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Seducing the Saint

Page 8

by Melissa Schroeder

Libby’s voice came from the right side of the room. It was then that he noticed her standing in a doorway that he assumed led to a bathroom. His heart jumped to his throat and almost knocked him senseless. What the hell was she wearing?

  Her hair had been let loose and was a wild tangle of curls down her back. They’d applied makeup, not to overwhelm but to enhance her features, drawing on her quiet beauty. But the outfit… holy mother of God. His blood churned and he lost all moisture in his mouth. Damn, she looked good in black.

  It barely covered all the important parts. The halter-like top consisted of a piece of soft fabric that had been looped around her back and then crossed over her breasts and tied behind her neck. Her midriff had been left bare by the low-riding genie-looking pants that were cinched at her waist and her ankles with bits of gold fabric.

  She walked toward him and he almost fainted. As she moved, the pants did. The voluminous fabric was transparent enough to leave little to his imagination. His gaze roamed up her body, stopping at the gold choker around her neck.

  She was a wet dream come to life.

  “Can you believe that they trussed me up like some harem woman?”

  He swallowed, trying to think of something to say, but each time she gestured with her arms, her breasts moved. The fabric was soft and he could just make out the outline of her nipples and the soft flesh moving beneath the cloth. He licked his lips and his cock went rock hard.



  “What in Hades is wrong with you?”

  “Lass, I can’t think straight.”

  She hmphed and then crossed her arms beneath her breasts. The edge of the fabric inched closer to her nipples. He groaned as another wave of heat shot straight to his dick.

  “I would have never taken you for a man who needed a woman dressed like some prize.”

  Why was she talking? She looked at him like she expected him to carry on a conversation. With all the blood drained from his brain, that would be a difficult task. Images of slowly divesting her of that outfit, strip by strip, revealing her porcelain flesh.

  “Libby, darlin’, it isn’t that I have to have it. But I’ve never been known to look a gift horse in the mouth.” His voice had thickened and his Irish accent became more pronounced as the images grew sharper, more real. Hell, he could hear her moans, taste her on his lips as if they were already making love.

  Her eyes widened. He could see that she was already responding in the way her breathing deepened and her nipples tightened further. Swallowing, her gaze traveled down his body, her eyes widening. His cock strained against the fastening of his pants.

  “There is something I have to tell you.” And if he could get his brain to work with no blood in it, he might be able to remember what it was.


  “There was another demand.”

  Her forehead wrinkled as her brows drew down in a frown. “Demand?”

  “They…” He swallowed. His body was warming, his mind still barely functioning. The longer they stood there, his arousal rose. His heart pounded against his chest as lust and affection threaded through his blood. “They said I have to share you.”

  There was a beat of silence. He chanced a look at her face. The color had drained and he cursed himself for not telling her in a more gentle way. But how did you tell the woman you love that you had to share her with someone else?

  “H-How can you think I can do this?” She caught his gaze and her earnest expression put a halt to the idea of jumping her right then and there.

  He closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms. She tucked her head beneath his chin and trembled. The scent of her, Libby and something musky, wild, filled his senses. It took every ounce of self-control he had left—and there wasn’t much—not to attack her.

  “Libby, we don’t have a choice. We wouldn’t get far if we tried to get out of here and there’s no bloody way I’m leaving you behind with this pack of slavering idiots. I can’t believe the way they all drooled over you like you were theirs for the taking. Jesus.”

  “Brady, for a man who is supposed to be putting me at ease, talking about why he couldn’t believe people are attracted to me isn’t the way to go.”

  He sighed and hugged her closer, mentally kicking himself in the ass. “Sorry. I’m not thinking straight.”

  She pulled out of his arms and a wave of cooled air chilled him. He didn’t like that one bit. He wanted in her in his arms, under his control.

  Whoa, where the hell had that thought come from? He shook his head, trying to clear it.

  “These people are watching and listening to us and now they expect me to…” she shuddered. “And just the added attraction, they expect us to jump on the bed and go at it like a couple of Reululian minks.”

  He chuckled at her analogy and she shot him a dirty look. “They can’t hear.”


  “They can only see.” His blood was humming with the need for sexual release but he had to take this slowly. Libby might not have many inhibitions but having sex with hidden cameras in the room would not be her bag of tea. He noticed a table with wine, cheese and fruit. “Let’s have a drink and relax.”

  He would have laughed if he didn’t think it would hurt. Relax. The only way he would relax was after he’d buried his cock deep inside her. Libby trailed after him to the table and he poured her a glass.

  “You’re not having any?” She sipped it, and apparently finding it to her liking, took a larger drink of it.

  “Jason and I were drinking while you were changing clothes.”

  She sighed. The fabric drew tight over her breasts. He couldn’t stop the impulse to reach out and brush the backs of his fingers against her nipple. Her startled eyes shot to his. She bit her lip as he felt the tip furl beneath his touch.

  “I like to see that.” His voice had grown huskier, deeper. Even he could hear the lust thrumming just beneath the surface.

  She closed her eyes as he stepped in front of her. He leaned forward and nipped her earlobe. “They can see but they can’t hear us. I know that isn’t much of a consolation but I don’t see any way out of this. Just forget they’re there. It’s just us back in that cave in Yentalen and you’ve seduced me with your body, your smile… your heart.”

  “Brady…” His name came out as a moan when he pinched her nipple.

  “You know what you do to me, lass. Jesus, I feel like my blood is on fire.”

  His voice trembled slightly, a testament that his control was slipping. Heat licked along his nerve endings and the very fabric of his soul screamed for him to conquer her, to take what he thought of as his.

  “Think about it. Doesn’t it make you feel just a little bit naughty to know that someone is watching? That maybe, just maybe, they’re turned on by watching you. Watching you get hot…gets them hot. And remember…” He nipped at her chin. “Remember what you said in Dosnatia, about the one fantasy you had?”

  She drew in a shuddering breath, her breasts moving with it. “Yes.”

  “What was it, Libby?”

  He nipped at her ear again, biting down hard.

  “I said…” she licked her lips. “I said I always wondered what it would be like with two men.”

  He kissed a path from her neck to her mouth. Cupping her chin, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers. Her eyes slid closed as he settled his mouth against hers. She immediately opened and he dove in.

  His head spun as the taste of her filled his mouth. The tangy wine flavored the unique essence he associated with Libby. Sweet as chocolate, hot as a pepper, she pulled him deeper into her spell.

  As he continued to kiss her, he slid his hands down her body, brushing her nipples, then around her waist to grab her ass. He almost came on the spot when he felt her bare skin beneath the fabric. His dick twitched as he drew her tight against him.

  Something clattered on the floor and he didn’t give a damn what it was. Her hands cupped his c
hin. He lifted her off the floor and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  She scraped her teeth against his earlobe, then licked it. The touch of her tongue burned a path all the way to his cock. She was grinding her sex against him, moaning his name. Never in his life had he seen her go up so fast.

  “Not starting without me, are you two?”

  Jason’s voice barely cut through the haze of lust that held Libby and Brady hostage. Brady broke away from the kiss and looked over to find their host standing just inside the room, the door closing behind him. Irritation and a fair amount of arousal swept through him. He didn’t like the idea of sharing, not Libby, but damned if it wasn’t turning him on.

  She shuddered against him, drawing his attention away from the other man. He’d been ready to calm her fears, tell her everything would be fine, but when he saw the expression on her face, he knew there was no reason to. Her heavy-lidded eyes sparked with interest and desire. She wanted this, had said as much years ago. Her desire reached out to him, swept over him.

  Her gaze moved from his to Jason’s. “I didn’t know it would be you.”

  He recognized the arousal in her voice, felt it vibrating through her body. It spurred his own, drawing his balls up.

  “Hmm.” He said nothing else as he approached them. He had ditched the suit he’d been wearing earlier and had donned loose pair of pajama bottoms—and nothing else.

  Libby released her legs and he let her slide down his body. Even that brief friction caused another slice of lust to cut through him. Jason stepped up beside them, keeping Libby in between them. She still faced Brady but she looked over her shoulder at Jason. The older man leaned in, brushing his mouth over Libby’s.

  At any other time, the fact another man was touching her, dared to even think of touching her, Brady’d be looking for blood. But knowing this was a particularly fantasy of hers and that there was no other way allowed him to lose a bit of his possessive streak. Just the idea of it, of sharing her, pleasuring her beyond anything she had ever experienced, had lust crawling through his veins.

  She turned to him, her eyes dark with her arousal and full of questions. “Don’t worry, Libby-love, everything will be okay.”

  Libby couldn’t seem to catch her breath. Ever since Brady had told her about this, she’d been torn between horror and arousal. It was one of her fantasies, one she never expected to have fulfilled. She’d revealed it only to Brady all those years ago.

  Jason raised his hands to her shoulders, lightly massaging. As earlier, when Brady had touched her, her skin tingled, then blazed. From the moment she drank the wine, her body had been hypersensitive. With every brush of his fingers against her flesh, it increased her need to rub against something, like a cat in heat.

  Without breaking eye contact, Brady took her hand from his shoulder and lifted her palm to his mouth. She shivered when she felt his tongue swipe across her palm. She was far from cold, with the Funkai against her back and Brady…Well, Brady was killing her with his mouth.

  He had moved his mouth to her fingers, taking each one in. As she felt the scrape of his teeth over the tip of her thumb, Jason skimmed his lips up her neck to her earlobe. Brady moved onto her index finger, his tongue moving over it. Jason nibbled on her lobe.

  Her mind whirled, her body hummed, liquid desire filled her cunt.

  “Hmm, Libby, you have the sweetest skin,” Jason said. He had stepped closer to her, his erect cock pressing against the cleft of her rear end. She closed her eyes and pushing back against him.

  Brady released her hand and moved closer to cup her face. He bent his head and took her mouth in a hot, wet, aggressive kiss. She closed her eyes and, as Brady plundered her mouth, Jason slid one hand to her sex, slipping his finger in the slit of her pants. She moaned as he moved his finger against her pussy.

  The scent of both men sent every nerve in her body bouncing. Jason, polished, seductive, and Brady, wild, hot…hers. Tension gathered in her tummy. With his other hand, Brady pinched her nipple, causing a shock of pain wrapped in pleasure to slice through her.

  Brady pulled away from her, causing her to fall back against Jason. She opened her eyes. He was breathing heavily as his gaze dipped down to watch the other man’s hands on her body. The heat flared in his gaze as he continued to watch. His nostrils flared.

  “The bed,” Jason said.

  Brady looked at her, waited for her approval. She nodded.

  Jason laid down, his head near the edge of the bed. Brady helped her up as she straddled over Jason’s mouth. As she felt the first rasp of the Funkai’s tongue, she slipped her hands up Brady’s chest, molding her hands to the back of his head and pulling him down to her lips again.

  Jason took hold of the inside of her thighs as he continued torturing her with his tongue and mouth. His tongue brushed against her clit, which he then sucked, pulling a moan from her.

  Too soon for her liking, Brady was pulling away again but he clawed at his shirt. After he threw it behind him, he divested himself of his pants, his erection springing free. He moved back to the bed but she stopped him.

  “No.” She leaned forward, bringing her mouth level with his cock. Large, hard, curved up against his stomach, the crown of it darkened. “Beautiful.”

  She rubbed her thumb over the tip. A drop of pre-cum wet her finger. Capturing his gaze, she licked his cum off her thumb. She closed her eyes and moaned, enjoying the salty-sweet taste of him.

  “You taste good, Saint. But, then—” Her lips curved. “you always did taste good.”

  She leaned forward and licked another drop of moisture. Then she licked down one side and up the other. As she cupped his balls in one hand, her other slid to his ass, massaging and squeezing.

  Jason hummed against her pussy, sending sparks shooting up through her body. She slid her eyes closed and took Brady’s cock into her mouth. Each time she drew to the top of his shaft, she twirled her tongue around the tip of it. The tensing of his thighs told her he liked it.

  Her rhythm increased as the sounds of her licking and slurping grew. She rocked her hips as Jason continued sucking on her pussy. Still holding Brady’s balls in one hand, she placed her other on his dick, humming as she took him completely into her mouth, enjoying the feel of the tip of his shaft against the back of her throat.

  Brady grabbed her head, taking control of the tempo and depth for each thrust. His groans grew, his body tightening preparing for his orgasm.

  With groan filled with regret, he pulled her away and tumbled her back onto the bed. He pulled her up off of Jason and then clawed at the waist of her pants.

  “There’s a slit in the crotch.” Brady heard the arousal in her voice. It was the sexual tension he felt shooting through him and it almost pushed him too far. She was as close as he was and he had barely touched her.

  He pushed her legs wider and slid one hand between her legs. He found the opening, thankfully, and slid his finger into her tight, hot pussy.

  Oh Lord, she was wet. Her liquid fairly flowed over his fingers as the musky scent of her arousal filled the air around him. Without further preparation, he pulled his hand back and then entered her in one fast thrust. For a moment, he stayed still, enjoying the feeling of being inside her. Nothing had ever felt as right as when he had his cock inside of her, connected to her.

  The bed dipped beside them as Jason moved closer. Libby licked her lips as he positioned his cock over her mouth. Brady watched as the other man’s cock slipped between her plump pink lips.

  He would have thought before this moment that he would never have found the sight of another man and Libby arousing. But as Jason flexed his hips, thrusting his cock in and out of Libby’s mouth, there was no denying the heat that flushed through his system.

  He was still holding himself still but Libby wiggled and he was lost.

  He lifted her legs to his shoulders and began to pump himself into her. She was close, her body quivering with the need for release. Each time he pushed back into her
, her inner muscles clasped tighter, drawing him deeper.

  “Come on, Libby.” He looked down at her. Her red curls spread out over the bed in disarray, her eyes were closed, Jason still thrusting in and out of her mouth. The other man stilled, a groan of appreciation tearing from him as he shot his cum into Libby’s mouth.

  Brady increased his tempo and her moans increased in volume with each of his thrusts. “That’s it, lass. Come for me.”

  “Brady.” At the sound of his name, he felt his body explode. He continued to pump into her as his hot seed spurted. She began to convulse, her inner muscles pulling him deeper, drawing more seed from him.

  “Oh God, Libby.”

  Moments later, he gently moved her legs from his shoulders and rolled over beside her, drawing her into his arms. She tucked her head under his chin and threw one arm over his stomach. Jason collapsed with them, cozying up behind her. At the sound of her steady breathing, Brady knew she was asleep. He kissed her temple.

  As she snuggled against him, he knew that nothing had ever felt this right. His world had been cold and bleak without her all those years. Knowing that, and convincing her, was going to be the problem. She’d left for some reason, something she found lacking in him, in their relationship. He had to find out what it was, what made her run and fix it. If he didn’t, he wasn’t too sure his heart would survive her leaving this time around.

  Chapter Ten

  Libby woke slowly, her body already heated, her mind spinning. Hands skimmed down to her hips, lips brushed against her shoulder. At the same time, she felt teeth scrape across the tip of her nipple. She opened her eyes and looked down. Brady had latched on to her nipple, his hum of pleasure tingled through her. She was already dripping wet, arousal pulsing through every core of her body.

  Jason murmured against her skin, his fingers slipping into the crevice that separated her buttocks. She tensed slightly and Jason paused. With a deep breath, she ordered herself to relax. She enjoyed anal sex, or had with Brady in the past. The idea that they might take her at the same time, both pumping into her, had her shuddering, her muscles releasing some of the tension.


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