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The Skywalkers: A Thriller (A Rossler Foundation Mystery Book 5)

Page 25

by JC Ryan

  Bryant booked the private flight to Flagstaff and the helicopter in his own name so it couldn’t be traced back to the Rossler Foundation.

  Four hours after Mark met with Sarah, he picked up his men and drove them to the airport to take the private flight to Flagstaff.

  Day 6 - the Canyon

  Joseph had reached the chapter that talked about how to disable the beast in his translation efforts. It was going slowly but they were making progress, and as he worked, JR, Daniel and Robert studied what he’d translated so far.

  John Brideaux was sitting in his corner working on his tablet. He hadn’t fully decided on the right time to make his move. With the beast identified and all the sound files already created by Raj, he could actually do it now if he wanted to.

  His people were on standby to come in and take everything - kill all of them if necessary, except Joseph, whom he needed for the rest of the translations.

  But, he reasoned, it would be so much better if he had the full translation and the beast had been shut down before they move in. Let someone else take the risk of the shutdown. That way, he’d be able to move the beast, set it up in another place and activate it again when he was ready.

  First, he’d need to launch satellites through some of the private space companies in which he and his Eligo Rarus group had invested. They’d load the beast with the DNA they’d stolen along with what they were now already collecting through the labs, and in a matter of a few weeks he’d be ready to take over the world.

  Once the satellites were up, they can just keep on uploading data as it came in. Brideaux actually liked this Rossler outfit. They were an intelligent bunch of people and he could have used their brains in his empire. But, the biggest problem with them was that they had moral values. He didn’t need that.

  He didn’t really want to kill any of them, especially Daniel, but it wouldn’t bother him at all if he had to kill them all. A good leader knew when it was time to sacrifice a few for the common good of all mankind, after all. His conclusion was that he’d like to do it as cleanly and as quickly as possible, but it was better to wait a bit longer until the translation was done and the beast deactivated. Then he’d call in his soldiers and take over.

  Meanwhile back at Rossler Foundation

  After the frenzied activity, the girls, Sinclair and the reinforcements of Aaron and Ryan had kicked off everything they could. Aaron wasn’t happy that he hadn’t been included in the rescue team. Those were his brothers in trouble, after all. But Rebecca was right when she pointed out his lack of experience with that kind of thing.

  Enigma was implemented and everyone but this group would be on their way to safety within hours. The Canyon rescue team were on their way as well. It only remained to have a final chat about what to do when one or more of their husbands were expected to call in an hour. Salome calmed Sarah and Rebecca with the observation that everything they’d done was undercover, and there was every reason to believe their husbands, or some of them, were still alive. If the call came, it would confirm that. It was the reason they were sending people out in small groups; family members first, as they’d be the least likely to be watched.

  Sarah and Rebecca weren’t trained for this type of situation, and their emotions were on edge. Rebecca was actually doing better than Sarah now, first because of her medical training to handle a crisis with calm, and second because Sarah now regretted not having a chance to kiss Nick goodbye before Daniel’s parents delivered him to her mom. At least Mom and Aunt Sally were already on the road and would be among the first to arrive to safety. With a gulp, she resigned herself to the idea that if anything happened to her, or to Daniel, God forbid, Nick would be raised by four loving grandparents and an uncle and aunt who adored him.

  Sarah was actually taking pride in how she and Rebecca were handling their stress. Rather than being paralyzed by it, it had galvanized them to action in getting the exodus organized. The biggest issue they had was being unable to use any phone or the internet to make any arrangements at all. Everything had to be done in person. In fact, she was about to send Aaron to Raj’s house to collect Sushma and the baby with no warning. She didn’t envy him the task.

  If the phone call they were waiting for came through as expected, they’d have to wait only long enough for the report of success by the rescue team. With their husbands’ safe, they’d do all the rest of their moving under cover of darkness tonight and not alert too many people about their moving. The waiting, though, was excruciating.


  Salome and Luke had gone over the Canyon situation again a bit more rationally after the initial shock and finally had come to almost the same conclusion as John Brideaux had, of course, unaware that he’d done so. It would probably be better and more efficient for him to wait until the group had the full translation and had deactivated the beast before he made his move. So, having considered all the risks and options they decided they had one chance at this and that would be when that phone rang with one of the boys on the other end still alive.

  Sarah hadn’t come up with anything except the RUR/RWA question and response for codes - she’d just been too busy to think. Salome told her it was okay, probably too complicated to pull off anyway. As the experienced FBI agent, she wanted to handle the conversation, afraid that either Sarah or Rebecca would get nervous and give away the game somehow. They agreed, although Rebecca wasn’t happy about not getting to talk to JR if it was him. Salome assured her that if there was a chance to do it, Rebecca or Sarah could get on the phone after she – Salome - had conveyed the critical information.

  The plan was this. Salome would answer and direct the conversation as if she were the wife of whomever called. They would have to take the chance of talking in the open and tell him what is going on, using misdirection as much as possible. She wouldn’t mention Enigma, and if Daniel or JR mentioned it, she’d deflect it and try to pass it off as something else, hoping the caller would get the picture. Brideaux’s outfit must not know about it under any circumstances.

  She also wouldn’t mention the rescue mission. If the theory she and Luke were counting on were correct, then Brideaux was waiting to make his move. And if that were the case, she didn’t want the ex-Marines running into an alerted ambush. Let them be the surprise factor.

  To be as prepared as she could, Salome jotted down a script of sorts, with suggestions from the others. They were all gathered in the small conference room again, where they gathered to take their turn at talking when the men called every afternoon. As the time approached, Sarah kept looking at her watch every few minutes and Rebecca stared out the window or paced. Salome hoped the call wouldn’t be delayed. She could have cut the tension with a knife.

  Chapter 43 - The end game

  When the phone rang, it was Daniel. Salome thanked Providence that it was he, whom she assumed would catch on to the ruse more quickly, having been through it before.

  “Daniel, it’s Salome. Listen very carefully, and above all, act normally. We’ve made some discoveries. I want you to say hello honey, or whatever you usually say to Sarah. Ask about Nick. And then, just listen. Don’t say anything else until I can give you some instructions.

  Daniel’s voice sounded strained to her, but maybe it was just the effect of the phone signal having to bounce off the satellite.

  “Hi, sweetheart? How are you? How’s Nick?”

  Salome breathed a sigh of relief. He got it. Even if there were listeners, he and the others would be alerted before Brideaux could get reinforcements there. With any luck, the chopper with JR’s friends would get there first.

  “Don’t say anything until I tell you to. Here’s the situation. I need to know if John Brideaux is nearby? If he’s there and can hear you, say ‘I’m sorry to hear that, but don’t worry, we should be back in a few days.’ If he can’t hear you, say ‘We’re almost finished.’”

  “I’m sorry to hear that, but don’t worry. We should be back in a few days.”

  Damn, luck w
asn’t running with them so far. But she was prepared.

  “Ok, yes or no to this one. Is everyone still alive and well?”


  The upward inflection let her know he wanted to understand what was going on. She’d get to it as quickly as she could.

  “OK, if the answer to the next question is yes, just say yes, but don’t make it a question this time. If no, say ‘We’re just finishing up.’ Here’s the question. Have any other people arrived?”

  “We’re just finishing up.”

  “Okay, I’m going to tell you what’s going on. When I pause, just say anything that you might say to Sarah. Act like this is a normal conversation.”

  “Of course, sweetheart.”

  “Good. Daniel, John Brideaux isn’t who he seems to be. I’ve turned up evidence that he and a handful of colleagues are on a mission to take over governments on a world-wide basis. He’s after the beast, and he doesn’t intend to destroy it. He wants to use it. Say something.”

  “Darling, you can’t be serious!”

  “Excellent. Believe it, Daniel. It’s not just me saying it. I’ve showed the evidence to everyone here. They agree. You’re in danger.”

  “Well, I’m surprised, but I left you in charge, sweetheart. I’m sure you’ll do the right thing.”

  “Can you handle things from here on? We’re concerned that he’ll act sooner if he knows we know what’s up.”

  “Yeah, no problem.”

  “Okay, Daniel, I’m out. We all love you all… be careful.”

  “Bye, sweetheart.”

  “Wait, Daniel, Sarah wants…” But the line was dead. Salome turned to Sarah. “I’m sorry, hon, he got away.”

  “At least I know he’s alive,” Sarah said, a forlorn note in her voice. At the window, Rebecca was weeping.


  Daniel had tried to move away from Brideaux as soon as Salome had asked about his proximity, but every time he moved, Brideaux followed. There had been a time when he would have thought nothing of it. Now he was convinced Brideaux was trying to listen in. Thank goodness Salome had planned for that contingency.

  Continuing his charade, Daniel went to swap the batteries. He picked up the charged ones and inserted the spent ones into the charger.

  All the while he was doing his normal outdoor tasks, Daniel’s mind was racing, while at the same time he was wishing he had the others to help him. Raj had stayed behind in case Joseph needed him, Robert and JR had been playing cards, and Roy had been asleep. It would be up to him.

  He must try to overpower Brideaux. That shouldn’t be a problem, since he was younger, taller and stronger. He’d do it in the lift as soon as it moved, while Brideaux was hanging on for that horrifying ride down. Daniel was sure that Brideaux didn’t have a clue what he knew, and he would take him by surprise.

  While Daniel was busy with the batteries, Brideaux got another call, but because he was out of earshot where Daniel couldn’t hear, he didn’t notice.

  When it was time, they made their way to the lift and got in. The moment the lift started to move, Daniel lunged toward Brideaux, but to his surprise, John had a big smile on his face and a big gun in his hand, pointing it at Daniel’s head.

  “Rossler, you must be thinking I am stupid. I know all about it. Now if you want to come out of this alive and save your friends, you will do as I tell you.”


  Brideaux had almost smiled when his operative called right after Daniel ended his phone call. The man had gone on and on about how this call was different, how it’s usually all sexy stuff, men talking to their wives, until Brideaux had told him to get to the point. Then he’d dropped the bombshell. This time it wasn’t Rossler’s wife he’d spoken to, though from what Brideaux had heard, it seemed to have been. The predatory look came over his face when he heard what had really gone down, but he’d smoothed it over again by the time he and Rossler got into the lift.

  He was ready for Daniel’s attack, which had been bad news for Daniel. Now the lift was opening, and he was ready for that as well. Who else it was bad news for would be determined in the next few minutes.

  Daniel walked out of the lift, with Brideaux right behind him. JR and the others, all but Robert, were gathered around Joseph’s computer, but at the sound of the door opening, he looked up and shouted, “Hey Daniel, how are the girls back home…?”

  He stopped abruptly when he saw on Daniel’s face there was something wrong. He started to get up, but hadn’t made it out of the floating chair when Brideaux gave Daniel a shove from behind, knocking him over one of the chairs. He lifted the gun and shouted at them to all get up and away from Joseph’s computer. Raj who was sitting behind his own computer, got up quickly, turning to conceal it as he pulled out the mini-flash drive and shoved it into his pocket.

  Brideaux was over-excited. He shouted at them to put their hands in the air, keep them there, and to move out and away to a corner. Just then, Robert who was out in one of the side corridors, appeared in the doorway. He had heard the commotion, heard everything when he cautiously approached, and decided to sneak up on Brideaux and overpower him from behind.

  Now, at the door behind Brideaux, he was about five yards away and preparing to lunge across the gap when Brideaux heard something. He whirled around and shot Robert between the eyes, killing him instantly.

  Daniel was stunned. In the moment it took him to start for Brideaux, JR yelled “You bastard!” and lunged for Brideaux himself. Brideaux fired, hitting JR in the left hand.

  He smiled coldly. ”I suggest you don’t take any more chances. I can shoot the eyes out of a rat at ten paces on a full gallop. I have no intention of killing you, but I also have no issues whatsoever to do it if you give me any more shit. I am not going to tell you again to move to the corner and keep your hands up.”

  As they shuffled into the corner, he looked at Roy and sneered. “If it wasn’t for that blond fuckin little slut of yours mingling in my affairs, this could have ended very well for all of you, including your dead friend over there. But now I have to change my plans slightly.”

  Roy heard nothing but the insult to his wife. Ready to kill this man with his bare hands, he started to move forward, but Daniel caught him and held him back.

  “Good move Danny, you just saved that boy’s life. All of you listen very carefully, I would have killed him as well because I have a very itchy trigger finger on this gun at the moment. I have no use for him, and in fact I have no use for any of you. So this is my second and final warning. I have no problem killing you all. Do as I say and you live; try any of that heroic fuckin shit and you are dead.”

  No one moved or opened his mouth, but if looks could have killed, Brideaux would have been dead on the spot. He smiled again. It didn’t matter to him; he was now in control, and there had never been a more satisfying feeling.

  He said, “Okay, now Joseph, go over to my bag there on that table. Take out the cable ties and tie up these motherfuckers so I don’t have to kill any more of them.” He was enjoying this moment so much that he became even more obnoxious with his rhetoric. “You must see it as a lifesaving mission Joseph. Make sure you tie them up good. If anyone of them gets out of their ties and I have to shoot him, you are responsible for his death – you understand me? Ok do it. I’ll be watching your every move.” Waving the gun carelessly, he added, “I have no issues shooting you as well - there are plenty more translators where you came from, so get on with it.”

  Daniel listened to this braggadocio and couldn’t believe the man had fooled him for all the years they’d been associated. How could he have been so blind?

  Brideaux supervised as he directed Joseph to tie them up with their hands behind their backs and then their feet. When they were trussed like Thanksgiving turkeys, he had Joseph drag them apart so they couldn’t talk to each other without him hearing.

  Now he had one last direction for Joseph. “Okay, now sit your ass down at that computer and carry on with that translatio
n and finish it. And let me give you a few tips that concern your health and the health of every one of your friends. I’m in a hurry now. I want that translation done in the next two hours. Search for the part that says how you shut that fuckin machine down and translate it. I’m setting the timer on my watch and this is how it’s going to go down.

  In the next 30 minutes, you will find that part and start translating it. If I am not happy with your progress, I’ll shoot one of those boys. Every 30 minutes I’ll shoot another of them until you have the whole thing done. So health wise it will be good for you and the boys if you stick to my time management plan here. Comprende?”

  Joseph, a respected elder of his tribe in his late sixties, swallowed. A man of peace, he had never been treated like this. If it never happened again, it would be too soon.

  Brideaux, satisfied he had the lot of them cowed and ready to follow orders, walked over to his bag and took out a bottle of his favorite. If the others had been interested, they would have noticed it was a very, very expensive cognac. Then Brideaux took a crystal glass from a little box in his bag and poured himself a stiff drink, He sat down to wait for Joseph’s results.

  Joseph, too upset to focus, tried to concentrate, but 30 minutes later he had not been able to find the shutdown routine. As soon as the alarm sounded, Brideaux walked over and asked Joseph to show his progress. Wordlessly, Joseph shook his head, pointing to the screen, which said “Your search showed no results.”

  Brideaux said nothing. Instead, he walked over to Roy and without ceremony shot him in his lower right leg. Roy howled in pain, but the bullet had not hit bone and passed through.

  Before anyone could say anything, Brideaux remarked, “It must be that cognac. I aimed for his head. But I think I will keep on shooting until I hit the target.” As they watched in horror, Brideaux pretended to take careful aim, pulled the trigger and hit the wall. He laughed. “Shit, that stuff I’m drinking is really potent. It’s fucking up my aim completely.”


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