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Big Men of the House: 55 Book Story Bundle Box Set

Page 58

by Wendy Pound

  I curtsied back. “The pleasure was all mine.” We parted ways and I joined my group of friends at the drinks.

  “Holy shit Ella! Who was that guy?” Jennifer screamed.

  I looked to where the man was walking away. “I have no idea.”

  The rest of the night I couldn't get him out of my head. What was it about this guy? He was so mysterious and I didn't even have a clear picture of what he looked like. I was asked to dance by a few other men but I politely declined. My friends frowned at me but I wanted to find that man again.

  I looked around the ballroom but he was nowhere to be found. I asked a few people if they knew where he was but most said they didn't even know who I was talking about. I went to the hotel staff at the entrance. Since they took his invitation, they should know who he is.

  “Hi, excuse me, I'm looking for somebody,” I said to the hotel employee by the door.

  “Yes, who are you looking for?” he said in a polite tone.

  “I don't know his name but he was wearing a black mask that covered his entire face.” I waited while the man searched through his mind.

  “I'm sorry but there are a lot of men here with masks on.” I gave him a sneer and walked away.

  I decided to go outside on the balcony to catch some fresh air and clear my mind.

  The cool wind hit my arms and gave me goosebumps. I felt stupid that I left my jacket back inside. Out of nowhere, a coat appeared around my shoulders and I turned around to find my mystery man standing there. We didn't even say a word to each other. I just stared into his eyes and a warm feeling came over me. He put his arms around me and pulled me close. I looked up at his tempting lips and wondered what they tasted like. The smell of his cologne invaded my nose and I felt butterflies. He leaned in and I closed my eyes as our lips finally embraced.

  I was lost in a sea of passion. His kiss was firm and when his tongue entered my mouth, a rush of adrenaline kicked in. We kissed for what seemed like hours and I was so caught up in the moment that I couldn't pull away. As we paused to catch our breath, I could see that fiery flame back in his eyes. I could tell he wanted me badly and I wanted him to take me.

  I took my mask off and then went to take off his. He shook away as my hands got close and then he gave in. I slowly pulled it off and revealed Aiden! My step stepdad!

  “I can't believe it was you all along.” We stared, admiring one another. Then I shut my eyes and went in for another kiss. Aiden was already walking away.

  “Aiden! Where are you going!” I yelled.

  Without even looking back at me. “I'm sorry I have to go. This was a mistake.”

  A tear ran down my cheek and I wondered what I did wrong. I stayed on the balcony, looking up at the stars.

  When I was finally done wallowing, I went back inside to find that almost everyone had gone. I bet my friends assumed that I had gone home with Aiden. I thought about calling a cab home and then decided that a walk would do me good.

  I left the masquerade, wearing my coat, and strolling around town in the middle of the night. I realized I made a mistake after about twenty minutes of walking in heels. My feet were killing me and I ended up taking them off and walking barefoot. The town was so quiet at night, it was a little eerie. Nothing was open that late which meant that they were barely any lights on, save the few lighting up the sidewalks. The moon was full and gave off just enough light for me to see my way.

  A white rusty truck pulled up alongside me. “Hey girl, do you need a ride?”

  I turned to see two guys that looked like they hadn't had a shower in a few years. “Oh no thanks!”

  “Well it's getting pretty late. I don't know if it's safe for you to be out here,” the guy in the passenger seat said.

  “Don't worry, I can take care of myself,” I replied politely. I started to walk faster and the truck kept pace with me. Then it suddenly turned and stopped right in my path. I came to a dead stop and fear strangled me.

  The two guys got out of the car and I made an about face and ran as fast as I could. “Get back here you bitch!” they screamed.

  My legs were already burning and I didn't know how much longer I could go. My foot hit a rock and I went flying. I knew it was all over at that moment. My head hit the pavement and I instantly felt dizzy.

  I looked behind to see both of the men almost upon me. They slowed down, “We got you now bitch.” My head was all cloudy and I was scared out of my mind. That's when a shadow came out of the darkness and knocked them both to their feet. My head felt woozy and I thought that maybe I was hallucinating. I saw the dark figure punch the men and blood came spurting out. I was about to pass out and the last thing I remembered was Aiden carrying me away.

  I woke up to the smells and sounds of food being cooked. I opened my eyes and realized I wasn't in my bed, I was in some sort of cabin. It was incredibly small and it looked very old. There was a large fire going in the fireplace and a big black pot hanging above it. A familiar face sat next to pot, stirring it.

  “Good morning Ella! I'm glad you're up,” Aiden said

  I felt like I had the craziest hangover. “Ughh what happened?”

  “You were attacked by two men last night and were lucky I was close by to scare them off.” The sudden image of a hero coming to my rescue flashed into my head. I sat up in bed and looked around. The suit that Aiden wore that night was hanging against the door but it was thrashed to shreds.

  At that moment, I felt an indescribable lust for him. I got out of the bed and floated to Aiden. He could see the wanting in my eyes. Aiden stood up and grabbed me hard. He pulled my head in close and our lips fell into each other. I could feel the warmth emanating from Aiden's body. I needed his clothes off immediately.

  I tugged at his shirt and he started to take it off while I worked on his pants. I could tell Aiden was already rock hard and I couldn't wait to feel his throbbing cock. I pulled down his boxers and released his giant snake. It was so thick and long that I gasped out loud at the size of it. I stroked him up and down a couple times and it just revved up Aiden even more.

  He grabbed my dress and pulled hard, tearing it clean off. His strength was astounding. I was only wearing my bra and panties and Aiden's eyes were turning that fiery red again. I felt a rush of pleasure flow through me and I wanted Aiden more than ever.

  Our lips met again and Aiden's fingers ran through my hair. His hands reached around and cupped my ass. He lifted me off the ground and my feet dangled as I was lost in the moment. He set me back down and I gently unclasped my bra. It fell to the ground and my large breasts were finally free. Aiden bent down to bury his face in my tits as he chewed on my erect nipples. He acted like a wild animal with the way he ravaged me.

  His giant cock was calling me and I needed it inside now more than ever. “How do you want me?” I teased.

  “Get against that wall,” he said, pointing to the far wall. I walked up to it and put my hands on the wall like I was about to be frisked by a police officer. Aiden approached from behind and slowly pulled down my panties. As they came down, his tongue followed, licking my ass and legs.

  “I want you so bad! Fuck me hard!” I moaned. My tight pussy was so wet it was running down my legs. I felt Aiden's massive shaft find my opening and with one big thrust, he entered me. I braced myself against the wall as Aiden brutally fucked me. His cock was forced deeper and deeper inside me and I moaned from all the pleasure. Aiden put his hands on top of mine on the wall as he pushed in and out of me. His grunting turned me on so much.

  I felt his manliness inside me grow two times the size into a monstrous cock. I screamed from the pain and the intense pleasure. Aiden felt up my tits from behind as his nails dug into my flesh. His grunts turned to growls and I wanted him inside me forever.

  “Don't stop fucking me!!” I yelled. His thrusts were so hard that I was being slammed against the wall. His big claws hugged my hips and he used them as leverage as he drilled his way farther inside me. By the way Aiden was breathing, I
could tell he was going to come soon.

  “Please come inside me,” I begged. The savage animal was at his limit and then he unloaded.

  His humongous white cock erupted inside me like a volcano. Hot seed shot out like a fire hose. My own orgasm was set off at the same time and my pussy exploded with pleasure.

  “OH FUCK!!! I'M COMING!!!” My whole body shook with the force of an earthquake as waves of ecstasy washed over me. A river of cum flowed from Aiden's meat straight into me. Aiden arched his head back and howled. His claws broke my skin and blood ran down my legs. The ecstasy was so insane that I almost passed out.

  Aiden's thrusts slowed down as he was finally spent. My climax subsided and my muscles relaxed. Aiden slowly pulled out his massive cock and with it came a waterfall of cum out of my pussy. Aiden turned me around and kissed me. My eyes were closed but I felt Aiden shrink in size as he changed back to his human form. I was so out of breath that I had to stop the kiss so I could get some air.

  “That was so fucking amazing,” I whispered.

  Aiden brushed the hair out of my face. “I was scared for a second that you wouldn't be able to handle me.”

  I touched his flaccid penis with the tips of my fingers. “You were so big inside me that I wanted you in there forever.”

  His cock started to get harder from my touch. “Oh my!” I said, covering my mouth with my hand. “Want to go again?” I asked.

  Rip Me Apart

  My first time in Las Vegas would turn out to be the craziest time of my life. My friends decided to surprise me with a trip for my 21st birthday. I'd never been before so I was pretty excited. I knew my stepdad, Jacob, worked there but I never got the chance to see him. We stayed at the New York New York Hotel which was amazing and beautiful. It was like I got to taste test New York before actually going there. My friends had reserved a suite for us so we got to live large that whole weekend. The room was so humongous that it even had a hot tub sitting in the living room!

  Our first night out, my friends surprised me with a trip to go see the Chippendales. We all had a few shots vodka before going out so we were nice and sauced by the time we got to the show. I was given about twice as much to drink as the rest of the girls because it was my birthday. I was completely plastered when the men took the stage.

  I pretty much didn't remember anything after the guys took their shirts off. Bits and pieces came back to me later that night as I hugged the toilet and expelled all the evil toxins from my system. I remembered my friends coming in to check on me to see if I was still alive. I awoke the next morning in a daze with a massive hangover.

  My friend Julie came into the bathroom. “Hey Abigail, how are you doing?” she asked softly.

  I looked up from the toilet and was jealous at how healthy Julie looked. “Ughhh I feel like shit! What happened last night?”

  By that point the rest of the girls barged into the bathroom and were already giggling. Julie spoke up, “Well you got a little out of hand at Chippendales last night.” She looked at the other girls and they all laughed. “You were so drunk that you took your bra off and swung it over your head. You were screaming, 'I'm open for business, boys!'” All the girls fell over laughing.

  I felt so embarrassed that it made me want to throw up even more. “Ughhhh I don't ever want to drink again.”

  “Well you don't have to drink tonight but you do need to get better so we can go out later,” Nancy said.

  I waved them out of the bathroom. “Just let me sleep a little more.” They closed the bathroom door behind them and left me sleeping on the cold tiles.

  I must've slept another eight hours because it was already dark when I woke up again. I didn't feel nearly as sick but I wasn't a hundred percent yet. I left the bathroom to find the hotel room was empty. I assumed that the girls went out for dinner so I plopped down on the bed and turned on the TV.

  Before I could even settle on something to watch, the front door opened. Laughter filled the room as the girls stormed inside. “Oh Abigail! Are you finally feeling better?” Julie asked.

  “Yeah a lot better. I think I can actually go out tonight as long as there's no alcohol involved,” I said, drinking gallons of water.

  “Perfect! Well get ready then because we have another show to go see!”

  “Okay okay,” I moaned, lifting myself off the bed.

  I went to the closet and picked out a black dress that I bought specifically for Vegas. It made my tits look like they were going to burst out of my top. It took me more than an hour to fix my face from all the damage I did to it the night before. Once I was satisfied with my look, we went downstairs and into a limo.

  “Where are we going this time? I asked. “Strip club?”

  “No we thought we would do something tame since you went so crazy last night.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “That's exactly what I wanted.”

  We pulled up to the Luxor Hotel which was a great pyramid with a big spotlight shooting straight up from its peak. On one whole side of the hotel there was a big picture of my stepdad and next to it said: “Jacob the Mystical”.

  “Well if you haven't guessed, we're going to see your stepdad perform!” Liliana exclaimed.

  Seeing my stepdad wasn't exactly the way I imagined I'd be spending my birthday. But I had never seen him before so it could be cool.

  We got to the show and took our seats. The lights dimmed and the loudspeakers came on with a booming voice, “Welcome to the show! Clear your heads and let Jacob the Mystical captivate your minds!” With that, the curtains fell and there was a bright explosion. Jacob entered the stage and everyone clapped loudly. He was very handsome with dark hair and piercing brown eyes. He didn't look like the usual magician with the black tux and top hat. He just wore pants with a nice button-up shirt.

  The beginning of the show was pretty generic. Jacob did a few card tricks and escaping from handcuffs. He also cut a girl in half which was pretty lame. I'd seen all that stuff a million times before. My stepdad wasn't very impressive.

  Jacob announced, “Okay ladies and gentlemen, onto the main event! I know this is what you've been waiting for!” Everyone cheered and clapped.

  I felt like I was the only person in the room that didn't know what he was talking about. “Now I will need a volunteer from the audience,” Jacob said.

  Suddenly, all my friends pointed at me, “Pick her! It's her birthday!” Jacob saw all the commotion and locked eyes on me. He smiled at me and I did a small wave. The spotlight went from Jacob to me and everyone clapped. I was pretty embarrassed and I didn't even know what I was volunteering for.

  “Don't be shy,” Jacob waved for me to come up. “I'm not going to bite.”

  I didn't want to go up there but everyone was cheering for me so I hesitantly got out of my seat and walked up to the stage. Jacob took my hand and helped me up the steps. “Well hello there beautiful!” Jacob proclaimed. There were a few men that whistled at me from the audience.

  “What's your name?” Jacob asked, putting a microphone in my face.

  The spotlight was blinding my eyes and I could barely see the crowd. “Um, my name is Abigail.”

  “Abigail's a great name. Now where are you from?”

  “Uhh California,” I replied.

  “Anyone else from California?” Jacob asked the audience. There were a lot of cheers and I could tell that some of them were my friends.

  “Okay then, Abigail, have you ever been hypnotized before?”

  Now I knew exactly what I was volunteering for. “No I haven't.”

  “Great! Now my lovely assistant will bring out this comfy chair.” Just then a beautiful model came out, rolling a big red leather chair. “Now Abigail, I want you to sit in the chair and get as comfortable as possible.”

  I walked towards the red chair and took a seat. It was really comfortable and it felt like a chair that I used to sit in at my Grandma's house.

  Very theatrically, Jacob walked around the stage waving his hand
s, “Ladies and gentlemen, I will attempt to hypnotize this woman into becoming my slave. She will have to do whatever I ask of her.” Jacob stopped in front of me and whispered, “I didn't know you would be coming.”

  “It was surprise. I didn't know either.”

  He turned his attention back to the crowd. “Have we ever met before tonight?” he yelled out to the audience.

  “Nope,” I replied loudly.

  “Now let's begin!” The audience clapped and I started to get nervous. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

  Jacob waved his hands around my face, “Abigail, I want you to close your eyes.” I shut my eyes tight. “Now think about a relaxing place, somewhere that puts you at ease.”

  I thought about it for a moment and then a beach with rolling waves popped into my head.


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