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Her Billionaire Secret Part 3: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

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by Jenna Chase

  “How did I help?”

  “You delivered the legal papers to enable the wedding to take place.”

  “I had no idea what was in the package.”

  “That's good,” Tevis replied. “Isabella stated no one else at Stanford and Henderson Law would have access to the information until after the event.”

  “My co-worker Fran thought it was strange Miss Price asked me to deliver it by hand. It all makes sense now.”

  Tevis looked at her with a slight frown but didn’t comment as the chatter round the table changed to other topics.

  This was the last chance for everyone to relax together before the wedding the next day. Claire savoured every moment. She felt a part of it all, welcomed into the fold by everyone in the room. None of them referred to her past or to Citrus Gem Magazine. It was as if the outside world didn’t exist for those few hours.

  As the supper ended and people wandered away to their rooms, the group dwindled until only Tevis, Josie and herself were left. Josie loaded the dishwasher as she chattered to Tevis. Claire drank the last of her coffee in silence, studying the relationship between Tevis and his housekeeper.

  Tevis treated Josie like a member of the family, there was no formality between them. They joked and chatted as they caught up on household issues. There was quiet talk about arrangements for breakfast, with Josie confirming an outside catering company was to be in first thing.

  “You have to remember you are a guest too, Josie,” Tevis laughed as she muttered about not being able to serve breakfast.

  “All I have to do is let the caterers in and then I’m free to enjoy the day,” she responded with a smile. “Everything is planned to run like clockwork.”

  “I’m sure it will,” Tevis grinned. He walked over to Claire and picked up her empty coffee cup. “Would you like some more?”

  “No, I’m fine. It’s time I went upstairs.”

  She stood and said ‘good night’ to Josie and walked out of the kitchen knowing they were both watching her.

  She hated to be the object of pity. Her sadness over her mother had been replaced with happy memories over the years. She’d decided long ago that the way her mother had died did not reflect the love and affection she’d given Claire as she was growing up.

  Perhaps ‘pity’ was too harsh a word. Josie cared and had looked after her every need as if she was one of the family, but there had been a hint of sadness about her. For the first time, Claire began to consider how many fans of her mother had mourned her loss almost as much as her. The actions of the press had hidden that aspect, replacing it with fear and a desire to run as far as she could.

  Claire showered and slipped into bed to wait for Tevis but he didn’t come before she drifted off to sleep. At some stage during the night, she felt him pull her into his arms and place a kiss on her forehead.

  “Tevis?” she mumbled sleepily.

  “Mmm,” he responded. He sounded tired.

  “Please, hold me for a while.”

  “Don’t worry, I plan to hold on to you forever, my darling.”

  Chapter Four



  Claire knew she’d remember the morning of Ellie’s wedding for the lovemaking between her and Tevis. He’d woken her with a kiss and the sliding of his hand down her naked back. She opened her eyes as his hand stroked her ass. A tingling sensation rippled over her skin.

  “I need you, Claire,” he murmured as he pulled her tight against him, trapping her hands against his chest. He pressed his erection against her stomach as evidence of his desire. His eyes were dark and he tangled his fingers in her hair with his other hand.

  She put her lips to his, thinking only to give a gentle kiss but something broke loose and she ravaged his mouth with a passion she didn’t know she possessed.

  Tevis responded, matching her movements. He slid his leg over her hip to pin her against him while he used both his hands to capture her face. The kiss was bruising, passionate, and she felt heat pool between her legs. Her pussy pulsed with desire, with a need to take him in.

  She didn’t care what day it was. Didn’t care what the outside world was trying to do to her. This was here and now, and all she could think about. Making love with the man who’d changed her world over the course of three days.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered.

  “That’s a given.” His hand slid down the curve of her body and every nerve responded to his touch. She was on fire. Her skin danced with electricity and her body pulsed a rhythm that could only be satisfied by Tevis.

  He pushed her back against the pillows, dipping his head to brush his lips in a trail down her collarbone to her breast. She whimpered as he pulled a tight nipple into his mouth, his teeth teasing the hard bud and she involuntarily arched against him.

  His hand skimmed across her stomach and she parted her legs to allow him to slide his finger down her slit.

  He lifted his head to gaze into her eyes. “God, I love how wet you get for me,” Tevis groaned as he cupped her sex.

  She writhed beneath his touch, pressing against his hand in an invitation for him to enter. He drew his fingers through her folds until he finally hit the swollen nub of her clit.

  Raking her fingers down his chest, she gasped out his name as she arched away from the bed.

  “I’m going to put my cock in you and fuck you so hard you’ll never want another man,” he promised.

  “Oh, god, Tevis! Do it.” She was almost sobbing with need. “Please…” she begged.

  He lifted his heavy body onto her, pushing her legs apart until his erection pressed against her slick folds.

  She reached out to grasp him, to attempt to pull him into her, but he resisted.

  “No,” he moaned, “I want to look at your face as I fuck you.”

  A pulsing throb between her legs sent a racing buzz of electricity across her skin.

  He pushed into her in one hard motion. “I want to see you come.”

  She watched his face, his look of uncensored pleasure as she sheathed his cock.

  “God, I love the way you feel,” he groaned, as he flexed his hips to withdraw and then force his way back in. Staring at her face he thrust into her over and over again.

  She matched his pace, her body demanding to be satisfied. Staring at him wildly, she took the pleasure he gave her and climbed to the edge. His groans matched hers as his balls slapped against her ass and her hands grasped his shoulders.



  I can’t take any more.

  I can’t wait…

  The rush of orgasm was intense as she fell over the edge, her pussy clenching him in a series of hot desperate pulses.

  “Claire, I…” he moaned against her neck as he jerked everything he had into her.


  Claire sat at the kitchen table fiddling with her camera equipment. Tevis had put her bag and her old clothes in the dressing room. Her wedding outfit was hanging in the wardrobe ready for her to change into.

  Tevis sat opposite her, coffee cup in hand as he searched through the emails on his phone. For all intents and purposes, it seemed like a normal Monday morning, except for the catering team quietly moving around preparing breakfast for the household guests. Only she and Tevis had gone down to the kitchen to eat. Everyone else had chosen to have breakfast in bed.

  She frowned at Tevis when he eventually looked up at her. “Are you still not going to reveal where the wedding is going to take place?”

  “No.” He gave her a short smile.

  “How are we getting there?”

  He laughed. “Stop trying to dig, you are not getting any information yet.”

  “Why all the secrecy?”

  “Boyd wanted to do something special for Ellie. He proposed to her a month ago and he promised her the wedding of her dreams.”

  A young woman from the catering team poured them more coffee.

  Claire grasped the hot cup between her hands. “And w
hat the two of you have planned is her dream?”

  “Boyd thinks so, and I’m not about to argue.” Tevis took a mouthful of his coffee as he watched her face.

  “Has Ellie had any say in this?”

  “She said ‘yes’ to Boyd and she chose her wedding dress and flowers.” He smiled at her confusion. “Ellie came here to relax and Boyd has made sure she has. Wait and see, she will have the perfect day today.”

  A camera flash reflected off the appliances across the room. The caterers looked across at them and Tevis looked over her head to towards the window. Surprised, she glanced at her equipment, thinking the flash had gone off accidentally. Then she saw the look of anger on Tevis’s face.

  “Don’t turn around,” he ordered. “We have some idiot at the kitchen window.”

  Claire’s heart skipped a beat. It was all starting again. She stood and gave Tevis a look of panic. Her throat was dry and she couldn’t speak. They wouldn’t stop at the basement windows. There would be press everywhere she went.

  “They haven’t seen your face. Walk to the stairs and keep on going,” he said with a look of understanding. “I’ll sort this out.”

  She looked at him blankly.

  He picked up her camera and placed it in her hands. “Claire, off you go. Don’t worry.”

  Her ability to concentrate and speak came back in one. “I’m sorry, Tevis,” she whispered.

  He stepped towards her and put his hand on her face.

  Another flash.

  “You have nothing to be sorry about,” he said quietly. He looked past her to the window and his tone of voice turned impatient. “That young man, however, should be exceedingly worried.”

  He stalked past her and Claire fled. She dashed up the stairs to the ground floor reception and raced up the four flights of stairs to Tevis’s suite of rooms. With her heart racing, and her breath ragged with exertion, she dropped to her knees in the middle of the floor. She was still there five minutes later when Tevis entered the room

  He sat down beside her and looked into her face.

  “Okay now?”

  She didn’t know what to say.

  He picked up her cold hand and cradled it in his. “I can handle all this. Don’t worry.”

  He had no idea what the past had done to her. How her mind reacted to the threat of being chased by photographers and journalists. It was ironic really, how she’d chosen a profession that at one time she hated with a passion. Her camera had been her therapy when her world had been dark.

  She gave him a weak smile. “It’s okay. It was a bit of a shock, that’s all.” It was a lie. There it was again, her self-defence mechanism— covering her inability to talk about what happened.

  He pulled her to him and gave her a single kiss. “If you’re sure?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she murmured against his lips, glad he couldn’t read her mind.

  Tevis helped her to her feet. The wobble in her legs had almost gone. She could act this out, she knew she could. She glanced up at Tevis. He still had a look of concern on his face.

  Claire broadened her smile. He appeared to relax.

  “That’s better,” he smiled back. “Let’s get ready and I’ll show you the wedding venue.”

  “We’re travelling there first?”

  “In a way,” he grinned.

  “You’re still not going to tell me are you?” she moaned.

  “No, I want to see the look on your face when you see it.

  Forty-five minutes later they were both ready. Claire was surprised to find Christine had provided a far less formal outfit than the one for the family party. The dress was cornflower blue with birds printed on the sheer fabric. Close fitted in the bodice, it dropped down into wide flowing skirts to skim her knees. A matching pair of kitten heels completed the look. She decided to leave her hair long, tucking it back behind her ears. Finally, she hung her camera by its strap over her shoulder.

  Tevis once more dabbed her skin with Clive Christian No. 1 and fastened the diamond necklace around her neck.

  “Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?”

  “Too many times,” she laughed. In that moment all her worries were on hold. It was just the two of them. “I’m in danger of beginning to believe you.”

  “I don’t tell you enough.” The look he gave her made her heart skip.

  If only she could stay and make this all real. She pushed the thought firmly away. She intended to enjoy the fantasy of today.

  “You, Mr Drummond, look exceedingly handsome.” She gave him a deliberate top to toe once over, taking in the soft casual shirt and form-fitting pants, finally coming back to his eyes.

  “That’s the first time you’ve commented on my looks,” he said wryly. “You’ve called me names, but I’ve never received a compliment.”

  “Are you fishing for one?” she laughed.

  “No, but I do wonder how you feel about me.”

  I love you.

  “I was wrong about you. You’re kind and considerate, and I owe you an apology.” She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek.


  “You’re damned good in bed.”

  “Is that all?”

  She didn’t respond. Inside she knew what he wanted to hear but she couldn’t say it.

  He looked at her with a small smile as if he could see the reality on her face. He dipped his head to her ear and brushed her lobe with his lips.

  “Claire Bretton, I love you,” he said softly. “One day you are going to love me too.”

  Chapter Five


  He led Claire up to the fifth floor and then on to separate stairs which led to the roof. The door was already open ready for the guests to be led through. They were early, just as he intended, and there was no one else around.

  Claire hadn’t said a word since his declaration but she hadn’t resisted when he took her hand. Tevis knew she was holding back. Time was running out and he couldn’t let her go. No way was she going to leave if he could help it. He didn’t know why he’d suddenly told her, perhaps to give her something to latch on to. A reason to stay by his side.

  It wasn’t enough. He knew it. Not enough to love her and not be loved back.

  “Close your eyes,” he said quietly.

  Claire complied without comment. That was a first. He led her out onto the roof garden and positioned her in the centre of the area for the wedding.

  “Stay there and keep your eyes closed.”

  He went back to the entrance and flicked a switch. His Claire stood like a vision in the middle of the floor as the lights danced their way around the elaborate set.

  He swallowed the lump in his throat and smiled. “You can open your eyes now.”



  “It’s a fantasy garden.” Her words came out in a whisper. It seemed like sacrilege to speak the words louder.

  “Sort of,” Tevis smiled back. “A secret garden, Ellie’s favourite childhood fantasy.”

  “Oh Tevis, she’s going to love it.” Already Claire was itching to take photographs. She swung around taking it all in.

  The floor was laid with grass and bamboo screens cut off the view of the rest of London. Lavishly decorated with flowers, miniature trees and flickering lights, the whole set was a delight to the senses. In the centre was a small stage, and to one side a row of instruments and bamboo furniture and cushions were scattered around.

  She lifted her camera and turned to Tevis. “Can I take some photographs now?”

  “That’s why I brought you up here,” he grinned.

  For the next twenty minutes, she took a multitude of shots while Tevis watched her from a seat in the corner. There were surprises everywhere—including tiny crystal fairies and treasure maps with keys, along with little dishes of rose petals to use as confetti. Claire lost herself in her world of photography and only resurfaced as the first guests arrived. From that point onward she focused on candid shots of friends and f
amily as the rooftop garden filled with people.

  Boyd was the last to arrive and Tevis joined him on the small stage to wait for the bride. The registrar stood to one side and everyone turned expectantly to the entrance as music played gently in the background. Claire didn’t recognise the male singer on the track but the song was one of Ellie’s. Several of the guests looked at Boyd, who was grinning.

  “Son, I didn’t know you had a singing voice,” Charles Drummond muttered from the side.

  “Shush, Dad, you’re ruining the romantic effect,” Boyd barked back as laughter rippled through the guests.

  Ellie entered the rooftop on the arm of her father, a look of wonder and a wide smile filling her face. Her gaze fell on Boyd and Claire knew that for her, in those few seconds, there was no one else there.

  Ellie was utterly beautiful in a finely embroidered full-length dress. Her hair was artfully arranged so that blond tendrils fell around her long slender neck. Boyd took her hand and the ceremony began.

  What was it about weddings that made people cry? Claire had never experienced the deep emotions that filled her as she watched the couple make their vows. She hadn’t been to a wedding since she was a child and certainly not to one as romantic and simple as this. The whole scene before her became a rippled watery view as she fought back the tears.

  Then everyone was smiling and laughing as Boyd swung Ellie into his arms and kissed her. Claire snapped away capturing every moment.

  The partying went on for hours. Waiters moved among those on the rooftop serving drinks and food. On the floor below them, there were more rooms set out for the guests to relax in.

  Claire went down to take more photographs and as she passed a window, dismay replaced her happiness. From behind the gauze curtains, she looked out to the street below at around twenty photographers and journalists lining the pavement opposite. She stepped back bumping into the firm body of Charles Drummond. He caught her and straightened her up.

  “It's been a long time since a young woman fell for me,” he chuckled.”


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