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Risking Her Heart: A Contemporary Romance Novel

Page 13

by Rochelle Katzman

  Drake collapsed next to her. “Get out of your head, Olivia.” Then he did something she didn’t expect from someone who had a phobia when it came to commitment. He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly, with her head against his chest. How could she analyze when he did something like that? Instead, she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

  Sometime later, she opened her eyes and found the blanket wrapped around her and Drake still holding her. She wished there was a class she could take on How to Figure Out Drake Morganthal.

  * * * * *

  The next morning, Livvie woke up with a pounding headache. Partly from all the wine she had consumed at lunch yesterday. And partly from waking up alone. She’d been so spent after they’d had sex that she’d only awakened once throughout the night. And he had been there.

  She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. 9:00 a.m.


  She had overslept, and Drake was probably already working in the vineyard. She wished he had woken her up. Now she was stressing that he’d be all after sex weird on her. And she hated that. Seeing his wineglass still sitting on her coffee table brought back memories from last night.

  She sat up a little too quickly and closed her eyes, trying to steady herself. God, she was a mess. Livvie stared at the wineglass for a little longer. Drake had placed his lips on the glass over and over again. What she would do to have his lips on hers one more time. And when he’d ordered her to spread her legs and had stared at her vagina, it was one of the hottest things she had ever experienced. Thinking about it made her pussy wet.

  She hoped to be with him at least once more before she left. There was no need to deny herself any longer. She had done the deed, so why stop now? She thought she’d wake up feeling bad about herself, but she didn’t. All she had to do was change her mindset. This was only sex. Obviously, she had feelings for him, but if she kept that separate, she could have sex with him and then leave. Without regretting a thing. Then when she returned to Los Angeles, she’d find a man who was the opposite of an alpha-male and date him. Her only concern was if he’d be as good in bed as Drake was.

  While she sat there obsessing over Drake, someone slid a note under her door. Good morning, reality, thought Livvie. Then her heart stopped, and panic set in. Was it from Drake? Was he giving her walking papers? Did he not have the courage to tell her goodbye to her face?

  Livvie forced herself to walk over and pick up the note. With trembling hands, she turned it over and saw it was from Veronica.


  I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. I had to leave to meet up with an architect. I’ve been debating about whether to redo my house. Maybe the hot architect will convince me? I also wanted to tell you I’m really sorry for how my son behaved at lunch. I know he hurt you, and I hated to watch it, especially as his mother. I want you to know I’ve never seen my son so enamored with another woman as he is with you. I know you’ve only known each other for a few days, but falling in love is instant. I know you feel it, too. My son doesn’t flirt. He doesn’t need to. Women fall at his feet, but when I saw him flirting with Kayla, I understood. He was trying to make you jealous. I have never seen him so troubled, as he was when he was watching you and Stephan talk. It drove him crazy, so if that was your intention, it worked! Brilliant, my dear.

  Please don’t give up on my son. You make him different—a better man. Please, Livvie, I know I’m asking a lot, but please fight for him. Fight for the both of you. Here is my phone number. I expect you to use it whether you need my help or to talk. I live in Marin County, so I also expect you to visit.

  Until we meet again…and we will.



  And then she had written her phone number at the bottom, beneath her signature. Livvie inhaled and stared at the note. How was she supposed to fight for a man who didn’t want to commit to a woman? How was she supposed to protect herself? Livvie didn’t have the answers, but she had her journal. So after a quick shower, she began to write. She may not be able to figure out her life, but at least when she wrote, she didn’t have to stress over falling in love with a man who had given her an expiration date, from the very first day they met.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Being alone in a cabin in the middle of the woods can be daunting. Being alone in the cabin in the middle of the woods with a drop-dead gorgeous man can be just as terrifying. Or at least Haley thought so at first, but the situation turned out quite the opposite. Blake made her feel rejuvenated, free in her own skin, euphorically happy, and most of all, alive. Just a fraction of those feelings was what she’d hoped she would feel by staying at this cabin alone for the week. She had never been so grateful in her entire life that her travel agent had double booked the week. Blake was tanning himself by the lake. Would tonight be the night? The sexual tension in the cabin was building. She wanted him badly. More than she had ever wanted anything in her life, including this one sought-after, peaceful week.

  Haley watched as Blake rubbed lotion on his magnificent body. She could smell the lotion from here…or maybe it was Blake’s intoxicating smell. She would miss this smell. Strong and masculine, just like the man himself. What would she do once the week was over? How would she rebuild her life? Could she rebuild her life? She knew it seemed strange. Mourning over a man she had met only a few short days ago. And yet she knew she would grieve. Big time. But she didn’t know how. How should she grieve over a beautiful man? A man who seemed to get everything he wanted out of life, and for these few days, she’d believed she could, too. His ambition, determination, and fearlessness had rubbed off on her. Spending time alone in the cabin with him, especially at night, when the only light came from the moon’s reflection, had created memories she would treasure for the rest of her life.

  * * * * *

  Livvie put down her pen and stretched her arms above her head. After reading Veronica’s note, she had spent the rest of the day writing in her room. Actually, she was hiding in her room. At first, she had intended to find Drake, but she felt weird about it. She was a big believer that if a man wanted a woman, he would do everything in his power to get her. But from what he’d done yesterday—or, rather, hadn’t done—he must not have wanted her that badly or even at all. She could understand why he had left in the early morning without waking her up, because if it were the other way around, she probably wouldn’t have woken him, either.

  At around seven o’clock, she heard a knock on her door. She hoped Mr. Birkshire was bringing her dinner. She was starved. Writing always made her hungry.

  She was grateful she wouldn’t have to go down to the dining room to eat. She was still wearing her blue tank top and comfy jeans, which she had thrown on that morning before settling in to write. But when she opened the door, Mr. Birkshire wasn’t there with food.

  “It’s about time you showed your beautiful face.” Drake was standing there in a white polo shirt and green shorts, looking sexy as hell.

  Livvie opened the door wider. “Sorry, I was writing all day.”

  “That’s only part of the truth. You were avoiding me, afraid the commitment phobic man wouldn’t want to see the woman he slept with last night.”

  “And there’s that.” Livvie smiled softly, unsure of why he was here but relieved at the same time.

  Drake put his hands in his pockets, looking almost uncomfortable. “Normally, you’d be right, but I had to see you. I’ve been dying to kiss you all day.”

  Drake stepped forward, grabbed the back of Livvie’s head, and gave her such a warm kiss. He moved his lips gently over hers. Livvie stood on her tippy-toes and threw her arms around his neck, needing to feel him closer.

  With obvious reluctance, Drake stepped back but held her around her waist. “Now I feel much better.”

  Livvie laughed. “So do I.”

  “Good. Are you hungry? I know you haven’t eaten dinner.”

  Livvie’s stomach growled. “As you can hear, I’m starve

  “Excellent. Come with me.”

  Drake grabbed her hand, and they walked out of the room. Livvie’s heartbeat picked up with the anticipation of spending time with him.

  She followed him through the same door as the other evening.

  “We’re going to your rooftop?” she asked as they climbed the steps.

  When they reached the top, he turned and looked at her before opening the door, which led to the roof. “I hope that’s okay.”

  Livvie couldn’t respond. When she stepped out onto the roof, she was speechless. Drake had set up a small table with plates, wineglasses, and two chairs next to each other. A heating lamp was placed by the table to keep them warm. Not that they needed it. It was a warm night.

  A tall white candle sat in the middle of the table with red rose petals surrounding it. Rose petals also covered the ground. Red candles sitting in glass jars were scattered around this part of the roof. The view in the background made everything even more beautiful. More perfect.

  “Drake, it’s beautiful,” Livvie said, her tone breathless.

  “As you can see, this is the only part of the roof that’s flat. Once in a while, I like to eat up here. Since you enjoyed the rooftop the other night, I thought you’d like this, too. So I moved the couch and set this up instead.”

  Livvie tore herself away from the view and looked at him. “Thank you.” And she meant it with all of her heart. She stood on her tippy-toes and pecked him on the lips. Not being able to help herself, she threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

  He refused to offer her tomorrow, but at least he was being romantic. He made her feel special.

  “I’m glad you like it.” Drake was holding her just as tightly.

  “I love it. I never knew you had a romantic side to you.”

  Drake broke the hug and led her to the table. Like a gentleman, he held the chair out for her. “I don’t. This is the first time I’ve ever brought a woman up here. For some reason, you bring out a side of me I didn’t know I had. You have from the moment we met.”

  Livvie sat down as she soaked in what he was saying. Drake was almost acting like her dream man. Almost. Even though his actions reflected his pretty words, he was still afraid of a commitment. But tonight, she didn’t want to think about that. Tonight, she wanted to enjoy him.

  Mr. Birkshire came out on the roof with a bottle of wine.

  Livvie laughed. “You made Mr. Birkshire come all the way up here?”

  Drake smiled. “He went to get the bottle of wine I requested. I installed a kitchen behind the door on the left. He won’t have to keep going up and down the stairs.”

  “I don’t mind,” Mr. Birkshire chimed in as he poured wine into Drake’s glass.

  Drake sipped it and then nodded. Mr. Birkshire resumed pouring the wine in Drake’s glass and then filled Livvie’s.

  Once he was done, he winked at Livvie and then exited through the door Drake had mentioned. Then another man, who she didn’t recognize, placed halibut and a delicious, roasted corn dish on their plates. Once they left, Livvie felt free to talk.

  “I see Andrew isn’t serving us.”

  Drake gave her a deadly look. “He no longer serves meals while you’re here.”

  Livvie couldn’t help herself and laughed. “He’s harmless, Drake.”

  “In my eyes, any man who goes near you isn’t harmless,” he said as he dug into his halibut.

  She laughed even harder. “You’re sexy when you’re jealous.”

  “I’m sexy to you even when I’m not jealous. Now eat.”

  He took another forkful of food and Livvie followed.

  “True,” she said. “But your chef must be sexy, too. Any man who can cook this good is a god, at least in my eyes.”

  Drake stopped eating and picked up his glass of wine instead. “I’ll make sure you never meet him.” He took a large sip of wine.

  “We forgot to toast.” She picked up her glass.

  “What would you like to toast to?”

  Livvie inhaled. “To nights on your rooftop.” Her heart felt heavy. Soon, she would be leaving, and there would be no more nights up here.

  Drake’s eyes looked intense. “To nights on my rooftop.” He clicked his glass with hers and then resumed eating.

  The rest of the meal went by quickly. He pointed out the different vineyards in the distance. He explained to Livvie about their different wines and who the owners were. Livvie asked him questions about the wines in France and what it was like when he’d worked in the vineyard in Burgundy. Drake told her story after story.

  When they finished off the wine bottle, Livvie leaned back in her chair, feeling more relaxed than she’d ever been.

  “Thank you, Drake,” she said softly. “I’ll remember this evening forever.” She wasn’t mentioning their expiration date, but they both knew it was coming.

  “The evening isn’t over,” he said as his eyes darkened. He stood and held out his hand.

  Livvie instantly took it, and he led her farther down the roof until they reached a section that was slanted.

  “Careful,” he told her.

  Drake held her waist and helped her step over the slanted portion. On the other side, the roof flattened out again, and someone had laid out a thick blanket. Nearby stood another heating lamp.

  “Drake,” Livvie said. “Did you have Mr. Birkshire place this here?”

  Drake chuckled. “No. I did this earlier this afternoon. I wanted to see you earlier, but I was swamped with work. I found a minute to place this here and set up dinner.”

  Livvie sat on the blanket, craving what was coming next. “Thank you.” She couldn’t find the words to express how touched she felt. She wanted to show him instead.

  Drake sat next to her, and they immediately kissed. With the stars above, this was the perfect setting to show him how much she appreciated tonight.

  The kissing didn’t last long.

  “I want you naked, and I want you naked now,” Drake demanded.

  Livvie obeyed. She took off her tank top and put it behind the heat lamp that was keeping her nice and toasty. As she unbuttoned her jeans, Drake was taking off his shirt and shorts. She loved him naked. And the more she got to know him, the more she loved him clothed, too. She’d have to analyze her feelings tomorrow, though…not tonight.

  They both sighed with relief as Drake lay on top of her, his naked body pressed against hers. Always needing control, he placed her hands above her head. With his free hand, he reached to touch her between her legs.

  He inhaled deeply. “God, I love how wet you are for me.”

  Livvie pushed her pelvis up into his hand, as Drake circled her clit, just the way she liked. At the same time, he thrust his fingers inside her.

  “Drake,” Livvie begged.

  “I love how you beg when you want more. I love how badly you want my cock.”

  Livvie couldn’t argue because he spoke the truth. After a few more minutes of this wonderful torture, Drake replaced his fingers with his cock.

  Livvie moaned and raised her pelvis to meet him. “This feels so fucking good.”

  She couldn’t say anything more because Drake kissed her. And for the rest of the time he was inside her, his lips never left hers.

  * * * * *

  Livvie woke up feeling better than ever, although she should feel exhausted. Last night, after they had sex on the roof, Drake pointed out all the different stars. She’d had no idea he was so knowledgeable about astronomy. She didn’t know a lot about astronomy, but she knew a lot about astrology. In Los Angeles, everyone did. It was almost like a prerequisite course you needed to take to move there. She learned that Drake’s birthday was January 8th, which made him a Capricorn. The Capricorn men who she knew were hard working, successful, and struggled when it came to relationships, which pretty much described Drake to perfection. She was a Gemini. Gemini and Capricorn were compatible signs. When she’d told him that, he’d just laughed.

They stayed on the roof until three o’clock in the morning and then came back to her bedroom and had sex again. She’d wanted to go to his, but he had a conference call with some business associates who lived in France this morning and had to wake up super early. It meant he wouldn’t be in the vineyard, so she was able to sleep until seven and then write for a few hours.

  The only thing that depressed her was the fact she was leaving Morganthal Winery tomorrow, never to return. If she thought about it for too long, she would stay in bed all day, completely immobilized, so she decided to put her feelings to the side and deal with them when she was alone and back in Los Angeles. Besides, it was already past ten o’clock in the morning.

  She looked at her last remaining sundress, relieved to see it wasn’t wrinkled. It was black and white and sleeveless. Putting on her black sandals, Livvie left her room and closed the door.

  As she walked down the grand staircase, Mr. Birkshire called out her name.

  “There you are. We’re so happy you’ve come down.”

  He still wasn’t smiling, but he did seem abnormally relieved to see she had left her room.

  “Sorry, I really needed to write.”

  “Did you accomplish a lot?”

  Livvie smiled warmly at him. “Yes, I did. Thank you.”

  “We’re happy to hear that.”

  “Who is ‘we’, Mr. Birkshire?” Livvie hoped it was Drake, but she wasn’t sure how long the conference call had lasted.

  “I am.”

  Livvie froze as Drake appeared out of nowhere. She was so happy to see him, even though he had only left her bed a few hours ago. Had she based her character Blake on him? Probably. He was all she had thought about. He had consumed her every thought for six straight days. And it was exhausting.

  “You’re glad to see me?” she asked, her tone flirtatious.

  Drake nodded. “Are you hungry?” He looked as if he wanted to eat her.

  Livvie was starved but she didn’t want to go into the dining room after what had happened the other day at lunch. She loved the rooftop, but the dining room brought back bad memories.


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