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Billionaire Bad Boys of Romance Boxed Set (10 Book Bundle)

Page 86

by Selena Kitt

  Keyonna’s eyes widened in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s strictly confidential – you know, “hush-hush,” Natasha said in comically husky whisper that Keyonna had to strain to hear, “And only a handful are really aware of this detail, but when Nick’s father died six months ago, he left a clause in his Will that if Nick didn’t get married by the time he turned thirty, then the Vitale fortune – worth over a billion dollars – would be taken from him and given to charity. Every red cent.”

  Keyonna sank back against her desk for support. “Oh.” No wonder he’d been furious with her for jeopardizing his engagement.

  “I guess I blew it, right?” she said at last, grimacing.

  “With a cannon ball,” Natasha agreed, chuckling softly but not unkindly. “Rachel’s father is a close friend of the family and it would have gone down so ‘pat’ if both families could have been linked by marriage, both having strong Italian American heritage. Well, now the Conte and Vitale fortunes will have to go their separate ways.”

  Oh shit! What have I done, Keyonna wondered in remorse as she chewed on her thumbnail. This didn’t sound good. Whoever said a kiss was just a kiss had no clue what they were saying.

  “Looks like hunky Nick will probably now be scouting for a new candidate,” the gossipy Natasha went on and Keyonna listened raptly, despite herself very interested in hearing more. “And sure, there’s probably a sea of females out there who’d be willing to jump into the role of the Vitale bride, but who knows what Nick intends to do now? Not that I think for a moment he’ll willingly give up all that money. Losing his birthright all for some stupid reason….Hmmm, well, Nick’s father must have felt his son was too much of a roving rake and wanted to make sure the gorgeous Nick settled down when the time was right. Nick would be a fool not to find a replacement and quick, since his thirtieth birthday is in just one month. He’s in deep shit, I must say.”

  And it’s all thanks to me, Keyonna thought, her sense of guilt steepening. Nick Vitale might be a prize bastard; he’d treated her worse than any man ever had and yet she wouldn’t have wished all this on him. It had simply been a case of the wrong place and time, for both of them.

  Now there seemed to be nothing she could do to make it all better – or was there?

  Chapter Six

  The very next evening, Keyonna swung open her front door to its ring and stopped short at the sight of Nick standing on her doorstep looking as virile – and forbidding as ever.

  He was dressed in a dark business suit which fit his broad, lithe frame to breath-stealing perfection. His brown eyes were narrowed with fathomless intent and as she stared into his handsome face, she felt that twinge in her deepest core that reminded her how long it was since she’d felt solid masculine heat surge between her thighs.

  “Nick,” she let out on a croak, pressing her suddenly sweaty palms down on her faded cut-off shorts which barely skimmed past her bottom. The only thing else she had on was her cropped sleeveless white tee which suddenly felt like it could stifle her especially as Nick was giving her a thorough once-over. A flicker of appreciation crossed his face and she could swear it made her panties all the moister.

  He finally lifted his gaze to hers, a predatory smile flashing white against his smoothly tanned face. “Why do you look so surprised? I should have thought you’d be expecting me.”

  “If you’re here to play your games…,” she began tightly, and saw him lift his hands in surrender.

  “I come in peace,” he cut in mildly. “And hopefully I’ll get invited for a cool, long beverage. I drove over straight from the office and I’m sort of hot and bothered.”

  “Yeah, right,” Keyonna muttered, surprising herself by stepping to the side to allow him in even as she said, “Okay - but no hanky-panky.”

  Nick laughed deeply, brushing past her and into her sizeable, elegantly furnished open-plan apartment. “Do people really still say stuff like that? No hanky-panky. Don’t worry, I had no such thing in mind.” He chuckled once more, shaking his head and turning to face her in the middle of the living room done in highly modern chic with red, cream and black accents. Well lit and filled with tasteful artifacts gracing the walls and corners, it wasn’t an overly large place but every item had been picked with care and thought.

  Keyonna led him to one of the stylishly upholstered sofas, and watched him survey the contemporary surroundings with an appraising air. “Nice décor,” he commented. “Did it all yourself?”

  “I handled the design, yes,” she murmured, inwardly brimming with pleasure at his light approval. “Would you like to sit down? I made some iced tea – would you like that?”

  “Sounds nice,” he said with a slightly mocking tilt to his smile, and Keyonna resisted the urge to make a face at him as she headed for the kitchen. She returned some minutes later with a pitcher of cubes and two filled glasses to find him standing by an inlaid shelf, looking at the framed pictures set there.

  He sent her a glance. “I take it these are your parents?”

  Keyonna nodded. “They’re back home in Illinois. I’m an only child and they more or less groomed me to fend for myself. It’s a lesson I took along with me to this day, living far from my family and trying to make my way in the world.”

  She handed him a glass which he took with a nod of thanks. “I’m sure they’re very proud seeing the success you’ve become,” he told her mildly, and she smiled with a shake of her head.

  “Still a long way to go. But then, I’m grateful for what I’ve achieved.”

  There was a pause as they both sipped from their drinks, Nick’s brows rising in enjoyment as he murmured, “This is good.”

  Keyonna took a much too hasty gulp of her iced tea as their eyes met over the glasses. The fact that they were having small talk, here, seemed incongruous to what was actually sizzling beneath the surface. There was that twang of awareness between them that made perspiration slide down her bare back in tiny rivulets. She’d never known a man to look so potently male with all his clothes on – making her start to imagine just how much more tantalizing he’d be naked.

  Damn…the thought of Nick Vitale, naked, was enough to turn her nipples into granite-hard knots now straining against her thin tank.

  “Looks like we have more in common than I had realized. We’re both an only child – and we’re both go-getters determined to achieve our goals,” Nick said in a steadily deepening voice that seemed to tease the very hairs on her pores. “We’d make a perfect combination, don’t you think?”

  Something that glinted darkly in his eyes right then made Keyonna’s throat constrict. His beautiful lips curved in a tyrannical smile and Keyonna just knew she’d been a fool to let him in. Not that she’d had the chance to even think or consider the right or wrong of giving Nick the chance to invade her personal space the way he was doing now.

  “Perfect combination for what?” Keyonna heard the slight tremor in her voice and bit on her bottom lip. Crap. Looking into Nick’s deep brown gaze reminded her of the moment he’d kissed her in his car. Now that had been one hell of a hard, hot and passionate kiss. No games, just lust. But then he’d ruined it by talking like he wanted nothing to do with her. Called her a distraction he didn’t need or even want.

  And yet now he was here. Heaven only knew his agenda but from the way the air crackled all around them, Keyonna had a feeling that nothing on earth could save her from Nick’s feral pursuit.

  Like a panther on the prowl, he closed what space was left between them. Even though he didn’t touch her, she felt his nearness like a blanket of warmth closing in on her. There was no doubt that Nick could turn up the temperature in a room without even trying.

  He merely shook his head with a smile at her question and then murmured, “We're very much the same, you and I. Because we don’t let anything hold us back be it personally or professionally. I can tell that like me, you’ve broken a few rules – rocked the system, just to make sure you reached the next lev
el. You do what you need to do, Keyonna. And I respect that. You’re sassy, you’re bold – and you’ve got one hell of a way of making your point.”

  Nick flashed a sudden grin and Keyonna felt herself smiling back for like no apparent reason. Damn, but when a man like Nick switched on the charm, what was a simple woman to do?

  Shivering slightly, Keyonna stamped down the urge to simply dissolve in a puddle beneath his scorching smile.

  “While you, Nick Vitale, are a tyrant – and one hell of a contradiction,” Keyonna muttered, her eyes challenging him to deny it. Here he was, paying her high compliments when many nights ago, he’d painted a far less flattering picture.

  Keyonna was still waiting for his apology for the way he’d spoken and treated her. Though all things considered, she’d more than given him a taste of his own medicine – in more ways than one.

  He smiled, nodded once, and raised his glass in a toast. “I’ll drink to that. Cheers.”

  Their glasses clinked, and Keyonna’s lips were twitching in a smile she had to fight back as their eyes met over the rim of their glasses. Who would have thought it? Both of them, drinking iced tea, smiling and toasting glasses like old friends – or lovers.

  I really shouldn’t have thought up that last word, Keyonna realized, knowing Nick must have seen something on her face by the way his gaze narrowed suddenly. Both their smiles died off and an unspecified element of raw, intense awareness shot up between them. Slowly, he set down his glass, gently taking hers from her now nerveless fingers.

  Keyonna didn’t think to react, not until his arms encircled her waist. Then she tried to pull back and yet found the effort futile because his hold was like bands of steel as he brought her chest-to-chest with him.

  Keyonna’s head was reeling. Her body felt turned to jelly; she was in heat. This man. He was something else; he made her lose her self-control in ways she’d never dreamed possible. Just by holding her close, he rendered her speechless as she became achingly aware of every strong, masculine outline of his frame.

  “This is what I really want,” he said huskily, his gaze sweltering, right before he swooped his head to the side and took her mouth in a demanding, eating kiss.

  In a last bid at resisting, Keyonna fought to keep her lips clamped tight – only to have her resolve shattered almost instantly when his masterful tongue flickered out to run moistly over the seam of her lips, causing her to exhale sharply in submission. Unable to fight his manly skill, Keyonna opened up to him eagerly.

  In seconds it became clear to Keyonna why she’d had innumerable sleepless nights since that first time they’d kissed. And like that second kiss inside his car, Nick called the shots, deepening and then easing off the kiss at will, driving her off the brink with his alternatively tender and rough probing of her moist, hidden secrets.

  Keyonna heard a tiny whimper of pleasure escape her parted lips, her fingers curling into his jacket lapels. As she tumbled inside his exciting taste and aroma, his hands swept over her quivering form. His touch was possessive, heated, famished. He cupped the curves of her ass and brought her even tighter against his hard, overpowering masculinity. Time stood still for her as Nick made her maddeningly aware of the effect kissing her was having on him.

  * * * *

  “Keyonna,” Nick said on a groan as he tore his lips from hers moments later, his breath ragged. “You’re doing it again…making me crazy. So crazy that I could rip off your clothes and ravish you where we stand.”

  His lips were pressed to her neck now, tasting the thin film of perspiration and inhaling the intoxicating fragrance that was all Keyonna, always enough to inflame him so that anytime she was near, he wanted her. He may have been able in the past to successfully conceal his rampaging desire for her. But any close observer would have noticed that hidden beneath his pretense of dislike was a confounding desire for a woman who made his brain want to explode.

  Nick had felt secure in his camouflage, believing all these months that his red-hot desire for this beautiful, vivacious woman would fade – and yet he suddenly realized he’d only been postponing the torture. Now, he couldn’t hide the way she made him feel because his own body was betraying him even then.

  He hitched his hands beneath the hem of her top, and heard her catch her breath. But she did nothing to stop him when he trailed his seeking fingers upwards. And when the full, heavy mounds of her breasts spilled into his palms, Keyonna let out a shuddery moan.

  He felt the peak of her breasts squeeze into tight nubs as he grazed them with his fingertips, and his gaze lifted and locked with hers to find her staring at him dazedly. Nick knew she could see the answering torment mirrored in his eyes which would tell her in no uncertain terms that they were in this phase of sensual abandon together…

  Chapter Seven

  Only in her deepest fantasies had a man touched her with such skillful passion. Keyonna had only ever dreamed to find someone who could induce a desperate need in her to be consumed; to feel his manhood invading her hidden sheathe, claiming her for his own.

  “Nick,” she gasped, shocked by the giddy heat she felt when his hands squeezed hard on her breasts. He showed no reserve; almost like he knew she wouldn’t fight this; fight him. Keyonna had no intention of fighting. Her body craved this like its next breath. Craved his fingertips rolling her shameless little nipples within them; hungered for his lips mouthing their way along her collarbone and then down the exposed slope of her cleavage.

  “I want my mouth here…and then here,” Nick told her plainly, his fingers squeezing on her nipple while his other hand slipped in between her thighs to cup her clothed mound.

  Keyonna wondered if she could possibly get more slippery with arousal. Her heart might find him an exasperating man of contrasts whom she so much wanted to hate. But her body…good grief. Every living cell she had desired him with a force that made her knees weak.

  “And then I want your legs, wrapped around my neck as I drive my cock deep inside you. Again and again,” he rasped, his lips like a brand over her soft flesh. “I want you looking at me while I fuck you, watching me slide in and out of your hot pussy. I want, Keyonna. I want you.”

  Keyonna couldn’t stop shivering at his raunchy, raspy words of desire. He had her all wet and willing to succumb to whatever he had in mind – no matter how wild and wicked.

  Her head flung back as his mouth sealed over her nipple through the fabric of her top. Even with the barrier, she felt the heat of his mouth like a ring of fire wrapped around her nipple. His teeth sank through the thin cotton and marked her flesh, causing her to cry out his name. Her legs started to buckle and it was a relief when he caught her up easily, nuzzling the cleft of her breasts while his arms wrapped around her thighs, lifting her in the air.

  Nick deposited her on the nearest bar stool, and suddenly arched over her to grab her lips in another grinding kiss that was all wet, sloppy tongue. Shit. A kiss like that would have a woman shoving her man close, grabbing his rock-hard cock and impaling herself before riding him to a mutually satisfying finish.

  Keyonna felt his hands on her knees and didn’t think twice about spreading her legs open. She was panting against his lips as his fingers began to work on the buttons of her shorts while her fingers were busy pushing off his jacket and tugging down his tie.

  Neither of them could hide the fact that they were burning to get naked and have some seriously hot sex. It had been sizzling in the air between them for months as they’d skirted each other in the business arena. The sophisticated, hardworking Keyonna Hayes and the dark, enigmatic Nick Vitale, both strong personalities but with so many other differences.

  They say opposites attract and Keyonna had no doubt Nick was dissimilar in many more ways than she could count. She couldn’t act as cold and calculating as he undoubtedly could. And it wasn’t so easy for her to hold back her attraction for him that surpassed any she’d felt for any man before. He had great power over her emotions and sensations while Keyonna could never
say for sure where she stood with him. What was this, just physical, or could there be something deeper?

  Keyonna didn’t want to dwell on that. For now, her body sought fulfillment – a long deprived sexual release that she felt sure Nick could provide with effortless skill. Eager to discover more, Keyonna shed all shyness and slid her hands down his chest to the bulge at his trouser front. Her hand came in contact with an impressively thick and lengthy erection and she veritably purred, hearing his echoing groan of approval. Her mind suddenly clouded over with white smokes of lust and it took many seconds to realize her phone was ringing.

  Shit! No. Nick was biting and sucking on her neck, his hand shoved inside her unbuttoned shorts and massaging her pussy over her now drenched panties. Goodness. She squeezed harder on his massive arousal and gloried in his feral hiss of pleasure. But that infernal phone just wouldn’t stop ringing. Dammit.

  Keyonna felt Nick’s touch grow more insistent as he stroked her swollen, silk-clad cunt while his other hand fondled her tits beneath her top. His tongue grazed the skin of her throat and that sensitized region sent ecstasy spiraling in waves over her senses. And yet the grating peal of the telephone finally broke into their passion-crazed fog and she felt Nick swear underneath his breath even as Keyonna pushed away from him, both of them breathing harshly.

  Nick grinned, pulling back. “Saved by the bell, hmm?”

  Keyonna could only gape at him for a moment. Here she was trying to remember her own name while her brain struggled to recover from a shutdown – and he was making jokes. Damn.

  “Since the damned thing has inconveniently cut in, you might as well answer it,” he told her drily, reluctantly releasing her and backing away. Keyonna straightened her disheveled top, fighting for composure before wordlessly going to where the phone lay on a side table. She was conscious of how shaky her legs were and how her nerve-endings still throbbed with need.

  Her hand was trembling slightly as she raised the phone to her ear, aware of Nick watching her every move, his ravenous gaze almost the undoing of her.


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