A Delicate Flower

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A Delicate Flower Page 4

by Chelsea Girard

  “Are we actually doing this?” Pablo said confusingly as he turned my hair around his index finger, slowly lowering me to the ground. He lightly laid my head on a bushel of grass and I sucked in my last breath so they wouldn’t see my stomach moving.

  “Scope the area, we need a smart spot to hide her.” ordered Brandon.

  “I just carried this dumb broad for like, 4 miles, you scope the area out yourself.” replied Pablo, placing his baseball cap over his eyes with his hands folded across his chest as he laid next to me.

  ‘Fine, but if you hear me yell, please don’t hesitate to jump to my rescue.”

  Brandon left with a slight chuckle and headed out until I could no longer hear his footsteps. It was quiet. As Pablo laid next to me, I could feel his slight movements trying to get comfy upon the hard grass underlay. I felt him sit up and his breathing started to become heavy and fast. I held my breath, continuing to breathe through my nose so my stomach wouldn’t move to give my plan away.

  “You were so beautiful, Joy.” Pablo said in a calming voice as he traced up my leg with his fingers.

  “I wish I could have had some of you all to myself.” I felt him trace across my pantline and move upwards towards my breasts.

  “Davis can’t save you now, can he?” Pablo began to trace my breasts and ripped the bottom of my shirt. With my dirty sports bra showing, he started to undo my pants as I could feel his eyes on mine. He began to pant like a dog, tugging at my pants down to my ankles until they got caught on my boots. He then grabbed his knife and cut a slit in my underwear, ripping off the granny panties I found a year ago in a shelter for the homeless. He turned me over onto my stomach and clapped his hands together as if he was about to feast.

  The sound of his belt buckle being thrown onto the ground made me realize I was just another object to these men. I wondered if he would just leave me naked and unarmed to lay dead in the cold but Pablo had other plans, he wanted the last turn.

  He shoved himself hard into me, making my face winch into the dirt ground. He was slow at first and then began to get forceful and angry. The pain was unbearable, my eyes filled tears and I could feel my face burning. As he held my head down, I saw a large rock out the corner of my right eye but I knew my chances would be limited of him not seeing me move. For all he knew, I killed myself back at the cabin.

  I was used to this kind of torture back at the camp but most of the men who dealt with me had to be careful, I was Davis’ favourite and he would never let anything happen to his baby. Until now.

  When Pablo finished, I felt shivers down my spine as my mind couldn’t fathom what just happened. I’ve been raped before, countless times at the camp but this time was different, this time it would be the last.

  Reaching for his pants, Pablo grunted as he managed to sit bare-bottom on the ground in front of me. This was my chance. I reached for the rock quickly, grabbing it with my right hand. I swung my bottom over to my side and nailed him in the forehead with the heavy stone.

  His eyes shut immediately as his head began to gush blood from the wound. He wasn’t head dead, just yet. I then repeated smashed his head with the stone with every force in my body, I managed to break his nose and cause head trauma, at least I would hope for the amount of times I smashed his head his brain should have been broken into tiny pieces at this point.

  I was full of adrenaline, I felt as if I had just killed an army and nothing could stop me. As I stepped over Pablo’s dead body, I grabbed what was left of my pants and threw on his shirt and jacket. They were big but probably the most clothing I’ve worn in years.

  I felt as if I needed to get out of the area, run away again, but where? I’ve been running for so long now and they had found me in both spots where I settled. I needed help and I needed it fast. This time, I was going to live.

  I started to walk in the direction where Brandon had left hours ago, maybe I could get to the town without being seen or noticed. Everyone in town acted oblivious to what was happening as young girls continued to disappear. No one said anything because they didn’t want to be next nor did they want to lose their children as if they did keep silence, they would be acceptable to immunity for their family.

  As I continued to walk, I steered off the path so I wouldn’t be seen if Brandon decided to make his way back. The bushes began to thicken as I got further into the forest. My feet felt as if I was walking on lava, sticks and stones made gashes in the bottoms of my feet as I walked along the ridged ground.

  I was full of adrenaline as I pushed aside bushes and stomped through muddy puddles that soaked my feet up to my ankle. This wasn’t the first time I had to run through the forest but this time felt different. I wasn’t running from the problem but the people behind it that constantly pushed me away from my freedom with every step I took.

  I stopped running to check my surroundings, I had no idea where I was going. I was running for years away from my problems but now all of a sudden I caught myself running back to the place that ruined my life and more. I had to get back, if I didn’t stop this, more young girls would be taken just like I was long ago. This is where I end things.



  I awoke to the loud crash of my food plate sliding under the open hatch. Two apple slices, a palm size portion of mashed potatoes and a cheese string sat before me. I stared at the plate of food as it mocked my existence. How could people live on such proportions or plain carbs and not get sick?

  This place definitely was not a dream, more like a nightmare that just kept replaying. As I sat and ate my apple slice in silence, a loud cry came from the other side of the wall. It wasn’t like a painful scream but more so the sound of a cry for help, shallow yet needy.

  “Hello…” I whispered up against the wall. I waited for the voice that never came. With my ear pressed against the cold wall, my heart began to pound. I couldn’t hear a voice but I could hear movement, a soft rustal behind the concrete wall. Clearly the wall wasn’t made properly. I felt along the cracks in the wall as my mind began to tremble. This couldn’t be possible. As I traced one of the cracks, a chip of the concrete fell into my hand and turned to dust. A tiny hole appeared before my eyes, no smaller than a button from a blouse. The smell of rotten potatoes and old blankets came through like a waft off the pot of a boiling stew. As I peered through the hole in the wall, I saw nothing but a room that looked exactly like mine. Blank walls and the stench of mildew poured through.

  I heard whimpering behind the wall next to me, with my hand pressed against the wall, I felt as if I could feel the warmth of someone beside me, a friend.

  “Hello?” I said again, but this time through the hole in the wall. I waited a couple seconds and said it again. “Is anyone there?” I said again.

  To my surprise, a brown eye appeared in front of the hole, staring back at me. She was extremely pale and looked as if she hadn't eaten in months. Her hair was obviously cut by someone who willingly chopped off random chunks off for their pleasure. Her face was bruised with purple and greenish marks below her eyes and her upper jaw. She sat with her back facing the door, with her arms crossed across her body as if she was trying to keep warm. With how malnourished her body looked, I could see why her skeletonlike figure would be cold.

  “Are you okay?” I mumbled under my breath. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself but I felt as if she needed help, more help than I could provide myself.

  As soon as I peered through the hole again, she looked over her shoulder and pushed back in the loose rocks within the hole we made. She heard footsteps and so did I.

  I shoved back in loose pieces the best I could and shoved the last of my mashed potatoes into my mouth. The door hatch opened and in walked a guard holding a giant gun by his side and signaled me to stand against the wall. With my head facing the wall, he tied my hands behind me with rope and we moved down the hallway once again. This time, I was alone.

  Pushed through the halls once again, I was greeted in a huge r
oom of men and was knelt down beside a standing woman. She had a bob-style hairstyle that was brown with purple tips and her big grey eyes filled the room with envy. She stood with her feet shoulder length apart with her arms held behind her back in an authoritative stance. She was dressed in black pants and a red tank top covered with a black jean jacket. Her arms were covered in bangles that looked of silver and copper. Her lips were a stained red with a black lip ring that was a prominent look for her


  “Who is she?” the woman said, peering down at me as I knelt next to her.

  “This is Rose,” said the guard who brought me in.

  “The Rose?” she said surprisingly. “She doesn’t look like much, she’s workable I guess.”

  She turned with a snobbish remark and walked towards a desk filled with papers. The men didn’t seem interested in me, this was a first since I have been in here.

  “Are you going to come here or are you just going to sit there all day on the floor?” said mocked at me. I got up from my knees and walked slowly over to the table where she was seated. I took the seat next to her, with my hands in my lab and my head facing the floor.

  “Tell me about yourself” she said while circling on a sheet of paper. I haven’t been able to speak out of term since I have gotten here. I was so confused as to why she was asking me to talk about myself, why was I so special.

  “Well? Are you a mute or are you going to talk?” she barked at me again

  I cleared my voice, “My name is Rose.” I looked back down at my hands in horror.

  “I gathered that, what about your parents?” she continued to write on her sheet.

  “I never knew them, I’m an orphan and have been ever since I can remember.”

  “How did they die?” she looked at me.

  “I’m not sure if they did die, I was told I was left with a note on me and placed in a blanket on the staircase. Ever since, I never knew my mom.” she stopped writing and placed her pencil down on the table and covered her eyes with her hands.

  “Oh Rose,” she said with a disappointing tone. “You’re not safe here, nobody is, but especially you.”

  “What do you mean?” I shot up and placed my hand on her arm.

  “I know who your mom is, and she’s still alive.”

  “What-what do you mean, still alive?” I was stunned. My heart was in my throat and I could barely catch my breath.

  “I thought you would have known, she was here before.”

  “Wait, my mom was here? My heart was beating faster.

  “She was in my position before, a Hylander.” She cleared her voice and looked around to see if anyone was paying attention. She inched closerto me. “She was here for many years, she was Davis’ favourite. When she became pregnant with you, Davis lost his mind and became the overprotective wannabe husband he never wanted to be. He loved her but of course, it wasn’t the same attraction. Your momfaked it to live but he thought she fell for him.”

  My mind was all over the place, my mom couldn’t have been here. Why would she leave me in the first place? How could this happen.

  “You have to remain calm, don’t let them know your weakness.” she said in a serious tone. “They may not know about your mom just yet, but they do background checks on everyone, they will find out sooner or later.”

  “Did you know her?” I asked, holding back tears.

  “I helped her escape this hell hole.” she said assertively. “My name is Raven, I’m 22 but I’ve been here since I was 14-yearsold.”

  “Who was she, I mean, as a person.” I asked, wiping my eyes. “She was an amazing woman, she was what kept me fighting while I was in here. She was like a mom figure inside these walls.” she s miled down at her paper as she shuffled. ‘You remind me of her.”

  “So I’m here because of her?” I questioned her. “Physically yes, mentally no. She ran away a couple years ago so after searching for her, they probably found you before her. Davis is probably screaming in his room, still searching for her but the next best thing would be you.”

  I was stunned. Not only in fear for my life but for the fact that my mother was still alive. All these years I was so angry at her for leaving me when I was younger, making me miserable and never knew what love truly felt like. But I guess I do now, she sacrificed herself so I could live a normal life away from this place. I had never been so upset but relieved at the same time. I wish I could be as strong as her.

  “Are you okay?” she touched my shoulder gently.

  “Yeah, yeah sorry. Just gathering myself I guess.” My legs were shaking, not because it was cold but because my nerves had never been so high.

  “Davis brought you in here to meet with me, he doesn’t want you out in the field where you could get hurt. He cares about you for some reason but I mean, I personally think it’s just because you’re prettier than every other girl here.” she rolled her eyes and continued writing.

  “What are you doing with all these papers?” I asked, moving aside the few placed in front of me in the finished pile. She looked down at the papers in front of her and tapped her pen anxiously.

  “These are request forms.” she said with her head down. “The men who come in here make requests for girls so my job is to circle what we have and what we need.” she looked at the paper ashamed.

  “So we’re just giving them out like produce?” I said angrily. Raven looked around the room to make sure nobody heard my outburst.

  “You need to calm down or you will be next.” she said, giving me dagger eyes.

  “They said you could work with me if I can train you, I need to know you’re in it to survive not just get out of the main situation. Can I trust you?” she said, holding my hand on top of the request sheets.

  I nodded abruptly. Raven continued to mark up the request sheets as she continued to circle races and ages. I felt as if this business was never going to die down, they always have someone here and ready to get out of being raped every day. She handed me over a sheet and a pencil and nodded to take it.

  I took the sheet and stared at the men names next to their requests, Asian, Korean, Indian, Mexican and Caucasian. The ages ranged from six until twenty. Multiple men had various picks while most papers wanted more than one girl at a time. I was disgusted and felt like I was going to be sick. Women, especially children, were subjected to rape on a daily basis based on preference.

  “Most of their names are changed, exotic names are more attractive apparently.” Raven pointed to a Mexican girl who was 12, she goes by Izzy but her real name is Samantha. She moved to another, a 17-year-old Korean. “She goes by Dae by her real name is Bong-Cha.”

  I looked over the names and ages and tears filled my eyes.

  “Why did I get to keep my name?” I asked Raven.

  “You’re special. Your name sounds pretty already, there was no reason to change it I guess and well, because you’re an orphan, nobody will really be looking for you.” she said nervously. “Davis probably wanted to keep yours the same, my thought is that if your mom finds out you’re here, she will come back for you. That was probably Davis’ plan all along when he found you.”

  “So I’m bait?” I said sarcastically.

  “Pretty much” she said, smiling back. I finally understood my purposefor being here. I wasn’t wanted, my mom was.

  “So, what now?” I asked.

  “Lay low and do as your told, that’s what I’ve done. Once your mom ran away, I got my choice of jobs and the men like having their way with us when Davis isn’t around so I rather be inhere doing paperwork than being fondled.” she said creasing the finished papers.

  I nodded and continued through the papers. The process was smart, the men went under code names, well I didn’t think anyone's name was actually “Big Trainer” but that's none of my business.

  “Times up, let’s go little girl.” said one of the guards, pointing to me. I got up to leave when Raven grabbed my hand.

  “Remember what I said,
lay low.” she whispered. I started to walk away and looked back at her, she was back doing the paperwork, like nothing ever happened. If I wanted to survive, I should do as I was told.

  Lay low.



  I woke up hidden within the bushes about three miles away, I had walked for what seemed to be forever my legs gave out from exhaustion. I had to of walked for at least eight hours straight, weaving through trees to stay clear of the path. I couldn’t be seen, by anyone.

  I kneeled beside two rocks that blocked my vision, I had fight the urge to jump out and start running but I had to bequiet and strategic about this situation. I couldn’t get caught, not this time. Gathering my thoughts, I played with the grass beneath me as my heart sank to think I killed a man. Was I becoming one of them? No, I couldn’t be.

  I ran towards the village, dodging trees and stepping in mud puddles across every landscape. The grass beneath my feet felt rough and raw, not like the previous terrain. I looked down at my soles and to my surprise, they were pure black. It looked as if I had jumped in black paint and it stuck only to the bottom of my feet.

  I continued to walk down the blackened grass, the hill was steep and seemed oddly familiar. The small rocks upon the ground felt warm as if the sun was beating on them constantly. The trees blew viciously as the fall weather tickled my nose from the constant mildew that blew from the flowers as my feet brushed beside them. They were crushed but still trying to grow through the pain.

  I looked over the hill, catching my breath at its tip. What I saw before my eyes shattered my heart as I fell to my knees. A building I knew from a long time ago was in ashes, the structure still stood but you could see through the old windows and outside the back. I walked closer, the smell of old smoke and molding dirt.

  The building was in pieces with the outside visibly and I couldn’t imagine how this happened. I didn’t even think about it until now, I walked to the front of the building and saw the sign “Lola’s Orphanage”, burnt and almost completely shattered.


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