Bee's Enraged Beast (James Pack Book 4)
Page 7
“I think that’s my line,” he murmured, giving me another kiss. Before it could get too heated, I pulled away, tugging on him to follow me downstairs. I knew my brother, and his appearance this morning said he wasn’t waiting any longer. I figured part of it was checking on me, to make sure I was happy. That Hannibal was treating me right. I didn’t think Bastion wanted to know how right my mate was treating me, but I’d make sure he knew I was ecstatically happy. And I’d talk to him about my mate and me staying, being a part of the James Pack.
“He’s in the den,” Raina said as we reached the main floor. Then she raced over and caught me up in a hug. “I’m so happy for you. God, you’re glowing. And you!”
She moved right into Hannibal and gave him a solid squeeze. My mate didn’t seem to know how to respond to that. He sort of patted her shoulder and looked toward me with a bit of panic on his face. It was obvious he wasn’t used to near strangers hugging him. But Raina was my sister-in-law, and once she decided she liked someone, she was openly affectionate. It drove my brother nuts. She was so good for him.
“Go on in. I’ve got to go check on a patient, but I’ll be back soon. Maybe, we can hang out and have some girl chat.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me and laughed as she headed out the door.
“She’s a whirlwind,” Hannibal stated with a shake of his head.
“She’s fierce and loyal and the perfect match for my brother. I knew she was meant for him when I saw her picture on Bastion’s desk.”
“Her picture?”
“The old Rigton Pack came to my brother and asked him to take them in. Even suggested Raina as a potential mate to sweeten the offer. One look at her and my brother was in love. Said she would be his mate or no deal.”
“And she fell in line with that?” Hannibal questioned, his expression clearly one of doubt.
I shook my head. “Complacent isn’t in her description.”
We walked into the den, hand-in-hand, smiling at each other. I was surprised to see Bastion in there alone. Usually Cyan or Taylor were with him. Or Simon. Simon was almost always with him or lingering somewhere nearby. He was my brother’s private guard, though most didn’t realize that. Simon gave off a bookish, non-threatening vibe, but he was as lethal as any of the inner circle, equally deadly in human or wolf form.
“Glad to see you’re both alive,” my brother muttered, bracing his elbows on his desk as he took visual inventory of us. “Have a seat and let’s talk.”
Hannibal went to lead me to the chairs facing Bastion’s desk, but I shook my head and pointed toward the sitting area on the other side of the room by the fireplace.
“I saw Raina on her way out,” I offered as I took a seat on the couch and pulled Hannibal down next to me.
“She’s gone to check on our guests,” my brother stated, standing and coming around his desk to join us. “Something we need to discuss. Makers and Hutch are ready for travel. You can leave in the morning. Longer than that, I can’t guarantee they’ll be alive for the trip.”
“We’ve got plans this afternoon, but we can be ready to go by morning,” Hannibal replied.
“You. Belinda can stay here. There’s no point in dragging her with you when you’ll be heading right back.”
“Belinda goes with me,” Hannibal stated softly, but there was no missing the edge in his voice.
“We’re going to look at that house that just went up for sale. We’ll need our own place and—”
“You’re staying with the pack?” Bastion questioned.
I nodded. “That’s okay, isn’t it?”
“Yes.” I heard the relief in his voice, and it nearly broke me. “You can live here. You don’t need to move out.”
“Not happening,” Hannibal said with a laugh.
“Fine, if that’s the place you want, we’ll go look at it. Put a bid on it.”
“Belinda and I are going to look at it. Alone. If my mate wants it, then I’ll get it for her.”
Bastion rumbled at Hannibal’s words, and my mate growled right back.
“Let’s get something straight, James. Belinda is my mate, and I’ll be the one taking care of her from now on. She loves you and would like to remain a part of this pack, and I want to give her everything she desires. I can bring a lot to the pack, or I can sleep here and keep doing my own thing. That choice is yours. I’ll abide by whatever you decide. What I won’t do is make Belinda choose between the brother she loves and the mate she’s been waiting for. I love your sister. She’s my priority.”
Bastion lowered his head for a moment and forcefully blew out his breath. “I know she’s been waiting for you, but I don’t know how to let her go. I don’t…” He swallowed and glanced up at the ceiling.
“Then don’t let me go,” I whispered, coming to my feet and crossing to him. “I’m right here. I want to stay right here. But I need you to accept Hannibal. I need him to be welcome here. I need that.”
Bastion pulled me close and hugged me tight. His cheek rested atop my head for a long moment, and I felt the press of his lips before he let me go and shooed me back toward Hannibal.
“First off, you’re welcome here, Hannibal. You’re family. I’d like to go with you to look at the property, as well as having Anthony go with us. I’ll want him to check out the layout from a defense standpoint. If her kidnapping has taught me anything, it’s that there are those who aren’t afraid to use her to try and get to me.”
I recognized it for the olive branch it was and held my breath as I waited to see how Hannibal would respond.
“Makes sense. Protecting her is essential, especially if I have to head out for a job. I need to know she’s safe.”
“Wait. I’ll be going with you,” I interrupted.
“What exactly is it you do?” Bastion asked.
“I hunt down rogue wolves and bring them back to face the consequences of their actions,” Hannibal answered.
“By yourself?” Bas asked.
“That’s generally the idea. Where is my sister, by the way?”
“Cici took off for your mom’s.” Bastion cleared his throat. “Simon went after her to make sure she arrived safely.”
Oh, that was interesting and explained Simon’s absence. Had Bastion done it because she was my mate’s sister? Maybe, as a way of showing Hannibal he belonged? God, I hoped so.
“We’ve been looking at ways to diversify and bring in more income since our numbers have grown,” Bastion continued. “Would you be interested in letting the pack help on your cases? We can work out a cut on whatever your fee is.”
“We can do that. I have no problem contributing to the pack. I’ll need to remain the point of contact, for now. I’ve made a name for myself among the packs. They know me. Know I’ll get the job done. I’ve proven I deserve the fee I charge.”
“I want to be involved,” I said again since neither of them had responded earlier. “I want to go with you.”
Hannibal nodded and linked our finger together, bringing my hand to his mouth and placing a soft kiss on the back.
“My mate goes where I go.”
“Then we’ll get some of the others trained to takeover. Let you oversee things from here. Unless you want to be on the road a lot,” Bastion offered.
“No, I can oversee most of it from here. Unless it’s a job that requires traveling to the pack first, so I can get a feel for the situation. I’ve been called to locate a few runaways, who needed to remain gone. You can’t always know that through email or a phone call.”
“Understood,” Bastion agreed. “What about your family? Do you think your mother and her mate will want to move closer with their kids here?”
“Their kids? I doubt Cici will stay here,” Hannibal said with a laugh.
Bastion paused for a moment. Opened his mouth then shook his head with a sigh. “Do you think she’ll let you out of her sight that easily? Cici followed you here to begin with.”
Hannibal laughed. “You might want to rethink it if she stays.
Cici has a way of stepping in and taking over. She’s a bit of a mother hen that way.”
Bastion swallowed and shook his head. “Then we’ll have to figure out something to put her in charge of. If she stays. What exactly does your sister do when she’s not chasing after you?”
“She teaches self-defense.”
“Cici?” Bastion questioned.
“She’s little but fierce,” Hannibal defended.
“We’ll find a place for her,” Bastion stated. “As well as your parents, if this is where they want to be.”
“The house we’re looking at has a mother-in-law cottage on the property,” I offered.
“When are you looking?” Bastion asked.
“I have to get the number and call first,” I admitted.
“I’ll take care of it,” Hannibal said, giving me a kiss then standing. “I have some calls to make anyway. I’ll be right outside while I give you two a few minutes together.”
He squeezed my hand and gave me a wink before he left. Bastion and I sat in the silence for a moment. Comfortable with one another.
“All those visions that he was coming, and you never realized how fucking big your mate would be?” Bastion huffed.
I laughed, and my brother cracked a smile and opened his arms for me. I went, wrapping myself in his hug. He’d been my rock since I was six years old. No, before that. Long before that.
“You and me against the world, kiddo,” he murmured.
“Well, we might have to include Raina and Hannibal and the rest of the James Pack now, but yes,” I agreed.
“I look at you, and I still see the tiny girl with ponytails, skinned knees, and big, blue eyes. When did you grow up on me?”
“When you weren’t looking,” I offered.
He shook his head. “I’ll always watch over you. No matter how old you get.” He gave me another squeeze then stepped back. “I’m glad you’re staying here. It’s where you belong.”
Home. After all our years on the run, Bastion had built a home just as he’d always promised when I was a kid. A home for us and the families we’d make.
“I love you, too, Bastion,” I whispered then left my brother’s side and headed to my mate.
Chapter Ten
We spent the rest of the afternoon with my mate’s brother, and I watched him grow more at ease with me as the day wore on. I figured it was buying the house. Belinda fell in love with it when we walked through, and I loved her. I offered a cash bid for the full asking price, so I doubted we’d encounter any issues.
Belinda hadn’t been there for that moment, but Bastion had. He hadn’t said a thing, but I didn’t have anything to hide when it came to my money. It was a big house, bigger than I’d anticipated, but I could easily see it spilling over with children’s laughter and the sound of their running feet. Our children. Part of me hoped she was already pregnant. I had every intention of keeping her that way until she said otherwise.
“What are you thinking about?” Belinda asked when we finally made our way back upstairs to her room. I’d need to have my mom get movers to transport my bed here. It had been special-made for a man of my size, and I missed it.
“Children,” I answered honestly.
She dropped her hand to cup her stomach, and I paused at the top of the stairs.
“Are you?”
She shook her head. “Not yet, but soon. There’s going to be lots of babies soon. Our first one’s a boy.” Her eyes got wide. “I shouldn’t have told you that.”
“Why not?” I asked her.
“In case, you wanted to be surprised.”
“I’m good with knowing.” My gaze dropped to her belly. “A boy, huh?”
She grinned. “There will be a surge of new life here soon. Everyone’s finding their mates. We’re going to flourish and grow.”
“Vision?” I wanted to learn more about that side of her. I was still curious about the connection we’d made.
“Yes,” she admitted. “A good one.”
“They’re not all good?” I continued as she led me back down the hallway toward her bedroom. “Of course not. I’m sorry. You told me about the one when you were six. I’m sure seeing someone die wasn’t a good vision.”
“No. I’ve learned, though, and my brother has helped me. I know how to lock in and look for hints as to when and where. It helps if there’s someone there for me to talk to as I see things. I don’t always remember every detail afterwards. They’re always what could happen. Every choice made can alter the outcome.”
“And the connection we made. Have you ever had that happen before?” I held open her door then closed and locked it as we stepped inside.
“No. Never. I…” She shook her head. “It caught me completely by surprise. It felt as if you were looking through my eyes, speaking through me.”
“I was. It, uh, it was unnerving. Left me disoriented for a minute.” I cupped her face. “It was also one of the most amazing moments of my life. To have that kind of connection with someone. Not just someone. My mate. My other half. There’s nothing like it. I hope we’re able to do it again, though I’d prefer it never be in a situation like that.”
“Me, either,” she admitted with a grin. “And I wanted to thank you for making my brother so comfortable today.”
“He was afraid of losing you,” I whispered, cupping her face and lifting it to mine. “It’s a fear I understand.”
“You’re not going to lose me. You didn’t have to agree to stay here, but you did. For me. Do you need to go back to your pack and let your alpha know?”
“I don’t have a pack or an alpha. It’s just me.”
“And Cici and your mom and her mate,” Belinda replied.
I nodded. “We’ll visit them as often as you’d like, but I don’t think they’ll decide to move here. My mother and Cain will stick close to Cici.”
Belinda gave me a look.
“Bastion’s right. Your sister followed you here. Why wouldn’t she stay if she knows she’s welcome?”
I shook my head, giving a chuckle. “Trust me when I say there’s no understanding Cici. She’s always doing what I least expect.”
Belinda laughed. “She sounds like a fun person to be around.”
“No,” I muttered. “When you meet, you won’t let her talk you into any of her crazy schemes.”
“I’ll do my best to hold out against her.” She smiled. “Of course, that’s assuming she even likes me.”
Her words trailed off as she looked at my face. I could only imagine what she saw in my gaze. “Baby, Cici’s going to love you. As will my mom and Cain. Promise.”
“You can’t know that for sure,” she countered.
“They’ll love you because I do. My mother… She’ll adore you. One look at how happy I am with you, and you’ll be her favorite person.”
I saw the hope in her eyes and realized how hungry for acceptance my mate was. It made me want to beat every wolf who’d ever made her feel otherwise.
“Did you get a hold of Cici earlier?” she asked, distracting me from my plotting.
“Texted. She’ll call me when she gets home.”
I’d called and left a message for her when I’d left Belinda alone with her brother. Cici hadn’t called me back yet. She’d sent a text saying she was driving and would talk to me later. After a few more texts, where she assured me she wasn’t currently driving but stopping for gas and road snacks, she’d said she was sore, tired, but physically fine. She hadn’t said anything about the James Pack, and for some reason, I hadn’t thought to tell her Simon was following her. I’d have to remember to share that information when she finally called.
I’d already decided I’d check on her when I stopped by mom’s on the way back from delivering Makers and his cronies. I wanted Cici to see Belinda now that she wasn’t beaten all to hell and chained at the ankle. Just the memory of my mate like that made me want to go to where the James Pack was ho
lding Makers and Hutch. It should satisfy me that Makers arm wasn’t healing. Instead, it hung loosely at his side. He’d raged and threatened. Bastion had threatened to open his cell and let me or Taylor in to finish him off. Makers had paled when we’d told him where he was going in the morning and the justice that would be served. I knew Bastion was sending Taylor as he needed to watch Makers die as much as I did.
“Hey.” Belinda slid her body against mine. “What are you thinking of?”
I reached down and cupped her ass, lifting her higher so I could kiss her like I wanted. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I moved until she was caught between the wall and me. She ground her sex against my erection as I ate at her mouth. God, I could drown in this woman. Every inch of her. Right now, we had far too many layers of clothing between us.
I braced her weight on my hips and used my hands to jerk her shirt over her head. She was already working on her bra while I tossed her shirt to the floor. I cupped her breasts, lifting them as I dropped my mouth to cover one swollen tip. She tunneled her hands through my hair, her nails scraping lightly against my scalp, and I swore my cock was going to break my zipper.
I moved to her other breast, giving it the same gluttonous treatment. I could spend hours sucking her nipples. Days. Years. Then I caught the scent of her lust, and there was something far more tantalizing I wanted to eat. I dropped her to her feet and went to my knees before her, making quick work of her pants and shoving them down her legs until they caught on her shoes. She was keening and moaning, when I finally managed to get one leg free and lift it over my shoulder.
God, the scent of her made my mouth water. I dove, licking from her clitoris down to her opening and back up to suck the taut bud into my mouth. She pumped her hips into my face, craving what I could give her. I pressed one arm over her hips using my fingers to hold her folds open, so I could see every luscious pink inch of her. I used my other hand to play, rimming her opening with my finger while I sucked her clit.
“Put your finger inside me, Hannibal. Please.”
I thrust the digit deep. Then did it again while I continued sucking. Her hips pumped in time with the thrust of my finger, and I added another. I brought her to orgasm then moved my mouth lower so I could drink her down, pressing my tongue inside to consume every drop. I took my time, making her come again and then a third time before my cock made me pull my mouth away.