A Delicate Flower

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A Delicate Flower Page 5

by Chelsea Girard

  “Rose,” I whisp ered as I covered my mouth. My baby. My precious baby. If she was in this building when the fire happened, she is long gone now. I lost her, once again I lost my baby.

  “Ma’am, are you okay?” said an older lady from behind. I turned to the woman who was visibly concerned.

  “What happened?” I said with tears rolling down my cheeks.

  “A bunch of robbers came in and killed everyone on sight. From what I know they broke in and set the house on fire after taking a few of the younger girls and they shot all theadults.” She covered her mouth and took a few deep breaths. “Did you know someone who lived there?”

  My heart was about to stop and my head couldn’t grasp around the fact that my daughter could be dead. Maybe she got out and ran away, maybe they burned her alive.

  “Who would do such a thing?” I yelled through my teeth. My fists were clenched as I grabbed the side of my pants in a bunch.

  “You didn’t hear it from me but I heard it was those people outside the village in that old bunker. They ran out of girls so they needed recruits and they figured nobody would care about the orphans.” My head was spinning. They took my daughter. How could Davis possibly find her after all these years? She’s just a baby, my baby.

  “Thank you for your time” I yelled as I darted in the opposite direction. I didn’t know where to go next, first I was fighting for my life but now that all seemed irrelevant. I needed to find Rose, and soon.

  I walked along the trees as my eyes began to leak again, I was so full of adrenaline that Ididn’t even notice the burning pain that was coming from my eyes. She must be at least sixteen now, the horrible realization that I can’t remember my own daughter’s age was killing me.

  I kept walking towards the village in the oversized clothes I stolen days ago. I smelt of sweat and dirt as it mixed in with my brittle hair and loosely covered my shoulders. My cracked hands were covered in mud from my sleep before and my feet felt as if I had walked on hot rocks for the majority of my life.

  I walked until my legs gave out and I couldn’t feel my numbing toes. I fell into a patch of grass that felt like hay and tiny rocks. My vision was starting to give out as well as my mind got hazzy. I hadn’t eaten in days and I was extremely dehydrated. My eyes became faint as the world around me began to spin. I had to keep moving. Rose deserved better than this.

  I pulled my dizzy self to my knees and breathed in hard, I needed to keep going. I crawled over to a large rock to gain leverage to help myself to stand. I peered over the rock as I stood on my heels, the village.

  About 300 meters out there was a village, the village. That would have to mean, I was closer to Davis. Nightmares filled my mind as I stood, staring at the village I thought I would never see again after watching through it every night from the trafficking office window. This is where the Hylanders would be able to stay if Davis deemed you as trustworthy. Clearly he was mistaken about me.

  I didn’t have a plan anymore. I had to find Rose but I was more worried about Davis finding her first. I staggered walk towards the village, ducking between every tree and bush I could find. I finally reached the village where the ground was pure sand that you could actually see the sand flying in the wind. The houses were made out of veneer wood from the surrounding trees and each probably housed seven people. It was a poor community but mostly because there was nothing but forest surrounding it. I guess it worked in favour for those who work for Davis though, if a girl tried to run away you would obviously find her quickly. The village was pretty big but it was mostly land due to the lack of industries and sales. It was mainly shacks and a couple market tables that were usually closed due to no one having anything to trade or sell in the first place.

  I sat down behind one of the rotting shacks to gather my thoughts. What to do next, what to do next. I knew exactly where the building was where they were most likely holding all the girls but I couldn’t just walk right in and give a greeting card to say sorry, could I? I would be shot dead on site, maybe even beaten and left for the dogs to do their business. I wasn’t going to get in that easily, especially if I was wanted by Davis. I sat with my hands in my lap as I rubbed them together for warmth. My fingertips were becoming numb and my nails were bitten to the nub. I looked like a homeless person who literally couldn’t get a grip on life.

  With my heart in the right place, I needed to know if my baby was alive. I left her,I abandoned her and if she’s alive, I couldn’t possibly do that again. I’ve always wanted to meet her, she if she looked like me. Maybe she loved to sing and had the voice of an angel, maybe she had long legs and stood taller than a fence, maybe she had the brightest eyes and dreamt of living in a little house in the country. I wished to know her hopes and dreams, I wanted to be able to be there for her when she was crying and wondering where she was, where was I. I had to find her, I had to see if she was still alive and I had to put a stop to all of this.

  I finally had a plan. I needed to find a way into the building, the Hylander building. The Hyland building was the only building with multiple exiss and it had the keys to every room where the girls were usually held. Davis had planned on renovation but knowing him, he spent the money elsewhere.

  I stood with my back to the building as I circled the back of the shack, itching with every step. I poked my head out from the side and winced at the shine of the sun. Nobody was outside from what I could see but everyone was always so shady in this village, especially around girls. Nobody wanted to get to close or seem like they were an issue. The people dropped like flies in this place but nobody spoke a word of it. I silently walked with my head down as I went through the side of the village, trying not to have my hair show through the hood. My heart was pounding out of my chest as a villager appeared from inside one of the corner houses, he stood outside of his door, watching me as I walked past. My hands were inside my pockets as I tried to shake the nervousness from my mind. I was just walking, nothing out of the usual. His head followed my footsteps as my pace quickened. He turned back to head inside his house as the door slammed behind him.

  I walked through the village shacks and passed many villagers who gave me dirty looks as if I was trespassing into their land. My feet were raw from walking on the warm stones that torn into my already scarred feet.

  Then I saw it, the building that destroyed my life. The Capri. Davis thought if he hid the buildings behind the village homes, nobody would find it. How could someone not see a giant grey building that looked like a military base?

  I walked towards the last house before the Capri, it was guarded by men with large guns. It was clearly housed by one of the local buyers, once done with one girl they would instantly go back the next day for another and so on. Regulars were treated like kings because they brought in all the clientele. They told them if they brought in their friends that they would get discounted girls and get first picks during sprees, disgusting.

  I walked closer to try and over hear their conversation as I changed directions.

  “One more day and it’s over.”

  “I couldn’t stand him, I wish they would have dumped him long before.”

  “I had to pull him off one of the new girls, stupid pig.”

  “We need more experienced girls, they aren’t trainable like they use to be.”

  “The new babe is a keeper though, she’s going to be a favourite.”

  “Really? I heard she was off limits?”

  “Bullshit, no one gets that kind of treatment.”

  “Word is that Davis knows her.”

  “What do you mean, knows her?”

  “It’s his daughter.”



  I woke up on my mat in a cold sweat as my body had a tingling sensation from my shoulders to my torso. Pins and needles left me stretching until my back cracked in eight different ways before the breakfast plate slide into my room through the hatch. A banana, a piece of plain bread and a plastic cup filled with half a cup of orange
juice. I felt like I was royalty with this kind of food. I went from carrots to orange juice in just under two days.

  “Davis would like to see you.” said the regular guard who brought around the food. I quickly ate and stood, brushing off the crumbs from my shirt. I was led to the building where I first met Raven and we walked down the long hallway again.

  As me and the guard walked into the room, Davis stood staring out the window. The guard shut the door behind us as he pushed me ahead and stayed in front of the door.

  “I was waiting for you,” Davis said, still staring out the window.

  “Well, here I am.” I said waving my arms in an unknowingly way. He smiled and shook his head.

  “You’re such a sweet girl,” he said walking down the stairs from the balcony. His hands were folded behind his back and his smirk was pregnant.

  “You know, you could be a star here. With a little practice of course.” he said as he traced his a cigarette hole on top of a desk with a stack of papers on it.

  “Why would I want that?” I snapped back. Davis looked at me with a surprised look, as I caught him off guard by my confidence.

  “You’re a firecracker aren’t you? I like that.” He said as he lit a cigarette. “You’re going to like here, I can promise you that.” he took another puff. I shook my head as I stared down at the tiled floor.

  “Your mother would be proud.” he said as he gave me a sly look. I immediately looked up at him as he began to laugh.

  “What do you know about my mother?” I said stepping forward towards him. The guard stepped towards me and Davis immediately put his hand out to signal that I was ok.

  “Well, Rose. I personally love your name, as did your mom.” He said winking as he took another puff of his cigarette. I stood in shock. How did he know my mom.

  “What do you know about my mom?” I said, testing him.

  “What would you like to know?” he took a seat and offered me the one across from him. I hesitated, taking baby steps towards the chair.

  “What is her name?” I asked shyly. He smiled and replied, “Joyce. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He looked to the ceiling as if he was dreaming about her face.

  “Beautiful?” I asked intriguing.

  “She had the most beautiful eyes, it stopped me in my tracks the first time I laid eyes on her. She was petite but full of life.” I stood in front of him, with every word I inched closer to the chair in front of him.

  “How did you know her?” I asked.

  “Oh, I forgot to introduce that part of the story. She was here years ago.” He said picking up the request sheets from the desk. I was stunned. Raven told me my mom knew Davis but nothing about them being intimate.

  “Go on,” I nodded for him to continue.

  “I’ll tell you a secret, girls your age like secrets right?”

  “I guess.” I nodded.

  “You aren’t here by mistake,” he said smiling. “You could say that you’re the only special girl here, by request of course.”

  “By the request of who exactly?” I asked.

  “Me darling. Your father.” He took another puff of his cigarette. My eyes filled with tears. I wasn’t here on accident after all, Davis wanted me. How could he have found me after all these years?

  “Why now? Why not find me years ago?” I snapped at him angrily as I pushed my chair back and stood with my hands in fists.

  “Well, you see Rose, I’ve been searching for you for years. Ms. Jakes, from your orphanage, made sure you were never adopted because I paid her off, she waited for me to get to you. She knew her fate. As for your dead beat mother, she stole you from me and hid you away for god knows how long. When I found you...I didn’t know how to get to know without scaring you away.” He said with his head down, ashamed.

  “Scaring me away? So you burn my only home down, kill all my friends and take me against my will to indeed, save me?” I said screaming.

  “Well, when you put it that way it makes me sound like a monster.”

  “Because you are a monster! A filthy monster!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. My face felt as if it was burning, I was extremely angry to the point where I could feel my teeth grinding. Davis looked shocked as if he had never had a woman’s voice raised to him.

  “I think we’re done for today.” he shook his hand to signal the guard.

  “I’m not done with you yet.” I tried to pull back from the guards grip on my shoulder.

  “Believe me Rose, we have the rest of your life to talk.”



  I woke up behind a shack, my shirt covered in dirt and grass stains from the restless night of sleep I had from the night before. I had dreams about her - Rose. I had lost her again, she was taken from my reach and dangled in front of me like a puppet. Her arms were weak as well as the sparkle in her eyes disappeared.

  I had to fight to get her back. I don’t know how but I would make it my mission - no, my reason. It was still early in the morning as the sun had just passed over the tree line. The skyline was an orangish purple, the colour that you would only see angels dance through in dreams.

  I sat with my back leaning against the shack as my dizziness began to settle down and gave my mind emptiness once again. All I could think of was Rose, her young mind, traumatized. She was probably petrified of the new surroundings she was placed in. I abandoned her at such a young age, all she probably wants right now is in my arms. If she knew who I was.

  I stood tall against the shacks wooden exterior and breathed in heavily. If I was going to do this I had to do it now. I picked up my nervousness and carried myself to the farthest part of the village, still in sight of the Capri.

  “Davis, if you want me, come and get me!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. I heard the angry voices draw nearer as if I wasn’t in plain site. Then I heard him.

  “Joyce?” said a voice from behind. “But I mean, how? Brandon said you were..” “Your men are weak, just like you.” I spat at him. He smirked and offered me his hand.

  “Did you miss me, my queen?” I tried to hide my disgust.

  “You have no idea.” I took his hand and followed him up a back entrance way inside. Whispers from behind spoke wonders about how long I had been gone. I could tell who the newer guards were as they were dumbfounded on why they weren’t allowed to throw me over their shoulder and cover my nose with chloroform. Davis acted as if I was his long lost gem for the remainder of the evening. He cancelled client meeting, he prepared dinner and graciously offered me an actual bed - his bed, while he slept on the sofa on the other side of the room. It wasn’t cozy but it was warm.

  I felt as if I was back where I started, inside the hell that created this monster. I was expecting lashes to the back or a communal sacrifice but none of that was even talked about. Davis didn’t even bring up why I ran away in the first place, as if he knew my whole story. He looked different, his hair wasn’t as long nor was he as scary looking as I remember. He looked, normal. As I tossed and turned in the large bed, Davis snored his way through the night as the sofa seemed to be his sleeping destination from the smell of it.

  “Good morning, Joy.” he said as he rubbed my forehead, pushing back the loose hairs from in front of my face. “We have a big day ahead of us. I laid some towels down for you to take a shower and I’ll start making breakfast so join me downstairs whenever you’re ready.” he kissed my forehead with his foul mouth.

  I kindly smiled at him despite my every growing hate. Why was he being so nice to me after I ran away with his child?

  I slowly turned to my side and pushed aside the comforter that made its way down to my feet. Pushing myself off from the bed, I stretched my arms up and breathed in with a sigh. I slowly made my way to the bathroom, I still didn’t know if I could trust him. I fought to survive in this place as a child but now as a grown woman, I wasn’t sure what to make of everything, especially Davis.

  I looked into the bathroom with ease,
a light pink towel hung over the toilet seat cover and the smell of a new bar of soap came from the shower.

  The shower felt heavenly as the hot water fell upon my frozen and bruised skin. I hadn’t had an actual shower in years but it was probably the best feeling in the entire world to be clean again. I stood in the shower for what felt like hours but 15 minutes later I stepped out of the steam and cleaned off with a towel. I put on one of Davis’s long shirts, threw on my old pants and stared at myself in the full body mirror. My body disgusts me. My ribs were visible and my stomach looked as if it was permanently punched in.

  “Joy, are you okay? I heard a yell from the stairs


  “Yes, coming!” I yelled in return. I breathed in and headed towards the stairs. The narrow hallway squeaked with every step as the old wood had been trampled on numerous times before. I headed down the stairs and stood before Davis as he grabbed some plain bread from the toaster and buttered it with a plastic knife.

  “You look fresh this morning,” Davis said as he smiled continuing to cut toast. I walked over as the left behind soaking feet marks.

  “How did you sleep?”

  “Alright, I guess.” I said looking around the room. The interior resembled a cabin-like structure. A fire-burning stove, a glass table with lilies in a small vase and a couple chairs gathered around a small table. I took a seat in one of the chairs among the glass table and placed my hands on my face to rub my eyes.

  “I’d like to show you something after breakfast.” he said, still cooking over by the toaster.

  “What is it?” I asked confusingly.

  “Something or should I say, someone…” he turned to me and winked. What was he talking about? Was there someone I needed to meet? Hecouldn’t possibly mean Rose, he never knew her name nor what she looked like so even if she is here he wouldn’t know it.

  “You’ll remember her, that’s for sure.” He started placing the buttered toast and scrambled eggs upon the plates and placed one in front of me. He handed me a knife and a glass of water. I felt like a queen.


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