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Big Men of the House: 55 Book Story Bundle Box Set

Page 42

by Wendy Pound

  “How was school?” he asked.

  “It was fine,” I replied, continuing to walk upstairs. “I have a lot of homework to do tonight so try not to bother me.”

  “Good luck and just ask if you need any help,” Connor said.

  “I sure will.”

  The plan was set. My parents knew not to interrupt me. I could be gone the entire night and they would have no clue. All I had to do was keep my bedroom light on so they would think that I was hard at work.

  I closed my bedroom door and went straight to the closet. I had no idea what to wear. I didn't didn't have very many clothes that I could wear out. Most of my wardrobe consisted of jeans and t-shirts. I needed something that would really surprise James. Something that he would finally take notice of.

  I found a plaid skirt at the bottom of the closet that used to be apart of a school uniform. It was at least a couple years old so I wasn't sure it even fit anymore. I undressed in front of the mirror and pulled the skirt up to my waist, zipping up the back.

  The skirt was incredibly short. I must have grown a few inches in just a couple years. I turned around and it barely covered my ass. I was about to take it off when I realized that the skirt was exactly what I should be wearing. This was the piece that was going to knock James off his feet.

  I found a low-cut top that I usually wore on the weekends because I didn't like the guys at school constantly trying to peek down my shirt.

  With the the entire outfit on, I realized that I looked super hot. My breasts were bulging outwards and my legs looked incredibly long. I started on my makeup and hair, knowing that it could take me a couple hours to get everything perfect.

  When I was finished I only had a few minutes left until Shelly was here. I cracked open my door and listened closely. The TV was still on downstairs which meant that they probably wouldn't hear me climbing down the tree.

  I went to my window and opened it up. The cold night air gave me goosebumps all over my arms. I shivered and ran to my closet for a jacket. Shelly was just walking onto the grass as I crawled out the window.

  “I knew you'd come,” Shelly whispered up.

  I put my finger to my lips to make her shush. I climbed down the tree and it was ridiculously easily like Shelly had told me.

  Shelly began to giggle as I climbed down.

  “What is it?” I called down in a low voice.

  “I can see right up your skirt,” she laughed.

  My cheeks became flushed with embarrassment. I climbed down even faster than before until I finally hit the soft grass. “Let's get out of here before my parents hear us,” I told her.

  Shelly nodded and we ran off into the darkness.

  Tim's house was only a few blocks from my house so it didn't take us long before we were standing outside. The music was blasting out and you could hear the bass thumping from a block away.

  “Are you ready for this?” Shelly asked.

  “Of course not,” I replied. “But let's go anyways.”

  Shelly opened the front door to a sea of people. It was like the entire school showed up. The music was so loud I could barely hear anything. Everyone was drinking out of red cups and dancing to the beat.

  “I'm going to get us some drinks. Go find James,” Shelly yelled to me.

  I nodded and began to wade my way through the crowds. There were so many people that it was going to be almost impossible to find James. I looked and looked over every face but couldn't spot him.

  Shelly found me, carrying two red cups. She handed me one. “Here ya go. Find James yet?”

  “No I don't see him. Maybe he's not here yet.” I looked down in the red cup and knew that it had to be alcohol. I'd never had any before and I was kind of scared to try it. “What kind of drink is this?” I asked.

  “Just some whiskey and coke. Nothing fancy,” Shelly replied.

  I swirled the liquid in the cup around. I didn't want Shelly to know that I'd never had a drink before. She already had too much dirt on me already. I touched the cup to my lips and let the alcohol flood into my mouth. I expected a burning taste like drinking rubbing alcohol but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it really just tasted like coke.

  “This is good,” I told her, taking another sip. Before I knew it, I was getting pretty buzzed. My head felt light but my feet felt heavy and I trudged on looking for James.

  “Wait I think I see him,” Shelly said. I looked where she was looking but didn't see James. When I glanced back at Shelly she was gone. I stood there and tried to find where she went and that's when James approached me.

  “Hey Brooklyn,” he said, smiling.

  My jaw was wide open. I couldn't believe that he even knew my name. “Hi James,” I choked out.

  “Cool party, right?”

  “Yeah very cool,” I replied.

  “You look really good tonight,” he said, peeking down my shirt at my cleavage.

  “Thank you.” I brushed the hair behind my ear.

  “You know, Brooklyn, I've liked you for a really long time but I didn't have the nerve to ask you out.”

  I couldn't tell if the alcohol was making me fantasize or if this was actually real. “I've liked you ever since elementary school,” I said. The whiskey was making me sway back and forth a little. I put my hand on his chest to balance myself and he felt so muscular.

  James leaned in and kissed me. His lips tasted perfectly. All the butterflies in my stomach began to flutter around and I felt like I was floating.

  Then James grasped my hand and led me upstairs. We passed by Shelly and she winked. I was about to have sex with the perfect guy.

  We stumbled into an empty bedroom and James began undressing in front of me. A warmness grew between my thighs. I took of my shirt and his eyes widened at the sight of my big breasts.

  As he unsnapped his jeans, James bent over and puked all over the floor. I shrieked and jumped back, narrowly avoiding the contents of his stomach. James ran into the bathroom trying to stop the flow of vomit from projecting out of his mouth.

  This is not what I imagined my first time being like.

  I put my shirt on and walked back downstairs. Shelly was still in the same spot talking to some guys.

  She saw me and walked over. “What happened, Brooklyn?”

  “James is puking is guts out in the toilet. Can we go now?”

  “Oh shit, I'm sorry. Yeah we can go.”

  We left the party and drunkenly walked home. It was a pretty disappointing night but at least I had conquered my fears.

  I said good night to Shelly and climbed the tree up back to my window. I quietly entered my bedroom and opened my door. My parents were now in their room watching TV. I felt pretty accomplished that I was able to sneak out without them noticing.


  The next day at school I thought about talking to James about the night before but I could tell he was way too embarrassed. Now that the truth was out, I knew that he would probably ask me on a date pretty soon.

  At the end of the day, Shelly and I started to walk home when my step stepdad pulled up in his convertible BMW.

  “Need a ride, Brooklyn?” My step stepdad had never picked me from school before.

  “Yeah I guess so. I'll see you later, Shelly.”

  Shelly mouthed the words “So hot”, referring to Connor. I stuck out my tongue in disgust.

  “What are you doing here? You've never picked me up from school before,” I asked Connor as I sat down on his leather seats.

  “Can't a guy surprise a girl once in awhile.”

  I closed the door and Connor drove us away. I stared out the window and I could feel his eyes watching me.

  I glanced over at him and he smiled. I agreed with Shelly. Connor was all kinds of hot. But it was wrong. He was my step stepdad and I shouldn't think about him like that ever.

  The radio was off and the air was filled with silence. I wanted to say something but I couldn't come up with anything.

  Connor turned towards
me, his eyes still on the road. “Brooklyn, I know what you did last night.”

  My whole body froze. My heart pumped like I was running the mile. I gulped and looked over at Connor. “What do you mean?” I asked innocently.

  “Don't play games with me. I know you sneaked out last night.”

  I didn't know how to respond. The only thing I could do to save myself was to tell the truth. “Yes, I sneaked out.”

  “Where did you go?” Connor asked.

  I thought about telling a lie but what if he followed me to the party? Lying could only make things worse. “I went to a party last night with Shelly.”

  “I'm disappointed in you Brooklyn,” he said.

  “I'm sorry, Connor. I knew you guys wouldn't let me go so I had to sneak out. Are you going to tell Mom?”

  Connor smirked. “I could tell her or maybe I don't have to.” His hand drifted over from the steering wheel to my thigh. A rush of electricity flowed through me. His hand moved up my inner thigh and I bit my bottom lip. I'd never been touched like that by a man before.

  “If you don't tell her, I'll do anything you ask.” I held his hand between my thighs and felt the chemistry between us.

  Connor pulled the car into the garage and leaned over and whispered in my ear, “That's my good girl.”

  He turned my head and looked me in the eyes. His dark browns stared into my heart as he leaned in and his lips touched mine. Pleasure washed over me like a tsunami. Connor held the back of my head as he pushed me into his mouth. His tongue danced on mine.

  Connor broke away from the kiss. His eyes were filled with lust. “Let's go inside.”

  “But won't Mommy hear us.”

  “She isn't home,” he said with a devilish grin.

  We got out of the car and Connor grabbed my hand, pulling me into the house. He led me through the hallways until we reached the kitchen. He embraced me and we kissed again. I could feel his throbbing member underneath his jeans just waiting to burst out.

  Connor kissed my neck as he grabbed my tits. I pulled my spaghetti straps down and let the shirt fall to the ground. Connor licked his lips at the sight of my big mountains. His hands traveled around my back and grabbed my ass before he went up and unlatched my bra. His tongue flicked out when he got to see all of my large breasts.

  “Those are beautiful,” he said, bending down to taste them. I held his head against my chest as he ran his tongue over my peaks. His lips wrapped around my nipples and sucked on them until they were as hard as pencil erasers.

  “That feels so good,” I moaned. I reached down and felt the outline of his shaft. He was so much bigger than I imagined. Connor came up for air and took off his shirt. I traced the muscles on his chest and let my finger trail down until I reached his jeans. I undid his belt and then zipped down his pants until his giant cock was unleashed.

  I put my hand over my mouth and gasped. “It's so big. I don't know if it will fit.”

  “Don't worry, it will fit.”

  Connor kissed me again before bending me over the kitchen island. My breasts were smushed against the cold granite counter-top. He pulled my skirt and panties down slowly until my ass was uncovered. He spanked my left ass cheek which made me cry out in pain. His slap against my other cheek was even harder.

  He slid his meat in between my ass and rubbed it against me. My pussy was so wet that it was dripping onto the floor.

  “Take me, I can't take it anymore.”

  Connor grabbed my hips and shoved his entire bare cock inside me. I screamed at the top of my lungs as my pussy stretched and stretched to fit his girth. Connor pushed until his shaft filled me up completely.

  “You're so tight, Brooklyn,” he moaned as he pumped in and out of me.

  “Harder,” I begged.

  Connor crashed against my ass as he pounded me with with his cock. His fingernails dug into my sides, breaking the skin and bringing blood. He grunted with every thrust, slamming his spear deeper and deeper inside me. Connor grabbed a tuft of my hair and snapped my head back. The pain and pleasure mixed into a dangerous cocktail

  Our screaming hit a crescendo. “Come inside me!”

  Connor unloaded his sweet seed into my pussy sending my orgasm into overdrive. My whole body quaked with pleasure as my pussy quivered. Connor continued to fuck me silly as he pumped his cum into me.

  As the pleasure faded, Connor collapsed onto my back. His cock slid out of my pussy and released a torrent of cum that ran down my thighs.

  “That was so good,” I said, exasperated.

  Suddenly we heard the keys jingle outside the front door. We scattered like roaches, picking up our clothes and getting dressed at lightning speed. The door unlocked and my mom walked through. I quickly fixed my hair and ran to the couch while Connor stayed in the kitchen.

  “What are you guys up to?” she asked setting her purse down in the kitchen.

  “I'm just watching TV,” I replied.

  “How was your day, honey?” he asked my mom.

  “A lot better now,” she replied. My mom looked down and noticed something. “Did somebody spill something on the kitchen floor.

  I looked at Connor with a face of terror. “Oh Mom, I think I spilled some frosting.”

  “Well come over and clean it up.”

  I walked over to the puddle of Connor's cum. I dipped my finger in it and tasted him. “Yeah it's just frosting, Mom.” I smiled to Connor as I cleaned the floor with a paper towel.


  When I first stepped foot back in my old home, I got a really eerie feeling. I hadn't been home in four years ever since I went away for college. It was weird to think that my stepdad was gone and my mom had already remarried.

  My step stepdad was the first to greet me.“I'm Joshua,” he said, outstretching his hand.

  “I'm Nora,” I replied, grasping his hand. He was so hot that my body felt drawn to him.

  “Where's my mom?” I asked, looking around.

  “She's actually at a farmer's conference. She had no idea you were coming home so soon.”

  “When will she be back.”

  “Most likely tomorrow afternoon.”

  I went upstairs to my old room and unpacked my bags. I looked out the window at the farmland and felt at peace. It was so beautiful and I didn't realize how much I missed it until now.

  The only thing I disliked about the farm was the isolation. It was always so quiet and there were no neighbors. The nearest town was almost an hour away. I only made it out there once in a while to get groceries and anything else I required. I didn't get to meet new people that often. Life on the farm could get pretty boring at times and one crazy night would change everything.

  I watched as Joshua oversaw the workers as they farmed the fields. After they left, I made dinner for Joshua and I. I wasn't as good of a cook as my mom but I had learned a thing or two while I lived away at college.

  “These potatoes are amazing,” Joshua said, closing his eyes and savoring the flavor.

  “Thank you,” I replied, darting my eyes away from shyness. Joshua was so dreamy. It was hard to not fall for him. Now I knew why my mom remarried so quickly after my stepdad left her.

  When it was time to go to sleep, I went up to my room and got under the covers. Even after living on the farm all my life, I still wasn't used to going to sleep so early. The only thing that could get me to fall asleep was if I touched myself. I had to do it every night to exhaust myself and it had become a nightly ritual.

  My imagination wasn't what it used to be and I couldn't just close my eyes and think about a sexy guy taking me in my bed. No I needed more stimulation. I resorted to watching porn on my TV. I knew that they were cheesy but they always did the job. Sometimes it took me awhile to find a movie I liked but I could always find at least something. That night I turned on the TV and scanned the channels. I found one about a mature woman and a plumber. It was called “Cleaning the Pipes.” I chuckled at the title and turned it on.

  In my
head, I pictured a fat plumber with his ass crack hanging out but this porn star was actually young and handsome. He obviously wouldn't be a plumber in real life. Those inconsistencies never bothered me in porn. I wanted it to be more like my fantasies, not like reality.

  I watched as the older woman in a robe stared at the plumber working under the sink. They did a close up of her face getting turned on while you heard sounds of wrenches and water flowing. Then the plumber stood up and wiped sweat from his brow, “Well miss, it looks like your sink is now fixed.”


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