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Love on the Free Side

Page 15

by Mariah Ankenman

  “Oh, sweetie.” Maggie stroked her hair. “Is it really that bad of a thing if you two start seeing each other again?”

  Whipping her head up, she gaped at the woman. “Yes! He broke my heart. I was devastated when Tony broke up with me. Then when I saw him in town again, I started having all these conflicting feelings. I thought if we had sex, did the one thing we never got to do before, I could finally get him out of my system. Only…”

  “Only now that you did it, you’re afraid it might be more than sex?” Lizzy pointed a half-eaten cupcake at her.


  The two women she admired most in the world shared a glance, communicating between themselves without words. When they turned back to her, Maggie spoke first. “Why is this a problem for you?”

  “Hello? Did you not hear the breaking my heart part?”

  “I know, sweetie, but take it from someone who’s been there.” Her old boss smiled. “Second chances can be so, so worth it.”

  “Yeah,” Lizzy tried to grab the fifth cupcake, but Maggie smacked her hand. “Ouch! Aserk! And take it from me, sex for sex’s sake rarely works out. Those pesky feelings often get involved.”

  Did that mean Tony would have feelings, too?

  She had no idea what she was feeling, because there were about a million different ideas floating around in her brain right now. Could they really start again? A second chance?

  No, impossible because—

  “He lives in New York.” Problem number one. “It would never work out.”

  Long distance had killed them before. Why would this time be any different?

  “People move,” Lizzy offered helpfully.

  “Not when they own two very successful restaurants.”

  No, no way would Tony give up his lucrative businesses to move back to a sleepy little mountain town and cook for her at her therapy camp. Even the idea seemed silly. A nice dream, but that’s all it would ever be. And her heart would do well to remember that.

  “Maybe he would. You never—”

  The bell above the shop chimed, interrupting whatever Maggie was about to say. She turned to the door to see the topic of conversation stride through. No surprise. She texted him she’d be waiting at the cupcake shop after her errands. Still, her heart did a stupid little jump at the sight of him.

  “Hey, Tony. Your ears must be burning.”


  She swiped out a foot, kicking Lizzy in the ankle under the table.

  “Ouch!” The blonde sent her a death glare. “Never mind.”

  Served the older woman right—man talk over chocolate was sacred.

  Tony shrugged, his gaze falling on her. “You ready for lunch.” That dark gaze passed over the table, lighting with amusement. “Unless you’ve filled up on dessert already?”

  “No, I’m good.” She slid from her chair, giving her old bosses a shut-up-or-die glance before coming to stand at his side. “We were just catching up and enjoying some cupcakes.”

  Lizzy snorted, but Maggie—angel that she was—elbowed the other woman. “Enjoy your lunch, you two. Come by the ranch soon for dinner okay?”

  “We’ll be sure to do that, Maggie. Thanks.”

  Grabbing Tony’s arm, she quickly ushered him out the door before anyone—namely Lizzy—could say anything incriminating.

  He didn’t comment on her hurried insistence in getting to Merle’s, but judging by the smile he tried—and failed—to hold back, she suspected he knew something was up.

  They arrived at the diner in minutes, since it was just down the street. Everything in Peak Town could be classified as just down the street.

  With the lunch rush in full swing, Ellen didn’t have time for small talk today, and Jamie thanked her lucky stars. She couldn’t handle any more people prying into her business at the moment.

  They ordered their lunch and waited, Jamie listening to Tony talk about the crush his uncle had on the cute nurse who worked in the physical therapy department.

  “That’s so sweet. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him with a woman.”

  “Me either.” He grimaced, shifting in his seat. “I’m happy for him, but it’s kind of weird. I’ve never seen my uncle as someone with…physical needs before. But I guess everyone has them, right?”

  Boy do they ever.

  And now that he brought it up, her mind wandered back to last night, and how Tony sated her very physical needs. Her cheeks prickled, growing warm with the memory. She grabbed her water, downing half to cool the heat welling inside. Tony noticed her actions; she could tell by the grin spreading across those delicious lips she’d tasted less than twenty-four hours ago.

  “Stop it.” She glanced around, but no one was paying them any attention. For once.

  “Stop what?” His smile widened, dimples making an appearance.

  “Stop looking at me like you want to…devour me.”

  His hand slipped under the table, coming to rest on her knees and slowly moving upward. “But I do want to devour you.”

  Oh sweet apple pie!

  Her heartbeat kicked into overdrive. Sucking in a sharp breath, she bit her bottom lip as his hand traveled farther up her leg. His thumb rubbed intricate circles on her inner thigh. Her core tightened, remembering the pleasure he gave last night. Anticipation hummed through her entire body.

  “Tony,” she warned, but did nothing to stop his exploration. Truthfully, she didn’t want to stop him. She wanted him to continue, to see where this would lead, to—


  Pulled out of her very dirty thoughts by the sound of her name, she turned her head. Shock, followed by the biggest metaphorical bucket of cold water, poured over her.

  Standing there like he wasn’t as out of place as a bull in a china shop stood her former boyfriend.

  Chapter 22

  “Brian?” Jamie sucked in a startled breath, unable to comprehend what her eyes were seeing. Her ex? In Peak Town? “What are you doing here?”

  “I need to speak to you, and you’ve been ignoring my calls and texts.”

  What in the actual heck? “Yeah, there’s a reason for that.” The reason being they were through.

  Brian’s jaw clenched. “I need to speak with you.” His gaze fell on Tony, eyes narrowing before they came back to her. “Please.”

  Oh shoot. She did not want to deal with him right now and certainly not in front of Tony and half the town who—by the looks of it—had stopped eating and were intently paying attention.

  Rising from her chair, she pointed behind him. “Outside.”

  She hadn’t made it two steps before Tony’s warm hand circled her wrist, pulling her gently to a stop.


  “It’s okay.” She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “I’ll just be outside for a moment.”

  His gaze shifted from Brian to her. The warning in them when he glanced at her ex warmed her heart. Sweet Tony, always protecting her.

  Releasing her wrist, he nodded. “I’ll be right here if you need me.”

  Ugh. How was she supposed to keep this thing purely physical when he went and did stuff like this—letting her fight her own battle while having her back at the same time? It wasn’t fair.

  Quickly ushering Brian outside, she glanced back at the diner. Every eye in the place locked directly on them.


  “Speak.” She had no time for pleasantries.

  He cleared his throat, straightening his tie unnecessarily. “I wanted to apologize for what happened.”

  “You mean for sleeping with your TA?”

  Redness rose on his face. At least the man had the decency to appear abashed.

  “Yes. The thing with Jessica was…unexpected and regrettable.”

  She so didn’t care. Walking in on her boyfriend banging his teaching assistant had been a shock, but after the anger and hurt dissipated, she’d realized she hadn’t been heartbroken. What did that say about their relationship?
/>   “Honestly, Brian, I’m over it. We dated for four months. It’s not like we were serious or anything.”

  Exclusive, yes—or so she’d thought—but serious? No. Thank goodness.

  “But I want to be.” He took a step forward, invading her personal space. “We were so right together, babe.”

  Ugh! She’d always hated that nickname.

  “You and me, we’re golden. We fit so well together.”

  He meant they looked good at social functions together. The professor and the psychologist. With Brian, it was all about the appearances. He needed a successful career partner to hang on his arm at faculty parties and fundraisers. She didn’t kid herself that the guy actually cared about her.

  “You had sex with another woman, Brian. How perfect can we be?”

  “What did you expect?”

  He took another step, almost on top of her, but she refused to cower.

  “You wouldn’t sleep with me, Jamie. A man has needs.”

  Holy cow, is he really using that lame excuse for cheating on me?

  “We’d only been dating for a few months.”

  “Oh, but you’ll screw that asshole in there who you’ve known for, what, a week?” His arm gestured to the large front diner window where she noticed everyone, including Tony, watched with rapt attention.

  “Shut up, Brian. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” How the heck did he know she and Tony were sleeping together?

  “Slutting it up to spite me? Is that it, babe?”

  “Shut. Up.” She enunciated each word between clenched teeth, temper rising. How dare he cheat on her and then come here and try to shame her for enjoying her sexual freedom.

  Brian stepped even closer, grabbing her upper arm in a bruising grip. She tried to pull free, but his hold tightened.

  “Let me go.”

  “No. Not until you agree to talk about this like rational adults.”

  Did rational adults use intimidation tactics to get people to agree to things they didn’t want? No, they did not. Never before had she been so happy she broke up with this clown.

  “Let her go. Now.”

  Brian froze at the dark, angry words uttered from behind him. She glance around her ex to see Tony standing there, rage barely leashed in his tense body. His hands were clenched into fists, and she worried if Brian didn’t let her go in the next few seconds, those things would be unleashed on his face.

  “Do it or lose the hand.”

  Her ex chose, wisely, to comply.

  “Now leave.”

  Turning so he could see both her and Tony, he glanced back and forth between the two. Anger colored his face, but he stepped back. “We’re not done with this,” he spoke to her, but his gaze slipped warily to Tony.

  “Yes, we are. Goodbye, Brian.”

  Raising a clenched jaw, he took a step toward her.

  Tony moved like a bolt of lightning, easing in front of her before she could utter a word. “The lady said goodbye. I suggest you leave, now, if you want to keep all your limbs intact.”

  Brian glanced back and forth between her and Tony. Her heart raced furiously in her chest. A fist brawl between her ex and her current lover in the middle of the day was not something she wanted. The gossip mill had to be running hard already. One more incident and the darn thing might burst. Silently, she pleaded for Brian to be smart for once in his miserable life. A sigh of relief eased out of her when he backed down.

  “Fine. Your loss, babe.” He headed down the street.

  Sure, she would cry herself to sleep for ages over him. Not.

  Once he was out of sight, Tony turned, face drawn with anger. “Who the hell was that?”

  Oh joy, another man who thinks he has rights to my life.

  “No one.”

  She tried to brush past him, but he moved with her, not allowing her to pass. Lord save her from alpha assholes.

  “He’s my ex, okay?”

  “No, not okay.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. She tried not to notice how broad and sexy it was, but dang it, she’d seen him naked, so she found it difficult not to remember.

  “What the hell is your ex doing here?”

  “Look, he just wanted to talk. It’s not a big deal okay?”

  Tony snorted in disbelief. “Not a big deal? He drove all the way out to Peak Town to talk to you, and it’s not a big deal?”

  A headache pounded in her skull. She so did not want to deal with this right now.

  “He wanted to…get back together, but that’s not happening,” she quickly explained. “It’s not like he’s dangerous or anything.”

  His dark gaze glanced to her arm where Brian’s tight grip had left a faint red mark. “You sure about that?”

  She swallowed past the lump of uncertainty in her throat. “Ye-eah. I am.”

  He stared at her, cool gaze assessing. “You should tell Sheriff Ryder.”

  Oh good grief! She didn’t need to inform the sheriff that her stupid, cheating ex was in town. The guy hadn’t threatened her.

  Her arm throbbed slightly as she remembered Brian’s strong grip. She rubbed the minor pain. Okay, maybe he had been…forceful, but he hadn’t outright hurt her or anything.

  “It’s fine. I just want to go home.”

  They stood there, locked in a silent battle of wills. Finally, Tony nodded, heading inside to pay the bill. She shook her head at the absurd turn the day had taken. No doubt the town would be buzzing with gossip by dinnertime, but right now, she didn’t care. She just wanted to get back home to her ranch. There were a million things for her still to do before the campers arrived, and she didn’t need to worry about what the town thought of her and this little…episode with her ex.

  Using work to drown out all the messy emotional stuff always worked for her before.

  Tony came back out of the diner, grasped her hand in his, and intertwining their fingers, led her back toward his truck. Her heart fluttered in her chest at the feel of his skin against hers. An image of the two of them naked, performing a whole other kind of work, entered her mind. Then she remembered the messy emotions associated with that scenario and shut it down.

  Dang it! Why did life have to be so darn complicated? Why couldn’t she have her cupcake and eat it, too, like everyone else?

  She mentally berated herself for her silly whining. People had greater problems; heck, she helped those people face real fears and deep seeded issues. In the grand scheme of things, she knew what she’d tell a patient in her shoes. Stop ignoring the issue and face your feelings, deal with them properly or you’ll never get past them. And normally, she’d take her own advice, but it seemed impossible when it came to Tony. Her mind knew what to do, but her heart hid in the dark, afraid to risk itself again.

  The drive back to the ranch was filled with heavy silence. Tony drove with one hand, the other still clasped firmly in her own. She would not let it melt her heart because he kept the physical connection, even though it was clear the incident at the restaurant upset him.

  It upset me, too, bucko.

  His thumb brushed along her knuckles and her heart skipped a beat.

  Darn it!

  Glancing at their intertwined hands, she sighed. “Tony, I need to tell you—”

  Her words were cut off by the truck coming to an abrupt halt.


  She glanced up to see they’d arrived back at the ranch, but that wasn’t what made Tony swear.

  Oh sweet heavens!

  Sweat gathered on her forehead as she stared out the windshield. Her stomach churned, threatening to reject the cupcakes and lunch she’d eaten. Tears gathered in the corner of her eyes as fear gripped her, firm and fast. “Oh no!”

  Blood red stained the front walls of the house in large, ugly words. Cruel words she’d never in her life had the stomach to utter.

  Breath caught in her chest as she held back a sob.

  Who would do something like this? Why?

p; “Can we call the sheriff now?”

  Tony’s words floated to her, breaking through her fog of distress. His hand squeezed hers, pulling her closer until he could wrap her up against his chest. Unable to speak without completely breaking down, she nodded against him.

  Chapter 23

  Sheriff Ryder arrived five minutes after Tony called, the benefit of being in a small town. He brought a deputy with him. The younger man circled the ranch house, snapping pictures with a digital camera and gathering evidence in a small kit he carried. The town may not have big city crime analysis tech, but Tony had confidence the sheriff knew his stuff and only hired competent officers.

  He had faith in Peak Town PD.

  Ryder adjusted his hat over his long black hair cording in a braid down his back. “Can you think of anyone who has a problem with you? Any enemies, someone who might want to hurt you?” He pulled a small notebook and pencil from the breast pocket of his uniform.

  Tony had an arm slung across Jamie’s shoulders, holding her tight to his side. She pressed herself closer still, snuggling deeper into his chest. A shiver wracked her slim body. She tightened her arms around herself as if by holding herself together physically she wouldn’t lose it mentally.

  Oh sweetheart, you don’t have to be so strong. Fall apart. I’m here to help you pick up the pieces.

  Since he doubted she’d appreciate the comment, he kept the words to himself and rubbed his fingers in soothing circles on her upper arm.

  “No.” Her voice shook slightly, but she pressed on. “I don’t have any enemies. I get along with pretty much everyone. I can’t think of anyone who would want to h-hurt me.”

  The break in her voice sliced him to the core. He hated whoever the hell had done this. Jamie was sweet and good. This kind of destruction was ugly and hateful. She didn’t deserve this. He wanted to find the bastard and bash his face in.

  “No one you’re currently fighting with? Someone who might have a grudge for some reason, no matter how small?”

  “Like what? Is the lady at my old laundromat hunting me down because I accidentally used her ‘special dryer’ that one time a year ago?”

  A smile played on the sheriff’s lips. “You’d be surprised what people hold onto.”


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