouth murmuring the words against her cheek now. “If I told you to, you would.” He let go of her hair, his hand moving around her front, dipping into her blouse to cup the swell of her breast. “Wouldn’t you, Heidi?”

  “Yes, sir,” she admitted, feeling both proud and ashamed of her admission.

  He chuckled, sliding his hand under her bra, fingering her nipple. “You may get the opportunity to prove it.” She hated the thought of another man touching her�
�but somehow even that paled next to Kaiser’s insistence. If he wanted her to, if he told her to, how could she refuse? “But you won’t do it unless I tell you to, will you?”

  “No, sir,” she agreed, swallowing as he unbuckled his belt with his other hand, his fingers still toying with her nipple. The sensation was too much distracting pleasure as she anticipated the coming pain of his belt on her behind.

  “You’re mine, Heidi.”

  And she was. There was no argument, never had been.“Yes, sir.”

  His cock was steel heat against her thigh, slipping up the already-slick slit of her pussy, seeking entrance. Heidi stiffened in surprise, her eyes wide as he shoved in hard, making her moan out loud.

  “Mine,” he said through gritted teeth, giving up on her breast and grabbing her hips for more purchase, driving her forward on the desk.

  “Yessss,” she cried, biting her lip as he thrust deep again.

  The force of his fuck was tremendous and she gave herself over to him, barely hanging onto the edge of the desk as he took her, making his point with every plunge. She was going to have bruises on her thighs and hips for weeks where his fingers were digging in and she didn’t care in the least.

  “Mine,” he growled again into her ear, his voice and cock a driving staccato. “Mine. Mine. Mine.”

  “Oh god…” Her body said nothing but yes, her thighs trembling, her pussy lips swollen and wetting his way nicely, her flesh insisting his words weren’t just true, they were Truth with a capital T, that she never before and never again would belong to another man the way she belonged to this one.

  “It’s mine to take.” Kaiser never paused, the friction a steady impetus, using her pussy to make his point, using her pussy, using her. And she wanted him to use her—more than he did maybe, she admitted shamefully to herself, as he splayed and fucked her to oblivion. “And it’s mine to give.”

  “Yes… yes, sir, yes…” she gasped, never wanting it to end, wanting to take him and take him, wanting him to empty himself completely into her until there was nothing left of him and she was completely full-up. It would happen, it could—she felt it in the way their bodies trembled and rode slick and hard together, converging at a single, delicious point, their energies so concentrated they were nothing more or less than that.


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