A Delicate Flower

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A Delicate Flower Page 6

by Chelsea Girard

  “Th -thank you.” I said, stumbling over my words at the site of actual food that wasn’t preserved inside of a tin can for years. Before I knew it, I was sitting across from the man who raped me years ago enjoying breakfast. He seemed, different though. He wasn’t all over me like years past, he wasn’t constantly grabbing me as if my innocence was a game. He was kind and genuine, nothing like the man I used to know.

  “Are we alright ove r there? You barely touched your eggs, I promise I’m not that bad of a cook.” he said while smiling. I touched the warm egg to my lips as my mind ran circles around my thoughts. Before I knew it, my plate was clean and my water glass was half empty.

  “Someone was hungry.” he looked my plate, wide - eyed. I let out a tiny giggle and his whole face lit up.

  “I missed that face.” he said with a smirk. “Come on, there’s someone I want you to meet.” He took my hand as we left our dirty dishes sitting on the table. He led me through a back hallway and into a familiar building. The Hylander building. It had been painted and decorated in the last 16 years, since the last time I saw it. I walked in light footed, every bad memory flooded through my mind and made me want to run and hide back in bed. Davis rubbed my shoulder with a sympathetic brush, she’s just up there. He pointed to a balcony above us where a little table sat with a purple-haired girl. My immediately thought of Rose and how big she had grown. I can’t believe that she’s here, I hope she’s okay.

  I made my way up the balcony stairs as if I was running a marathon. The woman who was staring back at me wasn’t my daughter.

  “Joy?” she said as she turned around. My heart stopped.

  “Raven?” Tears flooded my eyes as the young woman before me sat in my position. I grabbed her face and kissed her forehead.

  “I thought I would never see you again” she started to sob.

  “Princess, I’m here. Are you okay? What happened” I questioned her.

  “Nothing happened, I’ve been great actually. Once you ran-left this place, I took over your spot and starting working in the Hylander building. Davis thought that since I worked alongside you for so long, I would be able to do what you’ve been doing.” She looked around the table at the unfinished request forms.

  “What are these?” I picked up on of the sheets.

  “Our new protocol. Our clients choose their girls now. Some are for parties, some for gang rapes, we have girls for everything now. We get them younger and train them for different situations.” Raven said, filling out a new request form.

  “Younger? How many girls can this building hold?” I asked concerned, Davis was sitting close by listening to our every word as he smoked his cigar.

  “Our youngest is 5-years-old but I mean, last week we hadover 60 maybe less.”

  “Wow, that many? How?”

  “Well, ever since Germany jumped on board, our Russian company has been booming. We earn so much a day I don’t think Davis knows how to keep up.” Raven said as she rolled her eyes. She continued to fill out the request sheets as she circled girl names and races.

  “I mean, the system is bigger..” I said unimpressed.

  “So Joy, good surprise?” Davis yelled from the chair he sat his ass in from day one.

  “Thank you, Davis. Honestly, thank you” I responded with tears in my eyes. I looked at Raven as if she was my own. She looked up at me with her green eyes full of hope as if I flew in to save her.

  “I need to speak with you Joy, it’s important.” he said looking down at a letter. I walked over to him after letting go ofRaven’s hand that gripped onto mine since I walked through the door. I sat in the chair across from him as his eyes filled with sorrow.

  “What is it?” I said.

  “Well, over the past couple years, you could say a lot has changed.” he said, continuing to read the letter. “We started expanding the organization, to grab more attention by potential buyers. We’re the startup business in Russia but we’ve expanding into Taiwan and Germany now.” I couldn’t help but think why he was telling me all this. Why me? “We need to start upping our game if we want to survive out here.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” I asked him.

  “You’re here to stay now so I might as well catch you up to speed with what’s going on.” he smiled.

  “And the letter?” I pointed to it in his hand.

  “It’s a paycheck from one of our sellers in Germany, he wants more sales or else he’s out.” He said shaking his head as he through the letter on the desk next to him.

  “So, what do we do now?” I asked him sincerely.

  “I have to find more clients. I’ll have to send out Raven to do more business if we can’t find anyone to bring in more money. We keep losing girls, dropping like house flies.” he said, shaking his head. My heart stopped. He couldn’t throw Raven to those animals, she would be horrible in that game sinceshe’s been out for so long.

  “There has to be another way.” I looked around the room. “What about finding like, strippers or older women?”

  “There’s no market for that, everyone wants trainable, youthful girls. It’s something about how they react to certain things.” he raised his shoulders in confusion.

  “What about going outside the village, getting streeters and city folks?” Davis looked at me as if I had three heads.

  “Are you out of your mind?” he yelled. “We can’t or we could risk the whole corporation!”

  “If you got better men who knew that they were doing it would work, people around the world probably had the same idea.” I snapped back.

  “You’re really investing your thoughts into this?” Davis asked sincerely.

  “Well I’m back aren’t I? I just want to remain safe from your animals.” I darted my eyes over my shoulder at one of the guards by the door.

  “I promise you, I will take care of you.” he winked at me. I had never felt so uncomfortable in my life. I looked back up to the balcony at Raven who was clearly listening but was trying to remain calm while doing her request sheets.

  “I also want a job.”

  “A job?” Davis said confusingly.

  “Yeah, maybe be a role model for the younger girls. Prepare them for what they are to do. You just send them out and have them perform sexual things and be raped right?” I asked.

  “Well yeah, they are prisoners, this isn’t a hotel.”

  “What I’m saying is that this would go way easier if we could gain their trust and give them something in return. Maybe like an actual bed?” I asked.

  “I can look into it, but in the meantime, you can stay in my room still. We can discuss everything in the morning.”

  “Why not now?” I asked.

  “I’m tired and don’t want to discuss this anymore.” he said angrily as he pushed in his chair and walked towards the door. “We will come back tomorrow.”

  We exited the Hylander building and headed down to the underground bunks where the girls were kept. We entered the darkest hallway and moved slowly down the hall that had gates alongside both walls. The hatches were the same as I remember but some of the rooms were differentcompletely locked down.

  “What’s with those?” I pointed to the locks on the doors.

  “Extra protection.”

  “For who?” I asked.

  “Us.” he kept walking.

  We came to one room and stopped in front of it.

  “What are we doing?”

  “You said you wanted to train girls, here is our latest and greatest.” he opened the door to a small girl curled up on a mattress dressed in a long men’s shirt.

  “What is her name?” I asked sympathetically.

  “You should know, you named her.”



  I woke up to voices coming from behind the door. Nobody comes into the hallway this late at night, probably bringing in a new girl. The guards sometimes caught new girls at stupid hours of the day would bring them somewhere during the day and bring them ba
ck late in the night to avoid Davis.

  “ You said you wanted to train girls, here is our latest and greatest.” said a man’s voice from behind the door. As the door started to unlock, I quietly faced the other way and covered my face with my hair.

  “You should know, you named her.” said a man’s voice. The door opened and my body began to shake in fear. I felt a rush of cool air that came from the hallway as the door opened slowly. I felt the brush of a soft hand on my back that sent shivers down my spine. It was a woman’s hand, gentle and comforting.

  “You aren’t serious.” said the woman, talking to whoever else was in the room.

  “I promise you, Joy.” said the voice, it was Davis. I remember that voice likeit’s my subconscious. The woman shook me to attempt to wake me up. I gently opened my eyes and turned to her. She was beautiful. She has short brown hair and was wearing a large tied shirt and some dirty pants.

  “Are-are you Rose?” she said, stunned.

  “Um, yes. Who are you?” I said confusingly. We never had visitors, especially woman.

  “Am I getting a roommate?” I looked to Davis questionably. Davis looked at me and laughed.

  “You two have a lot of catching up to do.” he said with a wink. The woman sat before me with her hands covering her mouth and tears pouring from her eyes.

  “Do you know who I am?” she asked. I shook my head no.

  “Rose, I’m-I’m Joy.” she said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  “It’s nice to meet you Joy.” I responded.

  “I’m going to train you...for upcoming actions.” she blurted out. I looked at Davis who was morally confused.

  “Joy, what are you doing?” he asked, taking her aside a few steps away from me.

  “She can’t know, not yet at least.” she whispered.

  “I thought this would make you happy and be able to trust me?” he snapped at her.

  “It does and I am forever grateful but now is not the time. Just let me train her, please.” she held his hand with hope as if she was pleading for his permission.

  “Fine but you tell her soon or I will.” he walked out into the hall and lit a cigarette. Joy then again sat in front of me on the floor and examined my face.

  “You’re absolutely beautiful my dear.” she said, tracing my face with her eyes.

  “Um, thank you.” I said embarrassingly.

  “So, um, when did you get here?” She said awkwardly.

  “I don’t know if I’m allowed to say.” I said, playing with the seams in the mattress.

  “You can tell me, it’ll be our little secret.” she smiled at me. “Well, I was taken from an orphanage, probably far from here. They broke in and burned the place down and well, here I am.” I said with a shoulder shrug.

  “Well Rose, let me tell you this. I think you’re going to be alright.” she said, still smiling.

  “I’m-I’m going to be alright? What is wrong with you? Do younot know where we are?” I snapped at her. “Get out of my room, I’m trying to sleep.”


  “Leave!” I yelled and pointed to the door. Joy stood up and walked towards the door in shock. Her face was pale and sweat was dripping from her forehead. Davis looked at her and as she stood in the center of the doorway, he kissed her forehead and whispered into her ear. As he sent her in front of him, Davis looked back at me and winked.

  “See you bright and early sunshine.” he said as he shut the door.

  I was so confused. My mind was running in circles as I couldn’t wrap my mind around what just happened. I was more concerned on how this woman is able to just walk freely around when the rest of us are locked in rooms. What makes her so special?

  I finally managed to get to sleep last night and woke up with the biggest headache. I must have slept in because my breakfast was already placed in front of the hatch door. It was much different than the last couple days. I was given two sausages, two pieces of toast smothered in peanut butter and a cup full of eggs and ketchup. What did I do to deserve all this food? I downed it all within 2 minutes and savoured the orange juice that was slide in after the plate. I felt like a queen.

  The hatch opened and I slide my plate back through just as fast as it happened. I through on a new shirt and waited on my mattress to be escorted out. I waited for what seemed to be hours after breakfast. A guard finally came and knocked on my door signaling me that he was about to enter.

  “You’re lucky, no job today.” the guard said to me as we walked down the hall side by side. He smelt of cigarettes and rotten clothing, must have been the shower he never had. As we waited outside the Hylander building doors, I could hear multiple voices from the other side of the door.

  “Come in, sweetheart.” Davis said with a smile as he welcomed me in.

  A group of younger girls sat at the table along one side while Davis was on the other joined by the woman who came into my room last night, Joy.

  “Rose, come and join us.” she echoed to me.

  I took my seat beside some girls whom I had never seen before and awaited instructions.

  “Ladies, I would like you to meet the latest edition to our family, Joyce.” welcomed Davis as he stood next to Joyce, smiling widely. None of the girls moved or said a word, we knew better than to speak out of term.

  “Hello everyone.” Joyce stood. “It’s lovely to meet you all and I can’t wait to work with all you beautiful women.” she glared at me and winked before sitting down.

  “J oy will be training the newer girls about how we run things around here and what is expected of you.” some of the new girls were silently sobbing as they were wiping away tears as they fell from their innocent eyes.

  “This is to make your stay safer, to sa y the least. I promise, Joyce is someone who will take care of you.” Davis looked at Joyce as if he was in love. He stared at her for a few seconds without saying anything, there was clearly something there but he looked at everyone with that gawking look so it didn’t really surprise me that he just wanted some more meat on his plate.

  “Serena, will you follow Joyce please?” Davis looked at the new girl sincerely. She couldn’t be over the age of eight as she was literally shaking from nervousness.

  Joyce walked over and reached her hand out to Serena with puppy dog eyes.

  “It’s okay, I promise.” Joyce said to Serena.

  They walked over to the farthest corner and sat on the floor in front of some filing papers. I could hear whispers but no full conversation as the other girls were now loudly sobbing and comforting each other. I sat silently.

  “Rose, can I see you for a second?” said a voice from the balcony. It was Raven. I looked to Davis for confirmation and with a nod of his head I ran up the stairs.

  Raven was dressed in a white lace dress with her bright purple underwear showing beneath. She gave me a weak smile and continued her request papers and slide a blank one over to me.

  “Time to get to work.” she handed me a black pen that looked as if it had been chewed up by a dog.

  “How are you?” she whispered.

  “Fine I guess, that lady came into my room last night.” I pointed to Joyce sitting in the corner with Serena.

  “Well I would hope so,” Raven smiled at me, brushing my shoulder with her warm hand. “How did last night go? I mean, isn’t she great?” she gloated.

  “I don’t see anything special.” I began to start a request sheet.

  “You can’t be serious..wait-” she stopped.

  “What is it?” I looked at her confusingly.

  “You really don’t know who that woman is?” she gave me a returning confusingly look.

  “Should I?” I asked.

  “Um, yes.” she let out a tiny laugh. “That woman, Joyce, isn’t here by any mistake. Davis may think so but I know that this is no mistake that she just happen to stumble upon this buildingafter running away years ago.”

  “Wait, she was here and came back? But why?” Because of you, that’s why.” Sh
e let out a laugh.

  “Me?” I whispered.

  “Rose, come on. That’s Joy..your mom.” she questioned me.

  I looked at Joyce as she sat in the corner and examined every physical feature she possessed. Her demeanor was extremely awkward last night but my last thought was that she was my mother.

  “You lost me there. She can’t be -I mean, she has no idea who I am. She left literally over 10 years ago, that can’t be her.” I said passionately. Raven stared at me with astonishment at my rebuttal.

  “Fine, don’t believe me.” she went back to her request sheets.

  I looked down at Davis from the balcony, staring up at me with a smile on his face as he smoked his cigar. He then started walking around the newer girls who had remained quiet and pounded his hand on the table in front of them, making them jump. He let out a maniacal laugh that sent the girls into tears.

  “How do you know?” I asked her sincerely.

  “How do I know she’s your mom?” she asked.

  I nodded with concern.

  “I knew her years ago, she was like a mom to me and she ran away to get away from that asshole down there. She’s different now but nonetheless, she is your mom.” she smiled.

  I stood staring at Joyce in the corner, comforting the crying Serena. What if Raven was right? I had to know for sure.

  I turned to Raven and pulled my chair closer to her.

  “Tell me everything you know.”



  She hated me. She absolutely hated me. She didn’t even know who I was but how could she? I laid in bed after visiting her room, I wanted to pick her up and hug her and never let go. I wanted to grab her face and tell her that I was sorry for everything and that I missed in her life. She would probably hate me even more if she knew that I met her and didn’t tell her who I was.

  I completely lost all confidence in myself for this challenge. Davis was on top of me like a hawk and I couldn’t imagine him letting me out of his site for much longer than a bathroom stay. He was obsessed again and, like years past, nothing has changed. He was nicer to say the least but he was still the man I ran away from years ago. I could not fall asleep for the life of me last night as I tossed and turned and couldn’t get her face out of my mind. Her beautiful eyes and her pale skin tormented my mind and what really scared me was that she looked a lot like Davis.


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