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Holiday Hook Up: (Bachelors of Buttermilk Falls Book 4)

Page 6

by Robyn Neeley

  “No kidding. I’ve got eight boxes full of tiaras and beads in the back.” She brought her long brown hair to the side, trying to forget that the last time they were this close, her lips were on his. “So, what brings you by?”

  “You are never going to guess what happened this morning.”

  Before she could answer, he blurted out, “I did it. I finally did it.”

  She studied him for a second. Never mind the curled up mouth, was that a twinkle in his eye? Did something happen between him and Rachel? The first date, which everyone knew was ice-skating in the center of town, wasn’t until tonight, but what if they jump-started their Holiday Hook Up?

  Oh, God. What if Rachel spent the night at Adam’s or vice versa? Surely, he wouldn’t have stopped by to share that news. Whatever it was, he looked like he was about to burst with excitement. Walking behind the counter, she slid on her apron and tied the strings behind her back, bracing herself for his big reveal. “So, what exactly did you do?”

  “I nailed the Batter Up spell,” he said, putting his hands on his hips and puffing out his chest. “Supernatural Matchmaker, at your service.”

  “You did? On who?” If he said Rachel, she might lose it.

  “Zoe Mathews. She followed me into the bakery earlier this morning demanding that I try it on her.”

  “Really?” Bethany couldn’t help but smile, remembering the petite blonde making out with Will Jenkins in the corner. If they’d broken apart for air, she might have been worried that one of them would have recognized her in the disguise, but at the rate they’d been going at it, she knew her secret was safe. “So, you did it on her?”

  “Yep, and the name Marvin appeared.”

  “Marvin?” Bethany tilted her head. She couldn’t think of any guys around town named Marvin, but Adam was now making a face like she should know.

  “It’s Will,” he finally said.

  “Oh, wow.” Her hand flew to her mouth. “You’re right. I forgot William is his middle name. How did she take the news?”

  “Not well at all. I guess she knocked back a couple glasses of Brandon’s signature cocktail when she first arrived and now regrets it. I told her that maybe I got it wrong again, but LB, you have to believe me when I think I got it right.”

  “How are you sure?”

  “I can’t explain what happened really. It just felt like it worked.” He raised his hand and demonstrated with his fingers. “Like the spell went from my head, jetted through my arm, hit my hand, and into the spoon. It was pretty freakin’ awesome.”

  “Well, maybe it was a success.” More than anything, she wanted to believe that the spell worked this time because he obviously thought so. She added, chuckling, “Although, Zoe might think she was on top of Santa’s naughty list to have gotten Will, or Marvin, for a soul mate.”

  He laughed back, agreeing. “She will need some time to adjust. The guy’s not bad, and she’d always have someone at the ready to change the oil in her car.”

  Adam was right there. He’d often strut down Main Street in his work overalls when he was off to visit his mother, Marilyn Jenkins, at her bridal shop.

  “This calls for a celebration.” She wanted to join in his jubilant mood and grabbed a red mug with a snowman on it off the counter. Pouring from her carafe the white hot chocolate she’d made earlier, she handed him the drink and raised her Star Lite coffee cup. “Congratulations, Adam Reed. Here’s to the first of many soul mate predictions for the bachelorettes of this town. You’re on your way to being a legend.”

  “Legend. I like the sound of that.” He clinked his mug to her cup. “Thank you, LB.”

  “For what?”

  “For being so supportive. I can’t really talk about this kind of stuff with Tom, and well, it’s sucked constantly feeling like a failure around Emma and Abby, not to mention Josh.” He let out a deep breath. “It really feels good to know that I may have finally done it, and maybe I can stop disappointing all the single women in this town.”

  Bethany eyed him. She’d known that each spell he’d gotten wrong had chipped away at his confidence, but she hadn’t realized the enormous weight he’d been carrying since he’d been given the blue spoon. “You’re welcome. I believe in you.”

  “You know. If you want to be my next bachelorette, just say the word.”

  “Sure. Maybe sometime after the holidays.” She blinked. That was never going to happen.

  He took a sip before saying, “So, LB, there’s another reason I stopped by.”

  “There is?”

  “I need your help in solving a mystery. Something weird happened last night.”

  “Weird?” Here we go. She was sure this had to be about his Holiday Hook Up with Rachel.

  “I met a woman, and things kind of got intense between us. I think she might have been really into me.”

  Oh, my God! He’s talking about me. Bethany’s head began to spin. Wait. He thinks I was into him. He can’t be serious? Did random women lead him into dark corners and kiss him silly all the time? “That’s great,” she said, and fiddled with the candy cane display near the register, avoiding eye contact.

  “Yeah, but then she disappeared, and I never saw her again. Can I take a look at your camera?”

  She looked up, surprised by that request. “What do you want with it?”

  “I was thinking maybe you got a picture of her. I’d love to go through your shots if you don’t mind.”

  “I left it at home,” she blurted out.

  “Really?” His eyebrows knitted. “Because I could have sworn I saw you carrying your camera case when you walked by the Sugar Spoon earlier.”

  Busted. “Um . . . yeah . . . that’s right,” she stammered, trying to recover. “Sorry. It was such a crazy morning with the random shipment, I forgot that I did bring it.”

  “Mind if we take a look?” he asked, grinning down at her with his signature smile that easily made her melt.

  “Oh, I doubt I got any pictures of her. I mean . . . I didn’t get as many photos as I should have.” She bit down on her lip, hoping he would drop it.

  “Why’s that? Were you hooking up?”

  Um . . . yeah . . . with you. “Kind of.” She paused, adding, “Well, not exactly.”

  “You don’t have to tell me who he is. I’m sure I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Tonight,” she repeated. “Right.” The event organizers aimed to offer two events before Christmas and the wild card date after, but before the First Kiss New Year’s ball. She was going to have to buy out the Ben & Jerry’s section of the supermarket to get through the next two weeks. “I actually didn’t pay for a Holiday Hook Up, but I heard Rachel did.”

  He nodded. “Yes, she did.”

  She took a long sip of her hot chocolate, pretending the next question didn’t matter to her in the least. “How do you feel about that?”

  He shrugged. “It’s weird, and I definitely didn’t see it coming. One minute, I’m kissing this incredibly beautiful woman and the next my ex is dragging me across the room, declaring that I’m hers for the next two weeks.”

  Bethany brought up her mug to cover the big grin that was forming. He just called me beautiful.

  “So can I see your photos?”

  There weren’t many to show, but she’d managed to get a few shots at the end of the evening. She could probably let him see those and say she’d already downloaded the rest onto her computer. “Sure, I’ll be right back.”

  Bethany headed into the back to retrieve her camera, her heart pounding. Had Adam enjoyed their dark corner entanglement every bit as much as she had? He did say she was beautiful. Maybe she should march right back out there and confess that she was the woman.

  She glanced up at Mr. July. Maybe she should practice first. “Adam, you’re never going to believe this, but I’m the one you made out with. Surprise!”

  She shook her head. Lame. She’d have to think of something else. What if she suggested that they have dinner tonight at her p
lace? She could make her pasta primavera that all her friends rave about, so she knew it was good. Then, as they enjoyed a bottle of red wine, she could confess. She smiled, rather enjoying the vision of both of them leaning across her dining room table to share another hot kiss.

  But to make that a reality, she needed to get back onto the floor and see if he had plans for tonight. Grabbing her camera, she returned only to find Adam with his back against the counter in a lively conversation with the only other customer in the store.


  “Good morning,” Bethany greeted her best friend, masking her disappointment. Stupid Bethany. Asking Adam over for dinner wasn’t going to happen. Especially not tonight since he’d be ice-skating with Rachel. They were probably making plans for their first date. “How are you?”

  “Absolutely wonderful,” Rachel replied, her gaze never leaving Adam.

  Adam pulled himself up off the counter. “I was just telling Rachel about my success this morning.”

  “I never doubted you.” Rachel tugged on his arm. “So who was it on?”

  “Can’t say. The bachelorette needs some time before going public.” He chuckled. “A lot of time.”

  Bethany smiled over at Adam. She liked the fact that he’d revealed to her earlier that it was Zoe but didn’t divulge that information to Rachel.

  “Well, you are going to make many bachelorettes happy in the new year,” Rachel said.

  He pulled out his buzzing phone, glancing down at the screen. “Excuse me, ladies, that’s Tom. We’re meeting up later.”

  While Adam stepped away to take the call, Rachel spun around, placing her hands on the counter and leaned in. “I have the best idea. Guess what we’re going to do tonight?”

  Bethany had a feeling she wasn’t going to like where this was going. “You and Adam?”

  “Yes, me and Adam.”

  Since when did her friend get so excited about ice skating? While Rachel was the first to sign up for water skiing lessons or suggest they all spend the afternoon sailing up and down Buttermilk Lake, winter recreation wasn’t her thing. Nevertheless, she could ice-skate. Most folks in this town had learned at one point or another. “Won’t you be at the rink?” Bethany asked.

  Rachel scrunched her nose. “Don’t remind me.” She leaned in. “But after we’re done, that’s when the real date begins. I’m going to take him to Ralph’s for a sausage and mushroom pizza.”

  Bethany’s heart sank at that news because she suspected Rachel was re-creating the first date she’d had all those years ago with Adam. A date that only happened because Bethany had nudged her friend toward him and encouraged her to ask him out. She’d even told her what pizza to suggest because she’d learned firsthand when she was fourteen how Adam Reed liked his pizza.

  She didn’t think it was possible to experience the heartache she’d felt all those years ago when she watched Rachel ask Adam out, but there it was—building in her chest. “Well, you both will need to eat,” was all she could say.

  “You don’t remember that he and I went there for our first date? You suggested it.”

  “I remember.” And what I wouldn’t give to go back in time and yank myself off the football field. “I’m sure he will appreciate the romantic gesture.”

  “Well, that’s not all we’re going to do, and you’re going to die when I tell you the rest.”

  Bethany shoved her hands into her apron. Somehow she believed her friend on that one. Maybe she should preemptively dial 911. She took a deep, final breath before asking, “What else are you planning?”

  “To end our evening at the Sugar Spoon.”

  Bethany cocked her head. Dessert after pizza sounded harmless, especially one of Emma’s sweet cupcakes. “I’m sure he’ll enjoy that.”

  Rachel glanced behind her shoulder, then leaned in, whispering, “He will because I’m going to have Adam do the Batter Up spell on me. How cool will it be when he sees his name in my batter? It’ll be a first date to end all first dates.” She giggled. “A second first date to end all first dates.”

  Bethany bit into the frown she didn’t want to show. “Do you really think that’s a good idea? I mean, I know how ecstatic he is, but there’s no proof yet that it worked. What if Adam’s name doesn’t show up in your batter?” She regretted that question immediately, seeing the shock on Rachel’s face.

  “Of course his name is going to show up. He’s my match. I know it.” She turned and smiled over at Adam. “It’s going to happen, and when it does, it will be magical.”

  Magical. Although she didn’t quite understand Rachel’s sudden interest in getting back together with her ex, Bethany couldn’t deny that her best friend was happy. She knew exactly what her role was in this moment—to be Rachel’s supportive sidekick. It’s who she’d always been. In this moment, her own feelings for Adam didn’t matter. “Well, you both deserve the best,” she said.

  “Thank you.” Rachel grabbed Bethany’s hand and swung. “Maybe we’ll be going shopping in the new year for my gown. How amazing would that be?”

  “Amazing,” Bethany repeated, picturing the moment last night when she’d glanced at her own reflection wearing Mary’s wedding dress.

  “Hey, ladies, I’ve got to get going.” Adam set his empty mug on the counter and zipped up his leather coat. “Thanks for the hot chocolate, LB. I’ll see you both la—”

  “Ooooh, wait.” Rachel pointed to Bethany’s camera on the counter. “Adam, let’s take a picture with the tree.” She grabbed his hand. “We need to document our entire time together.” She pulled him to the front of the tree and wrapped her arms around his middle, winking at Bethany. “All of it.”

  Rachel was, of course, talking about the batter. What would happen if his name did appear? Would they instantly get back together? Would he be stopping by the Christmas Corner tomorrow sharing the news?

  “Bethany, what are you waiting for?” Rachel asked, nodding to the camera.

  “Right. Sorry.” Bethany grabbed it. Aiming at the couple, she zoomed in, capturing Adam’s arm draped around Rachel and the absolute adoration in her best friend’s face as she looked up at the man she’d only minutes ago proclaimed was her match.

  “Say ‘Merry Christmas,’” Bethany said, pushing aside her heartache and snapping the picture.

  Chapter 5

  Bethany turned the store key and double checked to make sure the door was locked. The last thing she wanted to do was photograph couples ice-skating.

  But that’s exactly where she was headed.

  She crossed the street but stopped in the center. If Santa’s reindeer came flying down at this very second and flattened her to the pavement, would it really be the worst thing in the world?

  When she’d stopped by the Buttermilk Advocate office on her lunch break and confessed to Jason that she didn’t have any great pictures from the Holiday Hook Up, she quickly added that she could stop by the ice rink right after work to take some shots. Though it was the last place she wanted to be, she hated that she hadn’t followed through and delivered the promised photos.

  That guilt didn’t stop her, however, from giving herself a proper head slap on the short walk back to the Christmas Corner. Now, she’d have to watch Rachel and Adam holding hands on the ice, all the while knowing that her best friend was planning to ask him to perform the Batter Up spell on her a few hours later.

  Bethany didn’t have a clue how to process any of it. While she was thrilled for Adam that he may have gotten Zoe’s batter right, only time would confirm it.

  And Bethany didn’t have time. What if Adam’s name did show up in Rachel’s batter tonight? Was it right or wrong?

  Or, what if his name didn’t and some other guy’s name appeared, like Carter Manning? What did that mean?

  She approached her destination with no clear answers to those questions. The outdoor rink, situated in the middle of town, was a popular place this time of year. Tonight was no exception with all the Holiday Hook Up couples who had
already taken to the ice.

  Bethany walked over to the bleachers, unable to take her eyes off the bundled-up pairs in bright scarves and mittens gliding around the rink. They were chatting, laughing, and having an absolutely fabulous time.

  Adam and Rachel were nowhere to be found among the merriment. Bethany glanced over to the refreshment area, but the only two in line were Pauline and Evan. Oh, Pauline. The mortician had stopped by the shop this afternoon, offering to kick Adam’s butt. All Bethany needed to do was say the word.

  It was only after that offer Bethany realized Pauline thought that Adam had dumped her for Rachel. Bethany assured her that it all was for the best and that she and Adam would always be friends.

  Friends. Yep. That part was true. That’s all they’d be, and it probably was for the best.

  So what if she’d thrown herself at him the other night? He’d never know; no harm no foul. Her best friend wanted to get back together with her long-time boyfriend, and Bethany was going to have to accept it.

  But did she have to stay here and be an eye witness? She pulled her camera strap off her shoulder. Maybe she could snap her pictures and hightail it out of there before Rachel and Adam arrived. Pauline and Evan made a cute couple to photograph, and who wouldn’t get a kick out of seeing a mortician and a botanist together? Talk about a unique combination. Once they took to the ice, she’d take a couple of shots and call it a night.

  She stepped up to the second row of bleachers and took a seat, pulling her camera out of its bag and turning it on. Her last shot from earlier in the store appeared on the tiny screen.

  Bethany peered down at the image, her heart squeezing. God, why did Adam and Rachel have to look so perfect together? They looked like . . . well, if she was completely honest, they looked like the super cute couple they’d once been. While his arm was wrapped around her shoulders, Rachel was gazing up at him with her beautiful smile.

  How was she supposed to compete with that? Besides looking absolutely perfect together, they had history. If Rachel wanted Adam back, she was going to do everything in her power to make it happen. Reconstructing their first date at Ralph’s was, no doubt, the perfect first step in the right direction.


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